Environmental Science Syllabus Hinsdale High School 2013 – 2014 Major Topics of Study The Dynamic Earth Organization of Life Ecosystems & Aquatic Ecosystems Biomes Understanding Populations Biodiversity Water, Air, & Land Mining & Mineral Resources Renewable & Nonrenewable Energy Economics, Policy, & Future Evaluation and Grading Evaluation Student grades are based on a point scale and are an accumulation of attendance, in class assignments, homework, laboratory activities, and tests and quizzes Grading Scale A+ 97-100 B+ 87-89 C+ 77-79 D+ 68-69 F 0-64 A 94-96 B 84-86 C 74-76 D 66-67 A90-93 B80-83 C70-73 D65 How Your Grade is Calculated Independent Practice 15% Participation 15% Laboratory Work 15% Projects 10% Quizzes 25% Tests 20% What this means: Independent Practice, Laboratory Work, and Participation in class are ALL more important to your final grade than a test is. Make Up Work Students are allowed two days for making up an assignment in the case of an absence from class or school. Extra Credit Students may complete activities each quarter for extra credit. Each quarter 3 activities will be available for the student. If a student has at least a 60% average each completed activity will be worth 1/3 of a letter grade at the end of the quarter. A student with a failing grade of 60 – 69 must complete all 3 activities to receive a D. For all passing grades, if all 3 activities are completed and turned in the student’s grade will go up one letter grade. All extra credit work must be turned in one week before the end of the quarter. Materials Pen/Pencil Classroom Notebook with two sections (can be part of a larger, multi-class notebook) Assignment Book Classroom Expectations Students are expected to follow the Code of Conduct agreed upon by the Hinsdale School District. In class, students are expected to act appropriately. This includes demonstrating good listening skills (quiet while someone else is speaking, asking appropriate questions) and coming to class ready to work each day. Technology Resources Due to the nature of a science class, we will be using lab equipment as well as computers for long-term projects. Each student is expected to follow the schoolwide technology contract for computer use. Each student will be expected to follow a classroom specific contract for lab equipment. Course Outline This is a basic outline of what the year will look like. As we move forward, assignments may be changed or rearranged. Quarter One Chapter Topic Assignments 1 Science & The 1. Chapter Notes Environment 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (14) 4. Exploration Lab (28 – 29) 5. Case Study (12) 6. Chapter Test 3 The Dynamic Earth 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (74) 4. Exploration Lab (92 – 93) 5. Case Study (78) 6. Chapter Test 4 The Organization of 1. Chapter Notes Life 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (111) 4. Inquiry Lab (120 – 121) 5. Case Study (104) 6. Chapter Test 6 Biomes 10 Biodiversity 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (168) 4. Exploration Lab (180 – 181) 5. Case Study (160) 6. Chapter Test 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (272) 4. Exploration Lab (282 – 283) 5. Case Study (266) 6. Chapter Test Quarter One Extra Credit 1. Choose one “Making a Difference” (found at the end of each chapter, must be from a chapter completed this quarter), read the article, summarize the article, and respond to the article. 2. Create an 8 ½ by 11 poster of Charles Darwin. Include information about his life and his work (see poster rubric for specifics). 3. Create a comic strip detailing the migration of the Monarch butterflies. (See comic strip rubric for specifics). Quarter Two Chapter 7 Topic Aquatic Ecosystems 5 How Ecosystems Work 8 Understanding Populations Assignments 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (192) 4. Exploration Lab (196) 5. Case Study (192) 6. Chapter Test 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab 4. Exploration Lab (133) 5. Case Study (128) 6. Chapter Test 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (215) 9 The Human Population 15 Food & Agriculture 4. Exploration Lab (212) 5. Case Study (220) 6. Chapter Test 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab 4. Exploration Lab 5. Case Study (244) 6. Chapter Test 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (414) 4. Exploration Lab 5. Case Study (424) 6. Chapter Test Quarter Two Extra Credit 1. Choose one “Making a Difference” (found at the end of each chapter, must be from a chapter completed this quarter), read the article, summarize the article, and respond to the article. 2. Read “Points of View” on pages 232 – 233 (you may not use this as your “making a difference article”). Choose a side of the controversy to represent on a poster. (see poster rubric for specifics) 3. Create a comic strip showing the interaction of soil organisms. (See comic strip rubric for specifics). Quarter Three Chapter Topic Assignments 11 Water 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (310) 4. Exploration Lab (320) 5. Case Study (292) 6. Chapter Test 14 Land 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab 4. Exploration Lab (402) 5. Case Study (392) 6. Chapter Test 12 Air 13 Atmosphere & Climate Change 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab 4. Exploration Lab (346) 5. Case Study (332) 6. Chapter Test 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab 4. Exploration Lab (376) 5. Case Study (354) 6. Chapter Test Quarter Three Extra Credit 1. Choose one “Making a Difference” (found at the end of each chapter, must be from a chapter completed this quarter), read the article, summarize the article, and respond to the article. 2. Choose a type of pollution and create a poster detailing its dangers and human actions (see poster rubric for specifics) 3. Create a comic strip showing the movement of a water droplet from a pond to rain. (See comic strip rubric for specifics). Quarter Four Chapter Topic Assignments 17 Nonrenewable 1. Chapter Notes Energy 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab 4. Exploration Lab (486) 5. Case Study (472) 6. Chapter Test 18 Renewable Energy 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (504) 4. Exploration Lab (512) 5. Case Study (492) 6. Chapter Test 16 Mining & Mineral 1. Chapter Notes Resources 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (450) 4. Exploration Lab 19 Waste 21 Economics, Policy, & Future 5. Case Study (448) 6. Chapter Test 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (531) 4. Exploration Lab (542) 5. Case Study (526) 6. Chapter Test 1. Chapter Notes 2. Homework 3. Quick Lab (586) 4. Exploration Lab (594) 5. Case Study (576) 6. Chapter Test Quarter 4 Extra Credit 1. Choose one “Making a Difference” (found at the end of each chapter, must be from a chapter completed this quarter), read the article, summarize the article, and respond to the article. 2. Investigate green plastics and create a poster answering the following: are they really environmentally friendly? How does the process work? What companies utilize this technology? (see poster rubric for specifics). 3. Create a comic strip detailing the introduction of a green technology to your home. (See comic strip rubric for specifics).