ETS 4UI Grand River Collegiate Institute Name:___________________ Folktales Across Cultures - Informal Essay ( /30) Task: your essay will be a critical reading of three related folktales from three different cultures. Start with the same folktale chart that you used for "Cinderella" and use the following website to find your folktales: Note: each student needs to work with a different folktale. Purpose: 1) More informal essay writing practice. 2) A thorough and independent investigation of an important part of Children's literature history. Dates: Formative: ___________________ Summative: ___________________ Specifics: - 800-1000 words Tips: 1. Read each folktale carefully and more than once. 2. As it says above, start with a folktale chart similar to the "Cinderella" one you created in order to organize your thinking. 3. When you are looking for a folktale to choose for this essay, look for ones that have many different cultures. You will find more interesting variations in the folktales. 4. It might help your discussion (and your interest) if you look for a folktale that you already know. 5. DO NOT SIMPLY RETELL THE THREE FOLKTALES. Instead talk about the impact of these changes; think about what you find intriguing about the variations; think about how your impression of the story has changed because of the different variations you read (if you've chosen one that you already know). 6. As always, pay close attention to the rubric. 7. Although this is an informal essay, it is still important to have an argument in order to keep your writing focused. Catherine Orenstein's "Dances With Wolves" is an excellent example of the type of thing you are writing. At the end of reading your essay, a reader should be able to identify one or two sentences that could act as a thesis statement. Assessment: As a class, you have some choices to make here. We can run with the exact same rubric as the last informal essay. That way, you will know what you're aiming for and the marking will hopefully make sense. The other option is to use a rubric that has been used in the past for this assignment. Have a look at both and let me know what you think. Level 4 (80-100%) Level 3 (70-80%) Level 2 (60-70%) Level 1 (50-60%) Evidence chosen to prove the writer’s point of view is effective to some degree. Evidence chosen to prove the writer’s point of view is of limited effectiveness. The analysis of evidence shows basic skill and may be inconsistent in its quality and thoroughness. The analysis of evidence shows little skill and is inconsistent in its quality and thoroughness. Ideas and arguments demonstrate a degree of analytical ability Ideas and arguments demonstrate a limited analytical ability. The essay demonstrates limited organization and the controlling idea is a bit difficult to figure out. (0-5) Thinking How effectively do you choose evidence? How effectively can you explain how your evidence proves your thesis? To what degree are your ideas and arguments creative, original, and interesting? Evidence chosen to prove the writer’s point of view is excellent and all chosen details are highly relevant. The analysis of all evidence is insightful, thorough and exceptionally wellreasoned. Evidence chosen to prove the writer’s point of view is good. The analysis of all evidence is consistently good and fairly well-reasoned. Ideas and arguments are consistently good and fairly predictable. Ideas and arguments are perceptive and interesting. Does not meet requirements. /15 marks Communication The essay is cleverly organized around a controlling idea. The essay is effectively organized around a controlling idea. The essay is organized for the most part around a controlling idea. How clearly do you express your points? The essay’s flow is extremely smooth and each point flows logically from the point stated previously. The essay’s flow is fairly smooth and most points flow logically from the point stated previously. The essay has some sense of flow and some points flow logically from the point stated previously. How well does your essay flow? Student demonstrates excellent ability to use a variety of sentence structures effectively. Student demonstrates good ability to use a variety of sentence structures effectively. Student demonstrates some ability to use a variety of sentence structures effectively. Student demonstrates good grammar, punctuation and spelling skills. Student demonstrates a degree of grammar, punctuation and spelling skills. How effectively can you organize your essay? How well do you follow MLA format? /15 marks Student demonstrates excellent grammar, punctuation and spelling skills. All quotations are integrated seamlessly. (All quotations are referenced properly.) MLA format is followed impeccably. Most quotations are well integrated. (Most quotations are referenced properly.) Some quotations are well integrated. (Some quotations are referenced properly.) MLA format is followed well. MLA format is followed to a degree. The essay has a limited sense of flow and the logical flow of the piece is quite choppy. Student demonstrates limited ability to use a variety of sentence structures effectively. Student demonstrates limited grammar, punctuation and spelling skills. There is a limited understanding of how to integrate or… (…reference quotations.) There are a number of formatting errors. Does not meet requirements. /30 INTRODUCTION Background/History Thesis Statement CONCLUSION 4 3 2 1 Well-developed sense of introduction which engages the reader and creates interest. Clear sense of purpose. Thesis clearly states a position or belief regarding folktale research Conclusion effectively wraps up and goes beyond restating the thesis. Introduction creates interest. Sufficient information is provided. Thesis clearly states the position or belief. Conclusion is recognizable and ties up almost all loose ends. Introduction adequately explains the purpose, but may lack detail. Thesis states the position or belief. Conclusion is somewhat recognizable and ties up some loose ends. Details are a random collection of information, unclear, or not related to the topic. Thesis is vague or unclear. Conclusion does not tie to main points. The paper’s main idea continues to be clear. Appropriate, relevant information and details are shared from a variety of sources including personal experiences, observations, and prior knowledge. Supporting details from the folktales are accurate, relevant, and helpful in clarifying the main idea(s). The main idea can be identified. The writer shares relevant information, facts and experiences. There is a clear distinction between general observations and specifics. Supporting details are relevant and explain the main idea. The main idea can be identified. The writer shares some information, facts and experiences, but may show problems going from general observations to specifics. Stronger support and greater attention to details would strengthen this paper. More than one of the following problems may be evident: The main idea is not identifiable. The writer shares some information, but it is limited or unclear. Details are missing or repetitious. Logical progression of ideas with a clear structure that enhances the thesis. Transitions are mature and graceful. Logical progression of ideas. Transitions are present equally throughout essay. Organization is clear. Transitions are present. No discernable organization. Transitions are not present. Connections between ideas seem confusing or incomplete. The language is natural yet thought-provoking. Though personal, the writer’s voice/style supports an academic discussion. Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Writer's voice is consistent and strong. The writer is aware of an audience. The reader is informed and remains engaged. Sentences have varied structure. Writer's voice may emerge strongly on occasion, then retreat behind general, vague, tentative, or abstract language. Sentence structure shows some variety. Writing is confusing, hard to follow. Language is vague. No audience awareness. No variety in sentence structure. Punctuation, spelling, capitalization are correct. No errors. Punctuation, spelling, capitalization are generally correct, with few errors. Some errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization. Distracting errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization. /5 MAIN POINTS Body Paragraphs /10 ORGANIZATION Structure Transitions /5 STYLE Writer’s Voice Language skill and application /5 MECHANICS Spelling, punctuation, capitalization MLA format /5