Curvilinear Bivariate Regression You are now familiar with linear bivariate regression analysis. What do you do if the relationship between X and Y is curvilinear? It may be possible to get a good analysis with our usual techniques if we first “straighten-up” the relationship with data transformations. You may have a theory or model that indicates the nature of the nonlinear effect. For example, if you had data relating the physical intensity of some stimulus to the psychologically perceived intensity of the stimulus, Fechner’s law would suggest a logarithmic function (Stevens’ would suggest a power function). To straighten out this log function all you would need to do is take the log of the physical intensity scores and then complete the regression analysis using transformed physical intensity scores to predict psychological intensity scores. For another example, suppose you have monthly sales data for each of 25 consecutive months of a new business. You remember having been taught about exponential growth curves in a business or a biology class, so you do the regression analysis for predicting the log of monthly sales from the number of months the firm has been in business. In other cases you will have no such model, you simply discover (from the scatter plot) that the relationship is curvilinear. Here are some suggestions for straightening up the line, assuming that the relationship is monotonic. A. If the curve for predicting Y from X is a negatively accelerated curve, a “curve of decreasing returns,” one where the positive slope decreases as X increases, try transforming X with the 1 following: X , LOG(X), . Prepare a scatter plot for each of these and choose the one that best X straightens the line (and best assists in meeting the assumptions of any inferential statistics you are doing). B. If the curve for predicting Y from X is a positively accelerated curve, one where the positive 1 slope increases as X increases, try: Y , LOG(Y), . Y C. One of my old Minitab manuals suggest that with a curve like this (negative, decelerated), one should try transforming X, Y, or both X and Y with some nonlinear transformation(s) such as LOG or SQRT. Copyright 2014, Karl L. Wuensch, All Rights Reserved Curvi.docx You can always just try a variety of nonlinear transformations and see what works best. One handy transformation is to RANK the data. When done on both variables, the resulting r is a Spearman correlation coefficient. To do a square root transformation of variable Y in SAS, use a statement like this in the data step: X_Sqrt = SQRT(X); for a base ten log transformation, X_Log = LOG10(X); for an inverse transformation, X_Inv = -1/X; . If you have scores of 0 or less, you will need to add an appropriate constant (to avoid scores of 0 or less) to X before applying a square root or log transformation, for example, X_Log = LOG10(X + 19); . Please look at this example of the use of a log transformation where the relationship is nonlinear, negative, monotonic. Polynomial Regression Monotonic nonlinear transformations (such as SQRT, LOG, and -1/X) of independent and/or dependent variables may allow you to obtain a predictive model that has less error than does a linear model, but if the relationship between X and Y is not monotonic, a polynomial regression may do a better job. A polynomial has two or more terms. The polynomials we most often use in simple polynomial regression are the quadratic, Yˆ a b1 X b2 X 2 , and the cubic, Yˆ a b X b X 2 b X 3 . With a quadratic, the slope for predicting Y from X changes direction 1 2 3 once, with a cubic it changes direction twice. Please run the program from my SAS Programs page. This provides an example of how to do a polynomial regression with SAS. The data were obtained from scatterplots in an article by N. H. Copp (Animal Behavior, 31,: 424-430). Ladybugs tend to form large winter aggregations, clinging to one another in large clumps, perhaps to stay warm. In the laboratory, Copp observed, at various temperatures, how many beetles (in groups of 100) were free (not aggregated). For each group tested, we have the temperature at which they were tested and the number of ladybugs that were free. Note that in the data step I create the powers of the temperature variable (temp2, temp3, and temp4). Please note that a polynomial regression analysis is a sequential analysis. One first evaluates a linear model. Then one adds a quadratic term and decides whether or not addition of such a term is justified. Then one adds a cubic term and decides whether or not such an addition is justified, etc. Proc Reg is used to test linear, quadratic, cubic, and quartic models. The VAR statement is used to list all of the variables that will be used in the models that are specified. The LINEAR model replicates the analysis which Copp reported. Note that there is a strong (r2 = .615) and significant (t = 7.79, p < .001) linear relationship between temperature and number of free ladybugs. Inspection of the residuals plots, however, shows that I should have included temperaturesquared in the model, making it a quadratic model. After contemplating how complex I am willing to make the model, I decide to evaluate linear, quadratic, cubic, and quartic models. I next evaluated the QUARTIC model, requesting Type I (sequential) sums of squares and Type I squared semipartial correlation coefficients. From the output I can see that adding temperature-squared to the linear model significantly increases the R2, and by a large amount, .223. Adding temperature-cubed to the quadratic model significantly increases the R2, but by a small amount, .023. I ponder whether that small increase in R2 justifies making the model more complex. I end, somewhat reluctantly, keeping temperature-cubed in the model. Finally, I see that adding 2 temperature4 to the cubic model increased the R2 by a small and not significant amount, so I revert to the cubic model For pedagogical purposes, I created plots of the linear model, the quadratic model, and the cubic model. The plot for the quadratic model shows that aggregation of the ladybugs is greatest at about 5 to 10 degrees Celsius (the mid to upper 40’s Fahrenheit). When it gets warmer than that, the ladybugs start dispersing, but they also start dispersing when it gets cooler than that. Perhaps ladybugs are threatened by temperatures below freezing, so the dispersal at the coldest temperatures represents their attempt to find a warmer place to aggregate. The second bend in the curve provided by a cubic model is not very apparent in the plot of the cubic model, but there is an apparent flattening of the line at low temperatures. It would be really interesting to see what would happen if the ladybugs were tested at temperatures even lower than those employed by Copp. Below is an example of how to present results of a polynomial regression. I used SPSS to produce the figure. Forty groups of ladybugs (100 ladybugs per group) were tested at temperatures ranging from -2 to 34 degrees Celsius. In each group I counted the number of ladybugs which were free (not aggregated). A polynomial regression analysis was employed to fit the data with an appropriate model. To be retained in the final model, a component had to be statistically significant at the .05 level and account for at least 2% of the variance in the number of free ladybugs. The model adopted was a cubic model, Free Ladybugs = 13.607 + .085 Temperature - .022 Temperature2 + .001 Temperature3, F(3, 36) = 74.50, p < .001, η2 = .86, 90% CI [.77, .89]. Table 1 shows the contribution of each component at the point where it entered the model. It should be noted that a quadratic model fit the data nearly as well as did the cubic model. Table 1. Number of Free Ladybugs Related to Temperature Component SS df t p sr2 Linear 853 1 7.79 < .001 .61 Quadratic 310 1 7.15 < .001 .22 Cubic 32 1 2.43 .020 .02 As shown in Figure 1, the ladybugs were most aggregated at temperatures of 18 degrees or less. As temperatures increased beyond 18 degrees, there was a rapid rise in the number of free ladybugs. 3 Current research in my laboratory is directed towards evaluating the response of ladybugs tested at temperatures lower than those employed in the currently reported research. It is anticipated that the ladybugs will break free of aggregations as temperatures fall below freezing, since remaining in such a cold location could kill a ladybug. Polynomial Regression with I/O Data Megan Waggy (2014) investigated the relationships between employee commitment and demographic variables. One of the commitment variables was continuance commitment, the employee’s ‘need’ to stay with the organization. The employee evaluates the costs associated with leaving the organization and if the costs are too high, the employee feels unable to leave and is found to have high levels of continuance commitment. The costs include the personal sacrifice associated with leaving the organization, such as loss of salary, loss of friends, and loss of job progress. These costs may be moderated by the availability of alternative employment. Megan’s review of the literature revealed that studies of the relationship between organizational commitment and tenure have been mixed – sometimes positive, sometimes negative, sometimes trivial. It occurred to me that this might result from the relationship not being linear. My 4 thinking was that by mid-career an employee might have developed the skills and connection that make em able to get alternative employment elsewhere and that as an employee approaches retirement the need for continued employment will drop. A re-analysis of Megan’s data confirmed the hypothesized nonlinear relationship. We used SPSS to conduct the analysis. Click Next and select Tenure squared (created with Transform, Compute). Then click Next and add Tenure cubed. 5 Model 1 2 3 R R Square .045a .261b .288c Change Statistics R Square F df1 df2 Change Change .002 .352 1 174 .066 12.241 1 173 .015 2.775 1 172 .002 .068 .083 Sig. F Change .554 .001 .098 Notice that adding tenure cubed increased the R2 by a small and insignificant amount. Accordingly, we drop back to the quadratic model. Also notice that the strength of association is a helluva lot lower than it was with ladybugs. Well, explaining the behavior of humans is a bit more difficult than explaining the behavior of ladybugs. ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares Regression df Mean Square 4.096 .649 6.308 .002c 3.325 5.173 .002d .243 .691 120.283 174 2 Total Regression Residual Total Regression 120.526 8.192 112.334 120.526 9.975 175 2 173 175 3 Residual 110.551 172 Total 120.526 175 3 .554b 1 Residual Sig. .352 .243 1 F .643 a. Dependent Variable: Cont_Comm b. Predictors: (Constant), Tenure_Years c. Predictors: (Constant), Tenure_Years, Tenure2 d. Predictors: (Constant), Tenure_Years, Tenure2, Tenure3 Presenting the Results Sequential polynomial regression analysis was employed to investigate the nature of the relationship between tenure and continuance commitment. After evaluating a linear model, each additional step involved entering the next highest power of the predictor (tenure, in years). This continued until the addition of the next highest power increased the fit of the model to the data by an insignificant or otherwise trivial amount. As shown in Table 1, adding a quadratic component to the model produced a significant increase in fit, but adding a cubic component did not. Accordingly, the quadratic model was adopted, F(2, 173) = 6.308, p = .002, R2 = .068 (see Figure 1). 6 Table 1 Predicting Continuance Commitment from Years of Tenure df p Step R2 F for R2 1: Linear .002 0.352 1, 174 .554 2: Quadratic .066 12.241 1, 173 .001 3: Cubic .015 2.775 1, 172 .098 Figure 1 Relationship Between Tenure and Continuance Commitment References Waggy, M. R. (2014). Self-reported changes in organizational commitment: the relationship between present organizational commitment and its perceived changes over time. Not yet published masters thesis, East Carolina University. Back to Wuensch’s Stats Lessons Page The ladybugs data in an Excel spreadsheet Copyright 2014, Karl L. Wuensch, All Rights Reserved 7