Market Interface Committee (MIC) Meeting Minutes DRAFT July 16, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. MDT Webinar 1. Welcome - 9:05 a.m. Kathy Anderson, Market Interface Committee (MIC) Chair called the meeting to order and determined a quorum was present for the conducting of business. Participants were asked to introduce themselves by name and affiliation. 2. Approve Agenda Kathy Anderson introduced the proposed meeting agenda. Motion made to approve the proposed agenda, seconded. 3. Review March 2015 Minutes Kathy Anderson introduced the minutes from the March 24-25, 2015 meeting. There was no discussion or changes made. Motion made to approve the draft minutes, approved. 4. Review of Previous Action Items Kathy Anderson reviewed action items carried over from the March 24-25, 2015 meeting of the MIC. Action items reviewed were: 1. JJ Jamieson will keep the MIC appraised of the work of the Section 4.9 Work team. 2. Andy Meyers, Jim Price and MSIS will consider alternate options for maintaining MAP. 3. Jerry Bicknell will lead a task force to look at the issue around compensation of re-dispatch generators. The MIC requests that the MIS/SIS take on the issue of re-dispatch of congestion management. 5. WECC Board Items – JJ Jamieson A review of the key points from the Board of Directors (BOD) meetings held on the week of June 22, 2015. WECC name change is not going forward, approved by the board to remove it from the agenda. Mike Moon spoke regarding oversight and the reports on violation dismissals. JJ reported from MIC some of the 4.9 concerns, conversation to combine OC and MIC. The question was raised of whether standing committees need to reside at WECC. WECC should back to being a WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 155 North 400 West, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103-1114 MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 2 member focused organization; its focus is too broad. Funding of WECC and what are we paying for. There is a lack of communication between WECC, the BOD, and Standing Committees, all need to make an effort to reach out more. The BOD was looking at overlap between Work Groups, Task Forces and Standing Committees. Regional delegation agreement has gone through the steps it needs to nationally, and will be formally completed by the end of the year. WECC will be recruiting almost exclusively from Utah schools. MIC would like to know more of the reasoning. Question to be posed to Shonnie Job, director of Human Resources at WECC. There is concern about everyone coming to Salt Lake City, rather than meeting elsewhere. There are hotel constraints in the area. 6. NWPP – EIM Update – Kathy Anderson, AVA The Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) is addressing operational/commercial challenges. They are trying to find an approach for implementation that’s right for the region. Those working in Reliability can get Regional Flow Forecast (RFF) and Resource Monitoring and Deliverability (RMD) Beta version from Peak Reliability. It has an automated 15-minute energy market and operations-focused initiatives. NWPP is focusing on CCED & RRSG In July they will have updates made, by September they hope to have a detailed presentations to share and in November the will have a Go-Forward Vote. CCED does not address congestion, will there be bids every 15 minutes, will that then cause congestion? Link: NWPP MC Initiative Update – WECC MIC 7-16-15.pdf 7. Market Interface Manager Reports Updates from the WECC staff liaison supporting the MIC. Unscheduled Flow MP Software changes are mostly water under the bridge, except determining who sees the tags. We will need to check with Unscheduled Flow Administrative Subcommittee (UFAS) about changing who can see those tags. We are required to maintain the Total COPS and Total Curtailments. This year has been lower, but no one has researched why that is. It’s possibly because it is a dry year. There is also an increased reliance on Natural Gas and CAISO had a build out of Solar power. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 3 WECC had an expert come in to talk about the needs of Natural Gas industry with changes. Would we have enough supply? Allowed for better coordination of efforts Link: MIC Liaison Report.pdf 8. CAISO – EIM, and MSIS Updates – Jim Price, CAISO Merchant Alert Protocol, Migration from WECCNet. MSIS is in full operation with PacifiCorp, and will be implementing with NV Energy October 1, 2015. Puget Sound Energy and Arizona Public Service are scheduled to be operational October 2016. Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) Transitional Committee is receiving comments on draft final proposal on EIM governance. The briefing for the ISO Board is July 16 and they will be taking recommendations September 17 and 18. They need to compare cost of EIM optimized dispatch to counterfactual cost of dispatch. The cost was $11 M for November 2014 to March 2015. EIM year one enhancements are pending at FERC. FERC asked them to implement a plan. The best plan may be to determine by megawatt. FERC wants it to be cost based. Links: MSIS Update for MIC.pdf and MIC Update CAISO EIM Initiative.pdf 9. FERC & NERC Standards Update – Steve Rueckert, WECC We have openings for the different Sector Representatives. WECC 0101-Generator Validation Conversion changes to the applicability threshold would require some smaller units to be tested. Revalidation window would be five years instead of ten years. It would be difficult to put a percentage with the data; instead there are some technical studies to use as comparisons. The latest version is posted for comments until August 6. PSS Design and Performance was initially identified by Regional Criteria Work Group as a potential standards project. INT-021 is to define the checkout process of applicable Balancing Authorities (BAs) using the WIT, currently with Peak. The drafting team is done making changes. A new Ballot Pool is forming through July 21st. The SAR will retire or modify TOP-007. It is posted for comment July 1-31. Their proposal is to retire the entire standard. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 4 WECC-0113 wants to retire regional variances in NERC FAC-010 & 011. WECC Reliability Subcommittee believes these can be retired. NERC wants to retire FAC-010, which would retire WECC-0113 by default. There is still a chance that it will be modified instead. The desire is to have WECC changes completed before any NERC activity. WECC-0114 BAL-002 R1 identifies Contingency Reserve (CR) allowable types. R2 requires half of CR to be Operating Reserve (Spinning). The proposed interpretation confirms the allowable types of Contingency Reserve. The Ballot Pool is forming by July 21, 2015. SAR claims R2 of WECC-0115 is redundant to R1. SAR notes that removing R2 does not change CR in R1. A drafting team has been formed, but it has not gotten far yet. NERC BAL 3 does not require a quantity but a performance level. There have been several comments that these are not the same thing. NERC thinks their standards are in a steady state, meaning they are not going to change unless there is a specific need found. BAL-002-2 is being balloted again. It has failed 6 times. A new ballot poll is forming through August 5, 2015. The drafting team has clarified things to make them clearer to address concerns. Please join those ballot pools. NERC seated a new drafting team for BAL-004-2 Link: WECC Standards Update_July 2015 Standing.pdf 10. EPA 111(d) Activities Review – Vijay A. Satyal, WECC Clean Power Plan will include an interdisciplinary team to get a cross-functional perspective. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory commissions met and the Western Interconnection drove home that we are very different than the others areas. WECC is trying to get a feel for where things need to go once the EPA 111(d) rule comes out. Please send thoughts and comments to Craig Williams. 11. NAESB Wholesale Electric Report – Bob Harshbarger, PSE NAESB has some subcommittees (Coordinate Interchange Scheduling Subcommittee (formerly JESS)) developing a Whitepaper on making market operator as a new code-role in the Electric Industry Registry. The issue is out for formal comments right now. They would like to replace NERC’s INT-11 with a WEQ-004 Modification which allows for intra-BA tagging. There has been a consistent push at NERC to reduce standards. OASIS Subcommittee has long term competition specifics, like the NITS rollover issue. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 5 Business Practice Subcommittee will be replacing most of NERC’s MODs 1, 4, 8, 28, 29, and 30. NERC just added MOD-001-2, with 6 requirements. It calls into question specificity versus flexibility versus consistency. Please comment after rereading Order 890s. WEQ Executive Committee Order 676-H said NAESB standards did not support the policy laid out in Dynergy/Entergy Orders. OASIS developed recommendation for firm redirects Conditional Parent Firm Redirects Task Force sent a Whitepaper to FERC staff seeking guidance. Leadership has had two calls with FERC NERC convinced FERC to remove the Load-Serving Entity, Interchange Authority and PurchasingSelling Entity. NERC is either replacing LSEs with another functional entity, eliminating the requirement or replacing the whole standard. Link: 20150716 NAESB Update for MIC.pdf 12. Enhanced Curtailment Calculator (ECC) – Jeremy West, PeakRC WebIntegrity – Basic Review Phase 1A is in real time, allowing current hour situational awareness. This project remains on schedule to be ready for software delivery at the end of September. Peak recently addressed a gap in WebIntegrity regarding the modeling of RAS for outage elements. Element definition will define what is monitored. The process was posted for comment and Peak Reliability will work with stakeholders to define these elements. Dynamic Transfer Telemetry will be used to show impact. The due date was June 1, but it has been extended. Testing Preparation for Phase 1A will occur in late August. Peak will work with stakeholders to identify appropriate testers, and support test case execution. There will be a remote retest in late September after OATI has a bug fix period. Peak will lead training effort with support from OATI. They are still working out those details. Peak will maintain training materials to support future training efforts and support regional training. Phase 1B covers Future Hour information. Phase 2 is the curtailment methodology for “Other elements.” Phase 3 will integrate webSAS into WebIntegrity. Peak has been discussing with Enhanced Curtailment Calculator Task Force (ECCTF) whether this step should occur after Phase 1. The response from ECCTF is generally positive. Next step is to work with UFMP filing to change the tool and see how they need to be approved to switch over. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 6 Project Risks include the Data Quality (missing information and forecast data quality), and engagement (confidence in the model and results, participation in testing and training, communication and coordination with stakeholders to implement). Testing will be in August. Training will be in October and November and Phase 1A usage will be in December. Puget Sound Energy will have access and Peak will evaluate issues across all tools. Link: ECC webIntegrity Update for WECC MIC 07_16_2015.pdf 13. Merchant Alert Protocol – Andy Meyers, BPA WECCNet breaks part of the Merchant Alert Protocol (MAP). Kathy presented to Westtrans user group at May meeting. She requested the user group ask OATI for a change order to create the interface needed to get Westtrans to share messages to Peak Reliability Messaging Tool. The user group did not make a decision. We will circle back with them for a firm quote for construction and operation of interface Peak RMT was supposed to be in beta this summer, but will not be until early October. They are working to define and figure out “Parallel” operation of WECCNet & RMT. The goal is to avoid duplicate entries. We need to come up with contingency for if this does not work. There was no contract before because there was no cost, but now there will be a cost, so that needs to be sorted out. There will probably be an initial cost and a monthly fee, but these are probably premature conversations. There should be a zero sum cost option for getting the information from the bulletin board to WECCNet to xml format to Peak. This should probably be brought to the Peak MAC. Andy will send an email to Raj to make sure this question is addressed in the Peak MAC meeting. We will get an update about this in the October meeting. Link: July 2015 Merchant Alert Protocol.pdf 14. Interchange Scheduling Administrative Subcommittee (ISAS) Report – Andy Meyers, BPA Vice Chair Bud Freeman will be moving up to the role of chair in January, 2016. They are seeking Operating Committee (OC) approval of Raymond Vojdani from WAPA as incoming Vice Chair. After-the-Fact Work Group (ATFWG) is working on eTagging Guidelines. A recent meeting focused on appropriate uses of ATF etags and WIT schedule change request form (contract changed from WECC to Peak). Kathy will bring up the FTE on both sides to the Board in her report. Recent issues concerning use of ATF etags to avoid generation imbalance will be the primary subject for discussion. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 7 Interchange Work Group has been tasked with examining the Preschedule Calendar Guidelines. Their goal is to provide framework for the creation of the annual Preschedule Calendar. During 2016 Preschedule Calendar meeting ISAS members determined it would be good to review the guidelines document. The document has not been touched since September 2010. There is no indication yet if there will be changes. Andy Meyers will update the MIC in October about any changes to the Preschedule Calendar Guidelines. 2016 Preschedule Calendar was approved at ISAS April Meeting. It has been posted to Annual Spring Scheduler’s Meeting was May 19 – 20, 2015 in Salt Lake City. There were 42 inperson participants. They are seeking permission to have meetings outside of Salt Lake City. August 26 - 27 is their last meeting for 2015. Link: ISAS Report MIC July 2015.pdf 15. Re-dispatch Task Force – Jerry Bicknell, SRP Jerry has been unable to start anything. Kathy asked for anyone that could step up to give assistance or assign it to MSIS. Discussion will be held outside the meeting. 16. De-activation of PSEs & Standards – What next? – Michael Dalebout NERC eliminated Purchasing Selling Entities (PSE). The definition simplified criteria for Transmission Operators (TOP) & Generator Operators (GOP) for lighter use entities. There is no simple way to draw a line because there is too much variance. NERC is going to come up with technical criteria to justify to FERC that they will not lose reliability by removing Load Serving Entities (LSE). It will probably go forward. The current standards with PSEs will be null until they are rewritten. PSEs are still part of the NAESB application and will remain there. If they are falling short, it will not be WECC that comes to them about it, it will be the entity left hanging because WECC does not have authority anymore. There are WECC rules that have PSEs in them. This will be taken to Steve Rueckert to determine how WECC will treat PSEs. There are WECC standards that do not fall under the NERC criteria. In WECC criteria, PSEs will still be encouraged to follow these, but WECC does not have authority to enforce anything with PSEs. Craig Williams and Michael Dalebout will revisit this internally to come up with answers about criteria. The NERC Functional Model work group has not met to remove PSEs. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 8 17. Open Discussion – Kathy Anderson Kathy Anderson opened the floor to bring up new topics, ideas, or request for action by the stakeholders. Steve Goodwill sent an email requesting industry volunteers to be listed on Compliance Hearing Body. If you are willing let Kathy Anderson or Craig Williams know before July 25. Joint Session on 4.9 Review was asking if we still need the standing committees. There was also the suggestion that MIC and OC be combined into one committee. The purposes are distinct, so it could be done, but they are different enough to have two committees. But each of these committees has been taking on a lot of similar tasks. There are benefits to each entity, but WECC needs to make things more efficient. It needs to be looked at, with pros and cons taken into account. If we move MIC under the OC we would gain some of the operational benefits. If we bring a proposition to them, it will have more meaning than leaving our fate to others. The Western Interconnection met and said that we needed a place to discuss the market side of things. The WECC CEO invited them in. We could eliminate the MIC, and leave that under the reliability counterpart. The OC still allows Transmission Customer (TC) and Transmission Provider (TP) input. The concern is if MIC is under the OC would information ever get back to the Board. There is great value in market aspects being involved in Reliability. Commercial activity can create hardship for reliability. We have to be careful not to lose the voice of the market side. The voice of the TC needs to keep its voice. There would be a loss of voice if the MIC becomes an OC. We haven’t talked about how the OC is changing. There may be changes to their scope. We do not know if there will be a shift out of the OC about those alignments. We should not wait for the 4.9 review to tell us what they want. We should be actively making those points ourselves. If we wait, we will just find out what will happen to us. We need to make a suggestion ourselves. We are in a better position to know what we need and where we fit, we need to tell them and not let them decide. There is enough difference that we should be our own voice, but if we were combined, we would have to have an equal representation. We should put something formal together and have JJ Jamieson present it. We would need to approve it before the meeting in October. There needs to be equal representation between TC and TP. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 9 There is also the question of the Member Advisory Committee’s (MAC) role versus standing committees. Maybe the MAC and standing committees need to be one and the same. The original need for the MAC was to establish strategies and policies of WECC, the Member Expertise did not lie with Standing Committee roles. There needed to be a member voice elsewhere. Brad Bouillon said that as a new Member Representative (MR) for CAISO, there is a different skill set and philosophy than in the MIC. It was important to have equal representation from the different Classes and that representation does not flow into Standing Committees. There was a misunderstanding among the entities because of the bifurcation, about the role of the MAC. Andy Meyers and Kathy Anderson will touch base with the OC about the committee combination. Please send concerns to Raj Hundal for the Whitepaper about the MAC. 18. Review of New Action Items Kathy Anderson will review new action items and those carried over from the March 24-25, 2015 meeting of the MIC. Action items for review are: 1. Question to be posed to Shonnie Job, director of Human Resources at WECC about why WECC is recruiting almost exclusively in Utah. a. Assigned To: Craig Williams b. Due Date: Next Meeting 2. Please send thoughts and comments to Craig about EPA 111(d) a. Assigned To: Everyone b. Due Date: 3. Comment on latest version of WECC 0101-Generator Validation Conversion a. Assigned To: Everyone b. Due Date: Aug 6 4. Bring up the FTE on both sides to the Board in her report (Under ISAS Report) a. Assigned To: Kathy Anderson b. Due Date: 5. Will update MIC about any changes to the Preschedule Calendar Guidelines a. Assigned To: Andy Meyers b. Due Date: October 6. Clarify changes to PSEs regarding WECC authority to uphold standards a. Assigned To: Michael Dalebout and Craig Williams b. Due Date: Next meeting W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 10 7. Touch Base with the OC about the Committee combination a. Assigned To: Kathy Anderson b. Due Date: 19. Review Upcoming Meetings October 13-15, 2015 ................................................................................ TBD 20. Adjourn - 2:30 p.m. Motion to Adjourn with no opposition W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 11 Exhibit A: Attendance List Kathy Anderson ............................................................................................... Idaho Power Company Members in Attendance Brenda Ambrosi ....................................................................................................... British Columbia Hydro Brad Bouillon ............................................................................................................................California ISO Mike Bradshaw ...................................................................... Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County Peter Colussy............................................................................. Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel) Billy Cutsor ....................................................................................... Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska Scott Downey ....................................................................................................................................Peak RC Marilyn Franz ................................................................................................................................ NV Energy Glenn Goldbeck ........................................................................................................ Pacific Gas and Electric Patrick Hardin..........................................................................................Farmington Electric Utility Service Bob Harshbarger ........................................................................................................... Puget Sound Energy Raj Hundal ....................................................................................................................................... Powerex JJ Jamieson .................................................................................................. Gridforce Energy Management Bob Johnson .............................................................................. Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel) Erin Kester .................................................................................................................. Iberdrola Renewables Shay LaBray ................................................................................................................................... PacifiCorp Caitlin Liotiris............................................................................................ Utah Association of Energy Users Sueyen McMahon ................................................................ Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Andy Meyers ........................................................................................... Bonneville Power Administration Susan Millar.............................................................................................. Bonneville Power Administration Mike Pfeister ...................................................................................................................... Salt River Project Jim Price ...................................................................................................................................California ISO W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L MIC Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015 12 Doug Reese ........................................................................................ Tri-State Generation & Transmission Steve Rueckert ..................................................................................................................................... WECC Phil Sanchez ............................................................................ Transmission Agency of Northern California Vijay Satyal ........................................................................................................................................... WECC Mike Shapley .......................................................................................................... Snohomish County PUD Philip Tice .............................................................................................................................. Deseret Power Tim Vigil...............................................................................................Western Area Power Administration Jeremy West......................................................................................................................................Peak RC W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L