Original Modest Proposal Assignment---Part 1 Problem and Solution Brainstorming Final projects are due Thursday, March 27 EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT! This is a summative grade. 1. All satire topics MUST be approved by Ms. Benton. Have a few topics available. 2. All essays will submit an ANALYSIS of the original satire. All group members must contribute to its completion. I must see evidence of everyone’s handwriting on the final document if more than one person is in the group. 3. All satires will follow a 6 section format: a. Definition and examples of the Problem b. The Solution/Proposal c. The Plan or logistics of this proposal d. The Advantages of the Proposal (at least 3) e. The Expedients f. The Conclusion (should include rebuttals) 4. All satires must be grammatically and mechanically correct; in other words, free of mistakes. 5. All satires must be SCHOOL-APPROPRIATE or will be penalized. 6. All satires must choose ONE presentation format below: Options: Description Essay Smore.com Flyer Cartoon Strip Video You will write an original essay just like Jonathon Swift. It will have 6 paragraphs and follow the outline given in class. You will submit a printed WORD document as your final essay along with your analysis. You will write an original essay, but also include visuals. The format you will use is smore.com, a site that will allow you to make it look like a flyer instead of an essay. The flyer will be a little looser on the essay format since you will also include relevant visuals; however, it will include 6 sections, too. You will submit a printed FLYER and an email to me along with your analysis. You will create an original satirical cartoon strip with pictures, dialogue and color. The cartoon must cover the 6 sections of the modest proposal. You will submit to me a cartoon strip that is mounted on construction paper along with your analysis. ****Please note, to do this option, you MUST ALREADY KNOW HOW TO CREATE A MOVIE!!!!! This option is a little more work! Only choose it if you have time OUTSIDE OF CLASS, TOO! I will have cameras available ONLY DURING SCHOOL HOURS! You will create a video that uses “A Modest Proposal” as your inspiration. Instead of an essay, you will create a script that you will later analyze. You will submit your video and script along with your analysis. Group members? 1-2 1-2 1 1-4 Choose a social situation you would like to reform, and come up with a totally outrageous solution for this problem. Follow the format of Swift’s Modest Proposal. Remember—the more ridiculous the solution, the better! 1) 2) Come up with an idea for a problem and solution. Remember that the solution must actually solve the problem, just in a really ridiculous way (think reductio ad absurdum). One way to do this: think of two problems that could “fix” each other. Example: too many people + not enough food = eat babies. Remember that your solution must actually solve the problem, not make it worse. If it’s not as crazy as eating babies, you’re not going far enough. Your solution to the problem should be simple and enforceable. Fill out the brainstorming sheet on the back and show it to Ms. Benton. This is due ASAP to move onto to the next step! Fill this out THOROUGHLY and show to Ms. Benton. I will send you back if I am not happy with it! More is better! Write in complete sentences. What group of people are you criticizing? (You are not criticizing an individual. If you have an individual in mind, what group of people do they represent?) (The people being criticized in “AMP” are the English aristocrats who are oppressing the Irish Catholics.) Who will be the speaker of your selection? (Remember the speaker will hold the opposite views as you.) Describe this person. (The speaker in “AMP” is a rich Protestant Englishman who lives in England and owns land in Ireland; doesn’t like Catholics or Irish.) What would you and the speaker agree is the social problem that needs to be reformed? Do not just put “illegal immigration.” What ABOUT it do you want to reform? You should include some research here. What facts do you have to support that this is a problem? Include from where you got your information. (Swift and the speaker both agree that the poverty issue in Ireland is a problem and needs to be addressed.) What are the reasons for the problem according to your speaker? According to you? The reasons for the problem should be vastly different. (The reason for the problem according to the speaker is because the Irish are too lazy to get themselves out of poverty. The author, Swift, believes the English and their anti-Catholic laws are to blame for the poverty of the Irish.) Who is your intended audience? What groups of people are you hoping will read your essay? Is this a proposal to CONVINCE the group you are CRITICIZING to change, or to ENTERTAIN the people who already AGREE with you? (The intended audience for “AMP” was the English nobleman in hopes to encourage them to change existing laws against the Irish people.) What satirical solution is your speaker going to give? Come up with something ridiculous: it must SOLVE the problem and be “babyeating” crazy. Think reduction ad absurdum. Write your idea in a complete sentence. (The speaker’s solution to fix the poverty of the Irish? Sell and eat babies!!!!!) ---See front of sheet for more information. When you are done with this, show it to Ms. Benton for approval!