GRADE 10 Outcomes (Indicators) Context CC A/B10.1 Compose and create a range of visual and multimedia texts that explore identity, social responsibility and social action. 4 – Mastery 3 – Proficient 2 – Approaching 1 – Beginning Creates insightful, original and thought-provoking visual and multimedia texts that explore identity, social responsibility, and social action. These texts will include: • An insightful thesis and logical points to support messages and arguments • Thoughtful and appropriate details to support thesis • A compelling style and voice appropriate to audience and purpose • Coherence, logical progression, and insightful support for ideas • Clear and strategic patterns of organization • Logical, convincing, and insightful conclusions Creates clear, original, and well-developed visual and multimedia texts that explore identity, social responsibility and social action. These texts include: • A clear thesis and logical points to support messages and arguments • Appropriate details to support thesis • A style and voice appropriate to audience and purpose • Coherence, logical progression, and support for ideas • Clear patterns of organization • Convincing conclusions Creates predictable visual and multimedia texts that explore identity, social responsibility and social action. These texts will include: • A general thesis and points to support messages and arguments • adequate details to support thesis • A style and voice connected to audience and purpose • Basic coherence, progression, and support for ideas • Inconsistent patterns of organization • General conclusions Creates limited and/or unfocused visual and multimedia texts that explore identity, social responsibility and social action. These texts will include: • A vague thesis and limited points to support messages and arguments • Limited details related to thesis • Style and voice inconsistent or inappropriate for audience and purpose • Limited coherence, and unclear ideas • Limited organization • Vague conclusions Creates insightful representations that: Creates clear, straightforward representations that: Creates satisfactory representations that: Creates basic representations that: -attains partial audience attention -little or no audience attention Message Content and Ideas CC A10.2 Explain and present to a familiar audience the key ideas and events (actual or based on a text studied) through an appropriate combination of charts, diagrams, sound, models, drama, and print. -strategically attains audience attention CC B10.2 Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation supporting a prepared talk on a researched issue, using either digital or other presentation tools. -attains audience attention Effectively analyze, organize, and convert information into different forms (e.g., charts, graphs, drawings, movement) Effectively integrate a variety of media (e.g., sound effects, mime, graphics, physical movement, short video clip) to enhance the message Effectively employ appropriate technology to organize and record information (charts, maps, and graphs) Skillfully adapt production techniques and technologies to communicate Analyze, organize, and convert information into different forms (e.g., charts, graphs, drawings, movement) Integrate a variety of media (e.g., sound effects, mime, graphics, physical movement, short video clip) to enhance the message Employ appropriate technology to organize and record information (charts, maps, and graphs) Use and adapt production techniques and technologies to communicate Simplistically analyze, organize, and convert information into different forms (e.g., charts, graphs, drawings, movement) Integrate a variety of media (e.g., sound effects, mime, graphics, physical movement, short video clip) related to the message Employ some appropriate technology to organize and record information (charts, maps, and graphs) Use predictable production techniques and technologies to communicate Inadequately analyze, organize, and convert information into different forms (e.g., charts, graphs, drawings, movement) Integrate a variety of media (e.g., sound effects, mime, graphics, physical movement, short video clip) unrelated to the message Employ little or no technology to organize and record information (charts, maps, and graphs) Use limited production techniques and technologies to communicate Use of Strategies CC A/B10.4 b. Select, use, and evaluate purposefully a variety of before, during, and after strategies to construct and communicate meaning when representing. BEFORE • Skillfully generates prompts or a topic and activates prior knowledge. • Thoughtfully considers purpose and audience. • Generates and identifies comprehensive ideas and information. • Strategically chooses/adapts a possible form. • Skillfully collects and focuses relevant and compelling ideas and information. • Strategically plans and organizes ideas for drafting. BEFORE • Considers prompts or finds a topic and activates prior knowledge. • Considers purpose and audience. • Considers and generates specific ideas and information. • Considers and purposefully chooses/adapts a possible form. • Collects and focuses ideas and information. • Plans and organizes ideas for drafting. BEFORE • Generally considers or finds a topic and activates prior knowledge. • Generally considers purpose and audience. • Generally considers and generates ideas and information. • Generally considers or chooses a possible form. • Collects general ideas and information. • Some planning and organizing of ideas for drafting. BEFORE • Rarely considers prompts or finds a topic and activates prior knowledge. • Rarely considers purpose and audience. • Rarely considers ideas and information. • Rarely considers form. • Rarely collects ideas and information. • Little evidence of planning and organizing ideas for drafting. DURING • Creates draft(s) and confidently experiments with possible product(s). DURING • Creates draft(s) and experiments with possible product(s). DURING • Creates some draft(s) and may experiment with possible product(s). DURING • Partially creates draft(s) and ineffectively experiments with possible product(s). • Skillfully uses language and its cues and conventions to compose and create a message. • Uses language and its cues and conventions to compose and create a message. • Inconsistent use of language and its cues and conventions to compose and create a message. • Strategically confers with others to create quality text. • Confers with others to create quality text. • Inconsistently confers with others to improve text. • Uses language and its cues and conventions inaccurately or ineffectively to compose and create a message. • Skillfully reflects, clarifies, self-monitors, selfcorrects, and uses a variety of “fix-up” strategies. • Confidently experiments with communication features and techniques (content, organization, purpose, audience, context). AFTER • Consistently revises for content, meaning and organization by adding, deleting, substituting, and rethinking. • Strategically confers with peers, teacher, or others to create quality text. Cues and Conventions CC A/B10.4 c. Understand and apply the pragmatic, textual, syntactic, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic and other language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when representing. • Reflects, clarifies, self-monitors, self-corrects, and uses a variety of “fix-up” strategies. • Experiments with communication features and technique. AFTER • Revises for content, meaning and organization by adding, deleting, substituting, and rethinking. • Confers with peers, teacher, or others to create quality text. • Limited evidence of conferring with others. • Inconsistent use of “fix-up” strategies • Basic use of communication features and techniques. • Limited or inaccurate use of “fix-up” strategies. • Limited or inaccurate use of communication features and techniques. AFTER • lnconsistent revision of content, meaning and organization.. • Inconsistently confers with peers, teacher, or others to improve text. AFTER • Limited revision of content, meaning and organization. • Rarely confers with peers, teacher, or others to improve text. PRAGMATIC • Strategically selects and uses language register appropriate for the subject, context, audience, and purpose. • Consistently uses conventional “standard” English when required. PRAGMATIC • Selects and uses language register appropriate for the subject, context, audience, and purpose. • Uses conventional “standard” English when required. PRAGMATIC • Inconsistent use of language connected to subject, context, audience, and purpose. • Inconsistent use of conventional “standard” English when required. PRAGMATIC • Limited or incorrect use of language register for the subject, context, audience, and purpose. • Limited use of conventional “standard” English when required. TEXTUAL • Skilfully creates texts that are unified and compelling. TEXTUAL • Competently creates texts that are unified and coherent. TEXTUAL • Creates basic texts with adequate evidence of coherence. TEXTUAL • Creates texts that lack unity and coherence. SYNTACTICAL • Skillfully uses sentences that are varied in form (including subordination and parallelism). • Skillfully demonstrates control over such elements as subject-verb agreement, pronounantecedent agreement, pronoun reference, pronoun agreement, verb forms, verb tense, correct use of that/which, who/whom. SYNTACTICAL • Uses sentences that are varied in form (including subordination and parallelism). • Consistently demonstrates control over such elements as subject-verb agreement, pronounantecedent agreement, pronoun reference, pronoun agreement, verb forms, verb tense, correct use of that/which, who/whom. SEMANTIC/LEXICAL/MORPHOLOGICAL • Uses vivid words precisely, skillfully (including prepositions, homonyms, plurals and possessives, and meaning) and for effect (e.g., to create imagery, to communicate figuratively, to communicate symbolically, as an allusion) SEMANTIC/LEXICAL/MORPHOLOGICAL • Uses words correctly (including prepositions, homonyms, plurals and possessives, and meanings) and for effect (e.g., to create imagery, to communicate figuratively, to communicate symbolically, as an allusion) GRAPHOPHONIC • Competently and consistently recognizes and uses Canadian spelling conventions. GRAPHOPHONIC • Accurately recognizes and uses Canadian spelling conventions. OTHER CUES AND CONVENTIONS • Skillfully uses communication elements such as neatness, underlining, indentations, spacing, and margins to enhance the clarity and the legibility of communication. • Skillful use of written elements (font size, type face, formatting) to enhance meaning. OTHER CUES AND CONVENTIONS • Uses communication elements such as neatness, underlining, indentations, spacing, and margins to enhance the clarity and the legibility of communication. • Uses appropriate written elements (font size, type face, formatting) to enhance meaning. SYNTACTICAL • Uses basic sentence forms. • Inconsistent use and application of such elements as subject-verb agreement, pronounantecedent agreement, pronoun reference, pronoun agreement, verb forms, verb tense, correct use of that/which, who/whom. SYNTACTICAL • Limited use of sentence variety. • Limited or incorrect use of elements of language. SEMANTIC/LEXICAL/MORPHOLOGICAL • Some use of accurate, precise words (including prepositions, homonyms, plurals and possessives, and meaning) or for effect (e.g., to create imagery, to communicate figuratively, to communicate symbolically, as an allusion) SEMANTIC/LEXICAL/MORPHOLOGICAL • Uses words incorrectly or inaccurately (including prepositions, homonyms, plurals and possessives, and meaning) GRAPHOPHONIC • Inconsistent use of Canadian spelling conventions. GRAPHOPHONIC • Limited use of Canadian spelling conventions. OTHER CUES AND CONVENTIONS • Inconsistent use of communication elements such as neatness, underlining, indentations, spacing, and margins. • Inconsistent use of written elements (font size, type face, formatting). OTHER CUES AND CONVENTIONS • Limited use of communication elements such neatness, underlining, indentations, spacing, and margins. • Limited use of written elements (font size, type face, formatting).