PHYA 227 SCUBA DIVING – FALL 2012 INSTRUCTORS: TIM MALONE GREG MOORE MARYANN RISTAINO Note: Administrative aspects of this course (grades, exams, etc.) are the responsibility of Greg Moore and any relevant correspondence should be emailed to him. Telephone numbers: Greg Moore MaryAnn Ristaino Tim Malone 919-542-5934; 919-523-5034 (cell) 919-363-6535, 919-740-1086 (cell) MEETING PLACES: Classroom, 0301 Woollen Gym, Pool, Bowman Gray Pool (Tuesdays: Pool, Thursdays: Classroom) TIME: Section 001 Section 002 Section 003 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM COURSE GOALS: LEARN TO DIVE SAFELY; HAVE FUN! PURPOSE: PHYA 227 is an entry-level scuba diving course covering pool work and academics. In the classroom, students learn about physics, physiology, and the environment as related to diving. In the pool students learn SCUBA diving skills, dive safety, and the proper use and care of the equipment used in SCUBA diving. This course is geared to PADI standards and covers considerable material. FEE: $225.00 which is to be paid in room 209 Fetzer Gym. Fee covers textbook, use of tanks, compressed air, regulator with alternate air source and gauges, buoyancy compensator, and weight belt (equipment rental is on contract through Gypsy Divers). Also included is a dive table. This fee must be paid to UNC-CH. Students who do not pay in full will not receive a final grade, which will show up as an “incomplete” on your transcript. Eventually, this will turn into an “F”, which obviously is not good for your GPA. Students who drop this course before the final drop date will be allowed a prorated refund. Students who drop this course after the final drop date will not receive a refund. TEXTBOOK: PADI Open Water Dive Manual. This text will be distributed when you pay your class fee at the EXSS office in Fetzer 209. There will be a reading assignment for most classes. You will have a short pop quiz most classroom days. PERSONAL DIVE EQUIPMENT: Because of issues of fit and comfort, students are to obtain their own snorkeling equipment (mask, snorkel, open heel fins, booties) — information about “packages” at local dive shops will be available. You must have this equipment prior to the Tuesday, September 4 pool session. It is safe to dive with contacts, but consider mask corrective lenses if needed. Typical cost of SCUBA quality snorkeling gear is $150. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: You must fill out a short medical form. If all of your answers are "no", a medical exam is not required. "Yes" answers to certain health questions require that you receive medical clearance for diving from your own doctor or from Student Health. Responses on the form that automatically send you off to the doctor include asthma and diabetes. This does not automatically exclude you from taking the class, but you will be required to get medical clearance for scuba diving. If medical clearance is required, we must have this prior to the first session on SCUBA, Tuesday, September 4. PHOTOGRAPH: An identification photograph will be taken which serves two purposes. First, it will help the instructional staff learn your name! Secondly, your scuba certification card requires a photo ID. Should you choose to participate in the UNC certification trip, this will serve as your certification ID picture. CERTIFICATION: Upon successful completion of the basic pool and classroom work, students are eligible to participate in the open water dives required for certification as Open Water Scuba Divers. Four certification dives with an Instructor over two days are required to obtain an Open Water SCUBA certification card (“C” card). UNC offers a certification trip to Key Largo immediately after finals. (See Class schedule.) Certification will be through PADI. The cost for this trip will be $435.00, plus cost of transportation (car pools) and meals. If this certification option is not feasible, you will receive a “referral” upon request that will permit you to do certification dives for certification with most dive shops around the world. The “referral” is valid for twelve months following completion of the course, i.e., until December 5, 2013. Open Water certification dives are not formally part of this course and are entirely optional. ATTENDANCE: Attendance policies reflect a legal obligation of the instructor to certify presence of the student at teaching and demonstration sessions and skill development sessions for all required dive knowledge and dive skills prior to open water testing. Attendance is vital, although we will try to work around absences due to illness or family emergencies. If you absolutely must miss class, email Greg by noon of class day. Classroom and pool sessions start promptly! Attendance is taken at this time. Classroom and pool sessions end at 5:00, 6:30, and 8:00. For all classroom sessions, bring 81/2” x 11” paper for quizzes, your textbook, tables (at that point in the course), and a pen. For pool sessions bring your snorkeling equipment and be on the pool deck, ready to enter the water at 3:30, 5:00, 0r 6:30, respectively. Students will be out of the water with enough time to rinse and stow their gear, shower and depart by the appointed end of class. Please note that if any missed session cannot be made up (and options to do this are very limited) it is possible to get a good grade in the course but still not be eligible for certification. Completion of all tests and Knowledge Reviews is required. Class is cancelled only by the Chancellor – or if we announce it in advance in class or by Email. If it is storming before a pool session – look for announcement on the pool balcony before you dress out (we may be meeting in the classroom). Section “Jumping”- If it is more convenient to attend a different Thursdaysday lecture session than your assigned section for some reason, this is perfectly acceptable. Please be certain to place your correct section number on any paperwork submitted. HOWEVER, changing Tuesday pool sections requires staff permission IN ADVANCE as there is limited scuba gear available. ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Watching instructional videos requiring low lighting is a performance requirement of this class. Please be aware this is not a signal that personal electronic devices are free to come out of hiding. If indeed you must conduct urgent business, excuse yourself from the classroom and resolve the issue. Texting, etc. will not be tolerated within the classroom. GRADING: Pop quizzes, attendance, and class participation Skill performance in the pool Two Written Exams In-Water Final Exam Attitude/Motivation (assumed to be excellent) 12.5% 25% 50% 12.5% Variable Note: The above distribution is not invariant; Proper conduct and effort will be reflected by grades. Note: For certification, a grade of at least 75% is required on the written exams (agency rules). Note: The University Honor Code is in effect – We rely on this for accuracy in your reporting of completion requirements. A 96 -100 B79 - 82 D+ 63 - 66 A90 - 95 C+ 75 - 78 D 60 - 62 B+ 87 - 89 C 71 – 74 F 59 and below B 83 - 86 C67 – 70 POOL RULES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Swimsuit only, no shorts or street clothes in pool. No shoes on pool deck. Shower before entering pool. The instructor must be present before anyone enters the water. 5. Do NOT leave valuables in unlocked lockers while at the pool. 6. No dangling (or with loops) jewelry – it hurts when caught in equipment and yanked 7. Return all of your SCUBA gear, rinsed, to the SCUBA racks. SWIM TEST – very easy for most students: 1. Distance of 200 yards, non-stop, any stroke, no time limit 2. Float/tread for 10 minutes. Miscellaneous but important comments. There are two key goals for this course: - Students are to learn to dive safely Students are to have fun The instructors would also like to have fun. Although this is a third goal, if we achieve it, the first 2 goals are much more likely to be realized. Thus, note the following points. Please fill out official-looking forms in pen. Please be prepared to do some studying (for real). The academic portion of the course is easy but not trivial. The course is not marked on a curve and we would be more than happy to give an A to every student – in fact, the median grade in this course is usually an A-. There are, however, standards set as to expected level of mastery of material – goof-offs have been unpleasantly surprised. It is possible, although not easy, to flunk. If you earn below 75 on the mid-term or the final you will be required to take a re-test during another section to become eligible for certification. There are many forms, quizzes, and review assignments. Most are certification agency requirements. You are responsible for making sure we receive each form. You will not get back the quizzes – if you get something wrong make a note at the time we review the quiz so you will know what to study for exams. YOU WILL NOT GET BACK THE QUIZZES Bring book and dive tables to class, bathing suit and snorkeling equipment to pool. Rinse scuba equipment carefully, drain it, and put it away exactly as shown. This is Life Support Equipment!!!! If, for example, you do not keep the dust cap on in the shower, and consequently water collects in the regulator – it may be ruined. Storing gear incorrectly will result in one warning with subsequent offenses resulting in a 0 pop quiz grade. Please be at all classes and be prompt. Save enough time to micturate (pee) before pool sessions. We realize this is just a 1 credit fun class. It is simply that this class can only be offered through the University if it meets high standards of certification – and we have a legal obligation to make sure you have covered all the material. If you are tardy to the pool, it delays the entire class.