Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements Machine Protection (New) System/Component Protective Device Location Nomenclature Compton (NEW) CW BLM CW BLM CW BLM CW BLM Ion Chamber Compton Compton Compton Compton Compton 3P01 3P02 3P03 3P04 Compton Electron Detector (NEW) Tungsten Plug System Owner SSG SSG SSG SSG SSG B Vulcan Water Flow Flow switch Notes Hall A generates a trip if dipole magnets are off and electron detector not in garage position. B Vulcan Mirror FSD similar to Diffuser FSD Exit Window Raster Water Flow Flow switch B Vulcan NOTES: 1. How long for damage to occur? (G Smith - AI) (~1 msec – worst case – rough calculation) 2. If greater than few seconds could use software solution such as utilized for the target judges. 3. Dave Gaskell to generate Requirements Document. 4. Email on page 6 of this document detailing settings. LIMIT RAMP RATE ON CURRENT. POTENTIAL FOR RAMPING WITHOUT LOCK ON. NEED TO ADDRESS Generate a FSD if: 1. Current > 10 μA CW (TBD) AND: 2. Raster Lx and Ly less than specified minimum and maximum. Raster FSD already looks at raster currents. Steve Lassiter to address current threshold. Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements Halo Target Compton Vacuum Valves HC Two holes but bigger than used for G0. G Marble will update girder 3P02A 3P02B Manual Gate Valve Other Vacuum Valves Flow switches – Bill V – for plug and window Bill 1. Gate Valve relay box 2. Flow Switches 3. Compton Box . Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements Personnel Protection (New) System/Component Protective Device Gate Valve PSS R/S Box-PSS Semi-Enclosed Huts R/S Box-PSS Ethane Sniffers Target Motion Location 1 fully enclosed/locked hut Nomenclature System Owner Notes SSG Arne approved method of protection. R/S Box For semi-enclosed hut SSG R/S Box SSG BV/JB For semi-enclosed hut Lights at entrance of hut HC In addition to vertical lifter, there will be horizontal motion to be accounted for. Steps but no encoder. AI: G Smith G Smith provided list of targets Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements Machine Protection (Existing) System/Component Ion Chambers (Existing) Protective Device Location Transport Pivot Chicane Target Dump Entrance Dump Left Dump Right H2 Sensor Chan A Dump System (Existing) H2 Sensor Chan B Water Flow Diff Pressure Supply Pressure Supply Temp Nomenclature System Owner Notes Greg Smith to determine locations along with B Vulcan. SSG Dump Integrator Wait but involve Ops (Yan??) Geoff Johnston is assuming Dump System Integrator from Bob May Geoff has a list of all system owners and is updating. Target Motion Burn-Through Detector Fast Raster Lx, Ly Max and Min currents Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements Machine Protection (Existing) System/Component Protective Device Location Nomenclature System Owner Beam Loss Monitors (Existing) CW BLM CW BLM CW BLM CW BLM BLM BLM BLM BLM BLM BLM BLM 3C08 Girder 3C12 Girder 3C15 Girder 3H01 Girder 3C00 Girder 3C03 Girder 3C05 Girder 3C08 Girder 3C16 Girder 3C18 Girder 3C20 Girder 3C08 3C12A 3C15 3H01 3C00 3C03 3C05 3C08 3C16 3C18 3C20 SSG Vacuum Valves EES R Gonzales H2 Sniffer Target Group Notes Diagnostic only Diagnostic only Diagnostic only Diagnostic only Diagnostic only Diagnostic only Diagnostic only Existing: 3C00A, 3C07,3C15, 3C16,3C17,3C20A VCG3H00B Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements FAST RASTER SETTING FOR QWEAK Hi Pam Sorry to be so slow doing this calculation. I finally went over the latest fast raster positions from Jay's dimad. It turns out that the distance from the raster coils at their new positions to the Qweak target is almost identical to the distance from their old positions to the Hall C normal target. The difference is only 2%. If we want to be as precise as possible about setting the raster current, we would need to take the existing calibration and scale it down by a factor of 0.979. For example, I_raster_x = 0.979* (Old calibration constant in amps/mm)* (requested raster size in mm) I should note that when we move into the 12 GeV era, things will need to change again since: 1. The distance from the raster coils will be now about 5 meters shorter and, 2. We will have 2 pairs of coils (2 "x" rasters and 2 "y" rasters). But that is a problem for another day. Cheers, Dave ------------------------------------------------------Dave Gaskell Endstation FSD Contact Sheet 2/23/2010 Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements Node Signal Contact 3H001 BLM 4313: ILM3H00 MPS EGR 3H001 Slow Raster Bill Gunning 3H001 Fast Raster Bill Gunning 3H001 Magnet Current Status (HKS Exp.) Vulcan or Beaufait Jefferson Lab Suite 6 gaskelld@jlab.org 12000 Jefferson Ave. OFFICE:(757) 269-6092 Newport News, VA 23606 PAGER: (757) 584-6092 Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements 3H001 G0 Target Greg Smith 3H003 HKS Vacuum Chassis Rick Gonzales 3H002 Target Movement Hall C 3H002 Hydrogen Sensor (No Longer Exists) Dave Meekins 3H002 UPS Software Crash (No Longer Exists) Dave Meekins 3H002 Right Dump IonC8 RADCON 3H002 Pre-Chicane IonC1 RADCON 3H002 Pivot IonC2 RADCON 3H002 Targer Exit IonC3 RADCON 3H002 IonC4 RADCON 3H002 Entrance L Dump IonC5 RADCON 3H002 Entrance R Dump IonC6 RADCON Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements 3H002 Left Dump IonC7 RADCON 3H002 H2 (No Longer Exists) Dave Meekins 3H002 Diffuser Walter Kellner 3H002 Scattering Chamber Joe Beaufait 3H002 Burn-through detector Rick Gonzales 3H002 Standard Target Dave Meekins BD002 H2 Sensor (Channel A) Rick Gonzales BD002 H2 Sensor (Channel B) Rick Gonzales BD002 Water Flow Rick Gonzales BD002 Differential Pressure Rick Gonzales BD002 Supply Pressure Rick Gonzales BD002 Supply Temperature Rick Gonzales Qweak Machine Protection and Personnel Protection Requirements BD001 H2 Sensor (Channel A) Rick Gonzales BD001 H2 Sensor (Channel B) Rick Gonzales BD001 Water Flow Rick Gonzales BD001 Differential Pressure Rick Gonzales BD001 Supply Pressure Rick Gonzales BD001 Supply Temperature Rick Gonzales