Technical Assistance Learning Table State TA Mapping Grid (homework to be completed by February 26-27 Chicago meeting) The purpose of the activity is to create a visual “map” of the technical assistance (TA) provided in your state. Involve your entire team in gathering information to complete the grid. Please fill out THREE grids -- one for coaches, one for mentors, and one for consultants. Don’t worry about getting exact information, but focus on filling in the big picture. If your state doesn’t think about Technical Assistance Professionals (TAPs) using the lens of their roles (coach, mentor, consultant), you may use programs or initiatives as the policy lens to map your state TA. So, for example, you might want to use the first page to focus on all TAPS that work in relation to your QRIS or your infant/toddler initiative. We want the mapping grid to work for your state, so feel free to change the first column to focus on initiatives, if that works better for you. At the Feb.27 meeting, you will use this information to create a visual of the TAPs on a map of your state and to analyze: a. What more do we need to know to inform our planning? Are there opportunities we can grasp now? b. Are there major gaps in service, either geographically or by setting or sector? c. Are there redundancies to eliminate or ways we can increase alignment? d. What data are being collected and how do we know if TAPs are using research-based practices? What are the goals for the various TAPs across our state and how do we know if they are effective in achieving them? We hope you will develop this grid as a team. As you work on it, think about how you might create a visual “picture” or “map” that represents the TA in your state. We will have a 24 by 36 inch piece of paper with an outline of your state on it, but feel free to use another visual image or approach. You will have time to create it at our on-site meeting. If you have any questions or need support, please contact Billie Young at or call: 206-933-3093. Keep in mind that Billie operates on Pacific Standard Time. PD for Technical Assistance Professionals: State Mapping Grid 1/22/13 Page 1 Terminology in this Mapping Grid: For purposes of this mapping project, we are using the Early Childhood Education Professional Development: Training and Technical Assistance Glossary to provide common terminology. The full glossary is available at: Technical Assistance Professionals (TAPs): for purposes of this grid, we are focusing on mentors, coaches and/or consultants using the following definitions: Coaching: A relationship-based process led by an expert with specialized and adult-learning knowledge and skills, who often serves in a different professional role than the recipient(s). Coaching is designed to build capacity for specific professional dispositions, skills, and behaviors and is focused on goal setting and achievement for an individual or group. Mentoring: A relationship-based process between colleagues in similar professional roles, with a more experienced individual with adult-learning knowledge and skills; the mentor, providing guidance and example to the less experienced protégé, or mentee. Mentoring is intended to increase an individual’s personal or professional capacity, resulting in greater professional effectiveness. Consulting: A collaborative, problem-solving process between an external consultant with specific expertise and adult-learning knowledge and skills, and an individual or group from one program or organization. Consultation facilitates the assessment and resolution of an issue-specific concern—a program, organizational, staff, or child/family- related issue—or addresses a specific topic. Additional explanation for column headings: Program or Initiative: Specify if QRIS, Head Start, Pre-K, Early Childhood Education Health, Home Visiting, Licensing Compliance, Accreditation Support, Infant/toddler, School-Age, Literacy, Higher Ed degree programs, etc. Number of TAPs: Estimate the number of coaches, mentors and/or consultants employed Number of Clients: Specify # facilities (centers, family child care, others) and/or # individuals served (#teachers, directors, etc.) Goals: Describe the main goal of the TA (e.g., improved literacy practices or social-emotional learning practices; overall quality, better health practices) Settings: Settings refer to the physical environments where early childhood services are delivered: centers, family child care homes, schools, churches, and other community settings. Sectors: Sectors within the early childhood system are often delineated by their source of funds, regulations, and/or requirements: child care, Head Start, public preschool and early intervention. Supervising/Employing Organization: Specify if CCR&R, Registry, University, state agency, etc. Funding: Sources and amounts, if known PD for Technical Assistance Professionals: State Mapping Grid 1/22/13 Page 2 Sample Coaches-indicate the relevant Program or Initiatives using coaches* # TAP # Clients served Geographic area served Pre-K Literacy coaches 34 17 Pre-K Slowgo programs; County and 68 Mega City teaching teams Coaches-indicate the relevant programs or initiatives using coaches* # TAP # Clients served Geographic area served Goals or outcomes: high level (literacy, licensing compliance, QRIS step increases, Head Start compliance issues) Improve school readiness; increase use of literacy practices, such as dialogic reading, in Pre-K classrooms Goals or outcomes: high level (literacy, licensing compliance, QRIS step increases, Head Start compliance issues) Settings Sectors served Supervising Funding or Sources Employing Organization Governance: Who governs TAP services, sets standards, prioritizes recipients, establishes goals, collects data and evaluates effectiveness? centers and schools Pre-K Local educational service districts (ESD) Early Reading First; state tobacco tax Federal DOE, state DOE via the ESDs Settings Sectors served Supervising Funding or Sources Employing Organization Governance: Who governs TAP services, sets standards, prioritizes recipients, establishes goals, collects data and evaluates effectiveness? *If you use the Program or Initiative, please indicate, if possible, whether or not they use coaches, mentors and consultants. PD for Technical Assistance Professionals: State Mapping Grid 1/22/13 Page 3 Mentors -indicate the programs or initiatives using mentors # TAP # Clients served Geographic area served Goals or outcomes: high level (literacy, licensing compliance, QRIS step increases, Head Start compliance issues) Settings Sectors served Supervising Funding or Sources Employing Organization Governance: Who governs TAP services, sets standards, prioritizes recipients, establishes goals, collects data and evaluates effectiveness? Consultants-indicate the programs or Initiatives using consultants # TAP # Clients served Geographic area served Goals or outcomes: high level (literacy, licensing compliance, QRIS step increases, Head Start compliance issues) Settings Sectors served Supervising Funding or Sources Employing Organization Governance: Who governs TAP services, sets standards, prioritizes recipients, establishes goals, collects data and evaluates effectiveness? PD for Technical Assistance Professionals: State Mapping Grid 1/22/13 Page 4