COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT COURSE DESCRIPTION GUIDE SPRING 2016 COM 1000-001, 002, 003, 004 ,005, 006 Survey of Communication Studies Process of communication; range of perspectives from which communication can be studied (from classical rhetoric to contemporary theory); the functions communication serves; and the forms of communication such as interpersonal, small group organizational, public address and mass media. Instructors: Arnold, Bishop, Moore This course is a prerequisite needed to declare COM major. COM 1100-001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 100 Public Speaking Principles of communication related to speech composition and delivery; finding, analyzing, organizing and presenting material in ways appropriate to and effective with listeners. In this course students will gain an under- standing of the rhetorical processes associated with public communication and will develop the skills necessary to present ideas to culturally-diverse audiences that will make a difference in their communities, careers, and personal lives. Instructors: Arnold, O’Leary, Weaver, Staff This course is a prerequisite needed to declare COM major COM 1101-001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007 Business & Professional Communication The goal of this course is to prepare students to understand and develop useful communication strategies and skills to establish and maintain productive relationships in a variety of business and professional settings. This is a hybrid course that combines traditional public speaking, small group and organizational communication and is not intended for Communication department majors. Instructors: Bishop, Shyles, Staff COM 1300-001,002 Film Analysis This course focuses on the analysis of contemporary and historically important films, employing a variety of analytical models. Anyone who is a film buff or wants to learn about how films are constructed would benefit, as would students interested in polishing their writing skills and/or learning about the sociological impact of the cinema. The course promotes the development of visual analysis skills and an awareness of the cultural, economic and social forces of the period in which the film was made. Instructor: Chour Requirements Filled: Fine Arts NOTE: Does not fulfill COM major requirement COM 2200-001 Theories of Rhetoric This course is an introduction to the central theories of rhetoric. Rhetorical theories can be understood as attempts to reflect upon and understand the process by which community is generated and maintained by the strategic use of symbols. In addition to its principal focus on the theories and history of rhetoric, this course serves as an entry point to the culture of critical inquiry and argument that constitutes rhetorical studies. Instructor: Murray COM 2240-001 Theories of Performance Studies Performance is explored as a fundamental component of human communication. Students experience the theories and practice of performance in multiple contexts, including everyday life (e.g., performing a ‘date’, performing whiteness), storytelling (e.g., personal narrative, performance of literature, folklore and oral traditions), theatre and other performance spaces (e.g., performance art), and rhetorical/critical spaces (performance for social change, performance ethnography). Prior performance experience is welcome but not necessary. Instructor: Rose Requirements Filled: Fine Arts COM 2300-001, 002 Theories of Mass Communication Traces the evolution and structure of core theoretical approaches to understanding mass communication phenomena. Both behavioral and critical approaches and their related research traditions are explored. Instructor: Woodard, Xu COM 2340 -100 Theories of Visual Communication & Culture The course deconstructs what we think we know about what we see to demonstrate that what we see is influenced by the culture in which we live and the meanings we give to our visual universe. Learning and employing the theoretical lenses of semiotics and visual cultural studies, visual rhetoric, and feminist psychoanalysis, we will examine images in media, brands, advertising, and our everyday lives to understand the visual language used, the “commonsensical” meanings given and understood, and what they reveal about our culture. Instructor: Coonfield COM 2400-001 Theories of Interpersonal Communication Survey of concepts and theories in interpersonal communication. Focuses on dyadic interaction and relationships as created, maintained and modified through verbal and nonverbal behavior. Instructor: Moore COM 2440-001 Theories of Organizational Communication Explores the social construction of human relationships in organizations, both healthy and unhealthy; examines how and why organizations develop policies and procedures that both encourage and yet constrain creativity and autonomy in employees. Examines organizations through the eyes of the researcher who wants to understand, but not control or predict, the dynamics that are unfolding. This will be accomplished through careful, critical reading and synthesizing of some of the voluminous literature on how group life is accomplished in organizations. Instructor: Hall COM 3201-001 Rhetoric and Social Justice In this course, we will explore and critically examine discourses on social justice through an integration of rhetorical theory and criticism. Of central importance to ensuring social justice are those communicative/rhetorical acts that disrupt, provoke, encourage, and help to mobilize. From public debates to mediated dialogues, from embodied politics and performances of resistance to more extreme acts of violence and terrorism, the rhetorical scholar has a responsibility to study how those practices enrich (or hinder) social justice and participation in public life as well as determine their effectiveness, ineffectiveness and ethical dimensions. As a student in this course, you will learn how to identify, analyze, invent, augment, and/or challenge the complex array of discourses on social justice. You will be introduced to the theoretical foundations of rhetoric and the various communicative techniques and strategies common to those struggling to advance social justice. In addition, you will gain exposure to an array of contemporary and historical debates that continue to shape popular and political culture. Instructor: Murray Prerequisites: COM 2200, 2240, 2280,2300,2340,2400 or 2440 COM 3207-001 African-American Rhetoric What does it mean to be black—as an individual and as a member of a community—in the United States? How, historically, has the black experience been constructed through a variety of rhetorical artifacts, and how does that process continue, in our present, 21st century context? In this class, we will examine these questions (and some answers to them) through a critical examination of a variety of rhetorical artifacts. The primary objective of the course is therefore to develop a comprehensive understanding of the symbols used to rhetorically construct and reconstruct the African American identity and community. Some of these symbols will include historical speeches, essays, articles, and poems written about the black experience in America. Some of these symbols will include contemporary media artifacts that continue to intervene in the struggle over the meaning of blackness in America. We will also study how these symbolic representations created (and create) lived realities sustaining systems of oppression that impacted (and impact) the lives of black Americans—and, indeed, all Americans. Instructor: Crable Requirements Filled: Diversity 1, Africana Studies Prerequisites: COM 2200, 2240, 2280 or Africana Studies COM 3241-001 Performance of Literature Solo and group performance of poetry, prose, and drama. Focus on rhetorical power of performed literature. Combines elements of theatre, literature and communication. Instructor: MacDonald Requirements Filled: Diversity 1, Fine Arts Prerequisites: COM 2200 or 2240 COM 3301-001 Introduction to Film & Video Production This hands-on workshop will introduce students to the fundamentals of TV production. Students are expected to produce individually and in small groups, broadcast video projects combining all fundamentals learned in class - terminology, script writing, single and multi-camera operation, lighting, audio capture, computer based video editing and effects, and live studio production. The final project will prove how well each student has mastered the above components of video production.. Instructor: Lewis Requirements Filled: P&J Attribute Prerequisites: COM 2280 or COM 2300 or COM 2340 COM 3302 -001 Advanced Film and Video Production Visual aspects of location single camera video production, audio acquisition, lighting, post production support, video editing and digital effects and finished distribution. Each student will work as producer, director, camera operator, editor and writer to show a finished Documentary, Feature News Story or Originally Scripted Drama or Comedy. Helps students understand the world of film and video funding, production and distribution. Instructor: Lewis Prerequisites: COM 3301 COM 3303-001 Screenwriting The purpose of this course is to prepare you to write two short screenplays by introducing you to the building blocks of cinematic storytelling. Students are expected to develop a solid foundation in screenwriting format, three act dramatic structure, character conception and development, the difference between plot and story, and the best way to put all of this information to use in the actual writing of treatments and screenplays. Although the three act model we will use in this class is not the only, or perhaps the best, way to write screenplays, it is standard in the industry and must be mastered by beginning screenwriters. By the end of the semester you will have written two treatments for short films and two screenplays in master scenes form. Part of the goal of this course is to gain an understanding of storytelling that will be applicable to various media. Most class sessions will be a combination of lecture, film viewing, and writing exercises. You are expected to work independently and in collaboration with other students. Instructor: O’Leary Requirements Filled: Fine Arts Prerequisites: COM 2240 or 2280 or 2300 or 2340: COM 1300 recommended or permission of instructor. COM 3304-001 Documentary Theory and Practice This course will combine an academic study of documentary films with practical knowledge of the creation and marketing of documentary films. Students will examine the documentary as an art form, a social protest, and a reflection of culture and society. In addition, many aspects of the practice of documentary filmmaking will be studied, especially as they are related to The Center for Social Justice Film and The Social Justice Documentary Film Course. These aspects include finding and researching future topics for the Social Documentary course, and doing public relations work for past films produced in the course. Students will also learn film production techniques and strategies, including story structure, camerawork and editing skills. Instructor: Lewis Prerequisites: COM 3301 NOTE: For COM majors who have taken COM 3600, this course counts as a free elective; for COM majors who have not taken COM 3600, this course counts as a COM 3000 level course. For COM minor, only 3 credits of this 6-credit course counts toward the minor. COM 3308-001 Digital Imaging Production Use a digital camera to create images, process these images in Adobe PhotoShop and output processed images as Advertisements, PR Releases, for Photojournalism, or as hard copy (paper) and interactive electronic media (web). Basics of Camera (Lighting, focus, framing, speed, f-stops, ASA, lenses, cameras, contrast range and gamma, color vs. B&W, transmission, archive, etc.) Basics of Photo Shop (opening/ finding images, adjusting, layers, pixels, text, resizing, resolution, file types, color space, save "as", output, etc.) Finish with projects directed toward student's particular area of concentration -- Journalism, PR, Advertising, Film. Instructor: Mafodda Prerequisites: COM 2200 or 2240 or 2280 or 2300 or 2340 or 2400 or 2440 COM 3321-001 Interactive Media Design Study of the principles of creating effective communication for the World Wide Web. Explores basic web design techniques with emphasis on designing and integrating diverse media elements. Focus on the creation and manipulation of text, graphics, audio and video for the Web. Instructor: Mafodda Prerequisites: COM 2280 or 2300 or 2340 COM 3343-001 Contemporary Cinema Exploring contemporary films of renowned film directors and analyzing how they stylistically and thematically address and reflect various themes in national and global contexts. Themes of family, class, gender, politics, identity and relations as addressed in specifically selected films that have left a significant mark on the landscape of contemporary cinema will be studied. Cinema will be examined as a product of the societies it aims to influence. Instructor: Chour Prerequisites: Any Com 2000 level course Requirements Filled: Fine Arts, Cultural Studies COM 3353-001 Media and Politics The purpose of this course is to introduce class members to the field of political communication in both theory and practice in the mass media setting. The objectives are: to learn how campaign organizations use media outlets to present candidates to voters; to examine how mediated political messages impact citizens; to explore how such messages influence political outcomes on both the federal and local levels; to explore how political messages shape national and international public opinion; and to study how current trends in media development may impact the democratic process and the future. Instructor: Shyles Prerequisites: COM 2200, 2240, 2280, 2300 or 2340 COM 3360-001, 002 Introduction to Journalism News is an integral part of our daily lives—from the “Eye-witness” reports on Channel 10 and the headlines of the New York Times to Internet news-sites and the tawdry tabloids awaiting us at the supermarket checkout. This course aims to provide a critical understanding of the role of journalism in modern society, combining theoretical perspectives on the making of news with insights from the journalists who produce it. Students will analyze research material on journalism, as well as examine newsmaking across platforms such as television and the Internet. While students will be introduced to foundational journalism practices, this course takes a more theoretical approach to journalism in order to provide the necessary background and context for more in-depth exposure to the practice of journalism in future courses. Instructor: Ksiazek Prerequisites: COM 2200, 2240, 2280, 2300 or COM 2340 COM 3365 Sports Journalism These days, sports journalism is so much more than good reporting. People blog. Tweet. Podcast. Update Facebook pages. Commentators deliver instant analysis of every detail, every day. Athletes’ lives off the field are more interesting than their play on it. And ESPN reigns supreme – or at least that’s what it wants us to think. Sports journalism is changing rapidly, and this course will show you what’s going on. You’ll learn how technology creates instantaneous news delivery. How talk radio, TV, the Internet and social media are taking over for newspapers and magazines. How athletes and teams are trying to control the message more than ever. You’ll write, argue, speak, research and present. You’ll use social media and the web. And you’ll do it with a 29year veteran of the business. By the time this course is over, you’ll be ready for Pardon the Interruption – or at least understand why it’s so popular. More importantly, you’ll start thinking about what comes next – and how to take advantage of it. Instructor: Michael Bradley Prerequisites: COM 3360 COM 3390-001 Special Topics: Magazine Publishing and Feature Writing The "Magazine Publishing and Feature Writing" class will give students a solid introduction to the key components of magazine publishing and how those components work together and influence each other. It will cover the broad sweep of the industry, along with the nuts-and-bolts specifics of writing for magazines. Instructor: Rowland Prerequisite: COM 3360 COM 3403 -001 Intercultural Communication This course offers an introduction to the concepts associated with culture (e.g., nations, as well as subcultures which may vary by ethnicity, region, etc.) and interpersonal communication in a variety of contexts. This class emphasizes an interpretive, critical cultural process approach to the study of communication between persons across cultures. It combines both well-researched theories and everyday intercultural practice with a goal of creating more culturally competent communicators. It addresses mindful self-awareness/other-awareness issues, and the need for flexibility and adaptation as we address affective experience, behavioral practice, and ethical reflections on power and privilege. While we will consider some cross-cultural differences (i.e., comparisons—such as how people in the United States communicate differently from people in China), we will focus mostly on the intercultural processes (i.e., communication between members—such as how people in the United States and China communicate when they interact with each other). Instructor: Bowen Diversity 1; Diversity 3 Prerequisites: COM 2200, 2240, 2280, 2400 or 2440 COM 3444-100 Interviewing This course provides theory and practice of methods in selected interview settings, including informational, employment, and persuasive interviews. Students will adopt a strategic approach to interviewing and will learn how to frame questions, facilitate conversations, and listen for key information. The emphasis of the course will be on communication between two persons and the logical and cultural bases of organizational persuasion. Instructor: Gasser Prerequisites: COM 2200, 2240, 2280, 2400 or 2440 COM 3445 -100 Communication Consulting in Organizations This course explores theory and practice of communication consulting through a variety of case studies in the field of organizational/corporate communication. Students will be expected to work as part of a consulting team for part of the semester. Instructor: Staff Prerequisites: COM 2200, 2240, 2280, 2400 or 2440 COM 3460-001, 002 Public Relations This course provides a foundation for students interested in the field of public relations. It chronicles the development of the profession from its earliest beginnings to its role in modern management. The course also attempts to bridge the gap that exists between theory and practice. It achieves this by emphasizing the fundamental management perspective of the profession and the persuasive intent of message construction while highlighting the four essential skills required for success in the industry - research, writing, planning and problem solving. Instructor: Flanagan Prerequisites: COM 2200 or 2280 or 2300 or 2340 or 2400 or 2440 COM 3461-001 Advertising This introductory course in advertising provides students with an interest in advertising, public relations, organizational communication, and marketing communication, with a thorough understanding of the advertising structure. The course provides students with detailed information concerning the core skills required of advertising executives. Areas of study include the research process in advertising, the creative platform development and execution, the strategy involved in media planning and buying and the process of evaluating advertising effectiveness. Students gain hands-on experience in developing advertising executions and campaigns for a variety of products, services, individuals and ideas. Instructor: Staff Prerequisites: COM 2200, 2280, 2300, 2340 or 2440 COM 3462-001 Public Relations Writing This course offers students the foundation for producing a variety of written public relations materials. The structure includes an overview of the journalistic style of writing along with extensive practice in writing fundamentals. Following the work on enhancing writing skills, students will develop a variety of pieces for their portfolios. Final class products include print news releases, position papers, feature stories, media advisories, media kit, and other related assignments. The course is strongly recommended for students interested in public relations, advertising, marketing, and organizational communication. Instructor: Flanagan Prerequisites: COM 3460 COM 3464-001, 002, 003 Public Relations Campaigns This course explores a variety of case studies in the field of public relations including examples in media relations, crisis communication and planning. Following the review of cases, student groups will be created and will spend the remainder of the semester developing a professional campaign for a client. The final project is a presentation of this overall public relations plan. Instructor: Cowen Prerequisite: COM 3462 COM 3490-001 Special Topics: Schools as Organizations: Communication, Culture and Contexts American schools (as an organizational context) are one of the few institutions endowed with the task of constituting the social and political character of the public. But more than constituting the public character, schools are also charged with meeting the demands of the present and anticipating the needs of the future. This makes understanding the organizational structure and processes of schools terribly important. In this course, students will explore the communication, culture, and contexts of schools that sustain and uphold the democratic, multicultural, and transformative traditions of education. Instructor: Bishop COM 4001-001, 002, 003 Qualitative Research in Communication Review of basic principles of critical inquiry in the interpretive paradigm. Reading and designing qualitative research in communication through gathering and critically analyzing literature in the field and proposing an original study. Methods include ethnography and textual analysis. Instructor: Bowen, Crable, Rose Restricted to COM Majors COM 4002-001 Quantitative Research in Communication Reading and designing research in communication through gathering and critically analyzing literature in the field and introduction of the chief methods used in communication studies. Instructor: Wang, Woodard Restricted to COM Majors COM 5050-001 Senior Project The Role of the Media in Shaping Attitudes, Beliefs &Values This section of Senior Project invites students to investigate the nature and context of media experiences. The specific focus of these investigations will center upon the role of the media in shaping attitudes, beliefs, and/or values. Methodological approaches that afford us the opportunity to witness the potential influence of the media will be privileged. Television as the dominant medium of our culture will also be privileged; however, students are welcome to explore other channels of mass communication as their research questions so warrant. Instructor: Woodard Prerequisite: COM 4001 and COM 4002 Required Course for Seniors COM 5050-002 Senior Project Race, Conflict, and the News Students will utilize critical and ethnographic research methods to study the ritualization of racial conflict in the news, both past and present. Drawing on media studies and anthropological scholarship on ritual, collective memory, and social drama, students will explore the role of media in larger cultural and social processes related to race and racism, policing, and violence. Instructor: Coonfield Prerequisite: COM 4001 and COM 4002 Required Course for Seniors COM 5050-003 Senior Project This section of Senior Project will be focused on media studies. The course welcomes students who are interested in areas of investigation exploring how various messages (e.g., news, commercials) are presented in different media channels (e.g., print, TV, or social media), as well as a range of cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral effects associated with those media content. Quantitative research methods are preferred. Students who are interested in above topics but wish to conduct a qualitative research project should contact the instructor prior to registration." Instructor: Xu Prerequisite: COM 4001 and COM 4002 Required Course for Seniors COM 5050-004 Senior Project The specific scope of research in this section will be about conflict and communication. The course welcomes students who are interested in understanding and developing research studies on the roots of interpersonal conflict, conflict management styles and strategies, or rational and emotional processes in conflict. Quantitative research methods are preferred. Students who are interested in above topics but wish to conduct a qualitative research project should contact the instructor prior to registration. Instructor: Wang Prerequisites: COM 4001 and COM 4002 Required Course for Seniors COM 5050-005 Senior Project Communication and Civic Engagement This section of Senior Project will explore the influential role communication plays in civic engagement, including nurturing democratic practices, recognizing and valuing diversity, and training active, responsible citizens. It will integrate theoretical perspectives on the ways in which communication practitioners and scholars can engage in civic issues, mobilize for social justice, and contribute to participatory democracy. Students will develop civic engagement projects grounded in a variety of perspectives within the discipline of communication studies including rhetoric, organizational communication, interpersonal communication, performance studies, journalism, and/or media studies. Instructor: Murray Prerequisites: COM 4001 and COM 4002 Required Course for Seniors PERSONAL PROMOTION WORKSHOP SERIES An exciting offering from the Communication Department, this series of one-credit seminars gives students expert information and competitive advantages in many areas of self-promotion in communication. Perfect for preparing to pursue internships or professional employment, the courses are designed so they can be taken individually (one-credit each) or as a complete set (three credits). THESE COURSES ARE RESTRICTED TO COM MAJORS/MINORS; PERMISSION OF DEPARTMENT CHAIRPERSON REQUIRED. COM 5200-100 Professional Development Personal Promotion: Creating Powerhouse Promotional Pieces Are you professionally prepared and impressive on paper? Learn how to build the best communication industry resume for you. Develop cover letter strategies and a customized biography. Improve your promotional tools through industry insight and peer evaluation. Time: Friday, January 22, 2016, 5-9pm and Saturday, January 23, 2016, 9am-4pm. Instructor: Weaver COM 5200-101 Professional Development Personal Promotion: Building the “You” Brand What is unique about you? What skills and talents do you bring a potential employer in communication? Find out through personal brand statements, goal setting professional motivation and preliminary career planning. Time: Friday, February 5, 2016, 5-9pm and Saturday, February 6, 2016, 9-4pm. Instructor: Weaver COM 5200-103 Professional Development Personal Promotion: Landing a Job and Launching a Career How well do you (or will you) interview? Discover the best techniques to “bring it all together” and find success when searching for communication jobs and internships. Improve or build your portfolio through a comprehensive professional and peer review> Time: Friday, February 19, 2016, 5-9pm and Saturday, February 20, 2016, 9-4pm. Instructor: Cowen COM 5300 Topics in Intergroup Relations (IGR) IGR (Intergroup Relations) courses focus on creating understanding relationships among people from different social identity groups (e.g., economic, racial and ethnic). This is accomplished by developing the communication skills of dialogic listening, empathy, and intentional engagement. In Spring 2016, all COM 5300 IGR courses will meet Tuesdays, 6-8pm. Students must complete the application at and attend all classes. Students will be placed in section COM 5300-100 and later assigned to topical dialogues on gender, sexual orientation, racial identity, race, socioeconomic status, and faith. Class dates will be: 1/12/16 – 2/23/16. Advanced Race will take place on a Friday evening and Saturday TBD. Advanced Race & Gender will meet 2/12 5-9pm and 2/13 9am-5pm. Students must have taken the IGR on Race, Racial Identity, or Gender before taking and Advanced class. (One-credit courses) – Permission of Chairperson required. Three IGR courses can be taken over the same or different semesters to count as a Free Elective in CLAS and VSB, as well as a Diversity 1 in CLAS. Communication Courses Fulfilling Diversity Requirement COM 3207 COM 3403 COM 5300 African American Rhetoric (Div. 1) Intercultural Communication (Div. 1; Div. 3) Topics in Intergroup Dialogue (IGR) (bundle three for Div. 1) Communication Courses Fulfilling Fine Arts Requirement COM 1300 COM 2240 COM 3241 COM 3303 COM 3343 Film Analysis Theories of Performance Studies Performance of Literature Screenwriting Contemporary Cinema Communication Courses Fulfilling Peace & Justice Attribute COM 3201 COM 3207 COM 5300 Rhetoric and Social Justice African-American Rhetoric Topics in Intergroup Relations (IGR) (three courses) Graduate Courses SPRING 2016 COM 8001-001 Qualitative Research Methods Qualitative approaches to communication research including phenomenology, ethnography, rhetorical criticism, and semiotic analysis. Emphasis on the performative turn in ethnography and alternative forms of ethnographic writing. Primary work consists of semester-long original study. With Departmental permission, this course can substitute for Senior Project. Instructor: MacDonald W 6:30-9:30pm COM 8005-001 Advertising Lab In the last two decades, the media landscape has undergone radical transformations. As consumers increasingly turn to companies like Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Twitter for information and entertainment advertisers are asked to craft campaigns that speak to consumers across a wide variety of platforms. This course teaches students how to evaluate media platforms, adapt to their unique languages and conventions, and weave those disparate elements together to deliver a single, unified story. As a result of participating in this course, students will plan, execute and evaluate a cross-platform advertising campaign Instructor: Minoff M 6:30-9:30pm COM 8009-001 Personal Promotion in Communication (one-credit seminar) This one-credit seminar gives graduate communication students useful information and competitive advantages in many areas of self-promotion in communication. The course is perfect for those preparing to pursue internships as well as initial or enhanced professional employment. The course will include the following components: Promoting Yourself on Paper; Building the “You” Brand; and Creating Your Career. Instructor: Cowen - Friday, January 15, 2016 – 5-9pm; Saturday, January 16, 2016 – 9-5pm. COM 8313-001 Journalism This course covers the principles of journalism and specialized topic areas, e.g., investigative, freelance, political, scientific, educational, medical, business, environmental, consumer, international, crime, sports, entertainment and lifestyle journalism. Instructor: Ksiazek T 6:15-9:15pm COM 8318-001 Developing Crisis Communication Materials Covers the essential strategies and tools needed for professional communicators to successfully prepare for and handle in-process organizational crises. Students will learn proven techniques for creating crisis statements, preparing talking points for media interviews, writing briefs for management and legal counsel, developing a range of message vehicles to communicate effectively in the post-crisis environment. Agency teams formed to strategically manage crises through developed materials. Instructor: Cowen Friday, January 29, 2016, 5-9pm; Saturday, January 30, 2016, 9-5pm. COM 8319-001 Cultural Studies This course introduces students to scholarship in Cultural Studies. Examines the emergence of the concept of culture from various disciplinary perspectives in the humanities and social sciences, and explores the interdisciplinary intellectual influences on Cultural Studies. Particular attention is given to its relevance for the study of communication and media in the context of globalization. Instructor: Coonfield R 6:15-9:15 pm