2008 InSync Survey - Website and Catalogue Feedback Report

2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
2008 InSync Survey
Website and Catalogue
Feedback Report
Report prepared for:
Website Committee
Kirsty Lamont
Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
Joshua Gross
Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
Page 1 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Catalogue ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Overview of Comments about the Catalogue (174 comments in total).................................. 4
Positive Comments about the Catalogue (52 comments in total)........................................... 5
Negative Comments about the Catalogue (122 comments in total) ....................................... 5
Suggestions about the Catalogue ............................................................................................ 8
eResources / eJournals ................................................................................................................... 10
Overview of Comments about eResources / eJournals (212 comments in total) ................... 9
Positive Comments about eJournals / eResources (18 comments in total) .......................... 10
Negative Comments about eJournals / eResources (194 comments in total) ...................... 11
Suggestions about eJournals / eResources ............................................................................ 14
Off-campus Access........................................................................................................................... 16
Overview of Comments about Off-campus Access (14 comments in total) .......................... 15
Page 2 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Positive Comments about Off-campus Access (5 comments in total)................................... 16
View all 5 Positive Comments about Off-campus Access
Negative Comments about Off-campus Access (9 comments in total) ................................. 16
Suggestions about Off-campus Access .................................................................................. 17
Online Services ................................................................................................................................. 19
Overview of Comments about our Online Services (22 comments in total) ......................... 18
Page 3 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Positive Comments about our Online Services (19 comments in total) ................................ 19
Negative Comments about our Online Services (3 comments in total) ................................ 19
Website ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Overview of Comments about the Website (95 comments in total)..................................... 20
Positive Comments about the Website (37 comments in total) ........................................... 21
Negative Comments about the Website (58 comments in total) .......................................... 22
Suggestions about the Website ............................................................................................. 23
Page 4 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
The InSync Survey is an important tool for benchmarking CSU Library’s performance and progress
against key services, past performance and other institutions. The data compiled offers a broad
overview of the Library’s services and facilities, and our clients’ perceptions of us and how we do our
The Library Web Team have carefully analysed all of the comments from the InSync Survey regarding
the Library Website and Library Catalogue. These comments can be accessed on the S drive at this
S:\Academic\Library Services\INFORMATION MANAGEMENT\Control Tools\Website\InSync
This report is an overview and analysis of these comments.
Overview of Comments
Looking specifically at the Catalogue, the Website, Online Services, eResources (including eJournals),
and Off Campus Access sections of the 2008 InSync Survey results, the following is a summary of
what users have identified as key areas needing attention:
Clearer links to the catalogue from the Library Website.
More information about items (e.g. contents and index pages, loan length, material type).
Point of access assistance and instruction on using the catalogue (located within the
More efficient way of searching for eResources.
An easy way of searching for particular material types (e.g. dvds, fiction).
An interface that searches across all resources.
More access to Full Text, with less restrictive embargo conditions.
More eJournals and databases.
More help (e.g. help guides, assistance on weekends).
A single point of log in.
Access to theses and dissertations.
Clearer links to resources.
Access to databases from their workplace.
Better access for off shore students to contents pages for requesting.
More intuitive, user-friendly layout.
Less confusing headings.
Less loading time.
More obvious links to resources and instructions.
Page 5 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Overview of Comments about the Catalogue (174 comments in total)
What our users like about the Catalogue
Ease of Use
Happy with Catalogue
Ease of Access
Good amount of Information
Good Instructions
Good Layout
Number of Comments
What our users dislike about the Catalogue
Difficulty of Use
Lack of Information
Unhappy with Catalogue
Difficulty Locating Books on the Shelf
Difficulty finding Specific Resources
Not User-Friendly
Difficulty Accessing eResources
Poor Navigation
Lack of Combined Search
Time Consuming
Inaccurate Information
Steep Learning curve
Number of Comments
Page 6 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Positive Comments about the Catalogue (52 comments in total)
In Brief:
A number of our clients are happy with the catalogue, finding it easy to use and access, efficient, and
offering good instructions. Other areas of satisfaction identified were good layout and quality of the
information offered.
Sample Positive Comments:
Ease of Use (27 comments)
“The catologue is very helpful and easy to use”
Happy with Catalogue (18 comments)
“The catalogue for books is really helpful and I've never NOT found a book yet.”
Ease of Access (2 comments)
“I can access the catalouge at any time from home”
Efficiency (2 comments)
“cataloguing is efficient”
Good amount of Information (1 comment)
“Very impressed with access to book chapters on catalogue - is great for distance
ed students when requesting a photocopy etc.”
Good Instructions (1 comment)
“I find that the online catolgues are great aswell as all instructions on how to use
the system”
Good Layout (1 comment)
“I particularly like the layout of the webpages and catalogue. As I am a distance
student I rely heavily on accessing the library's services via the internet and I have
been impressed with how easy it has been for me to find the information I require
and to request books via the on-line catalogue”
View all 52 Positive Comments about the Catalogue
Negative Comments about the Catalogue (122 comments in total)
In Brief:
A large number of our users are struggling to use the catalogue.
Clients don’t find the catalogue to be intuitive, considering it to be hard to use, navigate and
access; even going as far as to say they find it difficult to find the access point into the
catalogue from the Library Homepage.
Page 7 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Out clients want more information: this includes information directly about an item (e.g. the
year, material type), as well as information that enables them to make a more informed
choice when requesting items and photocopies (e.g. chapter lists, index pages). They also
want more help information embedded within the catalogue, teaching them how to use this
resource (i.e. they want point of need assistance rather than having to leave the catalogue to
search for help).
They find the catalogue confusing and frustrating and are generally unhappy with the
catalogue. Many of those surveyed made general comments that implied their
dissatisfaction with the catalogue, without specific examples of what it is they are unhappy
A number of respondents found it difficult to know how to access eResources through the
catalogue and would like to be able to search all of the Library’s resources through the
catalogue, rather than having to search for books and journals in the catalogue, and articles
in the databases.
Users are facing what they consider to be a steep learning curve when it comes to learning
how to use the Catalogue, when all they want is to find resources for their assignments in
the quickest, easiest way possible.
Accessing journals via the catalogue is an area where our clients are experiencing difficulties
– they are unsure how to use the catalogue to access journals and using SFX to move out to
articles poses problems, with users confused about how this works and what they are
supposed to do.
The comments suggest that our clients are time poor, with at least 2 responses mentioning
that they find using the catalogue very time consuming.
Two respondents mentioned wanting a single interface that allows them to search all of our
resources just as they would use a Google search.
Other areas that merited a mention, however in much smaller numbers, included catalogue
downtime, inaccuracy of the information in the catalogue, lack of user-friendliness.
Sample Negative Comments:
Difficulty of Use (46 comments)
“it is hard to find resources in the electronic catalog”
Lack of Information (14 comments)
“More detail in catalogue on the content of books would be very useful to DE
students who cannot browse the book physically.”
“catalogue is frustrating. often not enough info re: books like chapters etc
Confusing (13 comments)
“can be hard to find resources both electronic & printed because missing or
confusing layout or too many books under the same no.s”
Unhappy with Catalogue (10 comments)
“CAtalogue could give more relevant results”
Page 8 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Difficulty Locating Books on the Shelf (8 comments)
“I can never find books on the shelf after looking them up on the catalogue. I don't
understand the catalogue.”
Difficulty finding Specific Resources (7 comments)
“The online catalogue search needs to be improved to make finding a specific item
easier, and without having to trawl through several pages or go back several
pages in order to reach the search function again. Some quicklinks there would be
very helpful (to instantly return to the search function to start a new search).”
Not User-Friendly (5 comments)
“Oops # 3 - I find it hard to find the catalogue from the library home page - I must
be blind or dumb??”
Difficulty Accessing eResources (4 comments)
“It is hard to find books from the ebook collections in the catalogue. It would be
nice to have all the electronic resources accessible via one search interface”
Poor Navigation (4 comments)
“The library catalogue is often hard to navigate around, and I often easily get lost!
Also, the way the books are arranged with numbers often confuses me!!”
Unintuitive (3 comments)
“The library catalogue is not very intuitive, I find it hard to navigate”
Downtime (2 comments)
“The electronic access to the catalogue gets overloaded and is unavailable downtime is frustrating”
Lack of Combined Search (2 comments)
“I think the technology is not available but 1 place to search all catalogues and
databases would be great”
Time consuming (2 comments)
“Catalogue search can be more time consuming than it needs to be for multiple
“not enough eresources in catalogue”
Inaccurate Information (1 comment)
“inaccurate catalogue”
Steep Learning Curve (1 comment)
“The search and display of the catalogue was difficult to master”
View all 122 Negative Comments about the Catalogue
Page 9 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Suggestions about the Catalogue
In Brief:
Our users want:
Clearer links to the catalogue from the Library Website.
More information about items (e.g. contents and index pages, loan length, material type).
Point of access assistance and instruction on using the catalogue (located within the
More efficient way of searching for eResources.
An easy way of searching for particular material types (e.g. dvds, fiction).
An interface that searches across all resources.
Sample Suggestions:
“I would like to be able to browse the shelves, or read the blurbs of books, or the
contents list to see whether they're relevant to my assignment/ study etc., and the
brief description which exists for only some of the books is a little too brief.”
“The online catalogue search needs to be improved to make finding a specific item
easier, and without having to trawl through several pages or go back several
pages in order to reach the search function again. Some quicklinks there would be
very helpful (to instantly return to the search function to start a new search).”
“the website doesn't offer information/direction on how to pay a fine on overdue
items if one is occurred (this would be very helpful for de students)”
“It would be great to have a PDF available of contents pages of books, because I
have to first request a contents page, then the chapter I need, and it takes a lot
longer to do research this way”
Page 10 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
eResources / eJournals
Overview of Comments about eResources / eJournals (212 comments in total)
What our users like about eResources / eJournals
Happy with eResources
Ease of Use
Happy with Databases
Number of Comments
What our users dislike about eResources / eJournals
Difficulty of Use
Difficulty Accessing Resources
Lack of Full Text Content
Lack of eJournals
Poor Navigation
Lack of eResources
Lack of eBooks
Lack of eLicences
Lack of Databases
Lack of Help and Instructions
Lack of a Combined Search
Having to Log in
Lack of Theses & Dissertations
Number of Comments
Page 11 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Positive Comments about eJournals / eResources (18 comments in total)
In Brief:
We received 18 responses indicating that users are generally happy with the Library’s eResources
and/or eJournals. Three other respondents noted that they find the resources easy to use and userfriendly, and are happy with our journal collection.
Sample of Positive Comments:
Happy with eResources (14 comments)
“availability of wide range of electronic resources, and the ability to access such
resources, print out information, etc. In addition, the overall layout of the service
is generally helpful and useful”
Ease of Use (2 comments)
“online data base is user friendly”
Happy with Databases (2 comments)
“Access to full-text databases is very good- you subscribe to a substantial number”
View all 18 Positive Comments about eJournals / eResources
Page 12 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Negative Comments about eJournals / eResources (194 comments in total)
In Brief:
One of the greatest areas of dissatisfaction with eResources is the availability (specifically the
perceived lack thereof) of full text articles. Users noted feeling frustrated by embargo periods,
feeling like they were being teased with “the perfect article” only to find out they couldn’t access it.
Respondents were also unhappy with the number of abstracts without full text for the same
Along with the desire for more full text comes a general desire for more eJournals and more
eResources. Six respondents also expressed the need for more licences to eResources, finding that
they would often be unable to access a resource due to limited “eLicences”. Some of the
dissatisfaction seemed to stem from using other university resources (either as past students or
through friends at other institutions).
A number of users said they find eResources confusing, while some found them generally hard to
use, and others had trouble navigating them. General “slowness” of eResources was a problem for
some users while others found there to be a steep learning curve and had difficulty trying to access
their subject readings.
A number of comments referred to the need for more help – help on weekends, help using EndNote,
clearer help using eResources, more help guides, and clearer signals for how to get help (one
respondent said they didn’t know help was available until recently).
A few respondents commented on the frustration wrought by multiple log in screens – they want to
log in once when they begin using Library resources rather than having to log in to use the catalogue
and log in for each database.
Without giving specific information about what caused their dissatisfaction, several users mentioned
that they were unhappy with eResources and databases.
Specific requests were for a catalogue for eResources, and an increase in the number of theses and
dissertations made available to users.
Sample of Negative Comments:
Difficulty of Use (49 comments)
“On-line access is marvellous, a little difficult to use databases really well, but I am
a dinosaur, so that's probably down to me still learning how. So very hard
sometimes without an immediate face to talk to and ask bunny questions.”
Difficulty Accessing Resources (35 comments)
“PDF files on electronic journals do not always load, meaning I can't access the
journal if not available in HTML format”
Lack of Full Text Content (35 comments)
Organisation of subject specific resources poor and not particularly helpful. Do
not want bibliographies and abstracts in database and journal search results. It
wastes my time searching for items I cannot access. I want comprehensive access
to the full text of articles and books online
Page 13 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Lack of eJournals (16 comments)
“The library doesnt have access to enough journals, and when you don't have it or
cant access it easily, its impossible to get”
Poor Navigation (14 comments)
“I find it difficult to navigate electronic information- much time spent entering a
number of different words that have similar meaning eg. when looking for stuff on
residential aged care- a nightmare!!!!!”
Confusing (11 comments)
The journals especially are so confusing, and all the different catalogue pages and
databases are confusing! I spent more time trying to figure out the sites than
Lack of eResources (8 comments)
“Needs to be a much higher content of online resources for courses offered by
distance. I would like the library to subscribe to websites such as "Early English
Books Online" etc. Currently I am having to do it through the National Library and
it requires a Petheridge Reader level to do so offsite. I'd like more electronic items
available to me immediately”
Lack of eBooks (6 comments)
“There is no digitalisation of books in the St Mark's library and this is is the way to
go in the future. Expecially for those books that have gone out of print or that
have the risk of dissapearing (not being returned). This would reduce the cost of
re-acquiring the books that go. Many books have dissapeared never to be
returned. Because of the demand of newer books, a system of digitalisation should
be incorporated in the library.”
Lack of eLicences (6 comments)
“I have not had any negative experiences except that when I tried to access certain
data bases I got an electronic message saying that it can be accessed by only a
limited number of people at a time. I do not know why and hope that access is
granted to more people.”
Lack of Databases (4 comments)
“There are not enough online databases - other universities have over 100 to
choose from There is no access to JSTOR, this is a great academic source. no access
to LISA online”
Lack of Help and Instructions (4 comments)
“I have not been able to find reliable information on how to access
databases/journals and have found it difficult to know what journals csu
subscribes to. huge trouble accessing e journals and articles even after procedding
through help sections. Negative - lack of clarity in online resources on how to
access materials - e.g. which journals are actually available? How do you access
Page 14 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Having to Log in (2 comments)
“On line catalogue, journals etc are difficult to negotiate and the continuous
loggin into is very frustrating. The password requirements at many searches are
tedious Access to e-resources via metalib & SFX can be frustrating particularly
having to log in part of the way through the search process. Also the pathway
back to previous searches via metalib is not intuitive”
Lack of a Combined Search (3 comments)
“negatives- too many databases that are not combined with one entry point”
Having to Log in (2 comments)
“On line catalogue, journals etc are difficult to negotiate and the continuous
loggin into is very frustrating. The password requirements at many searches are
tedious Access to e-resources via metalib & SFX can be frustrating particularly
having to log in part of the way through the search process. Also the pathway
back to previous searches via metalib is not intuitive”
Lack of Theses & Dissertations (1 comment)
“Thesis and Disserations - my only single area of disatisfaction is that when at Syd
Uni I could obtain copies of thesis and dissertations online for free in pdf file. CSU
does not have this level of subscription. It is a really much lower level of access
which is really inconvenient for me. I find sometimes I have no choice but to email
my former Syd Uni colleagues and ask them to get me the pdf file. This is not great
nor probably very ethical which also makes me uncomfortable”
View all 194 Negative Comments about eJournals / eResources
Page 15 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Suggestions about eJournals / eResources
In Brief:
Our users want:
More access to Full Text, with less restrictive embargo conditions.
More eJournals and databases.
More help (e.g. help guides, assistance on weekends).
Interface for searching across all resources.
A single point of log in.
Access to theses and dissertations.
Clearer links to resources.
Sample Suggestions:
“It took me 3/4 of my first semester to find that SmartSearch existed!”
“no notice for new service or database”
“needs better search and browse interface- many probs with accessing journal
articls and want to browse more, needs to be more user friendly (I have used
Athens before and it was much better)”
“It would be nice to have all the electronic resources accessible via one search
“I only use the library when I can't find the information elsewhere, I personally
subscribe to Questia and ask friends at other universities, in particular those with
access to the ATHENS system.”
“Examples of how to use the library search online are inadequate, there should be
several how to examples based on various ideas, which could be generated from
students, and displayed on the website”
“Access to electronic materials are not Mac friendly - I can't access most of the
electronic material”
“I would like a search page for information (ie google-like) without the need to
determine which database may have the best information. The site is also slow to
use (in comparison to google searches)”
“I wish you could bring back the bonus interlibray loan system, it was fantastic”
“hate having to open 4 or 5 pages just to get to database/journal articles”
“Link to articles from catalogue would be helpful”
Page 16 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Off-campus Access
Overview of Comments about Off-campus Access (14 comments in total)
What our users like about Off-campus Access
Happy with Off-campus Access
Number of Comments
What our users dislike about Off-campus Access
Difficulties with Access
Unhappy with Off-campus Access
Poor Internet Connection
Number of Comments
Page 17 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Positive Comments about Off-campus Access (5 comments in total)
In Brief:
There were five positive responses relating to general satisfaction with access and speed of
accessing resources from off campus.
Sample Positive Comments:
Happy with Off-campus Access (5 comments)
“Off campus service fast and responsive”
“positive - external access is excellent - ebooks, databases etc is more than what i
need and mostly easy to access”
View all 5 Positive Comments about Off-campus Access
Negative Comments about Off-campus Access (9 comments in total)
In Brief:
A few responses mentioned problems with accessing resources from their workplaces, asking if the
Library can adjust its settings to enable them to access Library resources when at work, while other
respondents commented on issues regarding access to Library resources from home, including
differences in the way the website / databases look and behave at home compared to on campus,
and trouble searching the catalogue and databases from their home computers.
One respondent cited their home internet connection (dial-up) as the biggest hurdle they had when
accessing the Library’s services, saying they would use the Library more if they had better internet
Offshore student access was cited by 3 students as an issue due to the fact that they can’t borrow
physical books from the collection and having to request a scan of the table of contents before being
able to effectively request a scan of selected pages is time consuming. One response offered this
suggestion: “It would be great to have a PDF available of contents pages of books”
Sample Negative Comments:
Difficulties with Access (5 comments)
Online journals are inaccessible on my work computer because of the settings.
Other universities (eg ANU) have settings that allow me to access from work, is it
possible to investigate this for CSU?”
Unhappy with Off-campus Access (3 comments)
“Negative: I live overseas, so I can't borrow books! It would be great to have a PDF
available of contents pages of books, because I have to first request a contents
page, then the chapter I need, and it takes a lot longer to do research this way”
Page 18 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Poor Internet Connection (1 comment)
“I only access the library online. My negative experiences are created by my
internet connection (dial up) rather than the library' services. I would use the
library more if I had better online access to it.”
View all 9 Negative Comments about Off-campus Access
Suggestions about Off-campus Access
In Brief:
Our users want:
Access to databases from their workplace.
Better access for off shore students to contents pages for requesting.
Sample Suggestions:
“Could do some online outreach to external students re databases”
“it would be nice if you could enable EBSCO to work over standard HTTP/HTTPS
so I can access through firewalls from work”
Page 19 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Online Services
Overview of Comments about our Online Services (22 comments in total)
What our users like about our Online Services
Happy with Online Services
Ease of Use
Good Navigation
Number of Comments
What our users dislike about our Online Services
Unhappy with Online Services
Number of Comments
Page 20 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Positive Comments about our Online Services (19 comments in total)
In Brief:
Responses for Online Services were overwhelmingly positive, with 19 positive responses compared
with 3 negative. Areas of satisfaction include efficiency, ease of navigation and use, good
organisation and general happiness with the services available.
Sample Positive Comments:
Happy with Online Services (14 comments)
“Due to the online support, I have been able to complete one year of postgraduate
study with having to go to a physical library. This service contributes to the,
generally, very high standard of CSU distance packages.”
Ease of Use (2 comments)
“The library online is fantastic, it is easy to use and acessible this also included the
requesting of books and photocopys.”
Good Navigation (2 comments)
“online services easy to navigate”
View all 19 Positive Comments about our Online Services
Negative Comments about our Online Services (3 comments in total)
In Brief:
There were only 3 comments indicating that our users are having difficulty with our online services
in general (1 respondent found them hard to use, another found them frustrating and one was
generally unhappy with them).
Sample Negative Comments:
Unhappy with Online Services (3 comments)
“Online bookings were initially slow and difficult.”
View all 3 Negative Comments about our Online Services
Page 21 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Overview of Comments about the Website (95 comments in total)
What our users like about the Website
Ease of Use
Happy with Website
Happy with Content
Good Layout and Appearance
Better than it was
Good Navigation
Number of Comments
What our users dislike about the Website
Poor Navigation
Difficulty of Use
Unhappy with Website
Not as Good as it was
Lack of Help Information
Long Loading Time
Number of Comments
Page 22 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Positive Comments about the Website (37 comments in total)
In Brief:
We received 37 positive comments about our website, with respondents describing it as easy to use
and navigate, user-friendly, and helpful. Users were happy with the appearance, layout and content,
as well as generally satisfied with the website. Four comments mentioned that the website has
Sample Positive Comments:
Ease of Use (11 comments)
“The website is very easy to use and very reliable”
Happy with Website (8 comments)
“The calibre of the library website is superior to many other regional/country
universities, well done!”
Happy with Content (6 comments)
“Resources by subject pages are excellent”
Good Layout and Appearance (5 comments)
“Good use of graphic elements to break up large areas of text; - Graphics and
backgrounds use browser-safe colors; - Every graphic has an "ALT" label.”
Better than it was (4 comments)
“library website is now excellent , easy to navigate, clear and helpful –“
Good Navigation (3 comments)
“I easily find my way around the web site”
View all 37 Positive Comments about the Website
Page 23 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Negative Comments about the Website (58 comments in total)
In Brief:
There were 58 comments relating to aspects of the website with which respondents were unhappy.
Many users found the website hard to navigate while others described it as hard to use. Other
responses about the website included that it is time-consuming, confusing, not user-friendly, and is
difficult to understand. Some users were unhappy with the layout of the website in particular, others
unhappy with the website in general. None of these responses offered specific examples of what
they were unhappy with or how we can improve.
Sample of Negative Comments:
Poor Navigation (20 comments)
“Libray website is difficult to navigate efficiently - in my personal experience it
took me quite a long time to find the 'renewals' section.”
Difficulty of Use (8 comments)
“i dont use online library as often as i should as i find it too difficult”
Confusing (7 comments)
“I get a bit confused with the library web site and often wonder if I have missed a
Unhappy with Website (7 comments)
“Website is designed for librarians not student users”
Unintuitive (7 comments)
“There has to be an easier way to set up web site- more user friendly. Absolute
Not as Good as it was (5 comments)
“new webpage outlay is not as easy to use as was previously”
Lack of Help Information (3 comments)
“the website doesn't offer information/direction on how to pay a fine on overdue
items if one is occurred (this would be very helpful for de students)”
Long Loading Time (1 comment)
“The library website and journals sometimes take a long time to load because of
graphics etc. This can be annoying.”
View all 58 Positive Comments about the Website
Page 24 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
2008 InSync Survey Website and Catalogue Feedback Report
Division of Library Services, Charles Sturt University
Suggestions about the Website
In Brief:
Our users want:
A more intuitive, user-friendly layout.
Less confusing headings.
Less loading time.
More obvious links to resources and instructions.
Sample Suggestions:
“the website doesn't offer information/direction on how to pay a fine on overdue
items if one is occurred (this would be very helpful for de students)”
“there isn't a section of the site to make requests for additions to the library's
collection (this would be helpful tool to assist with further studies and future
“I dont like the new website - its difficult to navigate and the sub categories on the
left hand side are not at all intuitive”
Page 25 of 25
Prepared by Kirsty Lamont, Assistant Coordinator, Library Web (acting)
and Joshua Gross, Coordinator, Library Web (acting)