WELSH PAEDIATRIC SOCIETY AUTUMN CLINICAL MEETING 2015 In association with the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health Wales Abstract Submission Cover Sheet (completion of all fields is mandatory) Name Job Title Organisation / Hospital Title of Abstract Submission (sentence case) Authors (list by surname and initials) Affiliation (superscript should be at the start of the address) Word Count (250 words maximum excluding title and authors) Contact Details (email address / phone no) Submission Date Deadline Date Wednesday 16th September (12.00 midday) Additional Information Font: use Arial font 10 for plain text Text: use single spacing and alignment should be justified Headings: please use bold sentence case in font size 12 for title, and use bold sentence case in size 10 for headings and italics in size 10 for sub headings. Punctuation: no full stops in initials, abbreviations or at the end of titles. Insert 2 spaces after full stops, before the next sentence. Colons are not to be used after headings. Capitalisation: use capitals for names and proper nouns. Do not capitalise names of studies or conditions. Use capitals for brand names of drugs where used. Bullet points: do not start with capitals; do not use full stops at the end of each point Sub Headings: the following sub headings should be used: Introduction Methods Results Conclusion Recommendations (for audit) Please note that abstracts longer than 250 words (excluding titles and authors) will not be accepted. Abstracts that do not adhere to these rules will be rejected therefore please avoid disappointment by not exceeding the requirements. Please note that all abstracts submitted will receive a notification email on Friday 2nd October (6 weeks prior to the event) to confirm if their abstract has been successful. On receipt of this email please confirm your attendance and the name of the individual presenting the abstract. ***If you have not received an email on this date please contact Lisa Roberts on 02920 461633*** GUIDANCE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS TO THE WELSH PAEDIATRIC SOCIETY Oral Presentations will be allocated 7 minutes followed by 3 minute discussions. Quick Fire Presentations will be allocated 3 minutes followed by 2 minute discussions Poster presentations will be allocated 3 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for questions. Posters are to be designed in a portrait dimension (maximum size of A0 (841 X 1189) Abstracts for all types of presentation should be set out according to the example below. Abstracts need to be headed with the title of the presentation, names of the authors, and the institution where they work. There should be an introduction, description of methods / design, results and conclusion. Case reports should include introduction, case report and conclusions. ABSTRACTS LONGER THAN 250 WORDS (NOT INCLUDING TITLE AND AUTHORS) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED BY THE PANEL. PLEASE AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT BY NOT EXCEEDING THIS REQUIREMENT Abstracts should be sent via e-mail FAO Dr Markus Hesseling to WPSabstracts@rcpch.ac.uk please also cc lisa.roberts@rcpch.ac.uk and an acknowledgement receipt will be sent. A postal address, contact address, telephone number and email address must be included. Please give details if any of the data has been submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal and also if the protocol of the work described has been approved by your local research ethnics committee? Abstracts are anonymised and forwarded to the members of the academic board for selection. Those selected by the board to present their work will be notified approximately 6 weeks before the meeting. The Abstract Committee will determine which type of presentation is required. It would be appreciated that no special formatting, boxes or referencing of articles is included, as the successful abstracts are copied into a number of difference publications including the Welsh Paediatric Journal. Such modifications can make for considerable difficulties in producing the abstract booklet for the meeting. ***Closing Date for submission of abstracts is WEDNESDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER at 12.00 MIDDAY*** EXAMPLE ABSTRACT Policy ignorance – a clinical risk issue Kanhai ER, Borrow A, Pfeiffer-Fromm U. Centre for Policy Proliferation Nant-y-Mynydd Hospital, Pontypandy. Introduction: There has been increasing concern recently that m any doctors do not have a clear working knowledge of cornerstone health policies. This could potentially lead to a break down in delivery of key health packages to target patient groups. Methods: We rang on-call paediatric doctors at middle grade and SHO level at all hospitals in W ales and questioned them on their knowledge of a num ber of documents of critical importance. To ensure valid uncoached results we rang them at 2300hrs, with no prior warning. W e invited them to complete a brief oral questionnaire covering the following recently launched health policy papers: 1. Structural initiative partnerships 2. Innovation in local health packaging 3. A framework for co-operative health Results: A total of 135 doctors were contacted. 16 asked us to send the child to the adm ission ward. 7 suggested we contact NHS direct, or our own doctor in the morning. None were able to recall exposure to the policy documents. None were able to dem onstrate the ability to distinguish between proactive healthcare servicing and start-up healthing primers. 63 appeared to be called away urgently. Conclusions: An alarming ignorance of crucially important issues and themes in current health delivery emerged in our survey. W e strongly recommend the form ation of a working group tasked to develop a best-fit m modality of communication opening an effective health dialogue, com bined with an expansion of policy launch procedures, and the evolution of a broad brush strategy for implementation. Word count: 250