The mathematical / experimental theory and practice of ship-building improvement: Hooke, Newton, Petty, and Du Son M.H.J. Ultee 3549739 Thesis History and Philosophy of Science Utrecht University Supervisor: H.F. Cohen 29-8-2015 Index Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2 1. Robert Hooke and the advantage of straight sails over bunting ones ............................................ 6 Robert Hooke ...................................................................................................................................... 7 The Cutlerian Lectures......................................................................................................................... 8 Effects of the lecture ......................................................................................................................... 14 Lampas............................................................................................................................................... 18 The intended audience ...................................................................................................................... 22 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 24 2. The Miraculous Ship of Rotterdam ............................................................................................... 26 Terror Terroris ................................................................................................................................... 27 Nicolas van Son, Mathesios sr de Lisson or Jean Du Son ................................................................... 29 International attention ...................................................................................................................... 31 The Lightning of the Sea .................................................................................................................... 32 A public attraction ............................................................................................................................. 35 Tomorrow Never Comes ................................................................................................................... 36 Watch making on a grand scale ........................................................................................................ 38 Everything is in the eye of the beholder ........................................................................................... 39 3. A practical Newton ........................................................................................................................ 47 Newton’s references on shipbuilding................................................................................................ 49 The use of Newton’s remarks by historians ...................................................................................... 56 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 66 4. Petty’s Double Bottom .................................................................................................................. 71 The Invention..................................................................................................................................... 72 The Invention II.................................................................................................................................. 78 The Experiment ................................................................................................................................. 84 An Intermezzo ................................................................................................................................... 86 The St Michael the Archangel ............................................................................................................ 88 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 92 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 93 Bibliography........................................................................................................................................... 97 Primary Sources................................................................................................................................. 97 Secondary Sources ............................................................................................................................ 98 Appendix A .......................................................................................................................................... 101 1 Introduction Francis Bacon gave two reasons for the study of nature in his New Atlantis: ‘[the reason] for the finding out of the true nature of all things [is that] God might have more glory in the workmanship of them, and men the more fruit in the use of them’.1 One of these reasons may seem remarkable to our modern eye, and one would have been remarkable in the seventeenth century. Few twenty-first century academic researchers fill in: ‘to further the glory of God’ under the heading valorisation when applying for a grant. In our modern times we do not see the furthering of God’s glory as a task for either the sciences or the humanities. In the seventeenth century, the remarkable part of the opening sentence was: ‘and man the more fruit in the use of them’. In their view, investigations into nature were meant to discover the intricacies of God’s creation. Moreover, few people in the seventeenth century could imagine how investigations into nature could contribute to the easing of everyday life. The idea that science and technology were two sides of the same coin was, contrary to modern times, not prevalent at all. As a consequence the belief in science as a means for progress, which was created through the use of theory in applications, was not present at the time. We now owe much to science, from smartphones, TV’s and cars to microwaves, artificial light, and the easily available paper on which these letters are printed. According to a standard historical narrative, Bacon used applicability as a prominent point to distinguish his new philosophy from scholastic natural philosophy and this emphasis on applicability was invoked later by natural philosophers seeking to justify their research. The results of these natural philosophical enquiries were immediately applied to everyday practice to the greater honour and glory of what would become science. The notion that this interplay between science and technology powered a flywheel of progress is so powerful because it seems so obvious to us: we see, for example nineteenth century fundamental research on electromagnetism as the basis for our modern use of electricity, and we look to new fundamental research to enrich our lives even further. In the seventeenth century such earlier examples of successful applications of science were not yet in existence and, as a consequence, investigations into nature were not yet seen as beneficial for mankind. This lack of existing examples to support the claim that science and technology could be combined, undermines the classical historical narrative. The acceptance of investigations into nature as beneficial for mankind had no reputation yet on which it could fall back, which means that only the direct application of scientific theories could start this 1 Francis Bacon New Atlantis: A work unfinished (London 1627) 20 2 flywheel of progress. That there was not yet a tradition of science-based technology makes the idea that this developed quite rapidly in the seventeenth century testable; the more practical applications we can find that were derived from abstract theory, the more we will have to accept that the march to hegemony of what we now call science was powered by direct application of new scientific theories into practice. If, on the other hand, there is no crossfertilisation between theory and practice then it becomes interesting to see why natural philosophers were prevented from achieving their goal. The reasons why natural philosophers could not successfully apply their work can yield insight into the difficulties that had to be conquered before the now all pervasive science-based-technology could come into existence. Research into this topic has to be limited strictly. The investigation of all claims for useful research would simply be too large a task. There are multiple ways in which the boundaries of this research can be established. One method is to first try and identify the greatest practical problems of the era and look to the theory-based solutions given to these problems. Another method is to look at the greatest improvements in the everyday practice introduced in the seventeenth century and investigate where they originated from. For this investigation I have chosen a different method: selecting an area of seventeenth century society and looking for a diverse range of scientific improvements proposed to improve the everyday practice in this area. The area of society chosen in this research is an important aspect of seventeenth century life: shipping. Maritime affairs became very important in northwest Europe during the second half of the seventeenth century. New European nations, most notably the English and the Dutch, entered the overseas trade, laying the foundations of vast maritime empires. An important part of these new naval empires were staple markets. Amsterdam and, somewhat later, London would become trade hubs in which products from over the world would be bought and sold. Competition in maritime trade led to conflict which was largely fought out on the North Sea. This meant that any improvement in ships could lead to advantages on the competition, both commercially and militarily. One field of study for the improvement of maritime affairs is well-known, the search for a reliable method to find one’s place at sea. A study of attempts to solve this problem has been done by Karel Davids, who investigated the different solutions in the Dutch Republic between 1585, the point in time when finding longitude at sea became a pressing navigational concern as ships sailed an increasing percentage of their journey without any land in sight, and 1815, when Harrison’s chronometer was used frequently in everyday shipping, solving the problem of finding the longitude. The demarcation of this time period was also chosen 3 because it started at the de facto separation of the Northern and Southern Netherlands around 1585 and it ended with their reunification after the Congress of Vienna in 1815. The advantage of Davids’ method is that he traces the development of one problem through a prolonged period all the while placing the problem in the development of the field of navigation itself. Through this he is able to compare solutions given by science with other proposed solutions. There are also drawbacks to Davids’ method. He picked a problem which was solved in the end, making that solution a touchstone for all earlier used improvements. Additionally, by starting out from practice, Davids’ research method excludes those solutions that were proposed but were never applied at all and developments are placed solely in the context of the inquired field itself. Davids’ treatment of navigation in the period we are investigating – done in his chapter on the period between 1650 and 1740 – shows that although the period saw the introduction of some new ways to calculate the course that had been sailed – for example using ‘het verbeterd bestek’2 – and some new methods tried to measure the longitude of the ship’s position – for example the instruments of Vermase and Van der Mast3 – there was no long-term successful results and thus no merger between theory and practice. Davids’ book is a good example of a description of attempts to merge science and technology to solve one practical problem. A different method is used in H.F. Cohen’s How Modern Science Came Into The World. Cohen takes a smaller time period and searches for attempts to merge science and technology in different fields in that period. So instead of Davids’ search in one field in an extended period of time Cohen searches in relatively small time period in an extended number of fields. Cohen only looks at the seventeenth century, but regards cases as varied as Stevin’s fortress building, musical tempering, Huygens’ gunpowder engine and the improvement of scientific instruments.4 Cohen’s work gives a much richer view of the attempt to improve practice by theorists, and by the diversity of the cases he investigates he negates any criticisms that he cherry-picked his cases to give a picture unrepresentative for the period he investigates. The drawback of Cohen’s work is that he puts the different attempts exclusively in the context of seventeenth century society and is – by the 2 C.A. Davids Zeewezen en Wetenschap: De wetenschap en de ontwikkeling van de navigatietechniek in Nederland tussen 1585 en 1815 (Amsterdam 1986) 165 3 Davids Zeewezen en Wetenschap 137-141 4 H.F. Cohen How modern science came into the world; four civilizations, one seventeenth-century breakthrough (Chicago 2010) for Stevin’s fortress building see: 319; for Vincenzo Galilei’s organ tuning see: 311; for Huygens’ gunpowder engine see: 476 and for the improvement of scientific instruments see 474 4 nature of the diversity of his cases – not able to put them in the context of the fields themselves. The current investigation tries to combine the approaches of Davids and Cohen; it focuses more on one area of society than Cohen’s work, giving the ability to construct a more close-knit picture of the search in a specific part of society, while also being able to look closer at social influences of a specific period than Davids’ work. The results of this research can be compared to both Cohen’s results, to see if they fit in a wider trend of seventeenth century attempts to combine science and technology as well as to Davids’ results, to see how they compare to other improvements within shipbuilding. To build a case of diverse attempts to improve ships or parts of shipping, the following four cases shall be treated: Robert Hooke’s idea to use straight sails over bunting ones; Isaac Newton’s concern with the ideal form for ships; William Petty’s fourfold effort to build double-bottomed or twin-hulled ships, and a miraculous ship built in Rotterdam. These cases are of two sorts, the former two are attempts to apply mathematics to improve the everyday practice of shipping and the latter two are attempts to revolutionize the design of ships by experimental means. The division between mathematical attempts to improve practice and experimental ways to improve practice is a classical one. The separation is a consequence of the deep chasms that historically have lain between experimental ways to seek knowledge, mathematical ways to seek knowledge and philosophical ways to seek knowledge. Although the seventeenth century is famous for the bridging of these chasms in what later would be known as the Scientific Revolution, in the minds of theorists of that era these two methods were still mostly separated. With this investigation we can also look whether one kind of attempt – either mathematical or experimental – was more successful than the other, and whether they were both unsuccessful if they struggled with the same problem. Before we move on to the first case study, I would like to take a moment to thank Floris Cohen, my very erudite and motivating supervisor who has shown that he is always willing to go beyond the call of duty to aid in this research. Further I would like to thank C. Schilt for his help on the Newton manuscript and M.F.J. Vermeulen who explained to me all mathematics which I did not understand. As a last point I would like to thank all friends and family and especially Eva Brokx, my girlfriend, who all had to endure my ramblings on science, technology and naval affairs. 5 1. Robert Hooke and the advantage of straight sails over bunting ones There is no seventeenth century natural philosopher on which opinions diverge as strongly as on Robert Hooke. Hooke is used by historians as an example par excellence of the typical seventeenth century natural philosopher who could provide attentive listeners with a plausible hypothesis, but who always stayed vague enough to be able to claim the theory as their own whenever a dry calculator mathematically underpinned it, or to disavow ever coming up with the theory when such a drudge proved it to be untenable.5 Another group of historical authors describe Hooke as ‘the most important scientific figure of the period following the Restoration’, ‘recognised by his contemporaries as their greatest experimentalist’6 and as ‘a polymath who has never achieved the recognition he deserves’. 7 In this view Hooke is wrongfully used in the history of science ‘to aggrandize Newton or Boyle at [his] expense’,8 as the light by which Newton’s star shines the more brightly in comparison. Most studies which involve Hooke focus either on Hooke’s accomplishments relative to the accomplishments of his contempories or take him as a poster child for a certain era of English scientific thinking. This study, in contrast, wants to view Hooke in what he attempted to do and what he was known for at a later stage, as one author describes it: ‘More than any other scientist of his day Hooke turned his skills to practical ends, directing the rebuilding of the centre of one of Europe’s greatest cities, designing and constructing colleges, hospitals, churches, suburban mansions and West End town houses, and discovering and publicizing a range of important craft skills in pottery, glassware, metalwork and textiles. The mighty Monument, still standing straight on its clay and gravel foundations after over three hundred years, was not the work of a laboratory-bound eccentric.’9 This study wants to look at Hooke as a bridge between the abstract world of theory and everyday practice, or to place it squarely in the scope of this study: has Robert Hooke contributed something substantial to the practice of sailing? Before we can look at this question a brief introduction of Hooke is in order. 5 H.F. Cohen Isaac Newton en het ware weten (Amsterdam 2010) 9 Margaret ‘Espinasse Robert Hooke (London 1956) 2 7 Jim Bennet et al. London’s Leonardo: The life and work of Robert Hooke (Oxford 2003) xi 8 Mordechai Feingold, ‘Robert Hooke: Gentleman of Science’ in: Michael Cooper and Michael Hunter (ed.) Robert Hooke: Tercentennial Studies (Aldershot 2006) 203-217, 203 9 Stephen Inwood The Man Who Knew Too Much (London 2002) 441 6 6 Robert Hooke Robert Hooke was born in Freshwater on the island of Wight on the 28th of July 1635 according to the Gregorian calendar.10 At the age of thirteen Hooke lost his father and the same year he left his parental home to move to London. In London he enrolled in the prestigious Westminster School, headed by Dr Richard Busby. At the Westminster School Hooke’s fellow pupils included John Dryden, who would become a successful playwright, and poet; John Locke, a budding philosopher; and Robert South: a future theological critic of the new sciences. After his graduation from the Westminster School in 1652, Hooke moved to Oxford where he continued his education as a chorister and a servitor at Christ Church. The Oxford at which Hooke arrived was a rejuvenated one, it had benefitted greatly from the ousting of royalist professors by Cromwell in 1648. The seats left vacant by the ousting were filled by enthusiastic men of a more suitable political inclination. One of these new professors, John Wilkins, formed a philosophical group around himself of which Hooke became a member. Through this philosophical gathering Hooke was introduced to the wealthy seventh son of the first earl of Cork, Robert Boyle. Boyle employed Hooke to work in the former’s new laboratory, where the aim was to combine two experiments that were challenging the Aristotelian concept of the absolute lightness of the air. Void in the void Boyle wanted to combine experiments of Torricelli and von Guericke into what would become known as the void in the void experiment (the Torricellian void in the void of von Guericke). With this experiment Boyle wanted to find out what would happen to the height of the mercury in a tube when all the air was evacuated from the container the contraption was in. There were a number of practical problems that Boyle had to overcome, first of all the machine of von Guericke had to be made suitable for his experiment. Another problem was that the machine had to be airtight; any leakage of air into the machine would distort the outcome of the experiment. Quite a lot of alterations were made to von Guericke’s air-pump before it was in accordance with Boyle’s wishes. In Boyle’s design the number of operators of the machine was reduced from two to one; and von Guericke’s two famous hemispheres were replaced by a glass container so people could see what happened to the Torricellian space 10 While the Gregorian calendar had been introduced in 1582, its origin as a papal invention made many Protestants reluctant to adopt it. The most important Dutch regions adopted the new calendar early on, the English only switched in 1752. In the intermediate period dual dating was common, the English calendar being ten days behind the Dutch. All days are according to the Gregorian calendar unless otherwise specified. Furthermore the English New Year started on March 25th, so February 1st 1653 in England was equal to February 11th 1654 on the continent. 7 inside it. This glass container had a lid through which the Torricellian experiment was lowered in the container and through which it could be operated. This lid was an important feature of the air-pump because it was one of the main points through which air could leak into the container, distorting the outcome. Boyle ordered a modified air-pump from the instrument maker Greatorex, who was unable to make the device Boyle required. The young Hooke then received the task that Greatorex couldn’t complete. Hooke managed to build a working pump, or in his own words he ‘contrived and perfected the air-pump for Mr Boyle’11, stating that the version of Greatorex was: ‘too gross to perform any great matter.’ The experiment itself is later described by Boyle as the seventeenth in his book: New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air.12 According to his account the experiment of Torricelli was performed after which it was lowered into the air-pump. Every suck which evacuated air out of the glass container lowered the level of mercury; it started from a height of 29 inches above the bowl and would not go lower than one inch above the bowl, a position that was reached after approximately fifteen minutes of pumping. 13 With the void in the void experiment Hooke started to make a name for himself. This reputation made it possible for him to sustain himself when he moved back to London after his graduation from Oxford. Hooke sustained himself through his work as an experimenter and through a number of other jobs. His most notable positions were as the first curator of experiments for the Royal Society and as a city-surveyor and architect during the rebuilding of London after the great fire of 1666. Hooke operated from London for the rest of his life, living in a few apartments at Gresham College. He died there on the 3 rd of March 1702/3 following the Julian calendar – March 13th 1703 according to the Gregorian calendar – at the age of 68. The Cutlerian Lectures One of the positions Hooke held, besides those of city surveyor and curator of experiments for the Royal Society, was that of Cutlerian lecturer. These lectures were named – unimaginatively – after their sponsor: John Cutler, a merchant and financier specializing in lending money to impoverished landowners on the security of their estates. After Cutler heard from Robert Hooke that Hooke had failed to obtain the position as Gresham Professor of Geometry he offered to match the £50 annual salary for Hooke if he started a new 11 Robert Hooke Posthumous Works of Robert Hooke Richard Waller ed. (London 1705) iii Robert Boyle New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air (Oxford 1660) 106-129 13 Steven Shapin & Simon Schaffer Leviathan and the Air-Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life (amended edition; Princeton 2011) 40-43 12 8 professorship at Gresham concerned with the history of trade. According to Hooke’s contract with Cutler, the lectures were to be given once a week during vacation time, sixteen weeks a year. These lectures have been gathered and published by Richard Waller in 1705, two years after Hooke’s death, under the title Posthumous works of Robert Hooke. The work was dedicated to the council and fellows of the Royal Society and explicitly to the then president of the Royal Society: Sir Isaac Newton. The lectures had a wide variety of topics which ranged from: ‘whether the sands of Arabia and Egypt are Sea-sand’ and ‘a ship found in a lake in Italy’ to lectures about ‘the æther as the cause of gravitation’ and ‘the nature of light’. One of the lectures in the book is called: ‘A Lecture of the preference of strait to Bunting Sails’ and it was first given on March 16th 1690. This lecture is interesting because it pits the theoretical wisdom gathered by Hooke against the received practical and age old wisdom of seamen. If Hooke´s contribution was adapted by sailors, it would be a significant contribution from theoretical knowledge to the everyday practice of sailing. Hooke knew very well that his new design would provoke opposition from: ‘not only all the Architects or Ships Builders, but the Crue of Navigators also’,14 and he attributed this opposition not to a lack of value in his work but to the inherent conservatism of these craftsmen, who were not to be swayed to change their point of view than at ‘gradatim’,15 by length of time and by dear bought experience. Before we can look at the arguments brought forward by Hooke in this lecture, a remark has to be made about the terminology he used. Concepts that are clearly and narrowly defined in our time, concepts such as gravity and weight, were not clearly defined in Hooke’s time and as a consequence are used without much exactitude. Hooke’s ambiguous use of a number of these terms give room to interpret his work in a variety of ways and the way different concepts are viewed by a later author is, as we will see, an important basis for the way Hooke is viewed. A good example for the confusion that can arise through Hooke’s terminology is his use of the term weight. Not only does Hooke use weight to represent the modern concept of mass – nowadays expressed in kg – or the modern concept of weight – which is mass multiplied with the free-fall acceleration (g) and is in modern physics expressed in Newton – there are also instances in which Hooke uses the term weight were we, probably, would use the term torque – which is measured in the unit Nm. Because the interpretation of these terms influence the way in Hooke is viewed, we will look at them, and modern interpretations of them, with some more detail. To understand the problem more 14 15 Robert Hooke Posthumous Works 564 Ibidem 564 9 thoroughly it would be convenient to look at these terms in the way Hooke presented them, this is why I will try not to create any false clarity by replacing Hooke’s terms with terms which he probably meant. I will refrain from this both when quoting Hooke, and when trying to explain his method, it is best that we let the ambiguity last until we have seen it in action. In his lecture, Hooke argues that when sails are in an oblique position towards the wind – all cases except headwind and tailwind – ships will sail faster with sails that stay completely straight when the wind blows against them, then when they are allowed to billow, a notion contrary to the everyday practice used since time immemorial. To convince his audience of this new theory, Hooke ventures on a number of detours. He starts his lecture by introducing two great and universal powers namely gravity – ‘a Theory which I had the happiness first to invent’, a statement which appears uncensored in the book dedicated to Newton16 – and light. After a brief discussion of the experiments done to search for these powers Hooke introduces a third power: ‘a third Power of Nature arising from the motions of the Air and Water, two fluid Mediums which encompass the Body of the Earth’. 17 Hooke needed this, in our view ill-defined, power of wind and air because it encompasses all ‘powers’ which play a role in the mechanics concerning the movement or regulation of ships and vessels. The inquiry into the power of air and water served a direct and practical goal according to Hooke: it would be ‘of great use for Merchant Ships in those times of danger, to know the best Methods and Means of making these Powers the most serviceable to them that may be for flying [i.e. fleeing] from and escaping the pursuit of their Enemies.’18 Whether or not this claim reflects a general concern of Hooke is beside the point here. It could be that he only used this proposed practical application to link his subject to the history of trades, or it could be a sincere concern, what we in any case should take away from this introduction is that Hooke justified his research by invoking possible practical uses for his theory. Hooke considered many aspects of the ship in order to increase its speed: the shape and size of the vessel, with consideration for its use and design; the manner of rigging and fitting it with masts, sails and other tackle, while considering the shapes and magnitudes of each and the ways of applying and using them to the best advantage; the power of wind and water on the sails, masts, rigging and hulk of the vessel and on the rudder, oars, leeboards, keel, head and sides. To these influences of air and water, especially concerning the aspects concerned with the propulsion of a vessel, Hooke devoted this lecture for he feels that ‘it must 16 Robert Hooke Posthumous Works 563 Ibidem 563 18 Ibidem 563 17 10 be determin’d what quantity of Sails this or that kind of Vessel will bear; and what the form of the Sail is best to be, and how to be order’d or fitted to the Vessel; how much Ballast such Vessels so built and rigged, will require, and what strength of Wind each kind of Vessel can indure; what the strength of the Wind is with relation to its swifter motion or higher blowing; what strength and length of Oares is necessary for induring the powers to be apply’d to them; and what Powers, whether of Men, or other, can be apply’d; and what are the best and most advantageous ways for such applications’.19 From this list of things to investigate Hooke focuses himself in this lecture exclusively on ´the form of the Sail […] and how [it had to be] fitted to the Vessel´. The strength of the wind is perpendicular to the said sail Hooke starts the main section of his lecture by stating that fluid bodies, when moved, impress a motion to other bodies against which they are moved proportional to their ´Gravity and Velocity´.20 He continues by claiming that air must be seen as a fluid body, or, to be more precise, as a ponderous fluid body whose integrant parts have both bulk and weight. To investigate sailing, Hooke looks at the ratio between the ´Gravity and Velocity´ of air and water, which is one of 1 to 800 or 900 according to him, meaning that ‘28,3 times as much Air in bulk mov´d against the Recipient Body as there is of the bulk of Water in the same time, and that the Velocity be 28,3 swifter than that of the Water […] will produce an equality of Motion´. By looking at the equilibrium between the water and the air Hooke presents this problem of a ship moving through the water with help of the wind, as an old, abstract and well-known problem in mechanics namely as a balance problem with solids formalised by Archimedes of Syracuse as the law of the lever (287 BCE -212 BCE). After presenting the problem as one about equality of motion Hooke transfers his attention to collisions. After the casual remark that all ponderous fluids consist of small particles – ‘For a fluid Medium, in motion, is to be consider’d as made up of an indefinite number of small Cylinders, Prisms, Wires or Strings lying close together’ 21 – he argues that ‘the Body struck receiveth a motion Perpendicular to the Surface of it that is so struck’,22 while the striking body is redirected from the body struck at an angle equal to the angle of incidence. Hooke built his theory on this argument so we will look at it detail. Why the body 19 Robert Hooke Posthumous Works 563-564 Ibidem564 21 Ibidem 565 NB although this remark is not crucial for Hooke’s argument, nor was it controversial for the time (1690), it does signify the fundamental change in attitude towards the atom theory during the seventeenth century. 22 Ibidem 565 20 11 struck obtains a motion that is perpendicular to its surface is explained by use of geometry. Besides being an important part of the argument it also is the only extensive use of mathematics by Hooke in this lecture, as well as the only figure (figure 1.1) used by him. It is at this point in Hooke’s argument that theory appears on stage. Figure 1.1 Hooke’s illustration of his proof that wind hitting sail at oblique angles creates a movement perpendicular to the sail. This is an amended version of the figure published the posthumous work of Robert Hooke it is, contrary to the original not to scale; source: Michael Cooper and Michael Hunter (ed.) Robert Hooke: Tercentennial Studies 103 The first axiom postulated by Hooke is that when a prism of air moves against a sail whose surface stands perpendicular to that prism, all of its power is transferred to the sail. When, however, a prism of wind collides with a sail whose surface is at an angle oblique to the direction the prism is travelling in, not all its power is transferred to the sail. To compute the power given by the wind to the sail when they are at an oblique angle Hooke only takes that component of the length of the sail which is at right angles with the wind. This means that Hooke regards the sail as only having the size that he would see when he looked at the sail from the point the wind is blowing when he lost his depth perception. In figure 1.1 this means that the sail between EF is projected as either a sail between PF, a sail between ER, a sail between QL or a sail between KI. In the following paragraphs we will take an in-depth look into the geometrical proof of Hooke, I advise those readers who are not the least interested in geometry or think they will only get frustrated by it – although the geometry is not 12 particularly hard and requires attentive reading more than anything else – to move on to the last paragraph of this section. We will start with the case that the sail and the wind are perpendicular to each other – all letters are represented in figure 1.1, only the letter M has fallen off but is supposed to be at the intersection below B. We take a sail between AB and we let a prism of air be represented by the rectangle ABCD moving from DC to AB with a given speed. Additionally, we suppose the rectangle ABNO to ‘represent a Prism of Water, equal Base with the said Sail AB, and that AN […] the length of the said Prism be 1 30 of the length AD’. If the speed of the wind going from DC to AB is 30 times greater as the motion of water going from NO to AB the sail will not move either way according to Hooke: ‘because the same power is imprest on the Sail, whether the Cylinder of Water be mov’d against the Sail from NO to AB, or the Sail be mov’d against the Water from AB to NO; if the said Cylinder of Air be made one degree swifter, it must drive the same Sail from AB, to NO’. In Hooke’s scenario the ship changes course at this point and the sail represented by AB earlier is now represented by EF, with the wind still coming from DC. It is at this moment clear that only the wind that blows between the lines HK and GI (only the prism EFGH) hits the sail. The power of this wind on the sail EF in comparison with the wind on the sail AB is equal to AB:KI, which is equal to the sine of the angle ∠PEF (the angle at point E made by the lines PE and EF) which is 𝑃𝐹 𝐸𝐹 . From this Hooke concludes that the ratio between the amount of wind hitting the sail at a perpendicular angle and the amount of wind hitting the sail at an oblique angle is equal to the sine of the angle that the oblique sail has with the incoming wind. Now we know, Hooke argues, that the power on EF is the same as the power on FP, we can conclude on the basis of similarity that the power on EL is the same as the power on FL (this can be seen because ∠PEF is equal to ∠EFL and both ∠FPE and ∠LEF are right angles). Hooke argumentation ends by stating that when one imagines a cylinder of air PFHG moving from HG to PF that similarity dictates that in the same time that PF is moved to QL that FE is moved to LM (this seems to be because Hooke assumes that PF*FL is equal to EF*EL which is geometrically correct: PF*FL=PF*EF*(the magnification ratio of the two triangles ΔPEF and ΔEFL) which is the same as EF*EL because EF*EL=EF*PF*(the magnification ratio of the two triangles ΔPEF and ΔEFL)). This confirms in Hooke’s eyes what he wanted to show, that when wind blows obliquely on a sail the sail is moved perpendicular to its surface. 13 Now that it is geometrical proven that the ‘strength or power of the Wind upon the Oblique Sail is Perpendicular to the said Sail’,23 Hooke is ready to draw the conclusion of his inquiry. He argues that when we accept that the wind moves a sail perpendicular to its surface it is a logical conclusion that a strait sail is better than a bunting one. This is because with a straight sail the perpendiculars of all parts of the sail, point in the same direction and so the wind moves all these parts of the sail in the same direction. When you use a bunting sail not all parts of the sail point in the same direction and because the wind always moves a part of a sail perpendicular to its direction different parts want to go in different directions partially counteracting each other. Furthermore when using a bunting sail the part that is the furthest away from the direction from which the wind is coming will receive the most wind and thus will pull the ship off course, a motion that is only partly counteracted by the part of the sail which is closest to the wind, this part receives the smallest amount of wind but through its inclination tries to pull the ship off course in the other way. The conclusion is simple according to Hooke: the sail provides the most ‘power’24 when all parts of the sail work together harmoniously and the only case when this happens is when the perpendicular of all parts of the sail point in the same direction which is only when a sail is straight. This is why, according to Hooke, sailors should use a straight sail and not a bunting one. Effects of the lecture History would teach that, as Hooke lamented at the beginning of this lecture, seaman would not be convinced and would not put his idea into practice. The question here is in what way Hooke’s argument lacked the power to convince the seamen and their superiors. To find an answer we should look at the contents of the lecture itself and the audience intended. The lecture itself The lecture, held at Gresham’s College, works from the abstract towards the more specific. It starts, as we have seen, with vague and universal powers and zooms in towards the specific case of effect of wind on a sail. To come to this conclusion Hooke not only uses rhetorical arguments but also gives a substantial geometrical account. The geometrical argument is at the heart of Hooke’s reasoning, with the knowledge in hand that the ‘power’ of the wind always works perpendicular to the sail Hooke swiftly concludes that wind power is used with maximum effect when all of the sail is pointing in the same direction. There are, however, a number of issues with the geometrical proof Hooke delivers. First of all the whole 23 Robert Hooke Posthumous Works 566 Ibidem 567 24 14 proof of Hooke hinges on the assumption that in the same time a sail at PF would travel along the line FL that a sail at EF would travel along the line EL (see figure 1.1). Although there is sound geometrical proof to support this claim, it remains unclear if to approach the problem geometrically is a useful way of viewing it, let alone if this makes the result applicable to practice. Hooke complicated his proof further by his unclear references to his object of study. Although this is not uncommon for seventeenth century natural philosophers, the vagueness on what precisely his object of study was complicated matters for Hooke, because where he started out talking about ships and vessels, he later, at the crucial moment, spoke about sails. While this might look like I’m straining at gnats, there is a big difference. If Hooke meant the whole ship when he used the term sails then he has to take into account which part of the ship causes the ship to go towards a certain direction, in other words he also has to account for the hull, the rudder and the effects of the water upon them. When Hooke, on the other hand, only meant the sail itself by using the term sail then he only argues that the angle between the surface of the sail and the incoming wind determines which way the sail will move. Although this last interpretation seems unproblematic, it is not. In the case that he only intended the sail itself, Hooke would be investigating the irrelevant case of a sail unattached to a vessel and a thought experiment will show further problems. Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with the boat using straight sails. Each sail is attached to a frame, made of light material which keeps the sail perfectly straight while not being too heavy to drag the sail down. The wind is coming from an oblique angle to the way you are going. Now, all of a sudden you hear the snapping of ropes. All ropes holding one of the frames with a sail in place have broken at precisely the same time and the frame with the straight sail in it is free to go wherever it wants to go. If Hooke was talking only about the sail in his lecture then the frame would keep moving in the direction it was already positioned in, regardless of the direction of the wind. For, in this case, it is the sail that harnesses a part of the power of the wind and redirects it to move in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the sail, while the wind is unable to change the orientation of the sail. This will lead to the strange situation that the sail with its frame will be doomed to keep travelling on the same straight line on the globe, for the sail will always redirect the incoming force of the wind towards a line perpendicular to its surface. Not only reasoning along the lines of this thought experiment could convince Hooke’s listeners that there was something wrong with his argument, but also the fact that Hooke did not account for the drift 15 of the ship, a phenomenon already well known in 158525 – the phenomenon that the ship could be blown of course by side wind – and in fact implicitly denied its existence was a source for scepticism. S.H. Joseph has correctly noted, in his treatment of this lecture, that Hooke considers the case where ‘the sail’ is set at an arbitrary angle to the ship’s course, but that he does not give an analysis of it. This is, according to Joseph a show of caution on Hooke’s account.26 This abstinence of Hooke is a pity; the case in which the sail is set at an arbitrary angle to the way the ship was sailing would have been very insightful for Hooke’s use of the term sail. In the case that Hooke’s analysis showed that there would not be a difference in the direction ‘the sails’ would be pushed by the wind and the path the vessel was travelling, then Hooke meant the whole ship when he mentioned ‘the sail’ in his account. The power of the wind has to contribute to the ship’s direction or else the ship would change course; this is problematic however for the idea that the power of the wind will always be perpendicular to the sail, the sail being at an oblique angle to the way. When the sails were pushed in a different direction than the ship they were on, we would have known that he had regarded only the sail in his geometrical proof. The problem with the interpretation of what Hooke meant, when he used the term sail, is clarifying for the way different interpretations shape the way in which Hooke is seen by modern historians. Richard Westfall writes in a 1983 article rather dismissingly about Hooke’s lecture. Westfall takes issue at the sentence in which Hooke states that when a column of air, with a volume of 30 and a speed of 30, moves against a sail, while a prism of water, with a volume of 1 and a speed of 1, moves against the sail from the other side, that then the sail will be in equilibrium due to the fact that the ‘gravity’ of the water is as to the ‘gravity’ of the air as 1 to 900. From this sentence Westfall concludes that if both wind and water push against the sail at the same time ‘the ship must sail right side up and upside down at the same time’ which he finds to be ‘a difficult posture in the best circumstances, and one perilously close to the vulgar notion of shipwreck’.27 After this dismissal Westfall ignores Hooke’s geometrical proof that wind works perpendicular to the sail of the vessel, he takes it as an axiom from which he explains the rest of Hooke’s reasoning. Westfall attributes the, in his vision, poor quality of the lecture to the fact that Hooke ‘was an old man in decline when 25 Davids Zeewezen en Wetenschap 60-61 S.H. Joseph ‘Assessment of the Scientific Value of Hooke’s Work’ in: Michael Cooper and Michael Hunter (ed.) Robert Hooke: Tercentennial Studies (Aldershot 2006) 89-108, 104 27 Richard S. Westfall, ‘Robert Hooke, Mechanical Technology, and Scientific Investigation’, in: John G. Burke (ed.), The Uses of Science in the Age of Newton (Berkeley 1983) 85-110, 98 26 16 he produced it’ and finishes his analysis with the bane of Hooke’s legacy: a comparison with Newton stating that ‘the propositions on the resistance of fluids, the most analogous parts of Newton’s Principia, were also its weakest sections’. Although Westfall’s analysis shows an identification of where a major problem lies in Hooke’s argumentation – to wit his problem of clearly defining his object of study – the concise way in which Westfall’s analysis is written down gives the feeling that he dismissed Hooke’s line of reasoning too quickly. Westfall takes a single term, ‘sail’ to dismiss Hooke’s lecture, while this term can, without heavy intellectual strain, be seen to mean the vessel as a whole in this context. It is therefore not Westfall’s conclusion that ‘[s]cience did not then have in its power the tools to answer correctly the question Hooke posed’ with which I disagree – on the contrary – but what I object to is that this conclusion is hardly supported by Westfall in this article because he dismisses Hooke’s reasoning on a technicality. A different opinion on Hooke’s lecture can be found in an article by the earlier mentioned S.H. Joseph. Joseph focuses on both the theoretical value of Hooke’s lecture and on the problems of translating it into practice. Joseph’s article particularly praises Hooke’s idea that the balance between the power of the wind and the resistance of the water determines the speed of the ship, and he praises those parts of Hooke’s lecture where he gives answers which are used to this day, most notably: ‘this assumption is still made in fluid mechanics in the present day; indeed, the calculation of drag on a bluff body is now done using the same formula together with an empirical drag coefficient’28 and later ‘his conclusion that a straight sail performs better is one shared by yachtspeople today’. 29 This focus on what we still retain from Hooke’s lecture is anachronistic. Although it is laudable that the way Hooke calculated drag resembles the method still in use today, it does not mean that the outcome of the two calculations – those of Hooke and modern physicists respectively – are similar. It would be a fallacy to assume that they are both based on the same theoretical foundations, because modern calculations must be placed in a context which includes Newton’s Principia and both of Einstein’s relativity theories. Another historiographical sin is that Joseph should know that it should not matter what the opinion of yachtspeople is on straight sails, for the same reason we do not credit Jean Baptist Lamarck with the discovery of evolution, it is filtering historical texts through our modern knowledge and regarding only the filtrate, regardless of the way it was obtained. That Aristarchus believed that the earth revolved around the sun does not mean that he had the same arguments as Copernicus and 28 29 Joseph ‘Assessment of the Scientific Value of Hooke’s Work’ 102-103 Ibidem 104 17 Galileo later had. To present anonymous modern day experts to agree with Hooke is describing a history of winners and losers without any regard for the historical context in which Hooke presented his arguments. To be sure, this principle works both ways, the analysis of Hooke’s lecture in this chapter is therefore not meant to show why modern readers should disregard it – to do that it should have sufficed to show that vector addition dictates that you should add all perpendiculars of all infinitesimally small parts of the bellying sail, which would give you a force comparable to that of a straight sail while negating the sideward movement – but that it was a lecture which can be dismissed using seventeenth century knowledge, knowledge which was available for listeners at Hooke’s lecture. Lampas Hooke’s lecture on the advantageous of straight sails was not his only work on which modern authors hold fundamentally different views. Another work on which opinions differ concerns itself with producing steady flames, or rather, with devising a lamp which would burn steadily. The work, published in 1677, bore the title: Lampas: or a description of some Mechanical Improvements of Lamps30 and it is not only interesting because it is a good illustration on the division of opinions on Hooke; it has an important topic as well. The steady burning of a P A D flame was not only helpful for lighting rooms it was important for a variety of chemical experiments. Only with a well regulated flame, i.e. a steady and continuous H heat source, could heating processes be well regulated. Z O This new lamp was intended to be an early modern equivalent of a Bunsen burner. This makes the contrivance of such a lamp not only important for B C R further investigations into chemical reactions, it also puts this lamp squarely in the category of instruments used to further investigations into nature. This category also includes the telescope, the microscope, and the airpump, instruments through the use of which Hooke received most of his fame. Moreover, scientific Figure 1.2 Hooke’s lamp Source: ‘The Cutler lectures of Robert Hooke’ 208 30 Robert Hooke ‘The Cutler lectures of Robert Hooke’ R.T. Gunther (ed.) Early Science in Oxford vol. VIII (Oxford 1930) 155-208 18 Figure 1.3 Hooke’s lamp Source: ‘The Cutler lectures of Robert Hooke’ 208 instruments form the one category from the seventeenth century in which there are examples that theory has demonstrably improved practice. That it were scientific instruments that were improved by science-based technology is not remarkable, only in this category were the craftsmen making and operating these instruments the same people as the theorists devising improvements for them. The device envisioned by Hooke was intended to be a hollow spherical container divided in equal halves by a diaphragm which could pivot around an axis through its centre (the axis is drawn perpendicular to the paper in figure 1.2 and is indicated by the letter O) the bottom half would be filled with oil and the top half would be a counterweight (in figure 1.2 the oil is the dark substance between O,B and Z in the figure and lower left half is the counterweight, everything below the line that goes from A to B). In modern terms the idea behind the lamp was that when oil was used by the flame the amount of oil would lessen, this meant that the liquid would push less on the counterpoise (the left side), which made the centre of gravity of the counterpoise descent, and as a consequence of that rotated the counterweight around the axis and raising the oil. Simply put the counterweight raised the liquid and kept the top layer of oil at the same point, providing a constant amount of fuel for the flame to use. This lecture of Hooke has, not unlike his lecture on straight over bunting sails, been interpreted differently by different modern authors. Westfall starts his analysis with the comment that Hooke had his concepts mixed up: ‘[he] consistently used the word weight where the word (or the concept) moment was needed’ to which he somewhat later adds that Hooke again ‘used the word weight, this time in place of specific gravity (or its equivalent)’.31 But as Westfall insightfully continues this should not be held against Hooke for ‘[t]he science of mechanics was still sorting out the elements of circular motion. Newton, who did much to clarify them, made at least one egregious blunder in a similar problem in the first edition of the Principia’.32 Westfall becomes more critical in his commentary after this point, especially on the way Hooke intended to make his counterpoise workable in practice. The problem with the use of the counterpoise by Hooke is that in order for the system to work, the counterpoise should have a volumetric mass density – the mass per unit of volume (kg/L) – that is half that of the oil. It would be very difficult for Hooke to find a counterpoise that had exactly half the density of the oil – Westfall is ‘inclined to say impossible in that age’33 – and it would mean 31 Westfall, ‘Robert Hooke, Mechanical Technology, and Scientific Investigation’, 96-97 Ibidem 96 33 Ibidem, 97 32 19 that at every refilling the new oil would have to have exactly the same density as the previous batch or, alternatively, that at every refilling a new counterpoise had to be made. Hooke anticipated this remark and tries to circumvent this problem by stating that the counterpoise could be replaced by a hollow float with weight suspended from the line that bisects it. According to Westfall this replacement ‘[o]bviously […] would not have worked’34 because ‘[a] counterpoise made in this manner would have been in the equilibrium Hooke desired only in two positions –when the lamp was completely full before it was lit, and when it was completely empty after the flame had gone out’.35 For Westfall this problem makes the scientific analysis in Hooke’s lecture ‘an illusion covering a misconception that flowed from the current level of the science of mechanics.’36 Joseph has, similar to their respective views on Hooke’s work on straight sails, a view quite different than Westfall’s on Lampas or rather: Joseph spends a majority of his discussion of Lampas disavowing the earlier treated comments of Westfall. Joseph’s first remark is that Hooke ‘uses the verb “counterpoise” consistently throughout to describe the action of a turning moment, and “weight” to describe the weight of an equal volume, that is density’.37 Joseph continues with attacking Westfall’s comments on Hooke’s plan to use a hollow float with a weight in it as a counterpoise. He argues that so long the total mass is the same and the centre of gravity of the hollow float and the weight in it coincide with that of the earlier proposed counterpoise – which had half the density of the oil – the counterpoise system would still work. As a last point he quotes Hooke in the explanation of his system ‘Let there be a counterpoise … fixed somewhere in the line PO, so that the said upper [solid] Hemisphere shall have half the gravity of the under [liquid filled] Hemisphere upon the Center of motion O’.38 Joseph accuses Westfall of ignoring the phrase ‘upon the Center of motion’ and concludes that ‘Hooke not only understands moments about a centre but employs the concept of centre of gravity, which appear to be beyond Westfall’s knowledge of mechanics.’39 The opinions of Westfall and Joseph are so far apart that it is not difficult to give a more nuanced view by looking at their arguments. Westfall claims that Hooke used the term weight for either the concept moment or the concept specific gravity and Joseph claims that 34 Westfall, ‘Robert Hooke, Mechanical Technology, and Scientific Investigation’, 97 Ibidem97 36 Ibidem 97 37 Joseph ‘Assessment of the Scientific Value of Hooke’s Work’ 99 38 Ibidem 99; taken from: Robert Hooke ‘The Cutler lectures of Robert Hooke’ 166 39 Ibidem 99 35 20 Hooke consistently uses the term weight for the concept density, while he also consistently uses the verb counterpoise. It is true that Hooke used the verb counterpoise consistently and that he used weight where he meant density or specific gravity – specific gravity is after all nothing else then an expression of the density of a substance relative to the density of a reference substance – but the question remains if that means something. There were no clear and well established definitions of physical properties when Hooke wrote this lecture: not for density, not for weight and not in the least for moment – which is closely related to the notoriously vague seventeenth century concept of force, a concept so vague that it is known in history of science as the force knot40 – these concepts only became clearly defined with the help of Newton’s Principia. So although it is laudable that Hooke used terms consistently, modern historians cannot deduce much from that fact and especially not if Hooke was knowledgeable about modern concepts, for example moments about a centre, for we do not know what Hooke meant by those terms. Even when those concepts are concerned which seem to have clear modern equivalents such as in the case of the replacement of the term weight with the term density, we cannot know if Hooke had a concept of weight which resembles, or even comes close to, our notion of density, not in the least because, as one historian has put it, Hooke had ‘that very special ability to miss his own point’.41 The remark of Joseph on Hooke’s use of the term centre of gravity is an enlightening example. In modern physics the term centre of gravity denotes that point which is the weighted average for the position of all mass points which make up a body. If, in modern physics, we look at the effect that the force of gravity has on an object, we may imagine, for the large majority of cases, that all the mass of that object is concentrated in the centre of gravity without having to fear that the calculation would be any different than if we calculated the effect of the force of gravity on every individual atom and added up all those individual effects. This, or any similar idea, can impossibly be distilled from the lecture of Hooke because gravity was only vaguely understood in the pre-Principia time this lecture was given in. There are also other clues that make it unlikely that Hooke actively used the concept centre of gravity. We find these clues by looking at the moments in his lecture when Hooke used centre of gravity, and especially when he didn’t use it. Hooke used centre of gravity once, to describe why the heavier oil would remain in its place in the case that the lower half of his sphere was filled with oil and 40 See: Richard S. Westfall Force in Newton’s Physics. The Science of Dynamics in the Seventeenth Century (London 1971); for problems with definitions of force in the Principia see: E.J. Dijksterhuis De Mechanisering van het Wereldbeeld (7th print: Amsterdam 1996) 515 41 Cohen Newton en het ware weten (Amsterdam 2010) 123 21 the lighter counterpoise filled the upper half of his spherical lamp.42 After Hooke’s description of that situation he lights his imaginary lamp and describes three more situations, the first when the flame has burnt up a quarter of the hemisphere of oil, the second is when there remains a quarter sphere of oil and the last when there is only an quarter of the original oil left – to wit an eight of a sphere of oil. In these last three cases, which are less obvious than the first one, the centre of gravity is not used anymore, neither explicitly nor implicitly. Hooke uses the same type of geometrical arguments as in his lecture on straight sails (see figure 1.2): ‘the Wedge COR of the Liquor doth counterpoise the Wedge ROB [of the liquor] on the other side the Perpendicular, and that the Wedge POD of the upper Hemisphere doth counterpoise the Wedge POA [of the upper hemisphere] on the other side of the Perpendicular, so that neither of these have any prepollency to move the Globe out of this Posture. Next, it is plain that the Wedge BOZ of the Liquor will be counterpoised by Wedge AOC, which is double the bigness of BOZ’.43 This kind of reasoning – cancelling out counteracting parts of the same body – becomes superfluous when one introduces the concept of centre of gravity. This does not mean that Hooke is totally lost on the subject of motion around a centre. When we look at the point where Hooke uses the concept centre of gravity, we see that it is to state that the liquid does not move because its centre of gravity is in a line exactly below the centre. It sound plausible, and it gives the idea that Hooke, in typical fashion, has heard something about it, but he does not know the rights of it. The assumed lack of knowledge about the centre of gravity does not in any way mean that the lamp devised by Hooke did not work as Westfall states, the idea does work – as can be seen in the analysis of this idea, with the help of modern mathematics, in appendix A, which uses the centre of gravity for simplification – the only thing that should be seen is that Hooke is using a form of mathematics introduced by Galileo, essentially the same as the mathematics used in ancient Greece, notably the law of the lever, with that difference that there is an attempt to apply it to practice. The intended audience The second part of the answer to the question why Hooke’s idea of straight sails was never implemented is to be found through an inquiry into the audience for the lecture. This audience should be divided into two categories. On the one hand there are those people who attended Hooke’s lectures and on the other there are those who could actually apply the 42 43 Robert Hooke ‘The Cutler lectures of Robert Hooke’ 166 Ibidem 167 22 knowledge dispensed by Hooke. A large part of the first group was comprised of members of the Royal Society. The Cutlerian lectures were, after all, held at their meetings and they were, to be honest, just regular lectures to the Royal Society, only at special times, and sponsored by the financier Cutler – who at first required them to concern the history of trades but Hooke’s topics became increasingly diverse as Cutler’s payments became increasingly irregular. Hooke’s audience at these lectures hardly occupied themselves with sailing as can been seen from the fellows of the Royal Society in the first forty years of its existence. Of the 479 English and Scottish fellows: ‘16% were courtiers, politicians, or diplomats; 16% were medical practitioners; 15% were gentlemen of independent means; 14% were members of the aristocracy; 12% were scholars or writers; 8% were divines; 7% were merchants or tradesmen; 4% were lawyers; 4% were civil servants or members of the armed forces; and 3% are unclassifiable’.44 From this we can conclude that in the most generous estimate 14% were active in sailing (this would be the case if all merchants and tradesmen, all civil servants and members of the armed forces and all deemed unclassifiable were involved with the practical matters of shipping). It is far more likely however that not 10% of all members had any ties to shipping and the actual number of captains, navigators, shipwrights and seamen at Hooke’s lecture would be very close to zero. The second group of the intended audience were those people who could apply Hooke’s idea on the proper way of sailing into everyday practice. These were the earlier mentioned captains, navigators, shipwrights and the rest of the crew working on ships. It is unlikely that many of them went to the meetings of the Royal Society and it would be equally unlikely that many of them were convinced by Hooke’s argument if he had brought them up in a discussion with them. They might not have criticised Hooke for the vague use of the word sail but they would have had some fundamental objections to the notion that Hooke found a legitimate foundation for his idea in geometry. When you realize that most of the inhabitants of seventeenth century England were unable to read or write and that the practical mathematics used by navigators was crude, it should not be any surprise that the geometrical arguments of Hooke, which led to a conclusion diametrically opposed to an old and well established practice, were not accepted. It seems that in the end there remained no other option for the gifted mathematician who used the geometrical argument than to return scorned and embittered to his lodgings at Gresham’s College. 44 Michael Hunter The Royal Society and its Fellows 1660-1700. The Morphology of an Early Scientific Institution. (Oxford 1994) 27 23 Conclusion Hooke has remained a controversial figure throughout the history of science. The answer to why this is has a multitude of aspects; but one aspect is Hooke’s aspiration to be a virtuoso. This aspiration resulted in Hooke contributing to many a field and him being involved in innumerable projects. This versatility of Hooke was part of his work as curator of experiments at the Royal Society, but its downside was that Hooke almost never followed his own line of reasoning through to a fundamental level – leaving in the middle whether this is because he did not have the time, did not feel the need or did not have the skill to write a fundamental work, his Micrographia being the obvious exception that proves the rule – and therefore never received the fame of Newton or Galileo. His work on sailing was no exception to this; it did not use the newest developed mathematical tools, most prominently differential calculus; Hooke did not take the time to cater it to an audience which could do something with it and he did not take the time to present the experimental proof of his theory he promised in his lecture to the Royal Society. These difficulties in the judgement of Hooke have found their echo in the treatment of Hooke by modern authors, regardless of if one is trying to aggrandize Hooke’s contemporaries at his cost or if another is trying to rehabilitate Hooke’s reputation by being overly apologetic. The difficulties arising from the lack of consensus that surrounds the person of Robert Hooke resulted in the situation that the question if Hooke succeeded in the goals he had set for himself has not been answered satisfactorily. In the case of his attempt to replace bunting sails by straight sails as the standard in sailing, the answer has to be that Hooke was not able to achieve his own goal, which was to implement this new way of sailing. More important than that he did not succeed in achieving his goal is why he did not succeed. As Westfall pointed out – and many a science student will have experienced – aerodynamics and hydrostatics, the fields to which we in retrospect can state that this problem belongs to, are notoriously difficult subjects and have a wide range of variables which are not able to be accounted for in a, relatively, simple geometrical proof. The method used by Hooke prevented him from reaching the mathematical exactitude that was needed to give a clear and definitive answer to the questions if straight sails are to be preferred over bunting sails or not. Another problem for Hooke is how he reached the audience he intended. From the fact that Hooke chose to give this lecture to the Royal Society, we can be reasonably sure that his audience was not comprised of people actively involved with the day to day practice of sailing, let alone sailors or navigators. This argument 24 is nuanced by pointing to Hooke’s proclamation that he had had frequent discussions on the topic with sailors, naval captains, navigators and shipwrights. But seeing that Hooke presented only one argument in his lecture, a geometrical one, the question if he also had different types of arguments urges itself upon us and through the lack of alternative lines of argumentation we can only assume that he only used his geometrical proof to convince sailors of his idea. It is not hard to imagine how a frustrated Hooke would have exclaimed in an encounter with a sailor: ‘but look at my geometrical proof, it shows clearly that straight sails will give more speed than bunting ones!’ at which a unimpressed sailors would only reply: ‘I only see some lines and a circle. This is not much proof, certainly not enough to change practice as my father has done it, and my father’s father, and his father’s before him’. Hooke needed to come up with other types of arguments than his geometrical one to sway the sailing practitioners, and we do not know of any that he possessed. We therefore have to conclude that in this instance theory-based practice did not materialise and that Hooke did not advanced the art of sailing. 25 2. The Miraculous Ship of Rotterdam There were not only attempts to improve practice by applying mathematics to it; there were also not only attempts to improve practice which were forgotten soon after they were introduced and there were even some attempts to improve practice in cases where the general public perceived a pertinent problem. In contrast to Hooke, who came up with his sailing method quietly in his apartments at Gresham College, the vessel we will be investigating in this chapter was the answer to an English blockade of the Dutch coast during the first AngloDutch war and the imminent threat of defeat in that war. In retrospect, it may not seem remarkable that the English and the Dutch built up some animosity towards each other. Since Dutch independence in 1648, they fought each other in four wars – six when you include the wars between the British and the French empire, in which the Dutch Republic was either a French client state or a part of the French empire – and this animosity spilled over into the respective languages. In the Dutch language, rachitis is known as the English disease, objects made of English silver only have a small outer shell of silver and using an English screwdriver is hammering in a screw; in the English language the word ‘Dutch’ usually has a negative connotation, with examples as varied as Dutch courage (bravery obtained by drinking alcohol), a Dutch nightingale (a frog), a Dutch defence (weak defence), to do a Dutch act (to desert, but also to commit suicide), a Dutch double shuffle (to cheat at a card game) and Dutch generosity (avarice). This animosity was not preordained or even likely, the English and the Dutch Republic were very much alike, 45 both were seafaring countries and centres of maritime trade; in both the ruling class was protestant and both were republics in a part of the world where most nations were moving more and more towards absolutism. The Dutch gained their independence in 1648 with the peace of Westphalia. The English became a republic a year later, after the beheading of Charles I. This similarity did not lead to companionship but to rivalry, the English and the Dutch became fierce mercantile competitors, which in the end led to the earlier introduced Anglo-Dutch wars, which in fact were a number of maritime trade conflicts. The first Anglo-Dutch war started on the 10th of July 1652 – which was the 30th of June in England where the Julian calendar was still used – although hostilities had begun earlier that year off the coast of Dover.46 The Dutch entered the maritime war with great confidence prompted by their superior numbers, mustering 115 warships against 85 English ships and on top of that they were led by three admirals with more experience and more 45 D. H. Pennington Europe in the Seventeenth Century (2nd edition: London 1989) 476 46 Maarten Prak The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge 2005) 47 26 international fame than their English adversaries.47 However, the Dutch quickly lost their confidence, when the English fleet proved to have superior firepower at their disposal. The largest ship of the Dutch only carried 59 guns into battle, being by far the most heavily armed Dutch ship. The English Sovereign, on the other hand, had a hundred guns and she was supported by another eighteen ships with over 40 cannons.48 This difference in firepower was put to good use during naval engagements and the Dutch fleet was forced to retreat with heavy casualties time and again. The decisive battles of the war, the battles at Gabbard and Scheveningen, also resulted in English victories. The battle at Gabbard was fought on June 12th 1653, and the difference in firepower was so favourable for the English that the Dutch were utterly defeated within one day. The Dutch admiral Tromp blamed the loss on the Dutch lack of fire power: ‘there were more than fifty ships in the English fleet which were bigger, better built, and better gunned [than my ship]’49. After this humiliating defeat the Dutch sought refuge in their harbours and the English took control of the North Sea, a dominance they exploited immediately by imposing a sea blockade on the Dutch. The defeat and the subsequent blockade were disastrous blows to the Dutch war effort, the Dutch morale and most of all to the Dutch economy, which largely depended on maritime trade. The situation was so dire that on the 30th of July the StatesGeneral ordered Admiral Tromp to put to sea again as soon as the wind and the weather permitted to break the English blockade in order to prevent the total collapse of the Dutch economy. The wind was favourable on August 10th and Tromp immediately set out. This desperate attempt to break the blockade led to the battle of Scheveningen and it ended in another decisive defeat for the Dutch. The English had forced the Dutch back into their homeports by nightfall after losing eleven ships and some 4000 men, including Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp.50 Terror Terroris It was during these desperate times of blockade and crisis that a French inventor came to the Netherlands with the promise of building a ship (figure 2.1) that could ‘go out in the morning from Rotterdam, and make to be at Dieppe in France by dinner time, and return back again that night to Rotterdam´.51 The ship was known under a number of names but it was 47 C.R. Boxer The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th Century:1652-1674 (London 1974) 4 Boxer The Anglo-Dutch Wars 4-7 49 As told in: Ibidem 15 50 Ibidem 15 51 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I, 1638-1653 Thomas Burch (ed.) 521; most of the notes found in the State Papers can, in an almost literal translation, be found in: Lieuwe van Aitzema Saken van 48 27 most often called: ‘het Wonderlijke schip’ (the miraculous ship); ‘Blixem van de See’ (Lightning of the Sea) or ‘Terror Terroris’ (terror of terrors). 52 The inventor claimed that his ship was going to be able to reach a speed of ‘15 miles in an hour, or 180 miles in twenty four Figure 2.1 Depiction of the Miraculous ship of Rotterdam in a pamphlet written by its inventor. Source: Leiden University Special Collections hours, 1260 miles a week, and 5040 miles in twenty eight days, which would be almost the whole circumference of the world’;53 by comparison, most conventional ships sailed to the East Indies in six to eight months. The inventor did not only promise that his new ship would be very swift, it would also have the unprecedented benefit of going just as swift either with or against the wind. The most important claim of the inventor was, however, that his ship was to be an unparalleled weapon of war: ‘The strength of [the ship] will be of such force, that [the inventor] doth undertake to make his way […] through the biggest and strongest ship of the English […] and doth promise that he with his ship alone will destroy thirty of the English Men of War.’54 These promises were like music to the ears of the demoralised Dutch, who could hardly provide in their own livelihood due to the English blockade, especially because staet en oorlogh In, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden III, beginnende met het Jaer 1645, ende eyndigende met het jaar 1656 (The Hague 1669) leading to the theory that Aitzema was a spy for the English commonwealth 52 the names can be found in: Du Son Terror Terroris, werelts-wonder-schrick seldsame, noyt-gehoorde noch bedachte vondt, mitsgaders grondige omstandelycke beschryvingh van seecker wonderbaerlyck, schrickelyck, en onverwinnelyck vaer-tuygh, ghenaemt den Oorlog-blixem ter Zee (The Hague, 1654), fol. A2v (University Library, Leiden) and in Perfecte Afbeeldinge: van ‘t Wonderlycke Schip, Gemaakt tot Rotterdam 1653 (Rotterdam 1653) P2350 (Maritime Museum, Rotterdam) 53 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I ,521; there is an odd thing in this advertisement, given that a ship could do 15 miles an hour, it would be able to do 180 miles in 12 hours and 360 miles in a day, not the 180 it is advertised to do, the distances the ship was supposed to travel also take into account that the ship would lie still for half a day. This can be a miscalculation but it can also be an insight into the workings of the ship. Furthermore, it has to be taken into account that the round voyage Rotterdam- Dieppe is approximately 380 nautical miles which would fit 15 miles an hour but not 180 miles in 24. All further claims build upon the 180 mile a day speed. 54 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I ,521 28 the inventor did not need any state support. He provided the large amount of money he poured into the construction – allegedly twenty to thirty thousand guilders55 – himself. The way he could pay for the project was subject of wild speculation. One theory was that he had an estate of sixteen thousand guilders to spend per annum, while another theory said that he was an engraver by trade and that a certain rich usurer in France supplied him with money. Figure 2.2 The Lightning of the Sea imagined as being in action against hostile warships, the accompanying explanatory text was written both in Dutch and French. Source: Municipal Archives Rotterdam Nicolas van Son, Mathesios sr de Lisson or Jean Du Son The inventor proposed a revolutionary new ship that would save the Dutch from defeat in the war and would break the ongoing naval blockade, but who was this man who presented himself as the saviour of this young nation? The identity of this inventor is not completely clear, he is known under a variety of family names such as Du Son, Duson, D’esson, sr de Lisson to Deson and van Son, but we will refer to him as Du Son from now on. What we do know, is that he came from France, where he had gained some powerful support: ‘he comes recommended hither by the lord ambassador Boreel, and he is known to be a subtle mathematician, and forasmuch as concerneth the theory, he giveth good reason for the 55 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I, 522 29 design.’56 The support of Boreel carried some weight; this former lawyer for the VOC became the Republic’s ambassador to Louis XIV just before the arrival of Du Son in Rotterdam. It was Boreel who, in a letter dated the 25th of February 1653, advised the States of Holland to receive Du Son and listen to his proposals because the Frenchman would reveal ‘a great service in the domain of Mathematics; nothing speculative but matters of great use in public and private Navigation affairs.’57 Although Du Son might have had political and financial backing, he was considered an odd figure with strange habits. He is described as eating ‘very little, especially that which hath had wings; but he takes forty pipes of tobacco in a day.’ 58 Another remarkable aspect of Du Son was his choice to build his ship in the Dutch Republic and not in France, his home country. When he was asked why he did not built his vessel in France, he answered that ‘he was afraid they would have secured him for his art’s sake, that so his art might have remained in France alone’.59 It was thus the relative lack of censorship in the Dutch Republic and the fear of incarceration in his home land that made Du Son come to the Dutch Republic. The exorbitant promises of this mysterious man led to mixed reactions; the ship was hailed and scorned at the same time. Some suggested that the inventor should take some hellebores, to combat his insanity;60 others saw the construction of the ship as a divine intervention to end the war between the Dutch and the English.61 A number of pamphlets appeared in order to give those who were interested in the design a little more insight into the workings of the ship. One of them, entitled True and Correct drawings of the wondrous ship,62 did present the ship as divine providence. Furthermore it put the ship in a broader context of technological progress, stating that ‘in a world which becomes more subtle every day and in which many new and wonderful arts and practices are found [God] has awakened the mind of Le Sr de Lisson which has designed a ship as presented here before.’63 56 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I, 521 National Archives, The Hague, States of Holland, 1831, Boreel to the States of Holland and Western-Frisia. Translation taken from: Marika Keblusek ‘Keeping it Secret: the Identity and Status of an Early-Modern Inventor’ History of Science 43 (2005) 37-56, 38 58 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I 522 59 Ibidem 522 60 Ibidem 521; 61 Ware en correcte afteekening naer ’t leven gedaen, van ’t wonderlijcke schip dat tot Rotterdam gemaeckt is / Le vray Poutraict[!] de cette admirable navire ou machine faicte a Roterdam par le Sieur de Lisson grand ingenieur de ce temps (Amsterdam, 1653): engraving with explanatory text in Dutch and French (Municipal Archives, Rotterdam). 62 Ware en Corecte Afteekening naer T’Leeven gedaen 63 Ibidem 57 30 International attention Du Son’s design did not only interest the public of the Dutch Republic; News of the construction of the Terror Terroris was soon published in English periodicals. The periodical Mercurius Politicus summed up six ‘wonders’ that the ship was supposed to accomplish. These wonders were that the ship would have perpetual motion without sails, going as swift as the moon, the swiftest birds, or at least 30 miles an hour; she would be able to change direction very quickly and could reverse to use the stern of the ship as her prow and vice versa; that she had the ability to make a hole as big as a table in the greatest man of war, being able to sink 15 or 16 enemy ships in an hour this way; that she could sail to the East Indies in 8 or 9 weeks; that she could hunt so many whales in Greenland that a 100 good whaling vessels could be loaded in 14 days; and that she could destroy any piers in the sea with great ease.64 This list is remarkable due to the fact that besides all the possibilities for the ship in wartime, it also contains various uses for the ship in a wide range of commercial and tactical exploits during peacetime. Not only could the ship be used in the commercial whale hunt, but it was also seen as being an excellent postal vessel between Europe and the East Indies, swiftly delivering correspondence between the colonies and the motherland. Besides the reports in the English periodicals there are more examples that the ship received international attention, the explanatory pamphlet (of which figure 2.1 is a fragment) was translated into German (figure 2.4) and into English (figure 2.3) and figure 2.2 is part of a pamphlet which featured explanations of the workings of the ship in both Dutch and French. The existence of an English and a German pamphlet shows that people all over Europe were interested in the ship all over. The English interest can fairly easily be explained, given that the ship was built by their enemy and that it was built with the intention not simply to be the bane of the English fleet, but to destroy it completely in one afternoon. The existence of a German version cannot be explained in the same way; the lands of the Holy Roman Empire did not have such a direct involvement with the ship. The ship was not an immediate threat to its seafaring member states and neither was the Dutch republic. The German interest cannot have been instigated by political motives, so it has to be awakened by the extraordinary design, the extraordinary claims or the new technology implemented in the ship. 64 Mercurius Politicus 180, November 17th-24th ,2888-2889 31 Figure 2.3 The vessel as depicted on the English version of the explanatory pamphlet. The pamphlets for all three languages (Dutch, German and English) had a flap which revealed the inner workings of the ship as depicted here. Source: Rijksmuseum The French situation is similar to the German one. It would be unlikely that the French would soon be involved in a maritime war with the Dutch, first of all because the French navy did not become a powerful force until later in the century, moreover because the emphasis of the French military had always laid emphasize on the army and it would be much more simple for them to start a land war with the Dutch Republic, as they would do some twenty years later. Thus the interest of the French was also not of a military nature, leaving the extraordinary design and the exorbitant promises as the most likely candidates that generated the interest. In the specific case of the French there was another reason to show interest in the construction of this ship which was the fact that Du Son was a Frenchman. Therefore, patriotic motives must also be taken into account to provide a possible explanation of the interest from France. The Lightning of the Sea Neither criticisms nor critiques could stop Du Son in his attempt to build his vessel and thus the Lightning of the Sea was built in the city of Rotterdam at the shipyards on the crossing of the Boompjes and the Leuvehaven, close to where the local Maritime Museum is located nowadays. The exterior of the ship was in concordance with Du Son’s extraordinary claims. Where conventional ships had multiple masts, multiple decks, multiple guns, and just one keel, Du Son’s ship had none of that. It had no masts, no guns, just one deck, and two keels, which came together in a point at the ends just like a snout, according to an eyewitness report by Lieuwe van Aitzema.65 The Lightning of the Sea was 8 feet wide, 13½ feet high, 65 Aitzema Saken van staet en oorlogh III 837 32 almost half of it would be under water, and its middle beam, to be used as a battering ram, measured 80 feet from end to end.66 The inside was divided into three compartments; two cabins for crew and passengers which were separated by a compartment that housed the propulsion mechanism. Figure 2.4 Depiction of the ship from the German version of the pamphlet; source: Rijksmuseum Although Du Son kept the precise workings of the ship secret, we can reconstruct it through the pieces of information we do have. First of all, we know the ship used a paddlewheel to move (see figures 2, 3 and 5) and we know that the ship had to be steered by using two rudders – one on the port side and one on the starboard side – which were placed at the middle of the ship. Other information that can be obtained from the pamphlets is that the ship was semi-submerged and that there was a hole in the roof of each passenger compartment to let in fresh air. Du Son kept the system from which the paddle received its power a secret; he argued that this was necessary to prevent the English from using the vessel if they captured it, or alternatively to prevent them from constructing a Terror Terroris themselves. In spite of this secrecy, the earlier cited Aitzema gave some hints on how the vessel was powered. He stated that the ship had a ‘ressort’, which could, when it was fully wounded up, run for eight hours. Another source suggests that the wheel would be set in motion by a system of ‘unknown screws and wheels’.67 These sources make it appear that the ship must have been intended to have a mechanism in which potential energy was stored which could be directed towards the paddle, by a system of cogs and screws, quite similar to the way the then popular pocket watches worked. Watches could be made since the early to mid-fifteenth century when 66 Ware en correcte afteekening near ‘t leven gedaen, van ’t wonderlijcke schip dat tot rotterdam gemaeckt is Cort-verhael van het wonderherlijcke schip tot Rotterdam (Rotterdam, 1653), fol. A2r (Royal Library, The Hague) 67 33 the power generated by the controlled unwinding of a coiled spring was discovered as a motive force.68 Now that we have some knowledge of the workings of the ship, we can also see how Du Son wanted to redeem some of his extraordinary promises. If the supposed mechanism of transmission could be set in reverse, the ship would be able to change its course rapidly and move as fast forward as it could move backwards, which are two of the promises Du Son made; in that case the rudders would be able to affect the course of the ship as well, using the same principle to stir a rowing boat, giving it the ability to cut very sharp corners. The semisubmergible design of the ship meant that the ship did not rise very far above the surface of the sea which, in combination with the paddle as mode of propulsion, meant that the direction and magnitude of the wind did not have much effect on the vessel. For the construction of the ship, 22,000 pounds of iron were used;69 to compare, the largest English vessels of the early eighteenth century used 100,000 kg of iron70, almost ten times as much as Du Son’s vessel. On the contrary, the wale – an extra heavy and through its great width outwardly projecting plank used on the side of the ship –was two to three times as large and thick as it was on the largest ships of the VOC.71 This strong wale is a very powerful indication that the designer expected the ship to be under a lot of stress, which in itself is an indication that the inventor himself had a clear plan about the way his ship should work and at least a basic knowledge of shipbuilding. The extraordinary character of the Terror Terroris can best be understood when you compare Du Son’s ship with other navy vessels of that period. An illustrative comparison can be made with Tromp’s flagship, the Brederode. Tromp’s ship was 132 feet long, 32 feet wide and had a draught of 13½ feet at its christening. The total construction cost was 42,000 guilders.72 During most of its existence it was the largest ship in the fleet of the Dutch Republic.73 Built in 1642, the Brederode was during its lifespan only surpassed by the ship Eendragt in 1655, three years before the Brederode’s final demise during the battle of the Sound. The Brederode used the conventional type of propulsion, harnessing the power of the wind, and she supported 54 cannons and a crew of 270 men. In comparison, the Terror 68 Anthony Turner, ‘Not to Hurt of Trade’: Guilds and Innovation in Horology and Precision Instrument Making’, in: S.R. Epstein & M. Prak (ed.) Guilds, Innovation and the European Economy, 1400-1800 (Cambridge 2008) 264-287, 264 69 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I, 521 70 F.L. Diekerhoff De Oorlogsvloot in de zeventiende eeuw (Bussum 1967) 32 71 Aitzema Saken van staet en oorlogh III 837 72 Christiaan Nooteboom De Brederode: het leven van een admiraalsschip (Rotterdam 1955) 5 73 Nooteboom De Brederode 1 34 Terroris was 24 feet less wide, she was 52 feet shorter and her draught was only half that of the Brederode. Remarkable figures, the more because this difference includes the length of the battering ram which added quite a few feet to the length of Du Son’s vessel.74 To sum up: the Lightning of the Sea was semi-submerged, the water coming to the middle of her ram. She had a secret propulsion system, most likely resembling that of an early modern pocket watch, driving a paddle which would be in the middle of the ship, submerged to just under its axis, pushing the water away as a modern hydrocycle would. The ship had two rudders which made it possible for her to turn rapidly. The large middle beam was used as a ram to pierce enemy ships on their most vulnerable point, at sea level. The ram would be the only weapon of the ship. On either side of the paddle compartment were huts where the captain of the ship and a small crew could be housed. It was a truly remarkable design in a time when ships followed the transformation from the Brederode to the Eendracht making them larger, bulkier and especially able to carry more crew and more and heavier cannons. A public attraction Du Son’s remarkably shaped ship generated curiosity when it was announced, and this curiosity was not satisfied by the pamphlets that were published. The construction of the ship drew a hefty number of spectators to the dockyard where she was being built, from all echelons of society. The most important person who came to visit the wharf must have been count William.75 Although it is not specified which count William came to visit it, is most likely that it was Count William Frederick of Nassau-Dietz, Stadtholder of Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe, the most prominent military leader of the Dutch Republic at that moment. Alternatively, it could have been Count William III of Orange, who would later become King William III of England and Scotland, but he was only three years old at the time of the construction of the miraculous ship. Other prominent figures who came to the dockyard to watch the construction of the Lightning of the Sea were admiral Opdam, commander of the Dutch Navy, and several members of the States General. The general public also came in droves to the construction site, according to a letter of intelligence sent to England ‘the multitude of spectators is so great, that the magistrates of Rotterdam sent to this inventor, to ask him, whether the concourse of the people did not hinder his work: he said no: every spectator gives a penny to the poor.’76 Given entrance fee and the financial records of the only orphanage that existed at that time in the city of 74 Nooteboom De Brederode 8 I A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I, 572 76 Ibidem 522 75 35 Rotterdam,77 a relatively good estimate can be made of the number of visitors. In the cashbook, comprised from papers in 1801, there is a note which reads: ‘in the year 1653 between 1300 and 1400 guilders have been received for visiting the miraculous ship, the invention which caused a lot of rumours although the machine did not live up to its expectations’.78 Given the five cent entry fee, this means a total of between 26,000 and 28,000 visitors. Tomorrow Never Comes When Aitzema visited the construction site of the Lightning of the Sea on October 14 th 1653, De Son allegedly told him that his ship was ready to be launched in eight to ten days. Aitzema could not believe that such an extraordinary ship could be built so quickly and asked Du Son if he was going to test the ship to be sure everything worked. Du Son answered that he was so sure of his own art that he would only play a bit in the river and did not need any trial runs.79 On the 14th of November, when count William paid the earlier mentioned visit, the ship was still incomplete and the inventor complained of his workmen being slow and tedious, he also claimed not to be a man who could endure to put out to sea in the winter, and that the ship, when finished, would only be launched in the spring or summer.80 A letter of intelligence dated 28th of November informed the English government that: ‘the invented ship is now near ready […] the Frenchman the inventor thereof is sick of an ague at Rotterdam, and till he be cured, he cannot go to sea, and it is to be feared, his ague will last long, and without him this new device cannot go to sea’.81 So the ship was not launched on the 22nd or the 24th of October and she was still not finished on the 28th of November. Furthermore, the inventor was struck by a high fever, preventing him from taking the ship offshore. This meant that the ship’s maiden voyage had to wait until next spring, for the inventor did not want to sail in the cold. Still Count William is reported to have said, in the winter of 1653, that although the prospects for the outcome of the war were not bright, everything would be all 77 Arie van der schoor In plaats van uw aardse ouders: geschiedenis van het Gereformeerd Burgerweeshuis te Rotterdam (Rotterdam 1995) 29 78 Staat van de inkomsten van het Gereformeerd Burgerweeshuis van de vroegste tijden af tot 1796 toe (Rotterdam city archive, Hoog Collection: 37-05_18) 79 Lieuwe van Aitzema Saken van staet en oorlogh In, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden III, beginnende met het Jaer 1645, ende eyndigende met het jaar 1656 (The Hague 1669) 837: ‘Ick seyde/ of hy niet eenighe proeve soude doen: hy seyde / Ick gae so vast in mijn Const, dat ick geen proef doe: Ik sal wel in de Revier wat gaan spelen, ander niet 80 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I, 572 81 Ibidem 595 36 right, since Lord Opdam is admiral and Mr. Du Son is building his machine in Rotterdam, thus showing his continuing support.82 The year 1654 would not be better for the Lightning of the Sea, nor for Du Son. During that year the war, which from 1665 onwards would be known as the First AngloDutch war, came to a close when a peace treaty was negotiated at Westminster. Due to that peace treaty, a peace unfavourable for the Dutch, the ship of Du Son would not see any wartime action; it had missed its main goal, to be the turning point in the war against the English. Although the ship missed its opportunity to be in the spotlight during the war, it already had had its influence; the English were reportedly happy for making peace before Du Son’s ship was finished.83 The construction of the ship continued after the peace agreement was reached and on the second of July Du Son sent out the following announcement: ‘Tot op huyden is verscheydelijck ende onseker gesproken, aengaende dit rare ende noyt gehoorde stuck wercks ofte wonderlijck Schip, gefabriceert ende gebouwt door den Heer de Son. Ende also het selfde door verscheyden verhinderingen tot noch toe niet in ’t water heeft konnen gebracht worden; soo wort een yegelijck by desen geadviseert, dat den dagh is vast ende seker gestelt, dat het voornoemde gebouw of wonderlijkck Schip, op Maendagh den sesten July, 1654 sal in de Maes gebracht worden. Alle curieuse Liefhebbers konnen haer tegen den dagh voornoemt tot Rotterdam laten vinden, om het beloofde effect daer van te sien. Segget voort.’84 Almost nine months after his original comment that the ship would be ready in a fortnight, Du Son appeared to be ready to launch his ship into the waters of the Meuse River. For this special occasion, the Lords van der Meyden, Veth, Wolfsen, and Ysbrants were dispatched to Rotterdam by the States General to witness the maiden voyage of the ship, on Monday the July 6th 1654. These high lords even sent an agent to talk to and encourage its inventor. On 82 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I, 629 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 II, 1654 Thomas Burch (ed.) 394 84 Aitzema Saken van staet en oorlogh 935 translation: Until this day there has been different and uncertain tongues on this strange and unheard work or Miraculous ship, made and build by the Lord de Son. And although the vessel, through different hindrances, until now could not have been brought into the water, so now it is proclaimed that the day has been appointed that the earlier mentioned building or Miraculous ship will be brought in the Meuse River on Monday the sixth of July, 1654. All lovers of curiosities can bring themselves on the earlier mentioned day to Rotterdam to see the promised effects spread the word 83 37 Sunday the 5th of July – a day before the prospected launch – Mr. Bonneau, a friend and confidante of Du Son, informed the envoy of the high lords that the Terror Terroris would not be able to go out to sea the next day for Mr. Du Son had not succeeded ‘in his search for iron with certain qualities or certain temperament which he needed’,85 the launch was thus cancelled again. After the workmen and the cold, it were technical difficulties hindering the launch of the ‘miraculous’ ship. This was not the last unpleasant announcement Bonneau had to make in Du Son’s name. He achieved this dubious honour later when he had to announce that Du Son had gone and that the money he himself had supplied the inventor with was gone, too.86 The ship, nearly finished but without the possibility of any future use, lay in the docks as an attraction for a couple of years and was eventually sold as firewood.87 Watch making on a grand scale The reactions to this last failure to launch were very harsh. Du Son was portrayed as a fraud and a charlatan, but was this justified? The published account of the conversation that Aitzema had with Du Son, the one mentioned earlier in which Du Son allegedly claimed not to need any tests before going out to sea, together with all the claims Du Son made for his ship, clearly give the impression that the French inventor was not a modest man, which may have supported the idea that Du Son was a fraud. Besides, there are clues that the miraculous ship might not be the only ambitious war machine that Du Son tried to build.88 Already in the 1640’s there were mentions – notably in a letter from Marin Mersenne89 – of an inventor from Rheims who was building a flying machine. This inventor claimed that by using his machine, he could leave Paris, fly to Constantinople to have lunch and return the same night to have dinner in Paris, a claim remarkably similar to the claims made by Du Son for his ship.90 To utter the claim that Du Son was a fraud more understandable doesn’t make it more true, just as 85 ‘Dat hy noch seker trempe of temprament van seker yser / dat hy van nooden haddde sochte’ in: Ibidem 935 Aitzema Saken van staet en oorlogh 935; Marika Keblusek, in her paper on Du Son’s life gives reasons to doubt this sudden departure citing a court case of may 1655 where two metalworkers testified about a servant Du Son; see: Marika Keblusek ‘Keeping it Secret: the Identity and Status of an Early-Modern Inventor’ History of Science 43 (2005) n24 52 87 Keblusek ‘Keeping it Secret’ 42 88 Ibidem 43-44 89 Marin Mersenne Correspondance du P. Marin Mersenne religieux minime, P. Tannery & C. de Waard ed. XI (Paris 1932-88) 435-6, Mersenne to Haak 13 december 1640: ‘on nous parle icy d’un homme de Rheims4 qui a esté en vostre Angleterre, qui a une machine de 32 pieds en quarré, qu’il prétend faire voler en l’air partout où il voudra, avec 8 ou 10 hommes, qui le pourant accompagnes ; le jour nous enseignera ce qui en est, ou ce que en arrivera, je tien bien difficule, pour ne dire pas impossible de farie voler un legis, ou une machine garnie de plusieurs poutres en autre chose(s) […] (4 il s’agit sans doute d’un certain Nicolas Deson)’ 90 Keblusek ‘Keeping it Secret’ 43 86 38 the information that Du Son likely had tried and failed to build another experimental machine does not point in the direction of Du Son being completely honest to his supporters, but it does not make him an outright fraud either, especially when you take into account that Du Son seems to have had a working plan from the start. In the beginning he was praised for his mathematical skills. The ship design itself shows that Du Son must have had some clue of what he was doing, since he planned to reinforce the ship at its weakest points. Besides, a fraud would not have built the whole ship before abandoning the project at the very last instance. It is far more likely that Du Son spoke the truth when he said that he could not launch the ship because he was searching for iron with the right temperament, for, while iron can be wound up to store enough energy to power a watch on a small scale, this technique cannot be easily be transferred to a larger scale, the iron being too brittle to be wound up enough to store all the potential energy needed to power a ship.91 We must conclude that Du Son does not seem to be a charlatan, or at least that he does appear to have had a workable plan to build a workable ship. This does not mean that he was sincere in every way, as his stalling tactics and excuses make clear, but it seems that he started the program with a reasonable amount of sincerity. What the story also indicates is that Du Son tried to use theory to improve practice; he took a relatively new concept, the powering of watches by springs, and tried to adapt it so that at least some men may have the more Fruit in their use of nature. Put differently, Du Son tried to use new technology to improve the fate of the Dutch. Moreover, he did not only try to use new technology, he actually expected to find new technology while building the ship, even if he only started to seek new materials when his first idea of a direct translation from the propulsion system of a watch failed. It is unlikely that Du Son thought he could use an enlarged clock mechanism without problems, given that he had probably tried to use the same method to power his supposed flying machine, but even if it would be his first encounter with such a problem and even if he only looked at it reluctantly when his original plan laid in shambles, Du Son tried to improve his machine by using nature and trying to obtain from nature a new sort of iron with a specific temperament to complete his new technique and through that his new machine. He chose to search for new applicable knowledge instead of relying on a tested method. Everything is in the eye of the beholder The story seems to end here. Du Son had fled, no one knew how to use his invention, and his contraption, although built on experimental theories, had not helped to improve 91 Keblusek ‘Keeping it Secret’ 41 39 everyday practice. But the story goes on, for, while the ship did not make a lasting positive impact on everyday shipping, it did make an impact. The criticisms on the failed vessel were harsh and plentiful. This is remarkable in itself. In comparison: when Hooke’s new method of sailing wasn’t adopted, just one living soul was disappointed or angry: Hooke himself. After Du Son’s failure, he had to endure the scorn not only of a city, not only of a region, not even of just one country, but it seems like the whole of Western Europe was laughing at him. Du Son could have seen this scorn coming however, because with the prolongation of the construction process the amount of scepticism about the project increased. Already on the 6 th of December 1653, Du Son is reported to have complained that the people of Rotterdam did not treat him with the appropriate respect and even insulted him calling him ‘the man of the foolish ship’ and calling the ship itself ‘het malle schip’ or the ‘ship of fools’, a maltreatment that Du Son wanted to stop and he threatened that he would abandon his project if it did not stop. According to the report, these negative reactions were caused by impatience: ‘the truth is that everyone is impatient and desires to see the effects and the actions of the machine’.92 Later the critiques became more derogatory: ‘it will turn out to be Parturiunt montes, and what could one expect from someone who had said ten times that he would be ready, once in a fortnight, on another occasion in ten days, on yet another in eight days and now it would be more than a month?’; another person of class wondered ‘how can it be that such an important College as that of the lofty members of the States General, prostitutes itself and let itself be wronged by such a charlatan, all the while they keep encouraging him.’93 The opinion in England deteriorated just as quickly. The newspaper Mercurius Politicus even reported in December 1653 that the inventor of the ship had out-stripped his vessel in nimbleness and ran away.94 Although this report was a few months too early, the lack of faith in the completion of the ship is clear. The majority of the English critiques on Du Son were, however, written after the cancellation of the launch of his ship on July the 6 th. Interesting is that two English periodicals reported the launch of the ship as being a success. The A perfect account published a story dated July 8th stating that ‘The incomparable ship, so 92 A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, 1638-1660 I, 629 personal translation: ‘la verité est, que le monde estant impatient & desireux de voir les effects & aĉtions de la machiene’ 93 H.G. Jansen ‘Iets over het Malleschip’ in: G.A. Tindal & J. Swart (eds.) Verhandelingen en Berigten betrekkelijk het Zeewezen en de Zeevaartkunde, III (Amsterdam 1842) 133-148, 144 my translation, my italics: ‘dat het zoude zijn: Parturiunt montes, en wat waarheid was van hem te verwachten die nu tienmaal gezegd had dat het gereeed zoude zijn, dan binnen veertien, dan binnen tien, dan binnen acht dagen, en nu zoude het nog wel ééne maand aanlopen? Terwijl een degelijk man sprak: “ ‘t Is wonder so hoogen Vergadering al is die van haer Hoogmogende, haer so prostitueert, ende doet besendinge aan een charlatan, om hem quanswijs ’t encourageren’ 94 Mercurius Politicus 183, 9th-16th December, 3137 40 much spoken of, being launched, the contriver thereof hath shewed some experiments of his work, and extraordinary undertakings’.95 The story continued by restating the claims Du Son had made the previous autumn. The Weekly intelligencer wrote an article quite similar to the one of A perfect account, with the difference that after the declaration that the trial had succeeded it directly moved on to making even stronger claims for the newly built ship. It reported that engineers working within the ship could force the ship to dive down into the deep, where she would sail invisibly for a whole league, and even further. The writer of the article was also very astonished by the control the crew supposedly had of the vessel and by the ability of the engineers to control the ship’s speed, accelerating and decelerating when they felt like it.96 The interesting part of these false accounts is that they give the impression that the belief in progress was continually resetting its beacons; when a new design, deemed to be miraculous, had fulfilled its promise, rumours about it having even more, and even more miraculous, attributes surfaced. The Mercurius Politicus newspaper on the other hand reported in an article dated July 10th that the inventor had failed again to launch the Lightning of the Sea. In the article the vessel is referred to as both ‘the miraculous ship’ and ‘the foolish ship’. By breaking his promise he disappointed many ‘people of Quality that were come from severall parts to have seen the Tryall therof’.97 The periodical further reports that with this new delay of the launch the people were beginning to rally against Du Son, and see him as a cheat and a mountebank – a swindler or a charlatan. Two weeks later another report appeared in the Mercurius Politicus, it states that Du Son, after ‘having made a foole of himself and the Country’ was nowhere to be heard of, or at least dared not to appear in public out of shame and out of fear of being hooted at in the streets by local children.98 The Dutch too, gave full rein to their frustrations after the failed launch of July 6th, but instead of the dry newspaper reports the English had written the Dutch put their discontent with the whole affair in a number of satires. One example of these satires is: Het Malle SCHIP van ROTTERDAM. Aen monsieur du Son, vinder ende autheur van’t Malle Schip.99 This poem is specifically interesting because it gives a number of very specific criticisms of Du Son and his ship. The work has six stanzas and already in the first one the opinion of the author becomes clear, it reads: 95 A Perfect account 183, 5th – 12th July, 1461 Weekly intelligencer 114, 4th – 11th July, 317 97 Mercurius Politicus 213, 6th – 13th July, 3615 98 Mercurius Politicus 215, 20th – 27th July, 3639 99 Het Malle Schip van Rotterdam. Aen monsieur du Son, vinder ende autheur van’t Malle Schip (1654) 96 41 ‘Je bruickt noch Kloot, noch Loot, noch Schut, om hondert Scheepen Te schieten in de gront, deur sonderlinge greepen. Nochtans je schiet een gat, en maeckt de Schepen leck: Waer me doch schietje dan, O lieve Son? Met Speck’100 This stanza really shows the distrust in the person Du Son. The writer uses Du Son’s most prominent and one of his most extraordinary claims, that he would destroy a whole armada in a single day, with outdated techniques, due to the miraculous workings of his new vessel. The last line – ‘waer me schietje dan, O lieve Son? Met Speck’ – first of all contrasts with Du Son’s lack of cannon use, but the line also has a second meaning which becomes clear when it is taken into account that ‘to shoot with lard is’, in Dutch, an expression which means as much as ‘to tell a tall story’ or ‘to boast’. The idea that Du Son was only boasting and that he was a liar and a cheat is the main message of the satire, it is a reoccurring theme in most of the stanzas: ‘Sons Schip kan sonder Mast en Seyl en Cabels varen, ja sneller als een Vinck, deur ’t midden van de Baren. ‘tIs oock waer; dat een Vinck kan sonder Vleugels Vliegen, En Son kan sonder Mont en sonder Tonge liegen.101 (strophe 2) Or in another strophe: Niemandt, segt Son, sal oyt, de gront van mijn Secreeten, Niemandt sal oyt mijn konst, ter Werelt konnen weten: Ick deel het niemant me: de reden dat gebiet; O Son, je hebt gelijck: je wetet sellif niet’ 102 (strophe 4) 100 Het malle schip van Rotterdam; translation You use neither ball, nor lead, nor cannons to shoot a hundred ships / into the ground through eccentric actions, / nonetheless you shoot the ships and make them leak, / with what do you shoot, O dear Son? With lard’ 101 Ibidem: ‘Son’s ship can sail without cable’s and masts, having two prows, / swifter than a finch, straight through the billows / it is true that a finch without wings can fly / and that Son without mouth or tongue can lie.’ Personal translation 102 Ibidem; No one, says de Son, will ever know my secrets / No one in the world will ever know my art / I won’t tell anybody; reason thus commands me / Oh Son, you are so right: you were ignorant from the start’ traslation taken from Keblusek ‘Keeping it Secret: the Identity and Status of an Early-Modern Inventor’ 43 42 Figure 2.5 Fragment of a depiction added to a satire, pay attention on the difference in naming, the large title at the bottom reads: ‘the foolish ship’ while the left-hand top corner reads: a perfect depiction of the miraculous ship or Sea monster made in Rotterdam’. Van Gijn collection Dordrecht 43 The satire ends unambiguously by calling Du Son the greatest fool: Ghy wilt onsterffelijck naest by Erasmus leeven: Ghy hebtet wel verdient: het moet u sijn gegeven: Twee beelden van Metael sullen staen op de Maes: Hy als de wijste Man, ghy als de grootste Dwaes 103 (strophe 6) It becomes clear in these lines that Du Son is not only blamed for fraud and deception but also for dishonesty and hauteur. It is his persistence to stand firm behind his extraordinary promises that receives the biggest scorn from this author. A different version of the satire, which is also interesting, appeared in Latin, it is entitled; Epitheton seu, super navis, istius rarae Gallicae.104 In and of itself it is not very strange that there are multiple satires about the failure of Du Son; as we have seen, the ship was visited by a large number of people, it got international attention and the promises made by the inventor made it an easy target to ridicule. The fact that there is a poem in Latin suggests, however, that the writer, or writers, intended to reach a wide and diverse audience with these satires. For while a satire in the vernacular would be expected, a satire in Latin is remarkable. The vernacular version caters to the wide audience that was interested in the machine of Rotterdam – remember that the people came en masse to the building site to take a look at the way the ship was constructed – and while of course literacy levels were not high in the seventeenth century, a satire in the vernacular could be recited to the illiterate. Besides, it were the Dutch people who felt grieved because of the failure of Du Son’s promises to materialize, they had been given false hopes, and they would have to endure the smashing of that hope. Writing in the vernacular seems to be adequate for most goals when writing a satire about Du Son’s ship: it was available to an audience that would be most likely interested, it had a high likelihood to be spread because all layers of society could understand the satire, and they were the most likely to relate to the grievances expressed by it. The possibility for the easy availability of the poem in Dutch makes the appearance of a Latin satire all the more 103 Het malle schip van Rotterdam; You want to live immortal next to Erasmus / A right that you earned, I grant you that /Two metal statues will stand on the River Meuse / He from the wisest school, you as the largest fool. Personal translation 104 epitheton seu, super navis, istius rarae gallicae avis fabrica, nuper editae censurae Appendix (Rotterdam, 1654) 44 remarkable. It was not aimed at the masses, who were unlikely to read, speak or understand Latin. It was therefore aimed at an elite group, which included people not necessarily fluent in Dutch. This Latin poem suggests that there was an audience of international elites which was interested in the demise of Du Son’s shipbuilding program, and, for this study more important, that the failure of Du Son’s ship could have had a more widespread impact on the belief in progress than just in the Netherlands. Du Son really was the centre of ridicule, but why is this backlash important for the investigation into the attempt to apply theory to everyday practice? It is important because the foolish ship became a symbol for megalomania and naivity. This can be seen in a poem by Constantijn Huygens, first published in the second edition of his Korenbloemen and called ‘Journael van de gedenckwaerdighe kijck-reis gedaen in ‘tjaer 1660’. In the poem the people of Rotterdam are ridiculed trying to compete with the city of Amsterdam; this part of the poem is set in a carriage in which a lady is shown the city: ‘Elck riep om ‘t seerst, Kijck hier, Mevrouw, Mevrouw kijck daer; Kijck watte Straten, watte Winckels! all voll Waer: Dat ’s eerst een Rotterdam: siet Havens, en siet Kaeyen, En watter woelens is: wij sullen stracks eens draeyen En siender noch vijf sess, al van den selven slagh: Laet prachtigh Amsterdam all roemen wat het magh: ‘t En heeft er sulcke geen’. Kijck, hier is ‘t Schip gesoncken; Daer lagh het Malle schip: ‘t Voorhout daer wij mé proncken’105 The last line specifically focuses on the ship we are investigating but the whole strophe satirizes the pride the inhabitants of Rotterdam have in their city. It especially ridicules those inhabitants who are trying to present their city as being better and having more exclusive features than the metropolis of Amsterdam, in 1660 one of the most important cities in the world. The poem gives the idea that a person is being pointed out the many magnificent features of the city while riding through it, the guides expecting to infer a sense of bewilderment into the main character at every turn. One of the sights that no visitor to the city 105 Constantijn Huygens Koren-bloemen Nederlandsche gedichten van Constantin Huygens I, (Amsterdam 1672) 552 ‘they all shouted for atention, look here, madam, look there / look at the streets, at the shops, all bulging full of wares / only in Rotterdam, see those docks and those quays / and all what more, we shall return to them later / and here are 5, no 6 of the same kind / let beautiful Amsterdam boast whatever it want / it has none of those / look here is where the ship sunk / there lay the foolish ship; there the woodlands we boast about 45 could miss according to these city guides is the building site of the foolish ship. The foolish ship is used in two ways in this poem, firstly to give a unique feature of Rotterdam, showing that what the citizens rightly point out to be unique features of the city, are not features one necessarily wants his city to be known for. Secondly the ship is used to portray the citizens of Rotterdam as foolish since they appear to see the foolish ship as an addition to their city, as one would expect them to. The ship is used to mock both the foolishness of the people of Rotterdam and their misplaced pride. The most important of the negative impression the ship made is that she was later actively used as a deterrent for inventors who tried to introduce revolutionary new types of ships: the Hollandsche Mercurius periodical writes in its August edition of 1663, a month after William Petty won a race from Holyhead to Dublin with a new type of vessel: ‘While [William Petty] was making [his new invention] he was ridiculed, like Noach when he was building his ark, some said: “it will be the equal of the Foolish ship of Rotterdam.”’106 With Du Son’s abandonment of his own project he did not only fail to introduce a new type of ship, and he not only failed to introduce a new kind of propulsion for ships, but he had made a ship which became actively harmful for the idea that the study of nature could improve practice. In the end we have to conclude that despite his best efforts Du Son was not able to improve shipping with his Terror Terroris. 106 Thien boecken der Hollandsche Mercurius, off histoorisch-verhaal aller gedenckwaardighste gheschiedenissen van de beginne des jaars 1650 tot den jaare 1660, in christenrijck voorgevallen. XIV Augustus 1663, 130-131 My Italics 46 3. A practical Newton Isaac Newton was born in the burrow Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth in Lincolnshire on Sunday January 4th 1643. Sir Isaac has made major contributions to mechanics, optics and our understanding of the motion of the heavens in approximately 84 years that separated his day of birth from the day he died. In the Principia, one of his most famous works, Newton remarks that: ‘Quam quidem propositionem in construendis navibus non inutilem futuram esse censeo’107 which translates to: ‘Indeed, I think this proposition will be of some use for the construction of ships’ in Newton’s mother tongue.108 The Principia is composed of three books. The first book introduces the mathematical description of movement in idealised conditions, the second book takes the description of movement introduced in Book I and studies what happens to these rules in resisting media and the third book is dedicated to the application of the first two books on the system of the world. Because the contents of both the first and the third book have been hailed by historians as revolutionary transformations of a conceptual level, the essential step that is the second book has been removed from the limelight. The lesser status of book II is due to the fact that although the book is an indispensable part of the Principia it is not perceived as such. The shroud of superfluity that surrounds the Prinicipia’s second book is mainly due to our modern projection of the success of Newton’s work back on the Principia. This later success shows that the abstract mathematical descriptions of book I can successfully be applied to the system of the world from the third book, but this was certainly not trivial in Newton’s days. This application could only be made plausible by the intermediate step of describing movement in resisting media. Furthermore, the modern projection of Book I on the world is a projection of movement on a mostly empty space with the occasional particle in it, while most seventeenth century theories of space and matter excluded the possibility of the existence of vacuums. This means that Newton, contrary to modern physicists, looked at a world in which everything always travelled through a deluge of particles. A third point of origin for this idea of the superfluity comes from the author himself when he advised the readers of his work: ‘But since in books 1 and 2 a great number of propositions occur which might be too timeconsuming even for readers who are proficient in mathematics, I am unwilling to advise anyone to study every one of these propositions. It will be sufficient to read with care the 107 Isaac Newton, Philosophiæ Naturalis principia Mathematica A. Koyré & I.B. Cohen (ed.) 1, (Cambridge 1972) 474 108 Isaac Newton The ‘Principia’: mathematical principles of natural philosophy: a new translation by I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman: preceded by A guide to Newton’s ‘Principia’ by I. Bernard Cohen I.B. Cohen & A. Whitman ed. (Berkeley 1999) 730 47 Definitions, the Laws of Motion, and the first three sections of book 1, and then turn to this book 3 on the system of the world’.109 In this quote the audience is asked not to read large parts of the first book, and more important for this study, to skip the whole second book and to take their contents as gospel. It is true that these points caused book II to be the least studied volume, but it goes too far to go along with C. Truesdell who claims that: ‘[book II] is the part of the Principia that historians and philosophers, apparently, tear out of their personal copies’110 Although book II is the least studied part of the Principia, it is not completely neglected. When the book is studied in the history of science, it is not the book as a whole that is investigated but rather there are four parts of the book which are studied individually. These four focal points are: the 11th lemma in which Newton sets his method of calculus to print for the first time; the concluding scholium in which Newton proves that Descartes’ theory of vortices lead to conclusions which are inconsistent with Kepler’s laws; Newton’s determination of the speed of sound in which he makes a number of incorrect assumptions on the expansion of air; and Newton’s search for the solid of least resistance. Right before the paragraph on the solid of least resistance Newton makes the observation about shipbuilding that was introduced in the first paragraph. This remark on the usefulness has been interpreted a number of times as a token of Newton’s concern for practical problems and, alternatively, as evidence that practical problems influenced which theoretical problems Newton studied. Although this sentence draws the most attention in studies on Newton’s relation with the practice of shipbuilding, it is not his only remark on the matter. In the first edition of the Principia – the edition of 1687 – Newton gives an alternative method how the best shape of the hulls of ships could be found. This method has taken out of the work for the first revision and is not mentioned often in discussions about Newton’s relationship with practical problems. A third source on Newton’s interest in shipbuilding is manuscript Newton wrote, but did not publish. This source is consulted the least of all three sources but deals most directly with the relation between Newton and shipbuilding. 109 Isaac Newton The ‘Principia’ Cohen & Whitman ed. 793 Clifford Truesdell, ‘Reactions of Late Baroque Mechanics to Success, Conjectures, Error, and Failure in Newton’s Principia’ in: Robert Palter ed., The Annus Mirabilis of Sir Isaac Newton, 1666-1966, (London 1970) 192-232, 198 110 48 Newton’s references on shipbuilding Proposition 34 book II Newton’s observation that a part of his work could be ‘of some use for the construction of ships’ is part of the scholium – an explanatory note – which directly follows after proposition 34 of book II. The 34th proposition proposes – in the most rhetorical sense of the word – that: ‘in a rare medium, consisting of particles that are equal and arranged freely at equal distances from one another, let a sphere and a cylinder – described with equal diameters – move with equal velocity along the direction of the axis of the cylinder; then the resistance of the sphere will be half the resistance of the cylinder.’ 111 To support this proposition Newton looked a situation in which both the cylinder and the sphere remain stationary but the particles of which the medium consist move with a constant velocity towards the objects – he argues that this case is the same as the case in which the cylinder and the sphere travel through a stationary medium by referring to Galileo’s principle of the relativity of motion. In this situation, where the particles that make up the medium are moving and the objects remain stationary, Newton looks at that component of the force with which the particles hit the objects which is in the direction the particle were moving in. Because this direction is parallel to the axis of the cylinder, the component of the force with which the particles hit the cylinder, to wit the force in the direction in which the particles were moving before they collided, is equal to the total force the moving particles could exert. The case of the sphere is different, only at the midpoint of the sphere is the direction in which the particles were moving completely perpendicular to the area of the sphere, meaning that the particles only there convey their full force on the sphere. The further you move to the extremities of the sphere the smaller this component becomes, until at the very top and bottom the colliding particles only brush the sphere and transfer no force upon it. Newton treats this motion geometrically and shows that when you compare the average force on both the cylinder and the sphere the force on the cylinder is twice as large as the force on the sphere. After his treatment of the resistance on the sphere and the cylinder Newton uses the ensuing scholium to generalise this theorem to include all shapes. In the first two paragraphs of the scholium Newton looks at two distinct problems – one in each paragraph. In the first paragraph he searches for the shape of a frustum that has the least resistance. Given is a frustum (BGFC, see figure 3.1) with a given circular base CEBH, a centre O, radius OC and height OD. The question that Newton wants to answer here is: what should the radius of the 111 Isaac Newton The ‘Principia’ Cohen & Whitman ed. 728 49 top plateau (FDG) of the frustum be for the frustum to be resisted the least when moving along the axis OD in the direction of D? Newton states that the answer to this question is found by bisecting OD in Q, drawing the line QC and then making a cone with the base 1 CEBH and a height OS in length equal to 𝑂𝑄 + 𝑄𝐶 – because 𝑂𝑄 = 2 𝑂𝐷 and because 𝑄𝐶 2 = 𝑂𝑄 2 + 𝑂𝐶 2 , 𝑂𝑄 and 𝑂𝐶 both being given, this solution is independent of OS and thus independent of the question. We now have a cone CSB which only has to be cut to size for the height to become the given length OD and this shape is the frustum which is resisted less than any other frustum with base OC and height OD, according to Newton. In the second paragraph Newton looks at an ellipsoid ADBE (of which figure 3.2 is a crosssection) and conclude that the result of the former paragraph implies that if the frustum FGHI is added to the ellipsoid ADBE – with GH being Figure 3.1 Frustum as used by Newton source: Isaac Newton The ‘Principia’ Cohen & Whitman ed. 730 perpendicular to the axis at point B and ∠𝐼𝐻𝐵 = ∠𝐹𝐺𝐵 = 135° – that this new shape, created by the revolution of ADFGHIE around AB, will, as a consequence of the first paragraph of the scholium, be resisted less than the ellipsoid ADBE when moving through the earlier introduced rare medium. After this conclusion Newton states that ‘this proposition will be of use for the construction of ships’. In a third, and final, paragraph of the scholium Newton searches for the attachment to the ellipse ADBE which, when the whole is rotated around AB is resisted less than any other ellipsoid. This problem has become known as the search for the ‘solid of least resistance’. A search not Figure 3.2 Cross-section of the ellipsoid when the depicted ellipse (ADBE) is revolved around the axis AB. The first frustum is constructed by drawing HG perpendicular on AB in such a way that: ∠𝑰𝑯𝑩 = ∠𝑭𝑮𝑩 = 𝟏𝟑𝟓°. Source: Isaac Newton, Philosophiæ Naturalis principia Mathematica (London 1687) 327 aided by Newton who, in a style 50 typical of his printed works, omitted all elaboration and gave as a solution that to the object ADFGHIE112 a cone should be added with a base HG and a height BR which is defined as GR4 𝐵𝑅 = 4HN×GB2 113. The concise manner in which Newton wrote his work on movement through a rare medium with particles that are equal and arranged freely at equal distances from one another, meant that only a very exclusive group could follow Sir Isaac. This group had just one member, and it was not Leibniz – who in the margins of his own copy of the Principia wrote the following ambivalent commentary ‘investigandum est isoclinis facillimè progrediens’.114 The only one who could follow Newton was Christiaan Huygens. Although even he was not without error in his replication of Newton’s work. This error of Huygens is found in the formula for the resisting force he deduced from figure 3.3. He writes this formula as Figure 3.3 The figure used by Huygens to illustrate the problem of the solid of least resistance. Be sure to notice the difference between the vertices which are indicated with capital letters and the line segments which are indicated with lower-case letters. Source: Christiaan Huygens Œuvres complètes XXII Supplément à la correspondance. Varia. Biographie. Catalogue de vente J.A. Vollgraff ed. (Den Haag 1950) 𝑎4 𝑎4 𝑎2 +𝑥 2 + 𝑎2 +𝑏2 while it should be of the form 2𝑎3 𝑦 115 . 𝑎2 +𝑏2 2𝑎3 𝑦 𝑎2 +𝑥 2 + These formulas are only equal if 𝑦 = 𝑎, which would mean that point C in figure 3.3 would coincide with point D. Although Huygens could not deduce the correct answer, this did not prevent him from making an astute observation in the margins of his computation stating that the search for the solid of least resistance did not meet a practical goal because it was impossible to make a hull which looked like the investigated shapes.116 The fact that only Huygens comprehended what Newton did in his investigation of the solid of least resistance does not mean that the problem was never discussed. David Gregory, who was the Savilian professor 112 All letters refer to the letters in figure 3.2 MN 113 GR3 Originally the height of the cone was defined by the equation = GR 4BR×GB2 114 Isaac Newton, The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton VI, 1684-1691, D.T. Whiteside ed. (Cambridge 1974) 466; personal translation: What has to be researched is in what manner the lines with the same tangent can be found the easiest. 115 Herman H. Goldstine A History of the Calculus of Variations from the 17th through the 19th Century (New York 1980) 29 116 Christiaan Huygens, Oeuvres complètes de Christiaan Huygens, XXII, Supplément à la correspondance, J.A. Vollgraff ed. (The Hague 1950) 339 Nulla minime resistens in planis perpendicularibus datur quae, in prora, curvae rotunditate finiatur. 51 of Astronomy at Oxford from 1691 to 1708, gave lectures on the problem in his first year as professor with the help of extensive notes supplied by Newton without which Gregory also could not understand Newton’s work.117 An experimental method Proposition 34 of book II is not the only place in the Principia where Newton shows interest in the practice of shipbuilding. Besides the investigated sentence on the applicability of the mathematical investigation into the resistance of shapes, there is another reference to shipbuilding in the second book of the Principia, although it only appeared in the first edition of the work. In the scholium concluding section 7 of book II – this is the same section in which the mathematical search for the solid of least resistance is featured, but it is a different scholium – Newton presents a way to determine the resistance of shapes in water and quicksilver. In the last lines of this scholium Newton again spots that the just presented method is useful for shipbuilding: ‘by the same method by which we have found the resistance of spherical bodies in water and in quick-silver, the resistance of bodies of other figures or shapes can be found; and thus various shapes or figures of ships constructed in tiny modes [can be] compared among themselves, so that there may be tested at small expense which ones are most suitable for sailing’.118 The method Newton alluded to in this quote was an experiment wherein he first suspended a sphere from a sufficiently secure hook using a fine thread, after which he submerged the whole contraption in the chosen liquid and made the sphere oscillate in it. The decrease of the lengths of each arc described by the suspended ball was a measure for the resisting properties of the medium. In Newton’s view the ball could easily be replaced by a different shape, the shape of a ship for example. What this intention to experimentally determine the drag of ships shows is that Newton did not think that his mathematical attempt to find the keel most suitable for sailing would suffice, else he would not have included this method and would not have praised it for it needing but a small expense. The experimental search for the best shape of a ship was part of Newton’s work for a quarter of a century. It was cut during the first revision of the book, in preparation of the second edition which came out in 1713; the mathematical reference to ships on the other hand 117 Goldstine [,] A History of the Calculus of Variations [,] 8[.] Isaac Newton, Principia Mathematica, I, Koyré & I.B. Cohen ed. 463 translation from: I.B. Cohen ‘Isaac Newton, the calculus of variations, and the design of ships: An Example of Pure Mathematics in Newton’s PRINCIPIA, allegedly developed for the Sake of Practical Applications’ in: R.S. Cohen, J.J. Stachel, and W. Wartofsky (ed.) For Dirk Struik: Scientific, Historical and Political Essays in Honor of Dirk J. Struik (Dordrecht 1974) 169-183, 182 118 52 remained part of all editions published during Newton’s life. This difference in treatment during the revisions of the book does not imply that Newton preferred the mathematical method for finding the best shape for a ship when he wrote the first edition of the Principia. Although the removal of the experimental method from the second edition seems to indicate that Newton held this method in lower regard, it would be wrong to conclude this solely on the basis of the first revision. A revision only reveals what an author thought to be important at the time of that revision or what he thought to be wrong with the original publication at that point, but not what he was influenced by during the composition of his original work. It is during the original composition, when Newton came up with the theories for the first time, that practical problems could have exerted their influence. That there is no connection between the influence of a practical problem in the first edition of the Principia and its disappearance from later editions can be made plausible by comparing the circumstances in which the first and the second edition were written. The author of the first edition of the Principia was a young, unknown and eccentric professor at Cambridge. The author of the second edition, on the other hand, was president of the Royal Society, had written a second revolutionary and epoch-making book which he called the Opticks, had had a long career at the Royal Mint, had left his productive years decades behind him, had suffered from a deep mental breakdown and had become the greatest authority on natural philosophy in Europe. Newton had transformed from an outsider into the standard of all natural philosophers of his age and this made his work relevant regardless of any possible practical applications they might feature. An additional factor is that Newton took the section in which both references to shipbuilding appeared to be the hardest part in the work and he found it difficult to revise.119 That he nonetheless made profound changes in this section is clearly demonstrated by G.E. Smith.120 The experimental search for the least resting hull was, as we have seen, placed at the end of a long set of experiments designed to measure the resistance of objects travelling through media. In preparation for the second edition this section changed profoundly, with changes in a lot of measured values. Besides, the section was transferred from the end of section seven to the end of section six. These changes are seen most clearly in the theoretical expectations Newton had calculated for his experiments. For these expectations Newton 119 Richard S. Westfall Never at Rest: A biography of Isaac Newton (Cambridge 1983) 698-699 G.E. Smith ‘Fluid resistance: why did Newton change his mind?’, In: Richard H. Dalitz & Micheal Nauenberg The Foundations of Newtonian Scholarship (Singapore 2000) 105-136, 120 53 discerned between two types of fluids, rarefied fluids and continuous fluids.121 Rarefied fluids were described as consisting of particles which only had perfectly elastic collisions; continuous fluids were all other fluids. In the first edition both types of fluids had a drag coefficient of 𝐶𝐷 = 2,0 – the drag coefficient has been non-dimensionalised for reading comfort by employing an anachronistic method where 𝐶𝐷 = 𝜌 𝐹𝑅𝐸𝑆𝐼𝑆𝑇 𝑓 𝐴𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑣 2 wherein 𝐹𝑅𝐸𝑆𝐼𝑆𝑇 is the force due to the fluid resistance; 𝜌𝑓 is the density of the medium; 𝐴𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 is the frontal area of the object moving and 𝑣 is the relative velocity between the object and the medium.122 In the first edition Newton predicted another force besides the resisting force. This force propelled the object due to fluid particles rushing into the void left by the travelling object. This additional force counteracted the force due to resistance and could become as large as ⅔ of that force. In the second edition the additional force working on the back of the object had disappeared and the drag coefficient had differentiated its values for rarefied fluids (𝐶𝐷 = 2,0) and for continuous fluids (𝐶𝐷 = 0,5). These changes were most likely an attempt to bring the predicted values closer to the test results which gave a drag coefficient between 0,7 and 0,9 in the first edition but had changed to a drag coefficient of roughly 0,5 in the second edition. It is likely that these changed results and the uncertainty in the method they implicated led Newton to understand that his assumption that resistance to motion in fluids varies simply as the square of the sine of the angle of the slope was completely artificial.123 This could have been an incentive for him to remove the experimental search for ship hulls from the Principia but there is no hard evidence for this. An unpublished manuscript Not only in the Principia did Newton reveal his knowledge of shipbuilding. There also exists a manuscript about shipbuilding written in Newton’s hand. This manuscript carries the revealing title: ‘General proportions & observations for all the parts & Lines to be used in any kind of ship or galley & how the proportions do depend on one another after a most excellent manner observed by my own experience in my practice’.124 The text was part of Newton’s private notes; it was listed on an index of records for the first time in 1888 and was not published until 1984. 121 Newton also distinguished a third type but he did not try to give a theoretical expectation for this kind of fluid see further: Smith ‘Fluid resistance: why did Newton change his mind?’ 128 n. 7 122 Smith ‘Fluid resistance: why did Newton change his mind?’ 105-106 123 Isaac Newton, The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton VI) 463 n23 124 Cambridge University Library manuscript Ms Add. 4005 53r 54 The text is a collection of instructions for building a ship with ideal proportions. The text consists of a list of propositions which enable the reader to calculate the ideal size of a component of the ship using the sizes already known, i.e. with the use of the length of the ship, her breadth could be calculated and using a combination of her length and width her ideal depth could be found. The manuscript is written in the handwriting of the mature Newton which means this manuscript is written between 1670 and 1710.125 Although the work is written in Newton’s hand it is unlikely that this manuscript is the reflection of an independent thought of Newton. That this is unlikely becomes clear when you notice that there are only a few corrections made in the text, while Newton normally crosses out many words in a manuscript and adds almost as many back in afterwards.126 It is almost equally unlikely that we are dealing here with a third, seventh, tenth or fifteenth draft of an original manuscript of Newton, because we know of Newton that he never threw away any draft and that there is no other version of this text in existence. This is also unlikely because Newton had no purpose for a version of this manuscript without corrections, he could just as easily have used the first version of this manuscript since it was only for personal use. The corrections that are made in the work also indicate that we are not talking about an original manuscript of Newton’s hand. As can be seen in figure 3.4 the first attempt to write Figure 3.4 Newton’s copying error from his unpublished manuscripts source: Newton Papers MS. Add. 4005.12 54r University of Cambridge down proposition 23 is crossed out, because while it received the number 23, the sentence that is written after the number is a literal copy of the first sentence of proposition 22. After this crossed out proposition 23 a new proposition 23 is written down and this proposition 23 125 126 I am indebted to C. Schilt for dating this manuscript to this period This keen observation also came from C. Schilt 55 concerns itself with a different topic – proposition 22 and the first attempt at proposition 23 concern themselves with the length of the sternpost while the second version of proposition 23 is about the place of the upper edge of the lower wale. Another sign that indicates that this manuscript is copied by Newton from another source can be found in an epilogue of the work which is concerned with masts. In this epilogue a mention is made of the construction of ‘ye queens [ship] named the Beare’.127 A ship that was constructed from 1599 onward, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I,128 a time before the birth of Isaac Newton, Sir Isaac’s father.129 Naval historians also identified parts of the manuscript as almost identical to the disappeared ‘Scott manuscript’, a manuscript from the early seventeenth century ascribed to both Captain George Waymouth and Philleas Pett.130 Although it is very unlikely that Newton was the original author of this text, it still is relevant for the search into the possible connections between theory and practice in Newton’s work. First of all the existence of a copy of the text in Newton’s hand tells us that Newton at least had some interest in shipbuilding. Secondly the amount of jargon used in the text tells us something about the familiarity that Newton must have had with nautical terms. For while it might be expected to find jargon in an instruction manual for shipbuilders it tells us that the author or the transcriber has to know this lingo before he could understand the text – and there is no reason to assume that Newton did not want to understand this private record. The use of Newton’s remarks by historians As one of the tallest giants on whose shoulders his successors stood, Newton’s work is often investigated to determine the relation between theory and practice in the early modern period. The sentence in the scholium after proposition 34 of book II on the use of that part of the Principia for shipbuilding is cited often to show that such a relationship did exist in Newton’s work. This sentence is used in two ways to argue that there is a mutual influence of theory and practice in the Principia. On the one hand some historians argue that the sentence shows that the Principia was written in an attempt to solve practical issues, on the other hand, other historians have traced the origin of the calculus of variations back to Newton’s problem of the solid of least resistance, a problem introduced directly after the remark on shipbuilding. Historians investigating the relation between Newton and shipbuilding fixated on this one 127 Ms Add. 4005 63r Richard Barker ‘A manuscript on shipbuilding, circa 1600, copied by Newton’ Mariners mirror 80 (1994) 16 129 Westfall Never at Rest 44 130 J.F. Coates ‘The authorship of a manuscript on shipbuilding, C. 1600-1620’ Mariners mirror 67 (1981) 286 128 56 sentence of Newton and neglect the other two, earlier introduced, sources. These neglected sources can help to put this one sentence into perspective which will give a more complete picture of the relationship between theory and practice in all of Newton’s works. The Hessen Thesis The soviet physicist Boris Hessen has used Newton, and especially his Principia as a prime example for the influence of practical problems on theoretical knowledge gathering. He did this in his contribution for the Second International Congress of the History of Science and Technology held in 1931. His contribution later appeared as an article entitled ‘The Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s “Principia”.’131 In this article Hessen argues that ‘the brilliant successes of natural science during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were conditioned by the disintegration of the feudal economy, the development of merchant capital, of international maritime relationships and of heavy (mining) industry’ 132 somewhat further in the article he argues: ‘the above specified problems embrace almost the whole sphere of physics. If we compare this basic series of themes with the physical problems which we found […] it becomes quite clear that these problems of physics were fundamentally determined by these demands’.133 Hessen uses two crucial phrases in these passages, the term conditioned in the first quote and the past participle determined in the second one. These words indicate that Hessen thought that Newton was controlled by the socio-economic factors of his age and that the author of the Principia had no influence on his own work. In other words, Hessen thought Newton to be the plaything of his surroundings. He supports this claim in two ways. First of all Hessen searches for references to practical problems in all works Newton left on paper – he overlooked all the sources we are discussing here, a fact which cannot be completely held against him since he was not a historian by training. Secondly he analyses both the Principia and early modern technological problems, with the conclusion that the fields of study which in the end provided the answers for these technological questions were the same fields which were treated extensively in the Principia. That Hessen has a structuralist view might not seem surprising at first, seeing that he was appointed professor in physics at Moscow University just before the congress. 134 It becomes even more unsurprising when it is taken into account that the Soviet delegation to 131 Boris Hessen ‘The Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s ‘Principia.’’ In: N. I. Bukharin (ed.) Science at the Cross Roads (London 1931) 132 Hessen ‘The Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s ‘Principia. 155 133 Ibidem 166 134 L. Graham ‘The Socio-Political Roots of Boris Hessen: Soviet Marxism and the History of Science’, Social Studies of Science 15 (1985) 705-722, 708 57 that Congress of the History of Science and Technology was led by Nikolai Bukharin – at the moment already side-lined by Stalin politically but still held in high regard in the Western world.135 The truth is, like so often, a wee bit more complicated though. More complicated because it seems like it was not Hessen’s intention to show the socio-economic factors which forced Newton to write the Principia but that he rather intended to prove his own orthodoxy. This show of orthodoxy was necessary because Hessen, in his role as professor of physics, was a supporter of both quantum mechanics, which was heavily attacked in the Soviet-Union at the time and the equally controversial relativity theory of Einstein. The, for Hessen, most dangerous attacks on these theories came from radical ideologues,136 who attacked the perceived bourgeois roots of both theories. These attacks were dangerous for Hessen because they labelled the theories he supported as suspicious and not simply as wrong. Relativity theory caused the most problems because Einstein had explicitly acknowledged the influence of philosopher Ernst Mach on the work while Lenin had denounced Mach’s ideas a confused idealism. The situation became even more worrisome when Western philosophers interpreted relativity theory and quantum mechanics as devastating for both nineteenth century materialism and nineteenth century determinism, two major pillars of Marx’ analysis of the world and as a consequence also major pillars of the Bolshevist analysis of the world. Hessen argued against the rejection of these physical theories in the same vein as a young Pisan astronomer had done 300 years prior when his Mother Church renounced heliocentrism. They both argued that those who rejected new physical theories because of the potentially dangerous philosophical, or theological, implications could not separate physics from metaphysics. The fear of both Hessen and Galileo was that the ideologies they ascribed to – respectively Bolshevism and Catholicism – took an unnecessary definitive stance on physical theories, making them unnecessarily vulnerable in the process. Hessen was attacked for his support of these physical theories during the frightening build up to the Great Purge of the middle of the 1930’s and it was at this point in time that Hessen was allowed to show off his orthodoxy by supporting Stalin’s idea that technology was of crucial importance for the advancement of society. He had to do this by showing the deep influences of technological problems on the writing of the Principia. Hessen did not squander this opportunity and it is likely that this is the reason that the article is full of literal quotations taken from Marx’ preface of his Zur Kritik der politischen Oekonomie.137 But as 135 H.F. Cohen The Scientific Revolution: A Historiographical Inquiry (Chicago 1994) 331 Graham ‘ The Socio-Political Roots of Boris Hessen’ 709-710 137 Cohen The Scientific Revolution 329 136 58 Graham points out, the article of Hessen is also a support of his own idea of a strict separation between physics and metaphysics.138 Hessen does this by celebrating Newton’s accomplishments while criticising the philosophical and theological conclusions Newton draws from his own work. The implicit argument Hessen seems to want to make is: ‘we accept Newton’s physical theories but reject his metaphysical conclusions, so why don’t we do the same with modern theories? In spite of this elegant interwoven argumentation and in spite of the explicit support of Stalin’s theory Hessen could not escape the clutches of the NKVD and he died in one of their prison cells during the Great Purge. It may seem unexpected to talk about such a peculiar work during this investigation into the mutual influence of theory and practice in Newton’s works. However, Hessen’s work has had a major impact on historians of science and the history of science in general. He greatly contributed to the division of the field in an internal approach – historians who look at the progress within science as an autonomous progression of the field itself, and thus disagreed with Hessen’s article – and an external approach – historians who place the development of science in a broader social context and agreed with more parts of Hessen’s work. Historians of science that were influenced by Hessen were J.D Bernal, Joseph Needham and Robert K. Merton, who would become an important figure in the American Sociology of Science movement.139 Hessen most clearly influenced Merton’s dissertation which came out under the title Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England, but even when you take Hessen’s influence on this important work into account, it still is a work published in 1931. Merton’s work also came out before 1940, and even when you also take into account the text of the third historian featuring in this chapter, A.R. Hall, who, in 1963, wrote a reply to Merton’s dissertation it does not become immediately apparent why these works are still relevant enough today to be discussed here. These works are still relevant because Merton’s work, and Hall’s reply have started a discussion which is still very much alive within the modern history of science community140 and this makes Hessen’s work interesting by proxy. 138 Graham ‘ The Socio-Political Roots of Boris Hessen’ 716 Cohen The Scientific Revolution 334 140 See: The mindful hand Inquiry and invention from the late Renaissance to early industrialisation Lisa Roberts et al ed. (Amsterdam 2007); Puritanism and the rise of modern science: the Merton thesis I.B. Cohen ed. (New Brunswick 1990) 139 59 Merton Thesis Robert K. Merton was thus inspired by Hessen and he borrowed parts of his dissertation from a rushed translation of Hessen’s original paper141 – Merton, for instance, wrote on a certain Herique which is just an unfortunate transliteration of the Cyrillic name Герике, Russian for Otto von Guericke.142 According to its author, Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth century England concerns itself with the sociological factors underlying the blossoming of science in seventeenth century England. Hessen’s showpiece, the influence of socio-economic factors on the progress of science, also returns in Merton’s work. There is, however, a fundamental difference between the ideas of Merton and Hessen. Hessen’s work is a traditional, deterministic, structuralist version of history which takes after the work of Marx. According to Marx, and as consequence according to Hessen, individuals are puppets of the socio-economic circumstances of their time period, and Newton was no exception to this. Merton does not share this view. He remains much more nuanced in his book — a feat not always noticed by historians. The first part of Merton’s book is about the role Puritanism played in the rise of knowledge gathering in seventeenth century England. This part of Merton’s thesis has later been interpreted as an attempt to causally link the rise of Puritanism and the Scientific Revolution in Europe.143 That this was not Merton’s goal can be demonstrated in two steps. First of all the concept of the Scientific Revolution had not yet developed into the universal reference point that it is today.144 Secondly, it was never Merton’s goal to explain the rise of science in the whole of Europe, on the contrary, he actively refrains from doing that.145 Moreover Merton did not attempt to causally connect the rise of Puritanism and the rise of science, or in his own words: ‘[It is also possible] that other circumstances may equally conduce to the espousal of science and that these factors may be sufficiently effective to overcome the antagonism involved in the [non puritan] existing religious system’.146 This quote clearly shows that Merton concerns himself with facilitating factors, unlike Hessen, who talks about determining factors. 141 Cohen The Scientific Revolution 331 My thanks goes out to H.F. Cohen who seems to have been the only historian who ever stopped to think about who Herique could be 143 Cohen The Scientific Revolution 318 144 Ibidem 318 145 Ibidem 317; Robert K. Merton Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England (1938; 2nd 1978 New Jersey) XXXI 146 Merton Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England 136 142 60 The second part of Merton’s book is about the influence of socio-economic factors on the rise of science. Here too Merton outstrips Hessen in both nuance and ambivalence. Merton admits on some points in his work: ‘in the last analysis it is impossible to determine even approximately the degree to which practical concerns focussed the scientific attention upon certain problems’,147 while he becomes much more definitive when he looks at individual cases.148 For example, Merton refuses to regard the founding of the East India Company and the publication of William Gilbert’s De Magnete in the same year as a coincidence.149 Most of the other analyses Merton makes are concerned either with mining or transportation. For mining he looks at the drainage of deep mineshafts with pumps, the supply of fresh air to the miners, improvements in metallurgy and the surfacing of minerals in which he sees stimuli for the theoretical fields of hydrostatics, aerostatics and aerodynamics.150 The transportation of commodities stimulated astronomy, magnetism, optics and the mathematical description of a pendulum swing according to Merton.151 Merton directly links technological improvements and theoretical research by first stating: ‘[i]n order to discover ways of increasing the speed of ships, it is necessary to study the movement of bodies in a resistant medium, one of the basic tasks of hydrodynamics’,152 and he strengthens the link he lays by arguing that: ‘NEWTON, in his theorem showing the manner in which the resistance of a fluid medium depends upon the form of the body moving in it, adds: “which proposition I conceive may be of use in the building of ships”’.153 Thus although Merton is not always consistent in his ideas on the importance of external influences, he uses the sentence on shipbuilding we are investigating here to make a direct connection between theory and practice and uses it furthermore to label Newton as a pragmatist, as someone for whom: ‘Even that “purest” of disciplines, mathematics, held little interest […] save as it was designed for application to physical problems.’154 Merton Revisited Merton’s book has been scrutinised often. In a famous article from 1963 A. Rupert Hall criticizes Merton’s work on a number of points. One of these points is Merton’s depiction of Newton. That the history of science had changed quite a bit in the twenty-five 147 Ibidem 176 Cohen The Scientific Revolution 335 149 Merton Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England 139 150 Merton Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England 147-150 151 Ibidem 169-175 152 Ibidem 179 153 Ibidem 180 154 Ibidem 182 148 61 years between the first appearance of Merton’s work and the publication of Hall’s reaction, – entitled ‘Merton Revisited’155 – can clearly be seen in the treatment of Merton’s work by Hall. The intervening quarter of a century had witnessed the introduction of the analytical tool that is the Scientific Revolution and that tool was so all-pervasive that Hall could only read Merton’s work as a search for the cause for the occurrence of the Scientific Revolution, even though Hall readily admits that he knows that Merton was not explicitly searching for such a cause.156 By interpreting Science Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England as a search for the answer to the question why the Scientific Revolution occurred, Hall regards the work as much more ambitious than Merton had written it and in the process overlooks the nuances Merton makes about the impact of external factors. This is not to say that Hall has nothing sensible to say, on the contrary, Merton still depicts Newton as a theorist driven by practical problems. Hall’s critique on Merton’s depiction of Newton is most clearly explained in Hall’s analogy between Newton’s sentence on shipbuilding and nuclear physics in the 1930’s. He states that Merton’s interpretation of Newton’s reference to shipbuilding was equal to thinking that, because it became known around 1940 that usable heat was released during nuclear fission, every nuclear physicist who had done research prior to that date believed that his research would lead to practical applications. What Hall wants to point out with this analogy is that external historians always pretend that scientists already know the future applications of research they have not even conducted yet. Hall then moves on to show that he does not take any of Merton’s reservation into account by asking: ‘Was Newton’s interest in physics conditioned by the needs (in applied hydrodynamics) of the society in which he lived?’157 By using the term conditioned Hall uses the lingo of Hessen, not of Merton. All the critiques of Hall on Merton are in the end variations of the same fundamental point, which is that external influences never become apparent. Hall admits the trivial point that Newton could not have written his remark on shipbuilding if he did not know of the existence of ships and that he could not have written the Principia without knowledge of the existence of moving bodies and pendulums.158 These are external influences that Hall recognises in Newton’s work, because the Principia is partly devoted to the explanation of these subjects. Hall could have added planets to this list, if planets had never retrograded and 155 Rupert Hall ‘Merton Revisited or Science and Society in the Seventeenth Century’, History of Science 2 (1963) 1-16 156 Hall ‘Merton Revisited’ 1 157 Hall ‘Merton Revisited’ 8 my italics 158 Ibidem 8 62 if the moon had always moved uniformly in a circular trajectory around the earth then book III of the Principia would have looked very differently, if it would have been written at all. Hall does not see the same indispensable role for applied hydrodynamics. That Hall does not believe that Newton’s reference to shipbuilding shows the influence of a practical problem on the Principia does not imply that he does not find the sentence intriguing: ‘it is perhaps a little more interesting that a mathematician should think such a remark worth making at a time when no master-shipwright employed mathematical theory or would have admitted the competence of a mathematical physicist to instruct him.’159 Merton’s conclusion that ‘In general, then, it may be said that the contemporary scientists, ranging from the indefatigable virtuoso Petty to the nonpareil Newton, definitely focused their attention upon technical tasks made prominent by problems of navigation and upon derivative scientific research’160 sums it all up for Hall. Merton depicts Newton as an extraordinary practitioner, as an expert shipwright who wrote his experiences down. Hall is of the opinion that this analysis confuses mathematical technology and mathematical physics in a way that bewilders rather than assists the historian of science.161 The solid of least resistance Newton’s remark that his mathematical method to compare the resistance endured by objects travelling through rare media could be useful for the construction of ships has not only been used to support the idea that the Principia was influenced by practical problems, it also plays a role in the origin story of the calculus of variations. The calculus of variations is that branch of functional analysis that searches for maxima, minima and saddle points of functionals. The easiest way to think about functionals is to picture them as functions of functions. A good example of the calculus of variations is the question: what function describes a suspended cable with the least potential energy? 162 Another question could be: what function describes the shape in which a solid travelling through a medium is resisted the least? Newton asked this question in his paragraph on the solid of least resistance and moreover the algebraic method Newton employed to find the answer was formalised into the calculus of variations by Euler and Lagrange a generation later. Because Newton introduces the problem of least resistance directly following his remark on shipbuilding a number of 159 Ibidem 8 Hall ‘Merton Revisited’ 8 161 Ibidem 8 162 A clear explanation of functional analysis has been given to me by M.F.J. Vermeulen 160 63 historians have concluded that this question originated from Newton’s interest in shipbuilding. H.W. Turnbull is one historian who is convinced that Newton’s contemplation on the use of his work for shipbuilding spurred the birth of the calculus of variations. In his work The Mathematical Discoveries of Newton he states: ‘[a]nd just as a like problem on finding a round solid (a surface of revolution) analogous to any given solid had led Barrow and James Gregory to their study of differential equations so the problem of ship design led Newton to the calculus of variations’.163 Herman Goldstine is another historian who sees Newton’s reference to the construction of ships as an important motivation for his contributions to the calculus of variations.164 Although the calculus of variations did not exist during Newton’s lifetime it would be wrong to state that only by looking anachronistically at this part of the Principia we can view it as belonging to the calculus of variations and then with this conclusion – while deeply sighing about the disregard of mathematicians for historical practice – push this idea aside. This would be wrong because it is too simplistic, for although the calculus of variations did not exist for another 50 years the method Newton employed resembles what would become the calculus of variations to such an extent that it is justified to regard Newton’s work as a form of the calculus of variations from before the term existed. I.B. Cohen has tried to refute the claim that Newton was led to the calculus of variations by problems in the construction of ships along another pathway. In his vision the shipbuilding sentence and the problem of the solid of least resistance do not relate to each other because the sentence on the construction of ships refers back to an earlier point in the scholium – more precisely the addition of a frustum to an ellipsoid – and the problem of the solid of least resistance is only introduced in the next paragraph. Furthermore these paragraphs are only partly related to one another. The other sources The scholium after proposition 34 of book II has become the focal point for investigations into the relationship between Isaac Newton and shipbuilding, but, as we have seen, this does not give a complete picture. Analysing the other sources will contribute to a much more complete picture of Newton’s interest in the practical problems of shipbuilding. It 163 164 H.W. Turnbull The Mathematical Discoveries of Newton (London 1945) 40 Goldstine A History of the Calculus of Variations 7 64 will also allow us to better assess if Newton was influenced by practical problems of shipwrights. It is remarkable that the experimental method from the first edition has never been used as an argument for the influence of practical problems. After all, it did not come out of some obscure, unknown manuscript — it was published as part of Newton’s famous Principia. Although this passage only appears in the first edition of the work and although this edition has never been translated in English the passage is of such an importance for the question in what measure Newton was concerned with practical problems that it should have been known to historians who were actively searching for such passages! The passage would be especially useful for these historians not only because Newton presents an experimental method which can easily test new designs but also because he praises the method on practical grounds, it being performable at small expense. It would be incorrect to suggest that this experimental method has never been used in the history of science, but it has been used in a rather unexpected way: not to argue that Newton was concerned with practical problems, but to show that Newton’s attempt to find a mathematical way for comparing the resistance of ship hulls was not a sincere attempt at practical innovation. The argument is that this mathematical attempt is not sincere because Newton gives a simple and practical alternative at a different point in the same section.165 The manuscript has been overlooked even more in the history of science, which makes sense since the work was never published. It did appear on the index of Newton manuscripts from 1888 and its title: ‘General proportions & observations for all the parts & Lines to be used in any kind of ship or galley & how the proportions do depend on one another after a most excellent manner observed by my own experience in my practice’ leaves nothing to the imagination. That the manuscript might have been interesting for historians of science is shown by how maritime historians have used the manuscript. Under maritime historians the manuscript, known by them as ‘the Newton manuscript’, is regarded as one of the clearest attempts of sixteenth-century hull construction.166 They use it as a source on sixteenth century construction and hail it as source full of technological innovation, a departure from the construction of the smaller vessels of the Middle Ages and towards ocean going vessels. 165 166 I.B. Cohen ‘Isaac Newton, the calculus of variations, and the design of ships’ 183 Toni L. Carrell From forest to fairway: hull analysis of La Belle A late 17th century French ship (Fife 2003) 308 65 Conclusion To what extent was Newton influenced by practical problems when he wrote his Principia? As we have seen the answer to this question depends on the sources being used and the interpretation of those sources. The only source that has commonly been used is from the scholium following proposition 34 of book II. However when the sentence: ‘indeed, I think this proposition will be of use for the construction of ships’ is used, two key questions are ignored, which has led to a number of misconceptions and untenable conclusions. The first key question is: where does ‘this proposition’ refer to? ‘This proposition’ refers to a method for the comparison of two shapes travelling through a resisting rare medium. Phrased like this it seems as if this proposition could actually have been of some use in practice, but when we take the difficulty of the calculations involved into account and when we take the problems trained mathematicians had with replicating these calculations – Huygens being the sole exception – into account we are forced to conclude that this proposition has not been able to ease the everyday work of shipwrights. Furthermore, when we look at the definition of ‘rare’ fluids Newton gives to distinguish them from ‘continuous’ fluids we must conclude – like Newton167 – that water, neither fresh nor salt, is a ‘rare’ fluid and that this proposition, and the scholium following it, is not applicable to water. The influence of practical problems in the construction of ships on the Principia cannot be made tangible either. From the references – both mathematical and experimental – we can conclude that the construction of ships was on Newton’s mind from time to time but these references never become more than an afterthought, Newton never presents them as a cause for the study of a problem or, for that matter, as anything more than a possible application of independently created theoretical knowledge. Merton’s argument that the influence of practical problems on the contents of the Principia becomes apparent through direct references like ‘this proposition will be of use for the construction of ships’ is incorrect on two accounts. First of all Newton is not trying to solve a practical problem – which would make a connection likely – but he notes a possible application for his independently gained knowledge. The second way to see that Merton’s idea does not hold true is to realise that even when you assume that it is not important that no shipwright could comprehend the mathematics involved because they could receive cut-anddried solutions from natural philosophers and even if you assume that the shipwrights, whom we saw Hooke depict as archconservative in an earlier chapter, would abandon their own 167 Smith ‘Fluid resistance: why did Newton change his mind?’ 110 66 body of knowledge and traditions to accept these new found shapes, that even then it is impossible to deny the fact that there existed only two mathematicians at that time who were capable to use this proposition to calculate the ideal form of ships and that one of those two – Huygens – realised that the solid of least resistance could never be used as a ship’s hull. Hessen’s theory does not suffer from the same problems, but has some faults of its own. The most important of these is that Hessen assumes that the theoretical background of practical problems was known to seventeenth century knowledge gatherers. Hessen naively thinks that just because we now know what the theoretical background of a problem is, natural philosophers in the seventeenth century also knew in which theoretical field they had to investigate to solve problems of everyday practice. He furthermore pretends that no problem could be solved and no improvement could be made without the infusion of theoretical knowledge, as if no channel could be dug without a hydraulic engineer calculating the amount of water per unit of time flowing through the new channel. 168 Besides, Hessen’s theory presents not even a hint of plausibility, let alone prove that the eccentric and (before the 1690s) unworldly Newton was doing anything else than satisfying his own curiosity. It would also not be consistent to claim that these curiosities were conditioned by practical problems because there was no practical problem linked to the most important subject of the Principia. Universal gravitation and another major aspect, the motions of the heavens, could be calculated precisely enough for any practical application by using Kepler’s laws, meaning that that part of Newton’s work also did not solve an existing problem. It is regrettable that neither Merton nor Hessen used any of the other sources discussed here. Both Newton’s experimental method and his manuscript could have been used by them to put the treated reference in the context of a reoccurring interest in shipbuilding. These extra sources would not have supported Hessen’s theory of social determinism but they could have aided Merton’s more subtle idea of influence. While these sources might have given more support to Merton’s story of practical influence, the experimental method would also have undermined the already not that sure footing of Merton’s explanation of the sentence relating mathematics and shipbuilding even further. The sentence on the experimental search shows that there went a lot more thought into it than went into ‘I think this proposition will be of some use for the construction of ships’ because Newton shows he actually thought about the practical advantages of the test – it could be done at small expense. 168 Cohen The Scientific Revolution 331 67 We should not act as if Merton and Hessen would have written incontrovertible theories if they only had incorporated both the experimental method and the unpublished manuscript. In Hessen’s case, the amount of source material would have made no difference, a dogmatic Marxist historian need not concern himself with the sources, the influence he perceives is on a subconscious level, and that influence would not have to manifest itself and Newton would never even have to have had an encounter with an actual ship for the theory to still hold. Merton’s case is – not unlike his work – much more nuanced. For him, both the experimental method and the unpublished manuscript could have been of some use to support Newton’s connection with shipbuilding. The use of the manuscript would also have been a mixed blessing for Merton though. It might be that the manuscript showed Newton had a certain interest in shipbuilding and it might show that Newton had some knowledge of the problems that could occur when designing ships; it still does not mean that Newton’s theoretical thinking was influenced by the practical problems of shipbuilding. Even in the best case, the case that the manuscript was written before the publication of the Principia, there is nothing that indicates that Newton had processed the text or did anything else with it than copy it slavishly as a medieval friar – one who could write but could not read. The manuscript contains no questions that remained to be answered; it contained no marginal notes of Newton; nor did it contain any observation that Newton added to the text or anything that could indicate that Newton found a problem or something interesting that spurred him to investigate the movement of objects through media consisting of particles that are equal and arranged freely at equal distances from one another. Newton never makes any calculations or even applies the text, on the contrary, the tables which were added to the end of the text remained unfinished while it should have been child’s play for Newton to use the proportions in the manuscript to fill in the blanks. What this manuscript does show is that Newton did encounter some of the shipwright’s lingo. The manuscript is littered with terms like ‘wales’ and ‘futticks’. If we assume that Newton knew the contents of the private manuscript he himself wrote down, we must conclude that Newton had a workable knowledge of shipbuilding jargon, contrary to what Hall claimed. Hall’s commentary on Merton’s work is also not supported by the lacunas in Merton’s work. Hall views Merton’s work anachronistically and it seems likely that Hall mistakenly sees Merton’s work as structuralist because it is an external history and externalism and structuralism have been intertwined in the history of science for a long time, although they did not both feature in Merton’s work. 68 We have to conclude that Newton’s mathematical work on movement through resisting media has not improved the practice of shipbuilding. And we also must conclude that neither the experimental reference nor the manuscript have given results. The only plausible possibility for the cross-fertilisation of theory and practice in Newton’s work that remains is the use of the Principia as evidence for the start of the calculus of variations as a consequence of the search for the least resisted ship hull through the problem of the solid of least resistance. The claim that the practical problems of shipbuilding led Newton to develop the calculus of variations rests on two dubious pillars. The first one is that Newton’s reference to shipbuilding must refer to the problem of the solid of least resistance. Although I.B. Cohen is right in stating that Newton reflected with that reference on an earlier paragraph while the problem of the solid of least resistance was not introduced until after that comment, it would be incorrect to conclude from that observation, that the two are not connected. This is because both paragraphs of the scholium that come before the reference – and thus are the only parts to which the remark could be referring – concern themselves with a search for a type of solid which is resisted less than any of the other shapes of that solid and the last paragraph is only a generalisation of the earlier two paragraphs with the help of an early form of the calculus of variations. The connection between the search for a form of a type of solid that is resisted less than any other form of that solid – which would be of some use for the construction of ships – and the search for the solid of least resistance – which form of a solid is resisted less than any other object, where Newton introduces the early form of the calculus of variations – is not hard to see. The second pillar on which the theory rests, is the credibility of the claim that Newton really did intend to use this part of his Principia to improve the design of ships. That this is not the case becomes clear from the experimental reference which was much more elaborate. It also becomes apparent from the fact that water did not fit in the category of ‘rare’ fluids for which Newton tried to calculate the solid of least resistance, making it unlikely that the mathematical sentence on shipbuilding was a sincere attempt to improve practice. In the end the conclusion must be that Newton’s Principia has not contributed any direct improvements to the design of ships, shipwrights would not have been able to use his mathematical method even if they believed it could have helped them and the experimental method has not been tried on a scale in which it would have been useful for any practical purpose. The reverse influence of practice on theory, in the form of the solid of least resistance having its origin in a practical problem is also very unlikely because it rests on the idea that Newton’s reference to shipbuilding was more than a rhetorical device. In Newton’s 69 work shipbuilding is featured but it never becomes more than an afterthought, never is it more than a reference which could not have been removed without a problem. 70 4. Petty’s Double Bottom ‘The fitts of the Double Bottome do returne very fiercly upon mee’169 with those words Sir William Petty announced to his confidant Robert Southwell that he would try to build a twin-hulled ship one last time. It would be his first double-bottom in almost two decades and the mixed experiences of his former ships were to be washed away by this new vessel. In this last ship Petty’s theories on shipping and his experience from his former ships were to come together to form a triumphant mixture. William Petty (1623-1687) was born, as the son of a clothier on Trinity Sunday according to the Julian calendar, in the little town of Romsey. From early-modern biographer John Aubrey we learn that Petty went to France as a cabin boy on a merchant vessel at the age of 15 where he was marooned at a small inn near Caen with a broken leg. This abandonment would be a turning point in his life. He was taken in by the local Jesuits from whom he learned French, Latin, Greek and the Arts. After his studies at Caen were completed he moved to Paris to study anatomy and while there he met Thomas Hobbes.170 Petty returned to England where he taught anatomy at Oxon and later, in 1650, became Gresham College’s Professor of music. Petty acquired great wealth, great status, and a hint of infamy through his job as one of the land surveyors of Ireland for the Cromwellian Commonwealth. By surveying – and allegedly shrewd business manoeuvres – he obtained an estate in Ireland, giving him an astonishing 18.000 pounds per annum which was reduced to a still very respectable 8000 pounds after the restoration of Charles II. Later in life he obtained a county, giving him the title of earl and he remained a prominent figure in the learned societies of England and Ireland well into his old age. He died of Gangrene in London on December 26th 1687 and he is buried in his family’s family grave at his place of birth. In modern times, Petty is best known as an economical theorist who used an early and rudimentary form of statistics in his writings. Shipping was an important aspect of the English economy and it seems that Petty, with his naval experience, was particularly interested in ships, which he called the most stately, the most useful and the most intricate engine in the world.171 According to Petty, the ship resembled an animal more than any other inanimate object and he stated that there was no art more ancient, more pleasant, more profitable or honourable than navigating. This love of shipping led Petty to design a revolutionary new 169 The Petty-Southwell Correspondence 1676-1687, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice ed. (New York 1967) 117 John Aubrey Aubrey’s Brief lives Oliver Lawson Dick (London 1975) 237 171 William Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship of Sir William Petty Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice ed. (Oxford 1931) 4 170 71 craft consisting of not one but two ships – in jargon hulls or bottoms – laid parallel to each other and connected by a deck on which the masts and eventually the cabins were mounted. The contraption was steered by two rudders, one mounted on the end of each ship. Petty built four of these ships, each one more intricate than the former. The ships were christened the Invention, the Invention II, the Experiment and the St Michael the Archangel. Before the construction of these full-sized ships Petty had experimented with scale models. He experimented extensively with parallelepipeds which he pulled through a trough of water via a string, a pulley and a submerged weight. The weight fell through water because that way it would descend at a continuous speed, whereas when descending through air it would keep on accelerating.172 From these experiments Petty learned, amongst other things, that the longer an object is, the more steadily it would go through the water. He also learned from these experiments which percentage of a ship must be underwater for it to sail comfortably.173 Besides the experiments in the trough of water Petty also made larger models which he could test in open waters: ‘we made a boat to carry 3 men & tried it […] I have also made 2 logs of plain Wood, by which I think I can satisfactorily shew all the material differences between our new & the usual Way of Shipping’.174 These experiments were hopeful but Petty could only fully demonstrate his principle, however, with a full-sized ship. The Invention The first double-bottom, or twin-hulled ship of Sir William Petty was launched on Tuesday the 28th of October (Old style) – St. Simon & Jude’s day – in the harbour of Dublin. The ship was christened the Invention and alternatively called ‘the Simon & Jude’ – partly after the day she was launched and partly as an obvious reference to the two hulls of which the ship consisted. The contraption floated on two cylinders which had a diameter of 2 feet and which were 20 feet in length. These cylinders were held together by a platform was also 20 feet in length and a little over 9 feet wide.175 On this platform wooden benches were installed for the comfort of inquisitive passengers A 20-foot-mast was raised in the middle of the platform to accommodate her main means of propulsion, her sails.To ease the Invention’s passing through the water Petty ordered some attachments to be made which functioned as heads and which could be mounted on the ends of the cylinders (see figure 4.1). These heads 172 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 15 Ibidem 24 174 Ibidem 31 175 Ibidem 29 173 72 could be easily mounted and dismounted and were to slide into the cylinders up and until the line CD. In Petty’s mind this would result in a boat as in figure 4.2. Note that at the backend of the ship there were no special forms added to help the boat through the water, these were added at a later stage.176 On the morning of the ship’s launch a number of curious Dubliners gathered at the dock where the Invention was built so they could inspect her. On that day the ship was tested for the first time and from the crowd of spectators a group of volunteers was chosen to accompany the ship on her maiden voyage. A day later – on November the 8th in the new style – a more extensive test was done and Petty wrote down nine observations made during that trial. Petty noted that his ship was on par with other ships when sailing almost against the wind; that Figure 4.1 One of the head that could be mounted on the Invention the ship turned as well as any other vessel; that there was little delay between steering the boat and her changing direction; that the ship attained a maximum speed of 9 or 10 leagues an hour – which is either 27 to 30 knots or around 50 to 55 km/h – that she did not heel over very much even when the wind was unfavourable; that there was no decrease in performance when one of her cylinders was filled for twenty-five percent; that when all passengers moved to the stern the head of the ship was raised above the water; that she drew only 10 inches – 25½ cm – of water and that if whole crew moved to one side of the ship she remained stable. These observations show that Petty was quite happy with his first trial. The remarkable thing is that in a significant number of observations the inventor states that the ship performed as good as any other vessel would, not better. The observations in which the ship was the Figure 4.2 Petty's impression of a double-bottom 176 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 33 73 equal of any other ship were all connected to steering and manoeuvring, which was an obvious concern for Petty’s design. With these manoeuvres the greatest stress was put on the platform connecting the two cylinders. The trial impressed the spectators and was repeated on a number of occasions. At one of these trials the number of spectators was around a thousand people if we have to believe Petty. Besides the large amount of locals who came to inspect the ship Petty reports that all the Dutchmen present in the harbour – stereotypical good sailors and England’s fiercest competitors in all affairs naval – were busy studying his vessel, measuring her and testing her hull strength by kicking. And while Petty took this Dutch interest as a sign of success it was to be the seed of great opposition to his craft. As we have seen in Petty‘s penultimate observation of the first trial, the ship drew very little water, meaning she could easily sail in very shallow water. Petty was eager to capitalise on this trait stating that the Invention would function as a prototype for: ‘a man of war which will carry 500 men not needing above 4 or 5 feet of water making all harbours of little use’.177 The Dutch interest in the Simon & Jude combined with this observation set off alarm bells at the Royal Society, to which Petty reported. They were alarmed because a great advantage of the English on their Dutch enemies was the larger size of their ships. As the Dutch admiral Tromp had exclaimed desperately after a lost naval engagement during the first Anglo-Dutch war: ‘there were more than fifty ships in the English fleet which were bigger, better built, and better gunned’. 178 The size of Dutch ships was limited by the shallow harbours of the low lying Dutch delta coast, a problem which did not trouble the English in the least. Petty’s ship would destroy this advantage completely, a conclusion drawn rather quickly. A month after the first trials with the Invention in the harbour of Dublin the then president of the Royal Society, William Brouncker, wrote: ‘since you seem to say […] that [the ship] destroys the advantage we have in our Ports & Shipping above other nations (especially the Dutch), [you should consider] whether the prosperity thereof be desirable or not’.179 This concern for the potentially disastrous implications the ship would have on the balance of maritime powers reached to the highest political echelons. King Charles II, who mocked Petty’s ideas at first, had recently warmed up to the idea of Petty’s Invention, he even promised Petty to pay double the cost that Petty made if he were to successfully pass the King’s test, 180 but he changed his mind, when 177 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 32 As told in: C.R. Boxer The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th Century:1652-1674 (London 1974)15 179 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 34 180 Ibidem 34 178 74 the potential political detriment became clear and only wished ill on the endeavour from that point on.181 Petty, in the meantime, did not see the small draught as hazardous to England and continued to promote and improve his vessel. He experimented with a number of different heads and tails – differing in shape as well as in size – which could easily be mounted and dismount from the vessel. These trial voyages of the ship were transformed into wagered races in which the Invention indiscriminately outsailed her opponents. Not yet satisfied, Petty kept on rethinking his design and one particular focus area for adjustments was its means of propulsion. At its launch the Invention used sails for propulsion but Petty was continually looking for alternative means. He was sceptical about rowing at first but changed his mind on the matter after three unexpectedly positive tests in which oars were used. Petty even speculated that ‘horses may row our shipping’,182 presumably by powering a paddle wheel suspended between the two hulls. Regardless of the particulars, Petty stated that he would not gamble the success of his ship on this alternate means of propulsion and only used oars in a combination with sails at which point they did not contribute much. Although the races should have established the reputation of the Simon & Jude, the potential threat it formed for the national security hung over it like the sword of Damocles. This negative connotation was a point of grave concern for Petty and in typical style he went on the offensive, publishing twelve reasons why the ship would be detrimental to England's enemies and especially a bane for the United Provinces. That Petty had a very difficult time negating the opposition to his ship becomes very clear from the point he uses to argue against the fears of the use of the design by the Dutch. Petty states firstly that: ‘the double-bodied vessels are of peculiar advantage to the English over the Hollanders, as well in matter of Trade as in War, either defensive or offensive between those Nations’ and secondly that: ‘the English by preoccupation of these Vessels may easily oust the Hollander of his Mastery of trade & particularly that of fishing.’183 The fact that these two points made by Petty were statements rather than arguments really emphasizes that Petty either did not see the danger of his design or could not answer the threat this perceived danger formed for his project. The first two statements, as a consequence, only apply to the case that the English were the only ones to have double-bottoms at their command. The subsequent points on the inventor’s list do not remedy this defect although they do give more particulars of how the ship would 181 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 64 Ibidem 40 183 Ibidem 44 182 75 benefit the English. One advantage of the ship that Petty points to is the relatively small crew it needs to operate, meaning that the English could master a larger fleet with the same amount of seamen. Other advantages included the stability of the twin-hulled ships – ‘[they] perform […] in fair Weather [like] a Galley can, & in foul Weather what a Frigate’ – that the ship was better for the health of both seamen and passengers; that the ship would be an aid for Christendom; that the vessel would be financially beneficial to the King – ‘use of these Vessels will raise the price & estimation of several Materials of the growth of his Majesty’s dominions’ – and that the use of twin hulled-ships would greatly aid in transportation, being able to ‘sail as well upon the Ice as the Sea’ and ‘encourage the navigating of many Rivers in England […] making English Horses a good exportable Commodity’.184 Although Petty gives two points which were especially beneficial for the English – that there would be more men available and the cost would be lower, these traits were especially beneficial for the English because the English crown had large debts and with more men available they could potentially build a fleet that would eclipse those of their rivals – the majority of the arguments Petty gives are in support of the ship itself not of the use of the ship by the English. The negative comments on Petty’s vessel did not only come from political figures though, Petty mentions opponents among the Dublin seamen and while he expected the support of the Royal Society, it was not univocally forthcoming. This was not only due to the political concerns, which did matter to a Society so closely associated with the King, but there was also a genuine debate if a normal flat bottomed vessel would give the same results as Petty’s contraption. Petty’s reaction to this question was quite agitated and it came quickly after he first heard this objection, for it was advanced by the Society’s president, Lord Brouncker, the man who first brought the ‘Dutch threat problem’ to Petty’s attention. Brouncker’s question to the inventor was if a flat single bodied vessel of the same length, breadth and burthen would not perform better than a twin-hulled ship. Petty answered that such a ship could not be created, that if a flat, single-bottomed ship would be built with the same dimensions as Petty’s Invention that she could carry less than his ship could or that it otherwise would lay deeper in the water than his ship, making it more susceptible to resistance from the water. The London members of the Royal Society would, after their motto, take nobody’s word for it and, in this matter, certainly not only Petty’s word. To receive extra information the Royal Society asked all fellows residing in Ireland to report on the ship to the Society. 184 All citations on this page come from: Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 44-45 76 These individual observations were forged into one report and that report was sent to London on January 15th 1663. The consolidation of the individual accounts into one report took place at Petty’s house, who as both host and founding member of the Royal Society had ample opportunity to influence the contents of the report. In his other role – that of inventor of the Invention – Petty was allowed to comment on the critiques he himself had helped to write. The first remarkable aspect of the report is that all of the noted objections were of a technical nature. The commission questioned the strength of the connection between the two hulls in various situations and questioned the stability of the vessel while on a rough sea but never asked what the impact on England would be if the ship fell into the hands of its enemies. Petty easily negated the critiques that were written down, not only by using theoretical arguments – for example, he answered the objection that a wave could exert such a force that it would destroy the connection between the two hulls by stating that it would have to be done by a wave that was small enough to pass between the two cylinders yet high enough to touch the underside of the deck, which would make for a very peculiar shaped wave indeed, and that even in that case such a wave would travel forward between the hulls and not upwards 185 – but also by pointing to the many – more than 30 at that time – successful trials the ship had and the many rough seas it had endured during these trials.186 Petty thus fused both theoretical and practical arguments to convince the Royal Society of the value of his ship. The many trials and races were the best way for Petty to promote his vessel and Lord Massereene, one of the fellows who contributed to the report on the Invention to the Royal Society, attached his eyewitness account of one such trial to the report. The described trial was a four way race and the prize to be won was a silk flag with a harp in a laurel wreath with underneath it a scroll with the inscription: ‘Proemium Regalis Societatis Velociori’ which roughly translates to: ‘Prize from the Royal Society for the swifter’187. Petty won this race comfortably, being first at the turning point and on the way back surpassing the opponents who trailed so much they decided to turn at the moment the Invention rounded the turning point188, resulting in the hoisting of the victory flag, by him and his crew, under loud cheers. The opportunity of winning the flag from Petty’s vessel attracted a lot of interested sailors, which led to new races being organised, each ship had to pay an entrance fee of 10 pounds 185 Thomas Birch The History of the Royal Society of London for improving of natural knowledge, I, (London 1756) 186 186 Birch The History of the Royal Society, I, 188 187 Beste Floris ik twijfel hier erg over of de meest passende vertaling is voor de snellere of voor de snelste 188 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 53 77 and each ship that defeated the Invention would win a prize of 20 pounds and the fastest of all would also win the victory flag. Petty’s ship did not meet her match on the sea but in the royal halls in London. It was at this moment in time that the king had changed his opinion on the ship from cautiously positive to wishing it ill success. Petty saw the danger in this loss of royal favour and franticly tried to change the king’s mind. On March 7th Petty could not yet believe that the King spoke negatively on his idea. He clung to the encouraging words Charles II had spoken in the past and the alluring power of the prospects of enormous wealth with which he had made his sovereign enthusiastic. At this point he even vowed that if he could be convinced that the ship would be detrimental for King and Country that he would make a bonfire out of his vessel and his notes on double-bottom shipping. This disbelieve faded rather quickly and Petty instructed his confidantes back in England to convince high ranking fellows of the Royal Society and members of the royal courts of the merit of the double-bottom. Apparently some trials were performed for the King to change his mind but the nature of these trials and their results were kept hidden from Petty and his supporters. The whole campaign was of little avail: Petty never received any answers to his pleas and the king did not change his mind on the Invention. The council of the Royal Society spoke about the Invention on May 27th 1663. The secretary at that meeting, Henry Oldenburg, reminded the council that Petty’s invention ‘being a state concern was not proper to be managed by the Society’. 189 The council explicitly did not forbade any member from commenting on the vessel but the institution would not support, advocate for or help Petty and his project. This is likely a good representation of the ruling opinion in the English capital. For, while the Royal Society supported innovation, their dependence on the crown always superseded their longing for ingenuity. In just under seven months the Invention went from its successful launch and the celebration at the first trials to a danger for the state. Petty had found a working innovation but had not revolutionised the practice of shipping as he planned, not yet anyway. The Invention II Although the report of the Royal Society’s council meeting was the last time there was a recorded conversation about the Simon & Jude, Petty was already working on another project. A month before the Royal Society disavowed Petty’s vessel, a contract was signed in which both Petty and Lord Massereene – one of the signees of the report on Petty’s twin189 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 72 78 hulled ship to the Royal Society and the author of the accompanying eyewitness account – vowed money for the building of a new double-bottom or twin-hulled ship. They agreed to split all costs and the ownership of the new vessel with the added clause that Massereene would pay 20 pounds to Petty. Petty called this new vessel a ‘mongrel’ double-bottom, partly because he wasn’t the sole parent and partly because he did not fully approve of his own ship, not being at liberty to design it as he pleased. The ship had other names besides the ‘mongrel’ like ‘the Invention [II]’190, ‘the Mercury’ – after the roman god – ‘the Gemini’ – Latin for twins – the ‘Castor & Pollux – after the Greek demigod patrons of sailors – ‘the Zabulon and Napthay’ – after two sons of Jacob who later founded two Israelite tribes to whose land Jesus fled after the death of John the Baptist191 – and ‘the Wit and Money’ – after its inventor. The ship was ready in early July and to promote his new vessel Petty used an old technique. He wagered 50 pounds that no ship could make the round trip from Dublin to Holyhead in Wales faster than his new double-bottom. This new race would be held on Monday July 30th 1663. On that morning only one opponent presented itself, a packet boat named Offroy – the fastest in the fleet according to Pepys192 – which usually delivered mail between Holyhead and Dublin; it was thus a vessel with experience on this particular route. The packet boat returned to Dublin harbour at 8 a.m. on Thursday August 2nd, her crew cheering and full of confidence, for they had not seen the Invention II since they sailed out from Holyhead together and they were of the opinion that the Invention II must had been shipwrecked or in any case left behind due to the foul weather and the rough seas.193 Their cheerful mood vanished like a drop of water in the desert when they saw with utter disbelief that Petty’s vessel had out sailed them and was already at anchor in the harbour, she had arrived at 5 p.m. the day before, beating the vessel and its experienced crew by 15 hours. The race was an unmistakable success and it led Petty to start a grand campaign to rehabilitate his idea of double-bottom vessels. He used the race with the Offroy extensively for this purpose, especially the thought of his opponent that his double-bottom had sunken in the rough sea or as Petty’s advertisement in a Dublin newspaper related: ‘some said twas impossible her mast could be sufficiently planted against a strong gale,194 others said she was 190 This has to be a second ship called Invention for the first is talked about in October 1662 but this reference is from june 19th 1663, two months after the launching of the ‘Mongrel’ 191 Matthew 4:13 192 Samuel Pepys, The diary of Samuel Pepys IV, 1663, Latham & Matthews ed. (London zj) 31 July 1663 193 Pepys, The diary of Samuel Pepys IV, 31 July 1663 194 Her mast would be ripped out of the deck by the strong wind 79 gone to land at O Brasile. The Hollander would have her in twa sturcken195 […] but her return in triumph […] has checkt the dirision of some and becalmed the violence of others’. 196 Petty once again presents the stability of the ship as one of her major advantages: ‘it blew very hard, insomuch that a small Holland vessel […] was in appearance often lookt to be overset, whilst [our ship] inclined not above half a foot’.197 Other lists of the advantages of Petty’s ship also appeared. In these lists the emphasis was mostly on the economic prosperity the ship would provide and the detriment it would be for the Dutch. In one of the pamphlets of Petty’s propaganda campaign due attention is given to the particulars of the ship’s construction in an attempt to familiarize the general public with the design. The motivation of the design choices made by Petty give an insight into the knowledge that Petty applied while he designed his vessel. The feature of the vessel that Petty most thoroughly justifies is the length of the individual bottoms, which were uncommonly large. Petty justified this length by stating that it had no negative impact on the speed of the ship while it also makes sure that the platform between the two hulls never gets immersed completely. Other aspects of the design of the hulls were also debated. The bodies were supposed to be slender and all of the same breadth, because this inhibited the ship the least. The hulls had to have broad keels which would reduce the overall draught. The mast of the ship was longer than usual on ships with the same dimension for Petty was sure that his particular design could hoist a larger amount of sails without the ship becoming uncontrollable. In the explanatory pamphlet the most remarkable feature of the design, the platform joining the two hulls – or rather the fact that there were two individual hulls linked together – remained undiscussed. No information was given about how the all-important platform was mounted on the two individual hulls or what made it strong enough for the ship not to be ripped in twa sturcken. What does become clear is the way in which Petty went about designing his ship. The inventor made conscious choices based on existing nautical theory to attain the practical result desired by him but the particulars of these choices seem to be determined by traditional knowledge. Petty’s campaign had a significant result. The king had found a renewed interest in Petty’s vessel and had asked her to come to Portsmouth so he could see her in action in a race against one of his own royal yachts. To fully capitalize on the interest of the king Petty made some proposals to the Charles II. The first proposal of Petty was to build a double-headed ship 195 Twee stukken or two pieces Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 80 197 Ibidem 80 196 80 capable of going from Wales to Ireland within 30 hours for the sum of 2000 pounds. Another proposal was to build a warship, swifter then any single hulled vessel, which could house a crew of 200 men, the same amount of cannons as a normal man-of-war with that crew size and with provisions for three months. As a third proposal Petty asked that if the king was pleased with the first ships he built he would receive a contract to build an additional 30 vessels of the type he designed within seven years. As a last proposal Petty suggested to allow him to convert those ships of the Royal Navy that were in a bad condition to double-bottoms. In an attempt to convince the king Petty vowed to add any further quality to the ships the king demanded and vowed to give insurance that none of the platforms holding the individual hulls together would break. The only compensation Petty begged for was that he would be paid promptly when he reached his goals.198 The king did not reject Petty’s proposals outright and suggested alterations to quite a few of them. He thought £ 2000,- was too expensive for any new ship and was of the opinion that the provision aboard the warship from the second proposal should be doubled. Charles II rejected the proposal for thirty ships outright stating that ‘before 30 can be built […] ye Hollander will build 500’199 – a fear not justified for even after the successful race to and from Holyhead the Dutch spoke only in derogative terms on Petty’s undertaking: ‘While [Petty] was making [his new ship] he was ridiculed, like Noach when he was building his arch, some said: “it will be the equal of the Foolish ship of Rotterdam”’,200 a clear sign of lack of faith in this venture from the Dutch side. Charles II further demanded that Petty’s statement that ‘any good quality the king desired would be added’ would be changed to ‘all good qualities the king desired’ to prevent that every alteration required an additional contract. He found the insurance promised by Petty a welcome addition and set the rate to be paid out at 99 pounds per cent lost. While the bartering on the proposals continued, the call to come to Portsmouth with a double-bottomed ship still stood. Petty found reason after reason to postpone answering this call. His first excuse was that he was tied up in a grand legal affair, combatting the retrocession of parts of his Irish estate to previous owners from whom it was seized by the Cromwellian government. This court held session until September 1st after which Petty would be free to go to Portsmouth. The king would depart on the 4th of September to Portsmouth meaning that both men would arrive there around the same time. Petty however still hesitated 198 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 85-86 Ibidem 88 200 Thien boecken der Hollandsche Mercurius, off histoorisch-verhaal aller gedenckwaardighste gheschiedenissen van de beginne des jaars 1650 tot den jaare 1660, in christenrijck voorgevallen. XIV Augustus 1663, 130-131 My Italics 199 81 to set sail from Dublin, this time citing financial reasons. He had to find a new crew and no sailor would sail his vessel without a promised compensation for their wives and children in case of shipwreck, which made for a hefty sum. Besides, the co-owner of the ship, Lord Massereene, thought that with the royal summon to Portsmouth Petty had received a substantial sum of money from which he demanded his fair share. The consequence of alls these excuses was that the order to come to Portsmouth, made in July, wasn’t answered halfway through September. The king’s sincere desire to view Petty’s ship becomes clear from the fact that he postponed his journey to Portsmouth until he received a message that Petty’s ship had arrived there.201 Petty must have seen this arrangement by the king as profound sign of interest and as a light on the road to royal support. He could not afford to let the king wait too long and squander this opportunity to redeem himself. Luck was with Petty and it seems at this point that he comes close to a lasting impact on the art of shipping with his new type of vessel, devised with the aid of experiments, because he was close to receiving royal support which could cause it to be implemented into the Royal Navy. Fate, however, showed its most uncompassionate side when only two days after Petty had received word that the king would wait for the message that Petty had arrived at Portsmouth, a storm hit Dublin harbour. The night of the storm only one crewmember was aboard the double-bottomed vessel and this sailor, out of fear, let the ship drive ashore which damaged the vessel badly. This meant that Petty again could not leave Dublin.202 The Invention II’s string of bad luck did not end here, for when the ship was finally repaired – which was not until the third week of October – the crew Petty gathered was reluctant to go on board. To talk about this unwillingness Petty invited the crew and their families for a dinner at his house on the evening before the scheduled departure. The families were picked up by carriage – not an everyday mode of transportation for the wives and children of sailors – and treated with a banquet of ‘burnt wine, stued prunes, applepyes, gingerbread, white sopps &milke, with apples and Nuts in abundance […] and other more solid food for ye men themselves’.203 After much crying, laughing, hoping and fearing Petty took the floor and told the guests that if they did not trust his ship they should not venture to go aboard, because the carpenters and seamen of London would not be merciful on them and neither would the poets, playwrights and court wits. However, the gains for the sailors who braved this opposition were to be substantial. They would not only be sailing to meet their 201 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 90 Birch The History of the Royal Society, I, 310 203 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 91 202 82 sovereign, on a vessel that would out sail all others, but when a fleet of twin-hulled vessels was built these sailors would become captains of their own twin-hulled ships in the Royal Navy and their spouses might become ladies or even dames. The alcohol, this speech and the prospects of high standings convinced the whole crew to say their goodbyes and to board the Invention II which sailed out for Portsmouth the next morning. The ship finally left, two months after she was first summoned but this was not to everybody’s liking. Massereene, co-owner of the ship, invested in the vessel with the intention to use it as a pleasure yacht on his newly acquired lake, Lough Neagh. He now saw his object of desire sailing from Dublin harbour and he feared that the ship’s success would prevent her from being returned to him. Petty had admitted that the vessel was originally built for service on Lough Neagh: ‘ye Invention […] full of ugly faults and eye sores – being built for a fresh water Lough and to be carried 8 miles over land’,204 but now had other plans for it. This last sentence reveals the forethought with which Petty designed his ship and the particulars he took into account– such as the type of water the vessel would sail in. Massereene repeatedly tried to confiscate the vessel but Petty prevented this time and again, the case eventually was arbitrated but the outcome of the case remains unknown. The Invention II made it to Portsmouth and both Petty and his vessel set sail to London from there, after which and remained in the capital for at least the next half year. Both the Invention II and its inventor were quite the talk of the town as we learn from the diary of Samuel Pepys: ‘to the Coffee House, wither came […] Sir W. Petty, with whom I talked, and so did many, almost all about his new vessel’.205 The ship itself laid at the Deptford docks just one bend in the Thames downstream from London Bridge. Pepys took a serious interest in the vessel and had a favourable opinion of it, admitting that it: ‘hath an odd appearance, but not such as people make of it, for I am of the opinion that he would never have discussed so much of it, if it were not better than other vessels’.206 The people that Pepys referred to were generally less sympathetic to Petty’s invention: ‘[Petty] was abused the other day, as he is now, by tongues that I am sure speak before they know anything good or bad of [his ship]’.207 Peter Pett, master shipwright and one of the signees on the report on the first Invention to the Royal Society, was one of those persons, he thought the Invention II to be the most dangerous thing in the world, and he feared that it would cause the English to lose their pre-eminent 204 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 92 Pepys, The diary of Samuel Pepys IV 30 December 1663 206 Pepys, The diary of Samuel Pepys V 22 January 1663/1664 207 Ibidem, V, 22 January 1663/1664 205 83 position in the naval trade to the Ottomans who, on their calm seas, would profit much more of twin-hulled ships than the English would on the rough North Sea.208 The shipbuilder, and later Member of Parliament, Anthony Deane was also sceptical about the vessel which he thought must ‘prove a folly’, a notion with which Pepys disagreed ‘unless it be that the King will not have it encouraged’.209 The whole endeavour hinged on Royal patronage once again. However, the bestowing of royal patronage on Petty’s ship seemed likely this time: the king had promised money and support for the ship if it sailed well and he had summoned Petty to Portsmouth for which he even delayed his own voyage to that town. Petty had an audience with Charles II on February 10th 1664 and it was there that the fate of the Invention II would be decided. Pepys wrote a report of the meeting in his diary. The audience took place in the chamber of the Lord High Admiral, the future king James II. The conversation lasted two hours and the result was very clear, Pepys’ report speaks for itself: ‘The King came and stayed an hour or two laughing at Sir W. Petty [and his boat] at which poor Petty was, I perceive, at some loss; but [he] did argue discreetly, and bear the unreasonable follies of the King’s objections and other bystanders with great discretion; and offered to take oddes against the King’s best boates; but the King would not lay, but cried him down with words only.’210 The meeting obviously went disastrously, Petty was lampooned, his ship ridiculed and the possibility of royal patronage had eluded him once again just as the low hanging fruit above the head of the hungry Tantalus. The Experiment Although the Invention II did not disappear immediately after that audience of Petty – both Pepys and John Evelyn report on it in their diaries until the end of February – the ship quickly sailed out of the records of history, never to return again. Petty himself was quite rapidly back on his feet. The most important indicator that Petty was not mentally broken by the failure of the Invention II must be that on January 1st 1665211 – some ten months after the audience with Charles II demolished his dreams for the Invention II – the king himself christened a new vessel built under Petty’s auspices and named it the Experiment. The Experiment was another twin-hulled ship and it was Petty’s third multi-hulled vessel in just over two years. The launching of the vessel seems to have been an occasion for the elite of 208 Ibidem, January 1663/1664 Pepys, The diary of Samuel Pepys V 29 January 63/64 210 Ibidem, V, 1 February 1663/1664 211 N.B. this was not a significant date because according to Petty and his English contemporaries it was December 22nd 1664 209 84 London to show themselves, both Pepys and Evelyn were present as well as the Duke of York and of course the king himself. Evelyn reported that the reactions on the ship were various, but Pepys stated that: ‘[The ship] swims and looks finely and I believe will do well.’212 A few months later Pepys describes the ship as a ‘brave roomy vessel’.213 The ship quickly received international attention, in the Journal des Sçavans of January 19th a report of five pages concerning the Experiment was published. The report spoke positively on the vessel and on double-bottom shipping in general. In the report three points were identified in which the Experiment was an improvement over normal ships. As a first improvement the author claimed that twin-hulled ships would be faster than conventional ships; secondly, the article stated that the Experiment would be more stable than other ships and thirdly it stated that double-bottoms would handle easier than conventional ships.214 Petty wrote an extended response on the French article in which he first stated that he thought it too early to hold an extensive discussion on a ship still being tested, after which he described not three but fifteen different benefits of his double-bottom. He sent his report to the Royal Society for publication in the newly established philosophical transactions.215 The council of editors however, feared the political implications of the article – they still feared the ship would fall into the hands of the Dutch – and withheld it from publication until they had learned the opinion of the king on the matter. Petty had no faith that the royal opinion on the type of vessel he designed had changed since the audience on the Invention II and devised a new trial to test his ship. This new trial was a round trip to Portugal through the Bay of Biscay. The Experiment sailed out from London in late March or early April and made it to Porto without severe problems on the way. She sailed back north from Porto to the city of Vigo in Spain to prepare for the return voyage to London. Petty dates the start of the return on the 20th October and states that she wasn’t repaired before she sailed out for England. Later Petty would write to his nephew that two thirds of her crew was press-ganged by the Royal Navy in Vigo and that she, as a consequence, set sail from Vigo to London with a crew of just 17 men instead of the required 50.216 The Bay of Biscay is not an easy gulf to sail for any ship, let alone for an experimental 212 Pepys, The diary of Samuel Pepys V 22 December 1664 Pepys, The diary of Samuel Pepys VI 13 February 1664/1665 214 Journal des Sçavans 19 janvier 1665 34-35: ‘premierement [ce Navire] sera plus viste […] secondement […] ce Navire sera plus seur que les autres […] troisiesmement […] ce Navire sera encore plus commode que les autres’ 215 Journal des Sçavans 30 mars 1663 156 216 The Petty-Southwell Correspondence 87 213 85 ship with less than half of the crew required to man it. Whatever the precise circumstances maybe, it is clear that the ship never reached its destination and it is presumed to have sunk on its way home. Through the remainder of the year Petty kept the hope that his ship would make it home. In a note to other investors, written in June of 1666, Petty implicitly admits that the vessel was lost. A year later the Experiment is featured in Thomas Sprat’s History of the Royal Society who still had a positive opinion of it stating that although ‘the Experiment itself is lost, I hope I may securely speak of its advantages’.217 Sprat believed that the ship was destroyed by ‘a dreadful tempest, as overwhelm’d a great fleet the same night’.218 The ship had thus fallen victim to the most common bane of seamen, the weather. Sprat was a real convert to the cause of multi-hulled vessels, calling the ship: ‘the most considerable Experiment, that has been made in this Age of Experiments’.219 Even the sinking of the ship did not lessen the trust he had in the design: ‘[the ship] was destroyed by a common fate, […] so that the Ancient Fabricks of ships have no reason to triumph over that new Model, when of threescore and ten sail that were in the same Storm, there was not one escap’d to bring the News.´220 This excuse was of no avail, the uncertain political support combined with the ship’s visit to Davy Jones´s locker had sealed the faith for double bottomed-shipping for now. The inventor himself had not accepted the fate of his way of shipbuilding and kept believing in the principle. He wrote to the financiers of the Experiment that he was looking for new funds to build a fourth ship. That fourth ship would not be built for almost two decades and Petty had to wait until then to re-attempt the vindication potentially revolutionary idea. An Intermezzo Petty had built three ships between November 1662 and December 1664. These ships were of a type as yet unseen in Europe, ships we, in our time, would venture to call catamarans. Each successive vessel had celebrated some impressive results and in the two years that Petty had applied himself to this endeavour significant strides were made. Starting from experiments with models his first full-sized boat was the fastest in races across the harbour of Dublin; his second vessel was the fastest on the line from Holyhead to Dublin and 217 Thomas Sprat The history of the Royal Society of London for the Improving of natural knowledge (London 1667) 240 218 Ibidem 240 219 Ibidem 240 220 Ibidem 240 86 vice versa and his third ship made it across the Bay of Biscay to northern Spain and Portugal. Each ship had an improved design and was able to go farther than its predecessor. The ships can be viewed collectively as one twenty year long experiment, to find the best double-bodied vessel. But not only if you view the ships in succession are they an experiment, each ship is an adjustable experiment in and of itself. The first ship, for example, had changeable heads and tails for the cylinders it floated on, to test a variety of designs. These tests could learn which heads made the ship go the fastest through the water, which tails remedied the problem of ‘dead water’ the best – ‘dead water’ is water which flows in the gap left by the rear of the ship as it moves forward, this water pulls the ship back –and which combination of heads and tails made the ship go the smoothest through the water. Quite a few of these heads and tails were actually tested emphasizing the experimental nature of Petty’s enquiry. Besides the trials with the different heads and tails there were some trials in which rowing was used as the means of propulsion for the ship. Although the consecutive ships were improvements on their predecessors and although they could boast some impressive results – the successful defence of their honorary flag, the victory in the race across the Irish Sea and their voyage to Portugal – the ships did not have a direct impact on the practice of shipbuilding, let alone revolutionizing that trade. The ships lacked the institutional and political support to make them into a lasting success. The most prominent obstacle that prevented Petty’s vessels from gaining political support was that they would destroy the advantage in ship size the English had on their Dutch rivals, a factor not to be underestimated because these nations were almost constantly in conflict with each other – the first Anglo-Dutch war ended less than a decade before Petty’s first ship was launched, it ended in 1654, and the second war with the Dutch Republic was declared a month before the Experiment sailed out for Porto. The general conclusion for these ships must be that they had the potential for revolutionizing shipping but that the revolution they could bring about was topped because the country in which it could happen did not desire it. Petty, however, could not be freed of his visions of double-bodied ships and returned to the idea a number of times in his later life. Evelyn reports in 1675 that: ‘[Petty] still persists that [his double-bottomed ship] is practicable, and of exceeding use; and he has often told me he would adventure himself in such another, could he procure sailors, and his Majesty’s permission to make a second Experiment’.221 Petty had kept faith in his design, and this faith 221 John Evelyn The diary of John Evelyn Guy de la Bédoyère (ed.), march 22nd 1675 87 showed itself ever more frequent in the ensuing years. When he wrote to his nephew in early 1681 it reared its head once again: ‘let the dead bury the dead, But I have a Treatise ready to Vindicate the designe [of my double-bottomed ship] and the necessity of attempting it, which will make it rise againe after I am dead.’222 It is a this point that we return to the opening line of this chapter, because two years after the last comment Petty unburdened to the same nephew that: ‘The fitts of the Double Bottome do returne very fiercly upon mee. I cannot bee diswaded but that it conteynes most glorious, usefull and pleasant things.’223 It would not take long for Petty to give in to this urge and he soon started gathering support for a fourth twinhulled ship. The St Michael the Archangel Petty attempted to get support for his new enterprise by doing tests with scale models for spectators. For this purpose he had three models made, one representing an ordinary yacht, a second one portraying a merchant variant of a double-bottom ship and a third which was a model of a twin-hulled man-of-war. The experiments were conducted at Petty’s house and besides these three ship models they also involved three planks modelled as a cross-section of respectively, a single-bodied vessel, a double-bodied vessel and a single-bodied vessel with a sharp head and a sharp tail – thus in the shape of a canoe. These planks were drawn through the water in a manner akin to the first experiments almost two decades earlier, and the result was clear: ‘it was judged by the company that [the] Body which represented the double bottome mov’d more quick and streight [through] the water then either of the other two’.224 Of the eight guests present that evening only two, a captain Shiers and the earlier mentioned Anthony Deane, were not wholly convinced of the desirability of the twin-hulled ship. Deane, for instance, complemented the success of this trial but: ‘hoped that the same advantage might be given to a single body by means of less uncouth and less different from those in common practice, the common people being frighted to adventure upon so great changes all at once.’225 The nature of the uttered critique indicates that Petty’s experiment was convincing, for the critique was not aimed at the models themselves but on the impact they would have on society. To gain political support, Petty started a correspondence with Sir John Werden, secretary to the highest commander in the Royal Navy, the future James II. Werden responded 222 The Petty-Southwell Correspondence 87 The Petty-Southwell Correspondence 117 224 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 117 225 Ibidem 117-118 223 88 encouragingly to Petty’s letter and Petty guaranteed himself of Werden’s support by sending him the three ship models he used in his experiments as Christmas presents. Werden was thankful for his gifts and asked Petty to refute the objections a conversation partner of him had raised against his models. This conversation partner turned out to be no less a person than the king himself, who, after terminating the success of earlier vessels by laughter and political concerns was now questioning the internal strength of the double-bottom. Charles II had perceived two distinct flaws in Petty’s idea, the first flaw was that the experiments done with scale models were not exact enough and that as a consequence the result could not successfully be translated to full-sized ships; the second objection was that he thought it impossible that any twin-hulled ship would be strong enough to endure a voyage on the full seas. This last objection was fuelled by Petty’s own observation that for every doubling in size the amount of materials needed to ensure the internal strength had to be cubed. Charles II backed his critiques with wagers to be won by Petty’s ship in a trial race between a new double-bottomed vessel and his royal yacht. Petty jumped on this possibility to receive the royal patronage he so long hoped for by first writing a long reply to the king’s objections followed by a summary of that same reply not a week later. To this summary he attached a proposal for a wager containing twenty-one points. Petty’s replies to the flaws the king perceived show his confidence. The inventor tries to negate the first objection by emphasizing the high quality of the materials he used for the models. In the answer to the second point Petty states that he can show that the ship will hold the added weight of the extra materials by laying extra burden on the models or, alternatively, by pointing to the earlier double-bottoms that were built and which were able to carry the extra load. Although Petty points here to his previous ships he is quick to distance this new ship from the ill-fated Experiment, going as far as devising a new class of ships for his new project: ‘the double-bottoms which wee now insist upon are very different from those [double-bottoms you have already seen] and therefore we now call our vessels not doublebottoms but sluice builts’.226 The fact that the King wagered money against his boat did not sit comfortable with Petty who rather had His Majesty been the referee for the wager – according to Petty the current situation was very similar to the hypothetical situation in which Petty had presented the philosophers’ stone to the king, for in the current situation the king would always come out beneficial, if Petty lost the wager the king would gain money by winning the bet and if the king lost the bet he had gained intimate knowledge of an invention that would 226 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 123 89 easily earn him more money than he had lost on the bet. The trials for the wagers were to be conducted with models and open for anyone to enter with one vessel, except for the king who was allowed to use up to ten vessels. Petty pledged that his ship would be superior 21 distinct ways including that she would: be cheaper, faster, stronger, more stable, with less draught, less inhibited by adverse winds and that she would need no ballast, and he promised a 21st part of 10 pounds – comparable with a 1000 pounds in today’s money – for every point and to every competitor who would outperform Petty’s sluice built. Petty’s search for support did not only pay off in Royal circles, in April 1684 he had found fourteen people ready and able to invest in building a full-sized ship. This ship would be christened as the Saint Michael the Archangel and it would become Petty’s fourth and last double-bottom – or his only sluice built. Work on the vessel started at Lazar’s hill near Dublin on July 10th and while Petty complained in August about the deplorable skill of the workmen, the ship was reported to be almost ready when, in the middle of September, the investors had to pledge money for a second time. A first trial voyage was done in early October and the results were less than satisfactory. The vessel did not seem to have enough buoyancy and the gap between the individual hulls – the actual sluice – was completely submerged.227 Petty’s solution to this buoyancy problem was to change the amount of sail used and he assured everyone that his ship would be fine when it was completely fine-tuned. That the St Michael’s trial might not have been a success did not deter its inventor to try and win still more support for her and to that end he intensified his writing campaign. He addressed every person who might seem receptive and who had some influence in the naval affairs of the country. Petty was eager to emphasize his ship’s ability to go faster, steer better, carry more and be stronger than any other ship, to anyone who wanted to listen. Petty’s campaign sorted great effect, not only influential people like Deane seemed to change their opinion on the matter – writing to Petty: ’I hope […] you may have the pleasure of knowing how the St Michael deals with the “Dragon” […] I mean the Wind & Seas’228 – but Petty also received an increasing amount of requests for information to satisfy Charles II’s curiosity. It even seems that in the beginning of December 1684 Petty’s mouthpieces at court had convinced the king of the advantages of sluice boats. The king presented Petty’s experiments to his own subordinates, who, to be honest, were not all as convinced by them as 227 228 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 131 Ibidem 135 90 their overlord seems to have been.229 Besides that, Charles II offered a prize for a new trial race between a ship of his own fleet and the St Michael. Two of the subjects to which the king showed the experiments, Anthony Deane and Samuel Pepys – Deane had uttered fear of the great shock that this radical new design would cause but had appeared to have become more positive recently and Pepys had not given his opinion on this vessel but had supported the Experiment – severely doubted the claims of Petty and laid heavy wagers against the St Michael. The wagers amounted to a total of £2500,– more than four times the cost of the St Michael – an amount they would double if Petty would go aboard his own ship during the trial. They doubted Petty’s claim that the Archangel was faster than any other vessel – for £200 – that it steered quicker than any other ship – for £100 – that she could go from Dublin to Chester in England regardless of day, hour or tide – for £500 – and so on.230 Petty did not receive these proposals until after the trial was completed, but these wagers show that there was potentially a lot of money at stake. The stage was set, the royal support within reach and the potential for lucrative government contracts around the corner, the stakes were high indeed. The S t Michael the Archangel was tested on the 15th & 16th of December in Dublin harbour and the results were very clear, the secretary of the Dublin Philosophical Society, William Molyneux, wrote to his colleague at the Royal Society, Francis Ashton: ‘Sr Wm Petty’s Shipp was tried […] but she performed soe abominably, as if Built on purpose to disappoint in the highest degree’.231 Petty admitted his defeat to his confidantes at court and in a letter to Deane and Pepys he revealed that all his partners had defected and that he had resigned himself in the fate of his vessel and in his own fate as the king’s ‘naval Scaramouch’.232 He ended his letter to Deane and Pepys with a long list of those parts of the wagers the addressees proposed he felt affronted by – most explicitly the provision of him going on board the ship for the trial and the practice of offering rewards through wagers in general. Petty talked about the idea of double bottomed vessels infrequently in the few years that he had on this earth – even rejoicing about a rumour of a double-bottom built in Kerry in the month before his death, stating: ‘the devill cannot long stiffle what I had so amply demonstrated’233 – but he would never built another twin-hulled ship. 229 Ibidem 138 Petty The Double Bottom or Twin-hulled Ship 142-143 231 Ibidem 139 232 Ibidem 144 233 The Petty-Southwell Correspondence 330 230 91 Conclusion In many respects Petty’s last ship was the opposite of his earlier vessels, where they could all boast some maritime successes but lacked political and institutional support, there this last ship had political and institutional support but lacked the actual performance during the trials. None of the ships, however, could claim to have had a lasting influence on shipbuilding. The double-bottoms raised some eyebrows, won some races and used theoretical knowledge to improve their practical results but they always failed in an important department at a crucial time, the progress from model to model is clear and so are the positive test results but the ship was never implemented on a large scale until much later. This means that the only viable conclusion must be that Petty’s double-bottom ships did not have the lasting effect on the practice of shipbuilding the inventor envisaged let alone that they revolutionised shipping. 92 Conclusion To what extent was the practice of seventeenth century shipping improved by theory? Taking all four case studies into account, we have to conclude that in none of our cases practice was improved by either mathematically or experimentally driven attempts. Hooke’s theory to use straight sails instead of bunting ones did not improve sailing because it was never put into practice; Du Son’s miraculous ship was never launched; Newton’s method of calculating a solid of least resistance was hardly understood by professional mathematicians and the one mathematician who did understand it saw that it could not be used to design the hull of a ship; and Petty’s double-bodied vessels either lacked the political support or, in the case of the St Michael, did not live up to the expectations created for it. These results fit in with the pictures sketched by Davids and Cohen. Davids did not find any long-term applications of science-based technology developed in the seventeenth century, and Cohen’s investigations into a variety of attempts to develop science-based technology in the seventeenth century also yielded very few positive results. Davids did see some improvements in navigation in this period but these improvements were not developed by theorists. The increasing amount of detail on the VOC’s navigational charts of Asia, for example, was due to the increasing frequency of voyages to those regions. More and more landmarks were added to these maps by navigators and the coordinates of these landmarks were described with more and more accuracy. These landmarks and their coordinates functioned as an easy way to find a ship’s position on the globe. Davids also describes another method introduced in the second half of the seventeenth century which supports this idea of improvement of practice by craftsmen themselves and not by theorists, for it happened to be that most ships travelling to Asia were part of a mercantile fleet and in these fleets the estimations of the coordinates of all navigators present were compared to form a mean, this mean was assumed to be the best estimation of the position of the fleet on the globe.234 Cohen’s research discerns the same two groups as this investigation does, one mathematical and one experimental. For the mathematical sciences Cohen concludes: ‘the usual gap between craft practice and mathematical science yawned almost as widely as it had at the onset of the [Scientific] Revolution.’235 Cohen identifies four impediments that prevented theory to be applied to practice without intermediary steps: ‘(a) The weightiest impediment was a serious underestimation of the real world’s messiness. […]. (b) The mathematization of second-order effects required the ability to handle nonuniformly varying 234 235 Karel Davids Zeewezen en Wetenschap 177 Cohen How Modern Science came Into the World 323 93 magnitudes, which the Euclidean [mathematics used at the time] was inherently incapable of. […] late in the century, [however,] the calculus began to make it possible. (c) […] craftsmen’s ability and/or readiness to grasp the esoteric language of mathematics were very limited […] (d) [communication between craftsmen and mathematical scientists was] impeded by social distance. [Many a mathematical scientist] tended to regard the equal footing required for fruitful exchange as beneath his dignity.’236 Our two mathematical cases support these claims to a large extent. Hooke’s inability to convince sailors of the validity of his mathematically derived argument to use straight sails is a perfect example of craftsmen unwilling to grasp the esoteric language of mathematics. Moreover, Hooke’s failure to clearly define which parts of the ship he took into consideration and which not, serves as a good example of an underestimation of the real world’s messiness. This underestimation finds its crescendo in Hooke’s catch-all term ‘power of wind and water’, which not only shows Hooke’s underestimation of the diverse and capricious nature of both wind and water but also shows the limitations of Euclidian mathematics. Hooke, by relying exclusively on Euclidian geometry, did not possess the tools to factor in the rapidly changing nature of both of these elements. Newton’s case can be used, with some imagination, to support both the idea that craftsmen were unable to grasp his mathematical language and the idea that the spread of Newton’s work was impeded by social distance. The case, however, most likely deserves a category of its own. This category would be (e): some theories are far too advanced to be applied at the moment. This category would be the best choice for Newton because it is hard to maintain the position that Newton’s calculations were never put into practice because craftsmen were unable to learn Newton’s work on the solid of least resistance. It was not so much the inability of the craftsmen as it was the inability of most other theorists to understand this part of the Principia that caused it never to be implemented. Besides, Newton can also not be taken as feeling too haughty to explain his work to craftsmen; it was not Newton’s lack of contact with the maritime world that caused the failure to implement this part of the Principia. It might be true that, unlike Hooke, Newton never went to the docks to convince sailors, but even if he did it would not have been easy to explain to a shipwright a mathematical theory which was not understood by the large majority of the brightest mathematical minds of the era. Furthermore, as Huygens noted, Newton’s idea was not adaptable for the messiness of the real word — yes, a solid of least resistance could be found, 236 Cohen How Modern Science came Into the World 325 94 but it could not be used as the shape for a ship. Newton’s case does not fully support Cohen’s analysis. The story about the solid of least resistance casts serious doubts on the second part of Cohen’s statement under (b). For although the calculus was better able to cope with nonuniformly varying magnitudes, this new calculus was too unknown and too difficult to be applied in full to any practical problem on the short term. The experimental sciences did not fare much better in Cohen’s analysis: ‘the general rule is […] no different from the case of mathematical science and the crafts’.237 The reasons for the failure of the experimental sciences to improve crafts given in Cohen are slightly adjusted forms of the four points he identified for the mathematical sciences. The largest adjustment is the marginalisation of the restraint the limiting language provided for Euclidian mathematics; it had no counterpart in the experimental sciences. The differences in the other three reasons that the gap between science and practice was not bridged are a matter of difference in shade not in colour. Most experimentalists were much better aware of the world’s messiness than their mathematical colleagues, but the methods these experimentalists employed to account for this messiness differed to such an extent from the methods used by craftsmen that they too were not adopted in everyday practice. Esoteric language was also less of a problem for experimentalists than it was for mathematicians: well-devised experiments present their results with more force than well-devised mathematical theories, as Petty’s trial races illustrate. Du Son and his ship is mostly an example of the inability of theorists to take the messiness of nature into account. The French inventor did not take into account that mechanisms which performed successfully on a small scale would not necessarily perform in a like manner on a large scale. Petty’s twin-hulled vessels – especially the first three – are in a different category altogether. While you could say that Petty underestimated the messiness of the world, to do this you would have to interpret the term ‘messiness of the world’ in a fundamentally different manner. Petty underestimated the messiness of court politics and underestimated the consequences of introducing an improvement which was feared to be detrimental to the nation it was introduced in. You cannot say that these political reasons sit comfortably in any of Cohen’s categories nor can you say that Petty’s case can be placed in the category devised for Newton, so that a new category has to be invented yet again, a category (f): for applications derived from theory that were actively thwarted by either political or social factors. Petty had a string of successful experiments resulting in a number 237 Cohen How Modern Science came into the World 482 95 of race-winning ships. There were no technological reasons why Petty’s idea of doublebodied vessels was not accepted, there were only political motives. Most of his ship accounted quite well for the messiness of sailing, sailors could easily understand the principle and if they didn’t Petty would gladly explain it to them, or show it in a race. It was the explicit fear that the Dutch would be able to build far larger ships with this new method that hindered its acceptance. If Petty had won as many races in the Dutch Republic – where due to the shallow coastal water the low draught of the ship would be its main advantage – as he had won in Ireland, it is not unlikely that the ship would have had a much better chance of being put into practice. Du Son’s case also has aspects that are best put in this new category: he was, in the end, also stopped by social circumstances. The French inventor could have spent decades more searching for ‘iron with the right temperament’ if he had not made a fool out of himself by missing his self-imposed deadlines time and again, and in the process letting down everyone who came out to support him. None of the four cases discussed succeeded in improving practice through theory. Three sorted no effect at all and Du Son’s miraculous ship even was used as a deterrent for later attempts to start the flywheel of science-based technological progress in shipping. All cases had different reasons why they failed: Hooke could not convince practitioners that his method held anything of value for them; Du Son could not find the right materials; Newton’s mathematics were too advanced; and Petty could not secure the political support he so desperately craved. These attempts did not bridge the gap between theory and practice but they illustrate the deep chasm between them, they also illustrate the diverse nature of the multitude of problems that had to be solved before this gap could be bridged, but these cases most of all show that the fruitful collaboration between science and technology did not start at the moment that theorists claimed they found useful applications for their work. 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If we assume, like Hooke, that only the force of gravity is relevant for this lamp – this means that no external forces work on the counterpoise or on the liquid and that there is no friction – if we also assume that the burning 𝐹𝑔,𝐶 = force of gravity working on the counterpoise 𝐹𝑔,𝐿 = force of gravity working on the Liquid 𝑟𝐶 = distance from the centre of rotation to the line of action of the force of gravity working on the counterpoise 𝑟𝐿 = distance from the centre of rotation to the line of action of the force of gravity working on the liquid 𝑚𝐶 = mass of the counterpoise substance is a liquid with a homogenous mass displacement, and that the lamp, and with that the 𝑚𝐿 = mass of the liquid counterpoise, has to have a vertical plane of 𝑔𝑒 = gravity of the earth symmetry exactly down the middle of the 𝐴𝐶 = area of the counterpoise contraption, then that means that we can reduce the whole problem from a three dimensional problem to a two dimensional problem. We take the centre of the bowl of the lamp as the origin in a 𝐴𝐿 = area of the liquid 𝜃̅ 𝜌𝐶 = density of the counterpoise 𝜌𝐿 = density of the liquid Cartesian coordinate system (0,0). The bowl of the lamp has a circular form in this plane with a given radius r, which for Hooke is a prerequisite if his lamp is to function. Because the liquid has a homogeneous mass displacement, the only acting force (i.e. the force of gravity) acts on the centre of 101 2𝜃̅ − 𝜋 2 𝜃̅ 2𝜃̅ gravity. For the counterpoise roughly the same is true, it is either a counterpoise with a homogenous mass displacement – giving it a centre of gravity in a way similar to that of the liquid – or a hollow float (with a negligible mass) in which a mass is be placed at any given point (which allows the user to pick a the centre of gravity). Because the counterpoise is a semicircle which rotates around the centre of the bowl, the point of rotation is at (0,0). For the liquid and the counterpoise to be in balance the equation 𝜏𝐶 = 𝜏𝐿 has to hold, or in words: the torque applied to the counterpoise has to be equal to the torque applied to the liquid. Because only gravity is active we know that 𝜏𝐶 = 𝐹𝑔,𝐶 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 = 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝑚𝐶 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 or the torque applied to the counterpoise is equal to the standard gravity multiplied by the mass of the counterpoise multiplied by the distance from the centre of rotation to the line of action of the force of gravity. The liquid has a comparable equation 𝜏𝐿 = 𝐹𝑔,𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐿 = 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝑚𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐿 . Hooke states that the weight of the counterpoise is half the weight of the liquid in the case that the upper semicircle is filled with the counterpoise and the lower semicircle is completely filled with liquid, this only holds if we assume, like Joseph and Westfall, that weight in this context is meant to represent the modern concept of density: 2 ∗ 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝑚𝐶 = 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝑚𝐿 = 2 ∗ 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝐴𝐶 ∗ 𝜌𝐶 = 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝐴𝐿 ∗ 𝜌𝐿 because in this case both areas are the same (both are a semicircle) we 1 know that 𝜌𝐶 = 2 𝜌𝐿 . We can substitute both masses with the given densities and the areas, which are given in both cases: 𝜏𝐿 = 𝐹𝑔,𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐿 = 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝐴𝐿 ∗ 𝜌𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐿 and 𝜏𝐶 = 𝐹𝑔,𝐶 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 = 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝑚𝐶 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 = 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝐴𝐶 ∗ 𝜌𝐶 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 , because the area of the counterpoise remains a semicircle 𝐴𝐶 = 1 2 1 1 𝜋𝑟 2 this leads to 𝜏𝐶 = 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 2 𝜋𝑟 2 ∗ 𝜌𝐶 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 = 4 ∗ 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝜋𝑟 2 ∗ 𝜌𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 . When we substitute these formula’s in the formula 𝜏𝐶 = 𝜏𝐿 we get 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝐴𝐿 ∗ 𝜌𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐿 = 1 4 ∗ 𝑔𝑒 ∗ 𝜋𝑟 2 ∗ 𝜌𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 or simplified 4 ∗ 𝐴𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐿 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 . The distance 𝑟𝐿 from the centre of rotation to the line of action of the force of gravity working on the liquid is the same as the absolute value of the 𝑥 component of the centre of gravity of the liquid. Because the liquid is always shaped as part of a circle 𝑟𝐿 = ̅| 2𝑟 sin|𝜃 ̅ ̅ | cos 𝜃 3|𝜃 in which 𝜃̅ is the angle from the positive 𝑥 axis to the axis of symmetry in the liquid, for a homogenous fluid shaped as the part of a circle this means that 𝜃̅ is always half of the angle between the horizontal and the interface between the counterpoise and the liquid. The distance 𝑟𝐶 depends on the angle between the horizontal and the symmetry axis of 𝜋 the counterpoise which is always 2𝜃̅ − 2 as a consequence 𝑟𝐶 = 102 4𝑟 3𝜋 𝜋 cos( 2𝜃̅ − 2 ). Filling 𝑟𝐿 and 𝑟𝐶 into 4 ∗ 𝐴𝐿 ∗ 𝑟𝐿 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ∗ 𝑟𝐶 the equation becomes 4 ∗ 𝐴𝐿 ∗ 4𝑟 3𝜋 𝜋 cos( 2𝜃̅ − 2 ) which can be simplified into 2𝐴𝐿 ̅| 𝑟 2 |𝜃 some goniometric formulas the equation reduces to 𝜋 cos(−( 2 − 2𝜃̅ )) which is the same as 𝜋 cos( 2 − 2𝜃̅) = sin(2 𝜃̅), this means that 𝐴𝐿 ̅| 𝑟 2 |𝜃 𝐴𝐿 ̅| 𝑟 2 |𝜃 ̅| 2𝑟 sin|𝜃 cos 𝜃̅ ̅ 3|𝜃| = 𝜋𝑟 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ sin|𝜃̅| cos 𝜃̅ = cos( 2𝜃̅ − 2 ). Using 𝐴𝐿 ̅| 𝑟 2 |𝜃 ∗ (sin(|𝜃̅| − 𝜃̅) + sin(|𝜃̅| + 𝜃̅)) = 𝜋 ∗ sin(2 𝜃̅) = cos( 2 − 2𝜃̅) and because ∗ sin(2 𝜃̅) = sin(2 𝜃̅) which results in 𝐴𝐿 = |𝜃̅|𝑟 2. Hooke’s lamp idea is theoretical sound if the area of the liquid is the same as half of the angle between the horizontal and the interface between the counterpoise and the liquid, multiplied by the radius squared. That this holds true is easily seen from the area of a circle: 1 𝜋𝑟 2 , the area of a semicircle: 2 𝜋𝑟 2 and of the area of 103 15 37 part of a circle: 15 37 𝜋𝑟 2 .