The new era of Design 2.0

Milan: Salone Internazionale del Mobile : 17.04.2012 - 22.04.2012
Milan, 16th April 2012
The new era of Design 2.0
At Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, discover how the introduction of 3D
printing in the cloud marks a new chapter in the history of design.
Sculpteo and designers from Particule 14 have joined forces at
Milan Design Week to launch an entirely new generation of
objects. Welcome to the new era of Design 2.0. Sculpteo’s latest
Cloud 3D printing technology marks a new shift in the design
industry and the way in which bespoke and unique objects can be
manufactured, right from the conception stage to production. “On
demand e-manufacturing”: the objects can be customised via
the Sculpteo app, therefore each one has been conceived by
professional designers and can then be personalised and ordered
by anyone with an iPhone or iPad.
Particule 14 comprises a group of nine designers who have
collaborated with Sculpteo to conceive beautiful objects that are manufactured via the
Sculpteo mobile application. These new kind of objects are 3D printed using Sculpteo’s
unique process.
Both Sculpteo and Particule 14 are taking part in an event called ‘France Design’ and an
exhibition called ‘Material Matters 2’ which is a dedicated space to design and architecture
at Milan.
Marc Brétillot, Zozio – cuillère
olfato gustative morphologique
This personalized eating tool enables
people to distinguish taste and scent
for a unique culinary experience. The
shape of the Zozio is adapting
according to the profile of your nose.
Fx Balléry, Katiska Lamp
Normal Studio, Fruit bowl
The Katiska lamp has been
designed like a trap which
captures the light. The
LEDs emit a soft light which
are indirectly reflected off
the surface of the lamp.
The designers from Normal Studio
wanted to make a complex object
which is perforated, due to the fact
that this could only be produced
using 3D printing technology.
The fusion between technology and design
As technology evolves this also influences design practices which develop at the same time
and continually adapt according to the tools which are available. 3D printing is a truly
dynamic technology and has greatly advanced and become a great deal more creative since
it was first used for rapid prototyping. Sculpteo has worked at making their service as
creative and easy to use as possible, both for designers, even novices who are new to using
3D software and also end users.
Milan: Salone Internazionale del Mobile : 17.04.2012 - 22.04.2012
In January Sculpteo collaborated with No Design studio and Jean-Louis Frechin to launch
their application for IOS devices. This marked the launch of their 3D printing Cloud Engine
and was also a natural step for Sculpteo who already provided a platform for designers to
promote, produce and sell their work via the Sculpteo website since the company first started
in 2009. The fact that more and more high profile designers are interested in partnering with
Sculpteo demonstrates that 3D printing is becoming more and more creative. Sculpteo
constantly update their range of materials and are able to adapt according to designers
needs and therefore push the boundaries in terms of the range of objects which can be
produced using their service.
Material, Form, Process
Sculpteo’s dedicated research and development team are constantly developing new
materials which can be 3D printed. As well as ceramic, they also currently offer alumide (a
new strong material made of polyamide and grey aluminium dust), silver, white detail resin,
plastic (in a range of colours), multicoloured material (made of mineral powder) and many
more will be released in the forthcoming months.
Sculpteo makes it possible for designers to not only create objects in a series but also one
off unique objects. The possibilities are wide ranging: objects can be designed to integrate
personal data, to be made according to certain constraints and it is
also possible to print round shapes, curved edges, moving parts as
well as hollow objects.
Cédric Martineaud, Tassalphabet
Milan: Salone Internazionale del Mobile : 17.04.2012 - 22.04.2012
Sculpteo’s service involves a step by step process. First the design is created using the
Sculpteo process that can automatically convert data into 3D files, or 3D software, using
Sculpteo’s unique automatic correction tool. People can upload their own 3D design using
Sculpteo’s website or Sculpteo affiliate sites or people can select objects on the Sculpteo
App available on IOS devices. The object is then printed using a laser-sintering technique
when it is printed layer by layer. The objects which are made from ceramic undergo a postprocess during which it is fired and glazed and therefore suitable for everyday use.
Clément Moreau, CEO of Sculpteo: “we want design to be at the heart of our business as
much as the 3D printing technology which we are developing all the time. From having
unveiled new collaborations with designers at Milan Design Week demonstrates how this
technology is no longer a technology just for geeks, but a new way to produce bespoke
objects. Now designers can easily integrate the 3D Printing revolution into their business.
Design and technology work very much in conjunction with one another and the era of mass
customization is now very much becoming a reality”.
Marie-Christine Dorner, Service Milky Tray
Germain Bourré, Particule Rolling Pin
A new form of e-manufacturing
The Sculpteo 3D printing engine can be incorporated into any e-commerce website which
would like to offer a bespoke 3D printing service. This enables designers to produce objects
according to demand. Particule 14 has therefore fully integrated the Sculpteo 3D printing
Cloud Engine into their business. Not only will certain designs be available on the Sculpteo
app but also anyone can select and order any design directly on and
receive their chosen design (once it has been customised) directly in the post.
Through this collaboration, Sculpteo have managed to introduce a new way to link the
magic of Internet with the physical world, a new world where people can touch digital
files and customise the objects around them…
About Sculpteo
Founded in 2009, Sculpteo offers a fully online 3D printing service – from the upload of your 3D model
to the final object - designed to make this new technology easy and accessible to all. In addition to
affiliates, Sculpteo, has its own 3D printing facilities in the Pyrenees.
Milan: Salone Internazionale del Mobile : 17.04.2012 - 22.04.2012
About Particule 14
Launched by Laurent Denize d’Estrées, founder of the group LHLC presse, Particule 14 is a cultural
and educative association whose goal is to increase awareness of contemporary design among the
professional and amateur public. All the different spheres of design are concerned: graphics, fashion,
industrial, objects, space, cuisine, sound, fragrances, plants… The association implements varied
initiatives that aim at promoting specific practices, savoir-faire, projects and innovations, with a view to
encouraging the transmission of skills between physical or moral persons exercising their related
About 3D printing
3D printing is a method of producing a real object from a 3D file, by building and solidifying a material
layer by layer until the finished item is obtained. This technology is geared at anyone who wants to
turn concept into concrete, imagination into reality. The virtual object becomes a tangible item, which
can be handled and placed in real-life situations.
3D printing is an element in the custom-made trend - claiming the right to individuality and personal
expression. Technology puts us back in control of the selection, modification or creation of the objects
around us, be they utilitarian or strictly aesthetic.
3D files – or digital models – are geometric representations of a product. As with any other software,
there are many different 3D-design applications available, free or not, all over the web. Similarly, there
are multiple 3D file formats. The most common are obj, 3ds, stl, skp… handles them all.
For more information or to book a meeting with Sculpteo contact:
Imogen Bailey +33183647706
Jean-François Kitten +33611293028
Sculpteo will be located at Particule 14: FRANCE DESIGN – Padiglione Visconti, Via
Tortona 58, Milan
www.sculpteo. com
For more information and to see all the designs:
Download high resolution images: