1 Approved by Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan from '' 2015 Number Terms of grain storage 1. General Provisions 1. This Regulation grain storage (hereinafter - Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2001 "On grain" and determine the procedure for the storage of grain in the granaries (elevators, grain-points), grain-enterprises. 2. Prior to the acceptance of technological lines of grain silos (elevators, grainpoints) should be brought into good condition, cleaned of pests of grain stocks, including quarantine and prepared to work: 1) production and technological laboratory (hereinafter - PTL) - provide appropriate instruments, laboratory equipment and support staff for the sampling and analysis of grain; 2) weighing equipment and weighing instruments - believed (to have a brand or a document confirming the fact of verification); 3) handling devices, mechanisms, machines and tools - correspond to the type and size of vehicles delivering grain; 4) receiving hopper - inspected, cleaned, fitted with appropriate covers, grilles, locks are equipped with the necessary devices and equipment for fast and safe unloading of grain; 5) the main thoroughfares in the area and the entrances to the receivers, warehouses, unloading places - paved and equipped with lighting. 3. In the course of movement of vehicles on the territory of the granaries (elevator, grain-points) must be placed pointers unloading points, driveways and warehouses. On unloading points in prominent places need to be assigned to them are given a number or name. In a prominent position at the entrance should be placed schematic map, traffic to places of unloading. 4. To organize the receipt of grain is made up of placing the grain, taking into account: 1) the expected arrival of grain in accordance with the contracts concluded for storage of grain; 2) grain residue of previous years; 3) the expected quality of grain according to the previous years; 4) rational use of equipment, grain storage capacity (elevator, grain-points) and ensure the formation of parties, depending on the quantity, quality and purpose of grain; 5) of the post-harvest handling of grain in terms of ensuring the safety of its quality; 6) the degree of mechanization operations with grain and prevent its irrational move. 2 2. The procedure for receiving and weighing of grain 5. Specialists PTL made daily checks of correct weights and weighing of grain through perevesok control with the introduction of the respective marks in the weight logs. 6. PTL performs work in accordance with the Scheme of control technochemical given in Annex 1 to this Regulation. 7. Formation of uniform batches of grain and its placement shall be in accordance with national and (or) interstate standards (hereinafter - the Standards). 8. When forming batches of grain (except rice, rapeseed, sunflower, maize, millet and soybeans) as moisture and trash before treatment is allowed to upload: 1) Humidity: dry and medium-dry - along with; wet; crude to 22% when using the indicator "calculated nature" - up to 23%; raw than 22% at an interval of 6% corn grain - 5%; 2) trash: clean and average purity; weed to restrictive rules in accordance with the standard; weed over the restrictive rules of the standard. Batching rice, rapeseed, sunflower, maize, millet and soybean is carried out in accordance with Annex 2 to this Regulation. 9. Characteristics of the state of cereals, legumes and oilseeds for moisture, weed and grain impurities is given in Annex 3 to this Regulation. 10. When sending batches of wet and raw corn on production lines equipped with recirculating grain dryers, batching is performed without separation of grain humidity conditions and trash. 11. Grain of quality varieties of oats, millet, buckwheat, rice, peas, lentils, beans, barley, sunflower located separately. 12. Grain, take special consideration featured - frost, smut, Fusarium, damaged chinch, infected ticks, with uncharacteristic odor, the presence of sprouted grains (over 5%), as well as contamination by pests (smut, ergot, bitterling repens , Sophora lisohvostnaya, coronilla multicolored and others) and trudnootdelimymi impurities (oat, buckwheat Tatar, fire, pebbles, etc.), containing pesticide residues in excess of the permissible norms - housed and processed separately. 13. Grain clogging impurities, giving it unusual for the smell (tarragon, garlic, coriander, sweet clover, headache, etc.), as well as contaminated grain pests, including quarantine, located and processed separately. 14. The Party of wheat with the number falling below restrictive standards according to the standard batch of barley, rye, oats and millet with the content of sprouted grains over the restrictive rules in accordance with wet and damp conditions are received and processed separately. Party of grain with the number falling below the restrictive rules in accordance with, or with the content of sprouted grains over the restrictive rules in accordance with, the last cleaning and drying, located mainly in warehouses equipped with units 3 of active ventilation, with the height of the mound, established for the grain in the normal (healthy) state. 15. Not allowed to join party grain harvest this year, grain harvest last year, has been subjected to fumigation, as well as self-heating - with the grain in the normal (healthy) state. 16. Freshly harvested, wet and damp before drying grain is placed in storage areas equipped with active ventilation installations. Allowed temporary accommodation in the elevator silos equipped with installations for monitoring temperature, normal (healthy) raw grain to be dried, in the amount of not more than three-day, wet grain - no more than a five-day performance dryers associated with elevator (except rice). In exceptional cases, short-term accommodation of rice moisture content no higher than 19% in silos equipped with facilities for the active ventilation system and remote monitoring of temperature, in an amount not exceeding the daily performance of the dryer. Do not store wet and wet grain in the silo elevator. 17. millet, buckwheat, maize, rice, sorghum, sunflower and leguminous crops in order to prevent further injury to its sloughing and placed in storage. 18. The height of the mound to grain dry and medium dry set within the limits permitted by the technical condition of the warehouse for sorghum - no more than 2 meters, millet and rape - not more than 3 meters. 19. Warehouses for the storage of rape should be carefully sealed, all the holes in the doorways - sealed, places of contiguity to the floor vent valve - closed with strips of cloth sieve with holes with a diameter of 0.8-1.0 mm. 20. Party asks housed in warehouses equipped with aeration units. In order to avoid spillage into the air distribution passageways millet a slit along the entire length recommended stuffing or scaly perforated sieve with openings of 1.2 mm diameter or 1,2h20 mm. 21. To carry out the work with the grain during storage or shipment should be provided backup storage capacity equal to 10% of the area and the elevators - at least one free silage per nadsilosny conveyor. 3. The procedure for the cleaning of grain 22. The grain supplied to the silo (elevator, grain-point) is treated in the graincleaning machines of grain and weed impurities to the requirements defined in the contract between the grain-grain storage company and owner of the grain on the template, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 24, 2001 № 1359 (hereinafter - Contract storage). 23. Technology grain cleaning set taking into account the selection of appropriate equipment to provide the most efficient cleaning, depending on the content and nature of the impurities in the grain and technical standards of performance equipment. 24. Clean the wheat from the weeds and grain impurities is based on the use of the following differences in the physical properties of the grain and separates impurities: 4 1) The width and thickness (on sieves with round and oblong - rectangular holes); 2) the length (in Trier); 3) form (on sieves with openings of triangular shape); 4) the aerodynamic properties (pneumoseparating aeration channels and systems the grain); 5) density, individual weight, surface conditions (pneumatic sorting tables, zernositoveechnyh machines, Stone cleaners, etc.); 6) magnetic and optical properties (magnetic devices and sorter). Main characteristics of grain and impurities are given in Annexes 4 and 5 to this Regulation. 25. winnowing machines completed with sieves, indented disks with holes (yacheyami) of various sizes and shapes, depending on the type of culture and purpose. 26. Priority admission grain, requiring treatment on grain cleaning machines, is determined depending on its quality and condition, the presence of grain-cleaning machines and their performance. The primary treatment for acceptance must be provided for the grain: 1) having a contamination above restrictive standards according to the standard; 2) was subjected to self-warming; 3) of the infected grain pests, including quarantine; 4) grain clogging impurities, handed him uncharacteristic smell (tarragon, garlic, sweet clover, coriander and others). 27. The grain before drying in direct-flow and recirculation shaft kilns (without additional heating devices for grains) is cleared from the rough and light impurities, before drying in a dryer with heat recirculation chambers grain with a falling bed only from coarse impurities. When using the heating chamber with latticed braking elements must be cleaned of coarse grains and major impurities. Pre-cleaning of coarse and light impurities produced at Precleaning separators, and in their absence - in the separators using sieves, which corresponds to the size of the holes used to Precleaning separators. 28. The evolution of harmful, especially to take into account quarantine impurities from the grain is carried out in accordance with Annex 6 to this Regulation. Dedicated infected grain wastes are exported outside the territory and destroyed. 29. To highlight metallomagnetic impurities from refined grains obtained similar to podsevnyh sieve separator, it is directed to magnetic devices. The angle of the plane of the magnetic units for grain cleaning from metallomagnetic impurities should be approximately 35 ° to the horizon. The thickness of the product layer on the moving magnets should not exceed 10-12 mm, grain, waste - 5-7 millimeters. 5 By-products and waste grain first and second categories after purification separators (triremes) of organic and mineral impurities and sent for feeding purposes should be cleaned on magnetic devices from metallomagnetic impurities. 30. Pass through sieve podsevnyh converging with receiving and sorting sieves, separators, sedimentary cameras, as well as waste from Trier in the purification of grain from different cultures are analyzed in PTL to determine their composition and classification as a by-product or a waste. 31. The Party of grain that meet the conditions of preservation of conditions and requirements, the relevant purpose, can not be cleaned. Cleaning grain to the requirements to meet the intended purpose (flour, cereals, animal feed, food, brewing, oil industry, export and other purposes), as well as the removal of impurities trudnootdelimyh carried out after drying during storage and preparation of parties to the shipment. 32. If the air in the clean grain sieve machine was not efficient enough, produce additional purification Trier (ovsyugo- or cockle) and other grain-cleaning machines (pneumatic sorting tables and air aspirators) depending on the composition and quantity of the remaining impurities in the cleaning grain. To separate impurities from the long grain (e.g., wheat - oat, wild oat, ergot horns) in its purified ovsyugootbornike. In the presence of a large grain fractions obtained after the first or second pass through the separator, small weed seeds above the allowed rate this fraction to be purified in the cockle to highlight short impurities. The fine grain fraction after purification on a separator (if necessary) is sent to cockle to isolate short impurities (weed seeds, broken grains). 33. Byproducts - grain mixture and waste obtained after purification, if they contain in them over 10% of the grains of wheat or rye, or more than 20% of the grains of other crops that are attributable to these standards to the main grain crops, subject to further treatment to extract from them basic grains. 34. Processing of byproducts and waste is generated by air-sieving machine having two parallel operating podsevnyh sieve, and if necessary - Trier and magnetic devices. Dimensions of holes sieves are selected according to laboratory analysis. The speed of air in the air-sieving machines and the position of the trough in Trier, as well as the performance of the machines, is set according to trial treatment of certain batches of waste. Byproducts treated separately from the grain waste. Never mix different categories of waste. 4. Procedure for grain drying 35. The drying of raw and wet grain in order to ensure its safety is carried out in once-through mining and recycling of grain dryers in accordance with the treatment set forth in Annexes 7-9 to this Regulation. Grain dryers are also used for improvement of grain at higher temperatures or detecting contamination of grain pests, including quarantine (in case of absence or inability to use other measures to bring the grain in a persistent state). Grain, sent to drying, to be weighed. 6 Batching wet and wet grain before drying is carried out in the storage tank, from which the grain successively sent to the dryer. 36. In the first drying subject: 1) shipment of grain, with the highest humidity, temperature and contamination placed in the storage areas (warehouses, silos, open areas) are not equipped with active ventilation installations; 2) grains of wheat strong, solid and valuable varieties and culture, less stable during storage (rice, sunflower, millet). 37. Formation of the parties in the grain drying silo dryers humidity is performed: for cereals and legumes - up to 17%, from 17 to 22% and more than 22% at an interval of 6%; Sunflower - up to 9%, more than 9% at intervals of 3-4%; rice and soybean, regardless of humidity at intervals of 3%. 38. When drying kilns in recycling food and feed grains, especially high humidity, except for maize and legumes, allowed the formation of parties without separating the states of moisture and trash. Not allowed Dryer soy in grain dryers recycle. 39. The grain after drying is cooled to a temperature not higher than the outdoor temperature by more than 10 ° C. Above this temperature, the grain is further cooled by the atmospheric vent or artificially cooled air, and in exceptional cases - in the grain-cleaning machines and conveyors (when you can not use the above methods and tools). 40. To prevent fire grain in the recirculating dryers are taking measures that prevent blockage of the heating chamber and the grain teplovlagoobmennika. 41. When drying is not allowed deterioration of baking, food and feed quality grains. 42. Humidity Limits to which should be dry grain, defined its purpose, in accordance with Annex 10 to this Regulation. Grain intended for delivery distillery to produce malt and corn moisture intended for food concentrates, starch industry and catering should be dried in compliance with the conditions established for seed grain by appropriate technical regulation. 43. take into account the work of the dryer by weight of raw grain, entered for drying. When you double or more passes through the dryer the grain of one party each pass are accounted for separately. 44. PTL is constant monitoring of temperature conditions and the quality of grain during drying.At selected through a laboratory every 2 hours sample of grain before and after drying determine grain temperature, smell, color, humidity, quality and quantity (index) of gluten (wheat) and infestation. For cereal crops further collapsed and determine the presence of broken grains of rice - fracture for malting barley before drying - viability after drying - germination and vigor. 45. When switching to other crops drying dryer stop stripping. 46. The dried grain before storage is passed through an air-permeable screen machines, regardless of its degree of contamination. 7 47. When drying rape seeds on standard dryers conduct additional sealing of some of their components. To avoid spillage of seed hopper by gravity and mines dryer carefully sealed. 5. The procedure for storing grain 48. When laying the grain of different cultures deposited, and after cleaning, drying and aeration before shipment made his full technical analysis and phytosanitary control. When storing a full technical analysis is done once per month at an average sample taken from a homogeneous lot. 49. Sampling of metal silo is carried out: 1) from the upper layer of the mound (in the presence of manhole hatch and internal stairs with safety regulations); 2) of the lower hoppers; 3) when moving parts of the grain in the silo free. 50. At the silo (elevator, grain-point) should be "silo board" with the image of the circuit silos and hoppers tower elevator. Each silo, bunker and an asterisk are numbered in the prescribed manner, and must have a label silo. The silo labels shall indicate the name of culture, weight, date of loading, the quality of stored grain Party, the date and its results. 51. The external elevator silos need to provide accommodation freshly parties prior to processing, as well as the parties intended for priority shipment. Long-term storage of processed grain silos is carried out in the interior of the elevator. 52. In order to control the quality and the condition of the grain, where necessary, the grain is subject to the free movement of silos. Due to the lack of spare capacity permitted release from the silo is not more than 10% of the grain is moved in the same silo. During the move, check the temperature, humidity, odor, color and grain infestation. It is not allowed movement of warming grain in the same silo. 53. Metal grain silo used to store grain of wheat, barley, maize, rice, dry cleaned and refrigerated. 54. The moisture of the grain of wheat, barley, maize, rice in the tab for storage in metal silos should not exceed 14% and the trash - limits set standards for grain average purity. 55. The maximum length of grain storage in metal granaries are listed in Annex 11 to this Regulation. 56. The metal silo temperature control of wheat, barley and maize in the dry state at temperatures above +10 ºC held 1 time in 3 days, at a temperature of 10 ° C and corn + below - 1 time in 7 days. Timing control set depending on the highest temperature was detected in the individual layers embankment of grain. 57. To monitor the temperature of the grain when it is stored in the warehouses of its surface is divided into sections measuring approximately 200 square meters each. Each section is given a number, which is indicated on the walls of the warehouse large numbers visible at the entrance to the warehouse. 58. The temperature measurement is carried out using grains elektrotermometricheskih remote monitoring temperature settings. To measure the 8 temperature of the grain in the warehouses used termoshtangi technical thermometers. 59. In identifying the self-warming in a mound of grain in stock (on an asphalt site) warming the border area defined using termoshtang. Moving mass warming of grain produced in such a way that the sound of his party left. Not allowed spreading nests basking on a healthy grain. 60. When in the stored grain smell of mold (without raising the temperature of the grain) corn is dried at a temperature of drying agent 100-110ºS. 61. With the onset of autumn cold snap grain translated into winter storage conditions using all available technical means. Priority cooling grain shipments is set depending on the state of humidity, temperature and contamination. Cooling the grain held: 1) stationary or portable units active ventilation; 2) by passing the grain through the Grain-cleaning machines, dryers; 3) by airing rooms. 62. To save the grain of low temperatures on possible long-term upon the occurrence of spring warming should: windows and doors of warehouses, podsilosnyh nadsilosnyh floors and elevators kept closed; monitoring of stored grain carried out in the morning; airing silos (elevators, grain-points) done only in dry cool weather when the outdoor temperature is at least 5 ° C below the air temperature in the vault. 63. When the temperature of stored grain, indicates the possibility of selfwarming, measures are being taken for his immediate cooling or drying using for this purpose all available techniques for cleaning, drying and aeration, and low night temperatures of air. Cooling warming grain conducted regardless of weather conditions until it reaches a temperature close to the temperature of the outside air. 64. When cooling the grain in the aeration units determine the temperature, humidity and contamination before and after cooling the grain in the pass through the grain-cleaning machines, dryers - Additional content and nature of impurities. The results are recorded in the Stacking labels and magazines observations of stored grain. 65. The aeration is carried out, provided that the actual moisture content of grain more than its equilibrium moisture content specified in Annex 12 to this Regulation. If it is impossible to determine the equilibrium moisture content of grain, ventilation is carried out, provided the outdoor temperature is below the temperature of the grain at 4-5 ° C or more, and in rainy and foggy weather, the temperature difference must be at least 8 ° C. 66. corn heating continuously vented at any time, regardless of weather conditions, as long as it will not be cooled down to the outdoor temperature during the night. If the venting warming grain after 6-8 hours, the temperature of the upper layers of the mound is not reduced, it increases air flow by installing a more powerful fan or sequential addition of two fans. If this is not possible, reduce the height of the mound of grain. 9 67. Weed seed before ventilation is pre-cleaned in the grain-cleaning machines. 68. In order to accelerate the start of loading grain aeration begin from the end wall of the warehouse. Venting begin immediately after filling one section to the desired height, without waiting for a full load of the warehouse. Before venting the embankment of grain should be aligned so that its height on all sites was as identical as possible. 69. Venting grains is carried out simultaneously for at least two adjacent air distribution channels when the lead-in tubes are arranged on one side of the warehouse and at least four (two opposed channels on each side), if the lead-in tubes are arranged on both sides of the warehouse. 70. Doors and windows warehouse venting grain must be opened. Upon completion of ventilation doors, windows and inlet channels sealed air distribution tubes. 71. Ventilation dry grain in the warehouses (for cooling, freezing) produce a fully loaded grain warehouse. 72. Ventilation grain artificially cooled air is used for the temporary preservation of moist and wet grain before drying and storage of wet grain. 73. With the shortage of power and drying rooms in warehouses rice with a moisture content of 21% sunflower - 11% castor and - up to 13%, they are cooled to a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C and stored until drying is not more than 3-5 days. 74. Cooling of grain in order to eliminate the infestation is carried out in silos and warehouses equipped with aeration units, by passing through the grain-cleaning machines, cooling or drying chambers dryers while blowing cold air. Upon cooling, take into account the stability of grain pests of grain stocks to low temperatures in accordance with Annex 13 to this Regulation. 75. Decontamination of grains in high temperature kilns used only for grain intended for food, feed or technical purposes. At the same time take into account the resistance of pests of grain stocks to high temperature in accordance with Annex 13 to this Regulation. To achieve good results in the decontamination of the grain dryer must be: 1) before drying infested grain clean; 2) drying of grain carried out at temperatures allowed for the heating of the culture; 3) when the maximum heating temperature of grain cut off the drying agent (heated grain left in the zone of influence of drying agent at least 25-30 minutes); 4) take samples every hour to check the uniformity of heating and grain analysis for infection; 5) control the quality of drying in the prescribed manner; 6) disinfected and cleaned grain sent to clean uninfected silos. 76. Active ventilation grain in the silo is allowed to conduct at any relative humidity of air, with a temperature difference of atmospheric air and grains should be not less than 10 ° C. 77. The active ventilation of grain in silos equipped with horizontal air distribution should be carried out only when fully loaded silo. 10 78. The active ventilation of grain for the purpose of cooling should be started after loading a grain silo height of 1.5-2.0 meters. After loading the silo to ensure uniform distribution of air venting of the grain (10-15%) to be moving, "the" two central craters at the same time. 79. The maximum length of storage of grain: wheat and rye - 4 years; oats, buckwheat, barley - 3 years; rice paddy, beans, peas, corn in grain (including shelf life on the cob) - 2 years; for millet, soybeans and corn on the cob - 1 year. 6. Procedure for the shipment of grain 80. Preparation of batches of grain for shipment in accordance with the definition of the contract of storage quality parameters to produce feed vehicles. 81. The shipment of grain is carried out taking into account the full use of available technical tools and their work with maximum efficiency. 82. The loading of grain carried out in special bins or silos tower housing the elevator. The number and capacity of the holiday bunkers determined based on the volume and terms of shipment of grain. Loading grain from warehouses carry fixed or mobile loading mechanisms. 83. Vacation of grain, bagged a standard mass produced without weighing. 84. If the shipment of grain should be taken to exclude the possibility of its losses during loading and ensure the safety of the quantity and quality of grain in transit. 7. Arrangements to ensure the safety of grain 85. By-products and waste of all categories shall be kept in separate containers, isolated from grain storage places. 86. The third category of waste obtained after the cleaning of grain, dirty, dust, obtained by purification of the granaries (elevator, grain-points) and territories and work with the grain, shall be removed from the territory of the granaries (elevator, grain-points), and the subsequent destruction by incineration or burrowing into the ground. 87. Term stops receiving and shipping grain in preparation for production lines for reception of grain should not exceed thirty calendar days - during overhaul, fifteen calendar days - in maintenance, for a period of gassing. ____________________