Spag 8 - Freegrounds Junior School




1 mark for each correct answer


Where should the commas be placed in the following sentences?

(a) Haggis when prepared properly is very tasty.

(b) Adam the son of John and Sally has passed his driving test.

(c) I was born and raised in Edinburgh the capital city of Scotland.

(d) Scrooge was a cruel cold-hearted miser until the ghosts visited him.

(e) Having finished the mini-marathon I was ready for a hot bath.


Go back to Question 1.

Which three sentences contain a subordinate clause ?


Where are capital letters required in the following sentences?

(a) we’re going to france in august.

(b) i love learning french and so does my brother leo.

(c) the tower of london is an exciting place to visit.


Change the following sentences from the active to the passive .

(a) That dog has just bit me.

(b) The police will eventually catch the thief.

(c) Most pupils made a couple of mistakes in the test.

(d) The news shocked us.

(e) Who might have taken the money?


Change the following direct speech to indirect speech .

The first one is done for you.

(a) “He’ll be here tomorrow.” She told me he would be here next day.

(b) “I don’t understand the question.” He said he ___________ the question.

(c) “Open that window!” He told me ___________ that window.

(d) “I haven’t done my homework.” Sally said she ____________ her homework.

(e) “Eve didn’t say that at all.” all.

Adam said that Eve ____________ that at


Replace the underlined words with personal pronouns .

Then first one is done for you.

(a) Ben is over there. Give the book to Ben. He is over there. Give it to


(b) The girls gave apples to Miss Smith. _____ gave _____ to _____.

(c) My brother and I both like Heavy Metal music.


_____ both like

(d) Actually, the pupils quite enjoy grammar. Actually, ______ quite enjoy



Add prepositions in the blank spaces to complete the Squirrel’s Tale .

Squirrel Nutty ran _____ the oak tree and shook _____ a pawful

_____ delicious acorns. Then he scrambled _____ the tree, gathered

_____ the nuts and found a place to bury them. He dug a hole

_____ his sharp claws and buried the nuts _____ a rose bush that

was blooming _____ a hundred red roses.

Unfortunately, when Squirrel Nutty returned _____ the winter, he couldn’t find the bush; all the roses had withered and fallen, so every bush looked exactly the same as every other bush. What do you suggest he should do?


Complete each of these sentences so that they make good sense.

(a) How long have you .........................................................?





How well does .................................................................?

How much money ...........................................................?

How often do the children .............................................?

How long has David ........................................................?


Complete these sentences with there

, they’re

or their


(a) Tell the children to put _______ jackets over ________.

(b) Are you looking for the cakes? ________ over _______.

(c) Were ________ many people at the game? Yes. ________ were.

(d) _________ not coming tonight. __________ car has broken down.


Use a prefix or a suffix or both to complete these sentences.



That’s not legal. In fact, it’s down right _____________ .

Max isn’t sane. In fact, he’s clearly suffering from __________.

(c) The therapy I recommend for you is called ________ therapy.

(d) Boy______ and girl______ both happen during __________hood.
