China Trip 2015 - Macquarie Grammar School

Truth and Virtue
Monthly Newsletter | July - 2015
Message from the Principal, Mr Hagan:
Message from Deputy Principal, Mrs Sun:
The winter solstice has passed and as such the shortest day
of the year, how short the year has been to date with MGS
celebrating its many successes. The end of term two
culminating in the Awards ceremony and then presentation
of reports was a fitting tribute to the end of the term.
It was great to see all of you smiling in recognition of the
tremendous term we have all had most notably the award
winners. So many of you are talented and work to the very
best of your ability that you deserve your successes and
rewards for your efforts this term.
There were many great achievements throughout term two
but it was highlighted by Mr Green’s presentation of the
“Tri School Championship shield” that Macquarie has won
twice and remains undefeated at this point. With the
success of this we saw the whole assembly singing “we are
the Champions” by Queen and indeed it was quite stirring,
bringing together the assembly and focussing on our
sporting successes. What a way to end the term with many
hairs standing up on the back of the assembly attendees.
Term 3 began with our new timetable and included HSP
classes. The new timetable is looking really attractive for
the following reasons: the new timetable has a longer lunch
time of 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes as before and
lunch time is 12.15pm to 1pm instead of 1.30pm to 2pm
and we don’t have late classes for senior classes from 4pm
to 5pm anymore.
I was very proud as were all of the people in attendance,
this was just one of the celebrations the school had on the
last day of the term.
From my estimation of the reports there were some
outstanding achievements throughout term two, these
students have shown themselves to be some of the best in
the school and indeed the state, in year 12 special mention
must go two Lancelot Li who appears to have achieved
exemplary results across the board, he along with others in
Year 12 look like achieving potentially our best results yet.
I wish Lancelot and year 12 in general all the best in the
final term of schooling at MGS.
As term three begins my attention is drawn to the Year 12
cohort and our support and care will be shown as never
before the core values of Macquarie Grammar School will
again be self evident as we all we wish our year 12 cohort
the best of luck in their coming exams.
In addition to the HSC trials and preparation for the HSC
exams there will be the annual MGS Fund raiser, this event
run by the MGS P and F called “Mysterious Relics” will be
held in the Red room 99 on York and run from 6 – 9 p.m.
on September the 17th 2015. The night will be a fantastic
display of Drama, Music, Trivia, Raffles; Auctions with
prizes ranging from Air line tickets to massage vouchers at
the massage school directly below the School, student art
work will be available for Auction, as will there be Finger
food that will be of an excellent standard. This event will
replace the normal parent teacher evening held on that
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Our China trip was very special with the entire group
forming a close nit, friendly and supportive small family,
such that we all felt special and very happy whilst in
China. We have visited some of the most famous and
ancient sites Xian has to offer, but most of all it was our
friendships we formed with the Chinese school students. I
hope that the friendships formed will last for many years as
we celebrated the value of international educational
Our China Trip Xi’an Tour in the last week of term 2 was a
complete success. The China adventurers involved 11
students from years 9 to year 12, along with two teachers
Mr. Alex and Mrs Sun. This is our biggest school event so
far. There was a wonderful spirit of camaraderie and
everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. How do you
begin to explore a city of China’s size, history and cultural
significance when you have just 6 days available? We went
with the option of offering a simple ‘tasking pack’ and
chose to visit most famous places such as the Terra cotta
Warriors and horses museum. The itinerary was pretty
jam-packed, but absolutely fascinating! Not to mention a
quite extraordinary Tang Dance show spectacular! In Xian
we rode bikes along the top of the ancient city wall for
13.7 kilometres and visited the extraordinary Terracotta
Warriors- the scale and complexity of the latter is nothing
short of audacious! The 18 course dumpling feast went
down a treat too!
Term 3 is approaching and for our year 12 students a very
important time. I know that they can do their best and
make all of us proud of Macquarie Grammar School again
this year. This particular cohort has some outstanding
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night and all are invited to attend.
Tickets are available from event bright at the following
Please join us in the celebration of Macquarie Grammar
Schools success and contribute to you sons or daughter’s
education at Macquarie. This event will raise funds for
projects that are developing the teaching learning resource
base such as WI-FI, projection equipment and the purchase
of other relevant resources that are KLA specific.
As term three commences I encourage as always for our
community to remember where we come from and what
vales and attitudes we hold: and to always uphold these
when we conduct our daily lives. My message is of support
and care as we continue to put love in our hearts for the
remainder of the year.
students that will undoubtedly achieve exceptional results.
As a School we must once again draw on our core values
and support our year 12 s in every way we can, I know that
all of you will even at the base level smile when you see a
year 12 student and again encourage them to do the very
best they can, I know you will show them your pride in
them as you greet them during every day school life. It is
just a reflection of the excellent learning environment that
we all enjoy indeed the one that separates us from other
high schools and helps us become better people.
I wish each and every one of you a happy and safe holiday
and look forward to seeing you all in the new term.
Mrs Sun
Deputy Principal.
Mr P Hagan
Please support our fund raiser
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China Trip 2015
Mrs Sun Deputy Principal
The students had a fantastic time during their trip to China as they taste new cuisines, take in the
culture and enjoy the range of beautiful and majestic attractions the country has to offer.
proven both an exciting
and educational one as
students learn about the
transport options, and
how to bargain with the
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Calligraphic lesson in Xi’an China
One of the more meaningful events of this trip
would have been the visit to the Shaanxi Normal
University Olympic Garden High School. When
we first arrived we went into a conference room
and were introduced to all the teachers, leaders
and their principal.
Then we gave and received gifts. Next Mrs Sun
went on a tour of the school. It was so much
bigger than other schools we visited and had
around 3700 students! The school was very big
including their own pond, garden and bird pen.
It was amazing.
Welcome greeting ceremony by English teacher
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Mrs SUN picture with Principal Mrs SUN
Art teacher Calligraphy performance
Mrs SUN give a present to Mr Alex (Chinese Name)
Ava dance demo in Dance room
There were so many classrooms and each had around 40 students. It was amazing how everyone could study
quietly! Next we joined in with a Music and Art class. We did singing, Chinese instrument performances and
watched the art teacher write calligraphically. Soon after Chinese students walked in and started to talk to us. These
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were our language buddies. Their English was very good and we were able to have conversations. I believe that our
students learnt about their school life, families and hobbies. Most students got up before 6am as school lessons
started at 8am. Students finished the school day at 6pm.
Elvin singing performances
Chinese traditional instrument performances
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Next they took us to lunch where we had traditional Chinese food. It tasted very nice and our
students got to know their buddies better (even though some of students are still struggling with the
chopsticks!) They then took our students on a tour of the school and introduced us to some of their
friends. As we walked around the school lots of us had our pictures taken and were admired by the
Chinese students. Next we attended an art class. Everything that was said was in Chinese and most of
our students were very confused. We took part in the activity and some of students made new
friends. At the end our students said goodbye to their buddies as they had to go back to their class.
Most of the students were hoping we could stay around longer.
Next we went to the music class. There girls performed using traditional
Chinese instruments. Then we played a game where you had to pass around a
flower and if the music stopped when you were holding it you had to get up
and perform for the class in order to win a prize. Elvin (who was too scared to
go by himself so was accompanied by the year nines) all performed. We made
new friends and once again had our pictures taken. Then we went back to the
conference room and left gifts for our buddies. Sadly it was time for us to go
and the Chinese students were very thrilled to have spent the day with us.
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Paper cut lesson with teachers and students
Mr Feng Shao Kun wrote a famous poet to Mr Alexandru
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Getting to know each other’s in China Century City Primary school Tea room
Group photo with Shaanxi Normal University Olympic Garden high school
Our students learnt much about schooling in China. It was significant for us all and we will take fond memories
home with us from our day at The Shaanxi Normal University Olympic Garden High School. We have made new
friends, and created memories that will last us a life time. The teachers and students from the school enjoyed our
visit so much they wanted us to come back next time.
A gift received from Mr Feng to Mrs SUN
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A famous Poet to show my appreciation to Mrs Li Chen Jia who has help me to arrange school visits
Lovely Mrs. Sun
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School Sport/PDHPE News
Mr Green PDHPE Coordinator/ Sports Coordinator
Swimming Carnival
This year we had our sister school join us at
our annual swimming carnival. It was great
to see all three schools come together and
enjoy a great event.
We had the traditional swimming races for
the serious competitors and some fun
novelty events to allow for maximum
participation from students. The diving
competition is always a favourite; some the
belly flops shook the stands with laughter
and loud applause.
Macquarie Grammar was very strong on the
day and showed the other schools what true
champions we are. The final points for the
day were tallied and the result was the
Pal Buddhist College= 455 points
Athena School = 610 Points
Macquarie School= 1050 Points
Macquarie Grammar still maintained its traditional house point system and the final results for the house system was the
Frazer House/ Yellow House= 130
Bradman House/ Green House=160
Freeman House/ Red House=385
Thorpe House/ Blue House=397
Congratulations Blue House on such an outstanding achievement.
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End of Term House System Results
Term two has concluded and throughout the term students have been working tirelessly to maintain high standards and to
be the best student possible in holistic manner.
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The house system is a system that allows students to be recognised for their outstanding achievements throughout the
term. The students that excelled this term were rewarded with a medal and certificate for being crowned House
Year 7 House Point Champion
Riaz Khan
Year 8 House Point Champion
Clift Hayden
Year 9 House Point Champion
Kewen Dai Jessica
Year 10 house point Champion
Farah Esse
Year 11 house point champion
Bao Vu
Year 12 House point champion
Zhiwang Li Lancelot
The student of the term was given to Hayden Clift who received the greatest amount of house points in the school.
Congratulations Hayden who has been successful receiving this award for both term one and term two.
The winning house for term one was Freeman, Red House. Congratulations Red House! The final points tally was the
1st place- Freeman/Red House 848
2nd place –Bradman/Green House 575
3rd place-Thorpe/Blue House 495
4th place- Fraser/Yellow House 400
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Well done to all of the recipients for working extremely hard all term, extended congratulations to Hayden Clift for being
announced student of the term receiving a huge tally of 88 points.
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MGS Ski Trip
Students are getting very excited about the ski trip on the 2nd of August. There will be 27 students attending making it a
great experience for everyone. The final payment for the ski trip will be due in week 2 on the 27 th of July.
The fresh new hooded jumpers will be ready for students when they start back in term 3. If you have any questions in
regards to the trip please don’t hesitate to email
Have Faith and Take Action
Mr Green PDHPE Coordinator/ Sports Coordinator
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Former MGS student Breika Tran who was an international student leadership ambassador celebrated with her fellows at
the Sydney Town Hall in April
The ISLA program helps international students settle in and learn about local culture by breaking down language
barriers and social isolation. The 40 students finishing their service started in 2013 when the City first trialled the
program, which went on to win first prize at last year’s NSW International Student Awards.
The Ambassadors bring to their role an understanding of the issues that face new international students when they arrive
in Sydney and their network of other international and local students, as well as their cultural understanding and language
skills. Some of the events the Ambassadors helped the City execute include:
The first international student float in the Chinese New Year parade;
My International Student Reception;
2014 Living in Harmony festival;
My Study, My Career international student forum; and
Youth Week in the City.
Sydney attracts people from many cultures to live, work and more than ever, to study. Sydney is the most popular city
in the world for international students according to global rankings, with over 50,000 studying at universities in our
We are delighted that these students choose to study here and make up an important part of our global talent hub. By
making their time as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible we not only maintain our excellent reputation so that
international students keep coming, we build the foundations of a life-long connection with our City.
Our priorities are to international students feel welcome, to watch out for their well-being and to give them opportunities
to practise what they have learned in the classroom.
I thank the 2013/14 International Student Leadership and Ambassador participants and look forward to working with our
new intake to create a wonderful experience for our international student community.
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16/17 years
Mental Health
Mental health is ongoing health issue that is often overlooked. A whole school assembly was conducted to better equip
students to understand mental health and to seek assistance and help if needed and to ask friends and family RUOK?
Some ways to support good mental health are the following:
Live in the present
Take notice of the little things in life and in the world, and enjoy them
Build and maintain good quality relationships
Train your mind
Use your strengths
Plan for happiness
Forthcoming Events
New Students’ Orientation / Staff Development Day
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Classes Resume
07. - 14.07.15
China Study Tour to Xian for 10 days
Xian China
Secondary Schools Chess Championship Commences each Friday
4:00 pm
Macquarie Grammar Chess Championship commences
Level 8
Cake Stall fundraiser for Visual Arts Dept
Year 12 Japanese Beginners Day
Archibald Prize Exhibition
Art Gallery of NSW
Visiting Twilight Aged Care Centre
2 pm to 3 pm
Years 11 and 12 excursion to White Rabbit Gallery
Australian Biota Excursion Royal Botanic Gardens
Botanic Gardens
Ski Trip
Ski Resort
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