1 Increased forest carbon storage with increased atmospheric CO2 despite nitrogen 2 limitation: A game-theoretic allocation model for trees in competition for nitrogen and 3 light 4 Authors: Ray Dybzinski*, Caroline E. Farrior, and Stephen W. Pacala 5 Appendix S1 – Detailed model description and analysis 6 This paper relies on a mathematical model of forest dynamics and competitive optimization 7 methods developed in a series of previous papers. The underlying model is a mechanistic 8 individual-based spatial forest simulator, the Perfect Plasticity Approximation (PPA), from 9 which we derive a series of integro-β partial differential equations that govern the size-structured 10 dynamics of each tree species at standβ level (Strigul et al., 2008). When calibrated with data on 11 individual tree vital rates, the equations predict observed successional dynamics (Purves et al., 12 2008). 13 Two critical derivations of the PPA motivate our analysis. First, the lifetime reproductive 14 success (i.e. fitness) of an individual tree is calculated by summing over its growth rates and 15 mortality rates during its understory and canopy stages and by assuming it has a constant 16 fecundity per unit crown area while in the canopy. Its solution is: πΏπ π ≈ πΌπΉπ π −π·( π ) πΊπ πΊπΆπ Γ(π + 1), π π+1 (S1) 17 where LRS is lifetime reproductive success; πΌ and π are constants that scale crown area by stem 18 diameter; D is the allometrically-related stem diameter at which a tree transitions from the 19 understory to the canopy; π and G are the mortality and growth rates (for the understory, 20 subscript U, and canopy, subscript C); and Γ is the Gamma Function. 1 21 The second critical derivation of the PPA that motivates our analysis recognizes that for a 22 stand in dynamic equilibrium, each canopy tree will exactly replace itself in its lifetime, i.e. 23 Μ = 1. With this, we can solve for π· Μ , the allometrically-related stem diameter at which trees πΏπ π 24 transition from the understory to the canopy (assuming they survive that long) in a stand in 25 dynamic equilibrium: Μ≈ π· ππ πΊπΆπ ππ (πΌπΉ π+1 Γ(π + 1)). πΊπ π (S2) 26 This shows that increasing the canopy stem growth rate, πΊπΆ , increases the canopy height and thus 27 increases height-structured competition for light. 28 Although these more general features of the PPA model should not be forgotten, as they 29 provide the rigorous justification for scaling from individual-level strategies to stand-level 30 properties, our focus now narrows to describe how canopy growth rates depend on light, 31 nitrogen, CO2, and competition. The special case that we study here makes the canopy growth 32 rate a function of the individual’s physiology and allocation strategy, as well as the physiology 33 and allocation strategies of its neighbors in the context of light and nitrogen limitation. We focus 34 on canopy trees only because they dominate the land carbon sink. All other vital rates and 35 parameters are held constant. 36 Dybzinski et al. (2011) coupled these equations to a dynamic nitrogen model, disallowed 37 changes in litter chemistry that affect the decomposition rate of recalcitrant organic matter, and 38 focused on times scales over which inputs and losses of total ecosystem nitrogen are small. 39 These restrictions simplified the problem by making the rate of nitrogen mineralization 40 approximately constant. Dybzinski et al. (2011) then developed competitive optimization 41 methods to predict the winning foliage-wood-fine root allocation strategy as a function of the 2 42 nitrogen mineralization rate and showed that the predictions match patterns of biomass allocation 43 along natural productivity gradients (their Fig. 4). 44 A competitively optimal allocation strategy (i.e. the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy or 45 ESS) is found by introducing a rare “challenger” strategy into a monoculture of a “resident” 46 strategy, and then solving for the strategy that – as a resident – resists challenges by all other 47 strategies and that – as a challenger – can invade any nearby resident strategy (Geritz et al., 48 1998, McGill & Brown, 2007). Previous papers have shown that the most competitive 49 challenger foliage-wood-fine root allocation strategy for trees while they are in the canopy is 50 approximately the strategy that maximizes the stem growth rate of that challenger against a given 51 resident in either early-successional or old growth forests (Purves et al., 2008, Dybzinski et al., 52 2011, Farrior et al., 2013a). This is not surprising because canopy trees that are overtopped 53 suffer greatly reduced fitness and because fecundity increases with crown size, which increases 54 with stem size. Although lifetime reproductive success (i.e. fitness) is an increasing function of 55 stem growth rate in the canopy, it is also a complicated function of investment in seed, the 56 density-independent death rate in the canopy, and parameters governing understory growth and 57 survival (Strigul et al., 2008). However, allocation to fecundity can be neglected here because it 58 is a small component of the carbon and nitrogen budgets (Whittaker et al., 1979, Ladeau & 59 Clark, 2006, McCarthy et al., 2010). 60 The fact that trees change allocation dramatically when moving from the understory to 61 the canopy argues that we may separately optimize understory and canopy allocation. We focus 62 on the optimal canopy allocation in this paper, because we are interested in the size of the carbon 63 sink, which is dominated by canopy trees (Farrior et al., 2013a). Finally, we assume that the 64 density-independent death rate of canopy trees (i.e. from wind throw) is independent of the 3 65 foliage-wood-fine root allocation strategy. Although this is obviously debatable, we offer it as a 66 useful beginning because the death rate in the canopy is probably affected most by factors other 67 than those considered here, such as wood density and height-diameter allometry. As in 68 Dybzinski et al. (2011), we consider three carbon pools: foliage, wood, and fine roots. However, 69 we have expanded the number of nitrogen pools from three to four. Foliage and wood N:C is 70 fixed at ο¬ (0.057 gN gC-1) and ο· (0.0024 gN gC-1, mean value in Kattge et al. 2011), 71 respectively. Unlike Dybzinski et al. (2011), we divide the nitrogen in fine roots into “structural” 72 and “metabolic” pools, with N:C ratios ο³ (0.001934 gN gC-1, mean value in Kattge et al. 2011 73 divided by 10) and ο² (gN gC-1), respectively. The structural pool is primarily the nitrogen in 74 plant cell walls. The metabolic pool includes the nitrogen in proteins responsible for active 75 transport of nitrate and ammonium and the metabolism that supports and fuels this activity. In a 76 nitrogen-limited forest, nitrogen uptake by fine roots is obviously a critical component of fitness. 77 Trees should invest in the metabolic pool so as to maximize net nitrogen gains. We assume that 78 the rate of uptake of nitrate and ammonium by fine roots is proportional both to fine root 79 biomass (R) and an increasing and concave-down function: f(ο²). This function equals zero at ο² = 80 0 simply because the root has no active transport proteins if it has no nitrogen in its metabolic 81 pool. It is an increasing function of ο² because we assume that the density of active transport sites 82 on a root hair increases with ο², and it is a concaveβ down function for two reasons. First, the 83 probability that an active transport site will capture a nitrate or ammonium molecule once it 84 touches the surface of a root hair must saturate at one as the density of active transport sites 85 becomes large. Second, the density of transport sites on the surface of a root hair might saturate 86 as ο² becomes large. If the nitrogen mineralization rate is a constant and all mineralized nitrogen 87 is ultimately captured by canopy trees, then N gN m-2 yr-1 will be captured by a closed canopy 4 88 forest (see Appendix G in Dybzinski et al. (2011) for a full derivation from a nitrogen cycle 89 model). 90 91 Model structure 92 The nitrogen capture strategy of the resident strategy is given by its fine root mass per 93 unit crown area, Rr (gC m-2), and metabolic root stoichiometry ο²r, where the subscript “r” 94 denotes a resident variable. The resident’s one-sided canopy leaf area index, Lr (m2 m-2) and 95 annual wood production rate Wr (gC m-2 yr-1) are the solutions of the following two equations, 96 the first of which closes a resident tree’s nitrogen budget and the second of which closes its 97 carbon budget: 98 N = (1 - p) lgMLr + ( rr + s ) tRr + wW r (S3) E ( Lr ) = aLr + bRr + cW r + F . (S4) and 99 In addition to the parameters and variables described above, p is the fraction of nitrogen that is 100 resorbed before senescence (0.5 unitless); ο§ is the leaf turnover rate (1 yr-1); M is the leaf mass 101 per area (28 gC m-2); t is the turnover rate of fine roots (0.3 yr-1); E(Lr) is the canopy-level gross 102 photosynthetic rate as a function of Lr (gC m-2 yr-1); a is the annual cost of leaves per leaf layer 103 (57.37 gC m-2 yr-1); b is the annual cost of fine roots per root mass (1.6 gC gC-1 yr-1); c is the cost 104 of wood per new wood mass (1 gC gC-1); and F is the NPP associated with reproduction (34.6 105 gC m-2 yr-1). Included within a, b, and c are the carbon costs of respiration and construction. See 106 Dybzinski et al. (2011) for a detailed description of these parameters and their derivations (e.g. a 107 and b are composed of other physiological parameters such as respiration rates and turnover 108 times that we simply summarize here). 5 109 Belowground competition for nitrogen is assumed to be well-mixed, where all roots have 110 access to the same resource pool, consistent with observational (Gilman, 1988, Stone & Kalisz, 111 1991, Casper et al., 2003), tracer (Gottlicher et al., 2008), and molecular-identification (Frank et 112 al., 2010, Jones et al., 2011) studies of root systems, which show extensive comingling of 113 individual root systems. This implies that to a first approximation, a challenger’s nitrogen uptake 114 per ground area is proportional to the nitrogen mineralization rate and its relative uptake capacity 115 (i.e. Rm f(ο²m)/[Rr f(ο²r)]) (Berendse & Elberse, 1990, Raynaud & Leadley, 2004, Craine et al., 116 2005). Thus, a challenger strategy has a similar set of equations that closes its nitrogen and 117 carbon budgets that takes this into account: N 118 Rm f ( rm ) Rr f ( rr ) = (1 - p) lgMLm + ( rm + s ) tRm + wW m (S5) and E ( Lm ) = aLm + bRm + cW m + F , (S6) 119 where “m” subscripts challenger strategies. Note that the resident equations above (Eqs. S3, S4) 120 are simply a special case of the challenger equations (Eqs. S5, S6) when m = r. 121 We can solve Eq. (S5) for Lm, Lm (W m ,Rm , r m ) = 122 æ R f (r ) ö 1 m çç N m - ( r m + s ) tRm - wW m ÷÷, (1 - p) lgM è Rr f ( rr ) ø (S7) substitute the result into Eq. (S6), and set the result equal to zero: é1 ê c E Lm [W m ,Rm , r m ] ê a 0 = ê- Lm [W m ,Rm , r m ] ê c ê b F ê- Rm - - W m ë c c { ù }ú ú ú º G[W ,R , r ] . m m m ú ú ú û (S8) 6 123 We have defined a new function, G, that is an implicit function of Wm, Rm, and ο²m and which 124 will become useful in a moment. Because G defines Wm as an implicit function of Rm, and ο²m, 125 we may also write Wm as Wm(Rm, ο²m). To find the ESS strategy (denoted by “*”) we need to maximize Wm(Rm, ο²m) with respect 126 127 to Rm and ο²m when evaluated at the resident strategy (Geritz et al., 1998, McGill & Brown, 128 2007), dW m ( Rm , r m ) 0= dRm 0= 129 R m =R r =R* dW m ( Rm , r m ) drm d 2W m ( Rm , rm ) and 0 > dRm2 and 0 > drm2 , (S9) r m = r r = r* and verify that such a maximum is convergence-stable, > R m =R r =R* d 2W m ( Rm , rm ) drr2 131 d 2W m ( Rm , rm ) r m = r r = r* d 2W m ( Rm , rm ) dRr2 130 R m =R r =R* > r m = r r = r* d 2W m ( Rm , rm ) dRm2 R m =R r =R* . d 2W m ( Rm , rm ) drm2 (S10) r m = r r = r* Using the implicit function theorem, we know that dW m ( Rm , r m ) dRm dG[W m ,Rm , r m ] dRm =dG[W m ,Rm , r m ] dW m ( Rm , r m ) drm dG[W m ,Rm , r m ] drm =. dG[W m ,Rm , r m ] (S11) dW m ( Rm , rm ) and (S12) dW m ( Rm , rm ) 7 132 The LHS of both Eq. (S11) and Eq. (S12) will be zero at the ESS according to Eq. (S9), which 133 implies that the numerators on the RHS of both Eq. (S11) and Eq. (S12) will also be zero at the 134 ESS, i.e.: 0= 135 dG[W m ,Rm , rm ] dRm (S13) R m =R r =R* r m = r r = r* Wm =Wr =W* and 0= dG[W m ,Rm , rm ] drm . R m =R r =R* r m = r r = r* (S14) Wm =Wr =W* 136 First, we will use Eq. (S14) to solve for ο²*, which we will then use together with Eq. S13 to 137 solve for R*. 138 139 140 Solution for ο²* Together, Eqs. (S14) and (S8) yield the solution for ο²*: { } æ dE L W ,R , r ö dLm [W m ,Rm , r m ] m[ m m m] ç 0= - a÷ ç dLm [W m ,Rm , r m ] ÷ drm è ø R m =R r =R* . (S15) r m = r r = r* W =W =W* m r 141 The term in parentheses will be zero when the marginal return of gross photosynthesis on a 142 marginal increase in LAI exactly equals the total costs of that marginal increase. In other words, 143 this is the stopping point beyond which trees should not increase LAI and by which we define 144 nitrogen saturation (see Eq. 13 in Dybzinski et al. 2011). Since we are here interested in 145 solutions within the nitrogen-limited regime, where the term in parentheses will necessarily be 146 positive, the ESS solution is found by 8 0= 147 dLm [W m ,Rm , rm ] drm . R m =R r =R* r m = r r = r* (S16) Wm =Wr =W* Using this together with Eq. (S7) yields æ ö 1 N df ( rm ) ç 0= - tR*÷. ÷ (1 - p) lgM çè f ( r*) drm r m = r r = r* ø (S17) 148 A simple function for f(ο²) that has the right properties (increasing, concave-down, and 149 approaches zero at ο² = 0) is a power law: zο²u, where 0 < u < 1. Using this functional form and 150 the equation above, R* r* = u N. t (S18) 151 This states that for competitively optimized trees, the total metabolic nitrogen in the fine root 152 system (R*ο²*) is a simple fraction (u/t) of the nitrogen mineralization rate (N). This is a pleasing 153 result because it provides a competitive optimization argument for the assumption in Dybzinski 154 et al. (2011) that a roughly constant fraction of nitrogen is allocated to foliage, with the 155 remainder going to other tissues in an unspecified way. As we describe below, the small wood 156 N:C (ο·) and structural fine root N:C (ο³) are a small perturbation on this result. In what follows, 157 we will use the result from f(ο²) = zο²u because it offers the simplest algebraic results and is 158 consistent with Dybzinski et al. (2011). Other functions that are tractable and yield similar results 159 include: f(ο²) = c1ο²/(c2 + ο²) and f(ο²) = c1(1 – exp(c2ο²)), where c1 and c2 are constants. 160 161 Using the power law functional form, it can be verified that ο²* is a fitness maximum according to Eq. (S9): 9 d 2 Lm [W m ,Rm , rm ] 0> drm2 162 (S19) R m =R r =R* r m = r r = r* Wm =Wr =W* or 0> 1 Nu ( u -1) . (1 - p) lgM r*2 (S20) 163 Everything outside the parentheses is necessarily positive, and because 0 < u < 1, the term in 164 parentheses is necessarily negative. Similarly, ο²* is convergence-stable according to Eq. (S10): æ d 2 L [W ,R , r ] d 2 L [W ,R , r ] ö m m m m m m m m çç ÷÷ > 2 2 d r d r r m è ø R m =R r =R* 165 (S21) r m = r r = r* W =W =W* m r or u( u +1) > u( u -1) . (S22) 166 Again, because 0 < u < 1, the LHS is necessarily positive and the RHS is necessarily negative, 167 making the inequality true. 168 169 Solution for R* 170 Together, Eqs. (S13) and (S8) yield the solution: { } æ dE L W ,R , r ö dLm [W m ,Rm , r m ] m[ m m m] ç 0= - a÷ -b ç dLm [W m ,Rm , r m ] ÷ dRm è ø R m =R r =R* 171 . (S23) r m = r r = r* W =W =W* m r or, using Eq. (S7) for Lm and the result for R*ο²* (Eq. S18), 10 æ ç 1 ç dE Lm [W m ,Rm , rm ] R* = b ç dLm [W m ,Rm , rm ] ç è { 172 } ö ÷æ ö (1 - u) N - a÷ç - e R R*÷ ÷è (1 - p) lgM ø ÷ R m =R r =R* r m = r r = r* W =W =W* ø m r (S24) where eR = s t . lM (1 - p)g (S25) 173 Once a functional form for E(L) is chosen, this expression may be solved numerically. However, 174 note that ο₯R is the ratio of fine root structural N:C to total foliage N:C, which is a small number, 175 on the order of 0.1 or less, multiplied by the ratio of the turnover time of nitrogen in fine roots to 176 the turnover time of nitrogen in foliage, which is close to unity. We can find a close 177 approximation to the above expression by letting ο₯R = 0, æ ç 1 ç dE Lm [W m ,Rm , r m ] R0* » b ç dLm [W m ,Rm , r m ] ç è { } ö ÷ (1 - u) N , - a÷ ÷ (1 - p) lgM ÷ R m =R r =R* r m = r r = r* W =W =W* ø m r (S26) 178 where we have subscripted R0* to indicate that it is the solution when ο₯R is approximated as zero. 179 The term outside the parentheses is necessarily positive, and the term inside the parentheses is 180 positive if the marginal return of gross photosynthesis on a marginal increase in LAI is greater 181 than the total costs of that marginal increase, i.e. if the tree is by definition nitrogen-limited (as 182 discussed above in reference to Eq. (S15)). It is here, incidentally, that the careful reader is 183 directed to note the goofy smiley face in Fig. 6m of the main text. 184 We verify that R0* is a fitness maximum by taking the second derivative of Eq. (S8) with 185 respect to Rm (assuming ο₯R = 0) and then evaluating the result at Rm = Rr = R0*. Using Eq. (S7) 186 for Lm (for which the second derivative with respect to Rm is zero), the result is 11 { } 2 d 2 E Lm [W m ,Rm , rm ] æ dLm [W m ,Rm , rm ] ö çç ÷÷ 2 dRm dLm [W m ,Rm , rm ] è ø . R m =R r =R* (S27) r m = r r = r* W =W =W* m r 187 The term in parentheses is squared and thus necessarily positive. The term outside the 188 parentheses is the second derivative of the gross photosynthesis function, E(L) with respect to L. 189 In the nitrogen-limited regime, the first derivative of E(L) with respect to L must be positive, i.e. 190 gross photosynthesis must increase with LAI. However, a reasonable function for E(L) should 191 saturate with increasing LAI because of self-shading, which means that the second derivative of 192 E(L) with respect to L must be negative. Thus the second derivative is necessarily negative, 193 indicating that R0* is a fitness maximum (Eq. S9). 194 We verify that R0* is convergence-stable according to (Eq. S10) (assuming ο₯R = 0) . 195 Again, using Eq. (S7) for Lm (for which the second derivative with respect to Rm is zero), the 196 condition for convergence stability becomes 2 2ù 2 é d 2 E {L } æ dLm ö æ dE {Lm } ö d 2 Lm d E { Lm } æ dLm ö ú m ê ç ÷ - a÷ ç ÷ + ç ÷ 2 2 > dL2m è dRm ø úû êë dLm è dRr ø çè dLm ø dRr R , m =R r =R* r m = r r = r* (S28) Wm =Wr =W* 197 where we have omitted the functional notation of Lm to save space. At the equilibrium point, Rm 198 = Rr = R0*, the first term on the LHS is equal to the RHS, which reduces the expression to æ dE { L } ö d2L m m ç - a÷÷ 2 ç dL m è ø dRr > 0. R m =R r =R* (S29) r m = r r = r* W =W =W* m r 199 As discussed in the analyses above, the term in the parentheses is necessarily positive in a 200 nitrogen-limited stand. It is easy to show that the second derivative of Lm (Eq. S7) with respect to 12 201 Rr is necessarily positive, and thus the condition for convergence stability is met. We verify this 202 for the exact model graphically in Fig. S2. 203 204 Solution for L* 205 We can revisit the nitrogen conservation equation for a challenger strategy in light of the solution 206 for R*ο²* (Eq. S18). At the ESS, Eq. (S7) becomes: L* = 207 (1 - u) N (1 - p) lgM - e R R* -e WW* , (S30) where eW = w 1 . lM (1 - p)g (S31) 208 Analogous to ο₯R, ο₯W is the ratio of wood N:C to (total) foliage N:C, which is also a small 209 number, on the order of 0.1 or less, multiplied by the inverse of the turnover time of nitrogen in 210 foliage, which is on the order of unity. If ο₯R and ο₯W are approximated as zero, then we recover, 211 with the change of a few symbols and parameters, the solution for L* found in Dybzinski et al. 212 (2011): L0 * » (1 - u) N , (1 - p) lgM (S32) 213 which is their Eq. 14 for nitrogen-limited stands. Note that we have subscripted L0* to indicate 214 that it is the solution when ο₯R and ο₯W are approximated as zero. 215 216 ESS solutions using the simplified Farquhar model of photosynthesis used in Dybzinski et 217 al. (2011) 13 218 Dybzinski et al. (2011) use a simplified model of whole-crown photosynthesis in which 219 the top leaves of a canopy tree fix carbon at a light-saturated rate, light extinguishes through the 220 crown exponentially (Beer’s Law), and at some point in the crown leaves become light-limited 221 and fix carbon at a light-limited rate. See Dybzinski et al. (2011) for a derivation: æ E ( L) = ç A{CO 2 } + q ç è [ ] ö é ìï f{CO } I üïù 2 -kL ÷ s ê1+ lní ú ý - f{CO 2 }Ie , ÷k ïî A{CO 2} + q ïþúû êë ø (S33) 222 where A(CO2) is the maximum net photosynthetic rate as a function of atmospheric CO2 (9.9•10- 223 5 224 with the mean of trees in Ainsworth and Long (2005)); q is the leaf respiration rate (9.9•10-6 gC 225 m-2 s-1), ο¦(CO2) is the quantum yield of photosynthesis (3.27•10-4 or 3.66•10-4 gC m-2 s-1 fPAR-1 226 for CO2 = 350ppm or 550ppm respectively, a 12% increase consistent with the mean in 227 Ainsworth and Long (2005) and where fPAR is the fraction of total photosynthetically active 228 radiation at a particular leaf), I is relative light at the top of the canopy (1 fPAR), k is the light 229 extinction coefficient (0.5 m2 m-2), and s scales per-second measurements to annual 230 measurements (2.26•106 s yr-1). 231 or 14.553•10-5 gC m-2 s-1 for CO2 = 350ppm or 550ppm respectively, a 47% increase consistent With this functional form for E(L), we can solve Eq. (S24) for R* and, together with the 232 solution for L* (Eq. S30), use the carbon conservation equation (Eq. S4) to find W*. Together, 233 we find this system of equations that implicitly defines the ESS allocation strategy: 14 L* = (1 - u) N (1 - p) lgM - e R R* -e WW* éæ ù ö é ì f{CO } I ü ïù÷ 2 êç s A{CO } + q ê1+ lnï ú ú í ý - F + ae WW* 2 ç ÷ ê ú. k ï ï ê ú A CO + q { } 2 1 î þûø ë ú W* = êè cê æ ö öú é s (1 - u) kN ù÷æ (1 - u) kN ê-çç I f{CO 2 } exp êke R R* +ke WW* - ke R R*÷ú ú÷ç1+ (1 - p) lgM ûøè (1 - p) lgM êë è k ë øúû [ ] (S34) ö é 1æ (1 - u) kN ù ö÷æ (1 - u) N R* = çç Isf{CO 2 } exp ê ke R R* +ke WW* - e R R*÷ ú - a÷ç bè (1 - p) lgM û øè (1 - p) lgM ë ø 234 These are the equations that we solve numerically to produce the figures in the main text, after 235 converting to NPP values: Foliage NPP = gML* Wood NPP = W* Fine Root NPP = tR *. Fecundity NPP = F (S35) 236 All NPP values are in units of gC m-2 yr-1. Total NPP sums these values, and fractional allocation 237 for a given organ is its NPP divided by total NPP. We use the parameter values indicated in the 238 text above, which are exactly as in Dybzinski et al. (2011) except where new parameters have 239 been introduced (we flagged those parameters by citing the sources and/or derivations of their 240 values above as they were introduced; all other parameter values are described in Dybzinski et al. 241 (2011)). We obtained numerical solutions using Mathematica’s FindRoot function (Wolfram 242 Research, 2008) with the approximation of ο₯R = ο₯W = 0 as starting values: 15 L0 * = (1 - u) N (1 - p) lgM éæ ù ö é ì f{CO } I ü ïù÷ 2 êç s A{CO } + q ê1+ lnï ú ú í ý -F 2 ç ÷ ê ú. k ï ï ê ú A CO + q { } 2 1 î þûø ë ú W 0* = êè cê æ ö é (1 - u) kN ù æ s (1 - u) kN öúú ê-çç I f{CO 2 } exp ê÷ ú÷÷ç1+ êë è k ë (1 - p) lgM ûøè (1 - p) lgM øúû [ ] (S36) é (1 - u) kN ù öæ (1 - u) N ö 1æ R0 * = çç Isf{CO 2} exp ê÷ ú - a÷÷ç bè ë (1 - p) lgM û øè (1 - p) lgM ø 243 Note that, with the change of a few symbols and parameters, these approximations correspond 244 exactly to Eqs. (14), (16), and (15) in Dybzinski et al. (2011). 245 246 Closed-form approximations of carbon storage in wood using a Michaelis–Menten model of 247 whole canopy carbon gain 248 The simple Farquhar model of whole-crown photosynthesis (Eq. S33) is mechanistically- 249 based and yields reasonable closed-form organ ESS solutions when ο₯R = ο₯W = 0. However, it 250 does not permit closed-form solutions of absolute or relative carbon storage in living wood, 251 which are potentially useful expressions. Because Eq. (S33) saturates with increasing L due to 252 self-shading, it may be approximated by a phenomenological Michaelis-Menten model of whole- 253 crown carbon gain, E ( L) = hL . y+L (S37) 254 This function saturates at h (gC m-2 yr-1) for large L, obtains half that value at L = y (m2 m-2), and 255 has an initial slope h/y at L = 0. With this functional form for E(L), we can solve Eq. (S24) for R* 256 and, together with the solution for L* (Eq. S30), use the carbon conservation equation (Eq. S4) to 257 find W*. Jumping straight to the approximation of ο₯R = ο₯W = 0, we find: 16 L0 * = (1 - u) N (1 - p) lgM é ù ö2 1ê æ (1 - u) N W 0* = hç ÷ - Fú c êë è (1 - u) N + (1 - p) ylgM ø úû . (S38) æ öæ ö-2 1 ç æ (1 - u) N (1 - u) N ö R0 * = hyç + y ÷ - a÷ç ÷è (1 - p) lgM ÷ø b çè è (1 - p) lgM ø ø 258 Because they are measurable physiological parameters, we understand how A(CO2) and 259 ο¦(CO2) depend on atmospheric CO2, but the same cannot be said for h and y. To gain that 260 insight, we fit the phenomenological Michaelis-Menten model to the simple Farquhar model at 261 both CO2 = 350 and CO2 = 550 over the range of LAI predicted by the full model (2.25 to 5.25 262 m2 m-2). The best fit is shown in Fig. S1 and gives h= h550 1966 = = 1.11 h350 1776 y 3.34 y = 550 = = 0.72 y 350 4.62 , (S39) 263 where “550” and “350” subscripts values at atmospheric CO2 = 550ppm and 350ppm, 264 respectively, and ο¨ and οΉ represent the ratios of h and y at elevated relative to ambient CO2. 265 Because the carbon residence time of wood is approximately two orders of magnitude 266 greater than its residence time in either foliage or fine roots, the carbon storage in living forest 267 biomass is dominated by wood. Thus, we can approximate storagedifference (Eq. 3) and storageratio 268 (Eq. 4) by focusing on approximate ESS wood allocation, W0* at atmospheric CO2 = 550ppm 269 and 350ppm. 270 First, storagedifference (Eq. 3) is approximately é ö2 æ ö2 ù 1 ê æ (1 - u) N (1 - u) N (W * -W 0,350*) = mc h êhç (1 - u) N + yy(1 - p) lgM ÷ - ç (1 - u) N + (1 - p) ylgM ÷ úú, m 0,550 ø è ø û ë è 1 (S40) 17 271 where ο is the canopy tree mortality rate (0.013 yr-1) and L0* is an increasing function of N (Eq. 272 S38). 273 274 By taking the derivative of the above expression with respect to N, we can show that storagedifference will increase with N if the following condition is true: é (1 - u) N + y (1 - p) lgM ù3 hy ê ú > 1. ë (1 - u) N + yy (1 - p) lgM û (S41) 275 The numerator and denominator are necessarily positive, which simplifies the analysis. At the 276 limit of N ο 0, the condition becomes h > 1, y2 (S42) 277 which is true given the numbers above (Eq. S39). At the opposite limit of N ο ο₯, the condition 278 becomes hy >1, (S43) 279 which is false given the numbers above (Eq. S39). Together, this suggests that storagedifference 280 will increase with N at low N and decrease with N at high N, but it does not suggest how these 281 mathematical limits correspond to biologically “low” and “high” N. Numerically, the exact 282 solution shows that storagedifference increases with N across the range of N that supports closed- 283 canopy, nitrogen-limited forests (Fig. 4f). 284 storageratio (Eq. 4) is approximately é ù ö2 mê æ (1 - u) N hhç ÷ - Fú c êë è (1 - u) N + yy (1 - p) lgM ø úû mW 0,550* . = é ù mW 0,350* ö2 mê æ (1 - u) N hç ÷ - Fú c êë è (1 - u) N + y (1 - p) lgM ø úû (S44) 18 285 We can simplify this expression by neglecting the fecundity term, F, which is much smaller than 286 the positive term: 2 W 0,550* æ (1 - u) N + y (1 - p) lgM ö » hç ÷. W 0,350* è (1 - u) N + yy (1 - p) lgM ø (S45) 287 By taking the derivative of the above expression with respect to N, we can show that storageratio 288 will increase with N if the following condition is true: y >1. (S46) 289 Given the value determined in Eq. (S39), this condition is not true. Thus, storageratio is expected 290 to decrease with increasing N, as confirmed numerically for the exact model (Fig. 5). 291 292 293 Down-regulation of carbon fixation Finally, the nitrogen and carbon conservation equations (Eqs. S3, S4, S5, S6) assume that 294 trees use all of the nitrogen and carbon that they can capture to make tissues. It is easy to show 295 that no strategy that down-regulates is competitively optimal in a nitrogen-limited ecosystem. 296 That is, strategies that release or voluntarily forgo capture of any carbon or nitrogen rather than 297 making tissue of it are never competitively optimal. For example, we can introduce ο€, a carbon 298 gain “down-regulation factor,” in front of the challenger’s LAI function (Eq. S7), allowing it to 299 decrease both its carbon capture and the costs associated with that carbon capture æ R f (r ) ö d m m ç Lm (W m ,Rm , rm ) = N - ( rm + s ) tRm - wW m ÷÷. (1 - p) lgM çè Rr f ( rr ) ø (S47) 300 The parameter ο€ varies from zero (complete shutdown of carbon gain) to one (no down- 301 regulation). The derivative of W (Eq. S8) with respect to ο€ is 19 { } æ dE L W ,R , r ö m[ m m m] ç 0< - a÷Lm [W m ,Rm , rm ] . ç dLm [W m ,Rm , r m ] ÷ è ø (S48) 302 As we saw above, the term in parentheses will be zero when the marginal return of gross 303 photosynthesis on a marginal increase in LAI exactly equals the total costs of that marginal 304 increase. Since we are here interested in solutions within the nitrogen-limited regime, the term in 305 parentheses will necessarily be positive. The term outside the parentheses is simply LAI, which 306 is also necessarily positive. Together, the whole expression is necessarily positive in a nitrogen- 307 limited stand. Thus, the competitively optimal down-regulation factor takes on the boundary 308 value of one (i.e. no down-regulation); ο€* = 1. In contrast, models that down-regulate assume 309 that trees voluntarily forgo capture of some of either one or the other, so as to keep in 310 stoichiometric balance. Our analysis allows competitively optimal strategies to keep in 311 stoichiometric balance both by shifting allocation among organs (which differ in their mean 312 stoichiometry) and by adjusting tissue stoichiometry itself. 313 20 314 References 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 Berendse F, Elberse WT (1990) Competition and nutrient availability. 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Like the approximate solutions, the exact solutions are convergence- 369 stable: against residents below the ESS, challengers with relatively greater fine root NPP 370 succeed, and against residents above the ESS, challengers with relatively smaller fine root NPP 371 succeed. 372 373 23