Seminar 1: Pāuatahanui Burial Ground
The Pāuatahanui Burial Ground is the oldest settler cemetery in Porirua, dating back to 1856. It
overlooks Pāuatahanui village and occupies a former pā site.
On Sunday 1 March at 2.00 pm, Sharon Evans, a local resident, will lead a walking tour of the
Burial Ground. She is a genealogist and self-appointed historian who has done extensive
research on the land, graves, and people associated with the cemetery.
Ms Evans will tell some of the stories of the successive users and occupiers of the land,
including Māori, British Imperial regiments, Protestants and settlers. These stories are part of
the history of the wider Wellington area.
Limited to 20 people, booking essential.
Coordinator: Brian Mosen or  233 0709
Seminar 2: Parcels from Home and Soldiers’ Stuff
Sunday 8th March
Dr Kate Hunter, Associate Professor, for the School of History, Philosophy, and Political
Science at Victoria University is to talk in the Helen Smith, Community Room at Pataka on
‘Parcels from Home and Soldiers’ Stuff’
The wartime objects in New Zealand’s museum collections can tell many stories of love and
friendship, and longing and loss. Dr Kate Hunter uses objects and their stories to illustrate some
of the impacts WWI had on those serving overseas, their families and communities. This
seminar is in conjunction with the Porirua Historical Association.
Coordinator Brian Mosen or  233 0709
Seminar 3: Sheep paddocks and sex ratios: linking eco-restoration & climate to predict
the future of tuatara
Monday 13th April 1 pm (venue to be advised, depending on number)
Anna Carter, a recent doctoral candidate in the Allan Wilson Centre and School of
Biological Sciences at Victoria University of Wellington, will share some of her findings on how
rapid climate change could impact tuatara populations. Since incubation temperatures
determine offspring sex, a warming climate can lead to severely biased sex ratios in many
species of reptiles, including tuatara. Anna has combined historical knowledge with cutting-edge
climate research to predict future offspring sex ratios for the largest population of New Zealand's
most charismatic endemic reptile.
Coordinator: Patsy Williamson or  233 118
Seminar 4: Minimising our power bills
April/May (Date and Venue to be confirmed)
An illustrated lecture and group discussion on how to minimise our power bills, using modern,
cost effective lighting and heating options.
Coordinator/Tutor Bruce Medcalf or  237 9039
Seminar 5: Laughter Yoga
Details in our next Newsletter. Please register your interest on the Activities sheet. Not sure
what Laughter Yoga is? Then view
To enthuse you we hope to show this video clip at the February meeting.