Building Bridges


New Jersey Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

Building Bridges


Working with communities of faith to help recovering sex offenders in the community

Friday April 24, 2015

Trinity Episcopal Church, Cranford, New Jersey

10:30 – 12:30pm


Meeting Goals

Build bridges between clinicians, parole, and faith communities.

Demystify and humanize the “sex offender”.

Understand that faith communities help mitigate risk.

Understand how faith communities can help support sex offenders.

Explore the theological rationale of supporting sex offenders.

PREPARE: how faith communities can create sexually healthy congregations.

RESPOND: how faith communities can respond to sex offenders and offenses.

SUPPORT: how faith communities can support sex offenders safely.

SHARE: resources between clinicians and faith communities.

General overview of Sex Offenders in New Jersey

Myths and Facts about sex offenders.

How sex offenders are managed and supervised in the community.

Theological Rationale for Including Sex Offenders in Faith Communities

Reverend Dr. Gina Walsh-Minor, Trinity Episcopal Church, Cranford NJ.

Reverend Dr. Diana Brown, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Cranford/Elizabeth,

Elizabeth, NJ.

Clinical Rationale for Including Sex Offenders in Faith Communities

How inclusion in communities of faith can reduce risk of sexual recidivism.

Networking Break

New Jersey Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers


Making plans for sexual healthy congregations: policies and procedures.

Committees, trainings, education, paperwork and networking.


Responding to disclosure , Rabbi Ephraim Epstein - Congregation Sons of Israel in Cherry

Hill NJ.

Responding to a sex offender wanting to join a community of faith.

Safety plans, limited access agreements and covenants.

Reasons to exclude a sex offender from a community of faith.


Supporting Abusive Clergy: Jim Reynolds, PhD., Psychologist in private practice.

Supporting Inmates in Transition: Sharon Ryan, Safe Harbor Prison Ministries.

Supporting Adults: Rabbi Ephraim Epstein - Congregation Sons of Israel in Cherry Hill NJ.

Getting Additional Help

Resources and Books.

Sex offender specific information, trainings and providers.

Wrap up

Goal: Build bridges, network and collaborate.

Goal: Prepare, respond and support.

Last thoughts from the panel and questions.


Reverend Dr. Diana Brown, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Cranford/Elizabeth.

Rabbi Ephraim Epstein - Congregation Sons of Israel in Cherry Hill

Reverend Dr. Gina Walsh-Minor, Trinity Episcopal Church, Cranford NJ.

James Reynolds, PhD, Licensed Psychologist in private practice.

Tay Bosley, PsyD, NJATSA Board Member, Clinician Administrator, Specialized Sex

Offender Treatment Services Rutgers University Correctional Health Care.

Heather Burnett, LCSW, NJATSA Board Member, Special Treatment Unit, Avenel, NJ.

New Jersey Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

Helpful Articles and Books:

“Balancing Act: Keeping Children Safe in Congregations”, The Rev. Debra Haffner (PDF free to download)

“A time to Heal: Protecting Children and Ministering to Sex Offenders”, The Rev Debra Haffner

“Walk the Walk: A treatment supplement for sex offenders with Christian beliefs”

Tim Horton

“Purposeful Neighboring: Creating Reentry-Ready Communities” Steve Gordon.

“Offenders Among us: Whether we realize it or not, we likely all know sex abuse victims and offenders.

Can we be in community with both?” Kimberly French, winter 201 11/1/14,

“The Outcast at the Gate”, Alastair Gee, 3/9/15, Pacific Standard Magazine.!/health-and-behavior/after-a-child-molester-has-been-set-free-where-does-hego# !

“North Carolina Sheriff Danny Millsaps Tells Sex Offenders They Can’t Go to Church”

Jon Ostendorff, 3/11/15, Huffington Post.

Unitarian Universalist Association, Safe Congregation Handbook:

Helpful Organizations:

New Jersey Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (NJATSA)

State chapter of ATSA, website contains a membership directory that can be used to locate potential providers, training information and valuable links.

Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)

Promotes evidence-based practice, public policy and community strategies that lead to the effective assessment, treatment and management of individuals who has sexually abused or are at risk to abuse.

Stop It Now!!

An organization whose purpose is to mobilize adults, families and communities to take actions to protect children before they are harmed.

Center for Sex Offender Management

A national clearinghouse for the support and effective management of sex offenders.

New Jersey Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

Safer Society Foundation, Inc

Information and resources to help create safer communities through prevention and effective public policies. Treatment referrals as well.

National Adolescent Perpetration Network

Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice and Healing

Provide clergy, congregations, and denominational bodies with technical assistance on addressing sexuality and reproductive health.

Unitarian Universalist Online Resources

The Unitarian Universalist Association website has documents addressing Healthy and Safe

Congregations, Religious Education and Safety, and a Safe Congregation Handbook.

Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA)

Mission: To substantially reduce the risk of future victimization of community members by assisting, supporting and holding accountable people who have been incarcerated for committing sex offenses in their task of reintegrating in the community and leading responsible and productive lives.

National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

NJ State Police Sex Offender Registry

NJ State Parole Board

Mandated Reporting of Sexual Abuse

In New Jersey, any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse or acts of abuse should immediately report this information to the State Central Registry

(SCR). If the child is in immediate danger, call 911 as well as 1-877 NJ ABUSE (1-877-652-

2873). A concerned caller does not need proof to report an allegation of child abuse and can make the report anonymously.

1-877 NJ ABUSE (1-877-652-2873)
