ENRICHED LANGUAGE ARTS 9 - Cuyahoga Falls City School District

Human and Public Services:
Listening with understanding and empathy
Listening with understanding and empathy
Summer Reading Assignment– 2015
Ms. Ferrara
Every student enrolled in Enriched Language Arts 9 is required to complete the
mandatory summer reading assignment and to respond to the mandatory reading in essay
questions. This is a course requirement and mandatory for placement in the class.
Important: Please feel free to contact me at cf_ferrarak@cfalls.org with any questions. Upon completion, students
are welcome to submit writing to me via email for early evaluation. However, you MUST ALSO bring a printed copy
on the first day.
These reading materials may be purchased, but since they can be found in one of the local libraries
(Taylor, Stow, Akron, Summit Co., etc.), purchase is not necessary.
Mandatory Reading
Date Essay is Due:
A Captain’s Duty
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
First They Killed my Father
by Captain Richard Phillips
by John Boyne
by Loung Ung
July 1st
August 1st
First Day of School
Human and Public Services Den
Mandatory Essays
Summer Writing Assignment - 2015
The essays are due on the day specified by email. Failure to have them on the first day will
result in a schedule change to a non-enriched Language Arts 9 class.
Each essay should be answered in a minimum of 250 words each and a maximum of 350 words.
Essays should be written in coherent paragraphs complete with topic sentences, transitions, and
supports/details from the reading. Include an introduction and conclusion. Each essay should be typed
on a separate sheet of paper that is set up in MLA format.
Essay # 1–Discuss conflict as it relates to A Captain’s Duty.
Essay # 2 – Discuss the point of view in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. What did the point of view add to
the story and how would it have been different if a different point of view had been used?
Essay # 3– There is a continuous theme of “hunger” running throughout First They Killed My Father.
However, hunger does not always mean the same thing. There are many different kinds of hunger.
Discuss the theme of hunger in the memoir, using specific examples. Be sure to illustrate how it is
important to the overall message of the text.
Note: A mandatory test over the summer reading will be given the first week of class, so be sure to keep
a journal of notes in order to refresh yourself.