DIVISION OF POPULATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT MAJOR INCIDENT PLAN This plan has been drawn up in accordance with the UCL Major Incident Plan, to ensure that the Research Department of Primary Care & Population Health and Research Department of Infection and Population Health (encompassing both campuses) can quickly recover from a major incident. Departmental Major Incident Team (DMIT) In the event of a major incident the following people will be responsible for returning the Departments to normal operational status: NAME Irwin Nazareth Richard Gilson Joe Rosenthal Richard Murkett Marcella MacCann Terri Charrier Richard Marsh TITLE Head of Department of Primary Care & Population Health Head of Department of Infection & Population Health Senior Lecturer in General Practice IT Support TELEPHONE 020 7472 6754 EMAIL 020 7830 2886 r.gilson@ucl.ac.uk 020 7472 6116 j.rosenthal@pcps.ucl.ac.uk 020 7830 2239 r.murkett@ucl.ac.uk Manager and Divisional Finance Administrator Institutional Human Resources Lead Institute Manager and Research Lead 020 7830 2340 m.maccann@ucl.ac.uk 020 7679 9477 t.charrier@ucl.ac.uk 020 7679 1696 r.marsh@ucl.ac.uk i.nazareth@ucl.ac.uk DMIT Meeting Venues The UCL MIP recommends having two meeting venues (with sufficient equipment) for the DMIT to meet when an incident occurs: Venue 1 1) Head of Department’s meeting room, Royal Free Campus Equipment necessary Telephone / Mobile PC with internet connection Terri Charrier June 2008 FINAL VERSION 2) A meeting room on one of the two campuses unaffected by the incident Fax Teleconferencing equipment The DMIT will be primarily responsible for liaising with the UCL major incident team to identify any potential issues that must be dealt with at College level, and to identify and suggest initial proposals for any additional support. The following areas will need to be assessed: Injuries Cause Damage Possible further damage Impact on business Note: Royal Free and Bloomsbury Hospital/Trust Major Incident Plans must be consulted in tandem with the UCL Major Incident Plan to maximise the safety of staff at these sites. Table 1 - Critical Activities Critical Activity Administration Research (inc labs) Undergraduate Teaching Postgraduate Teaching Key internal dependencies Staff, space, facilities Students, staff, space, facilities Key external dependencies Funding Contracts, funding Funding, suitable students Table 2 – Potential Losses Critical Activity Administration Research (inc labs) Undergraduate Teaching Postgraduate Teaching Potential Loss Short to long term disruption or cessation Form of Loss Monetary, human Monetary, human, reputation, data Impact of Loss Severe Severe for those concerned, less so for UCL as a whole Table 3 – Risk Assessment Risk Fire Likelihood Low Loss of Staff Medium Flood Low Terrorism on the periphery Medium Building collapse Low Impact Severe for area(s) concerned Comment Department adheres to UCL and Campus Fire Safety Regulations. Transport difficulties, police cordons, severe weather or illness (e.g. influenza). None of UCL campuses are within the Thames flood plain. Although it is recognised that the major targets are at the centre of London, there is the possibility that the transport system remains a potential target. Buildings built to a high standard and are maintained. Possible impact by vehicles on the perimeter. Table 4 - Action Plan Incident Phase Phase 1 First 90 minutes Phase 2 First 24 hours Phase 3 First 48 hours Facilities (for whatever reason) are not available Deal with immediate health & safety / first aid issues Head count (use emergency database/UCL registry for students) to contact those off site. Contact UCL MIT for instructions Place emergency notice on website Use radio information and emergency numbers provided by the Police Advise all staff to read website for updates and/or contact site DA for further information Begin to list details of essential administrative functions (numbers involved, equipment necessary etc) Use radio information and emergency numbers provided by the Police See note below Phase 4 First 7 days & beyond Depending on severity of incident, liaise with UCL MIT to identify suitable temporary accommodation for relocation of affected site Inform staff and students of progress Liaise with UCL MIT for further instruction and guidance Plan relocation of affected site to temporary accommodation Inform staff and students of progress Liaise with UCL MIT for further instruction and guidance Staff are unable to get to work Head count (use emergency database) to contact those off site. Assess impact of incident Contact UCL MIT for further instructions Place emergency notice on website Use radio information and emergency numbers provided by the Police UCL is closed Advise all staff to read website for updates and/or contact site DA for further information. Identify nominated deputies for absent core staff (tutors, managers etc) and to ensure that critical administrative functions continue Use radio information and emergency numbers provided by the Police As above plus: Consider agency staff for non-core staff replacement Liaise with UCL MIT for further instruction and guidance Review and reassess situation Inform all staff that UCL and therefore the department is closed until further notice. Their pay will be protected during this time Staff will not be granted access until UCL reopens MIT to securely close affected site Place emergency notice on website Await re-opening instructions from UCL MIT Inform all staff when UCL reopens Update website Liaise with UCL MIT Update staff / website as necessary As above Note: UCL will not be able to provide specialist research, teaching or service function space such as laboratories. Nor will they be able to provide specialist equipment it is therefore necessary to have plans for: 1. Providing essential lab and/or teaching space elsewhere by making arrangements with other UCL departments and/or collaborators outside of UCL. 2. Providing access to essential equipment elsewhere.