You think my grammar rap is whack? Listen to dis, this is where it`s

You think my grammar rap is whack? Listen to dis, this is where it’s at…
Parts of speech you got to know
If you don’t then you won’t grow.
On to high school they’ll say, “Whoa!”
Ignorance puts you below.
Listen, I’m not out to preach, let me give the parts of speech.
Greater heights now you will reach, if you know the parts of speech.
You learn your parts of speech! You learn your parts of speech! You learn your parts of speech! You
learn your parts of speech!
A noun’s a person place or thing, if you know that you’ll be king!
Get yourself a lot of bling, a noun’s a person place or thing!
You learn those parts of speech, learn those parts of speech. You learn those parts of speech, learn
those parts of speech!
Adjectives describing words, choice of speech now by the words.
Say it’s silly, whack, absurd! Those are your describing words.
Then we have the action verbs, walking talking in the ‘burbs.
Knowing them is quite superb. Listen now and just observe.
Modifiers are adverbs, adding details to some verbs.
Telling how or when or why, usually ending in –ly.
Next are labeled prepositions, linking words by their relations.
Over, in, outside, location, about, until, they show duration.
Under, through, around, behind, words like this you sure will find
With nouns and verbs they’re intertwined. Now you’re in the grammar grind.
Interjections they come next, telling feelings of subjects.
Saying darn when we are vexed, saying Oh! when we’re perplexed.
After that we have conjunctions, serving a connecting function.
And but or go at a junction, use because avoid disfunction.
Finally we have pronouns, they’re replacements for the nouns.
I, you, she, him more profound, repeated nouns can weigh it down.
Parts of speech you got to know
If you don’t then you won’t grow.
On to high school they’ll say, “Whoa!”
Ignorance puts you below.
You learn those parts a speech, learn those parts of speech
Now it’s time to write a sentence. Hope you know that you can get this.
Really not that intense, so please don’t take no offense.
You will write sentences, you’ll write sentences. You will write sentences, yes you will!
First you start with your subject. It’s the sentence’s main object.
Yes your subject is a noun, you know what that is don’t you frown.
Chorus (write sentences)
Then you have your predicate, don’t let your brow fill with sweat.
The predicate is just a verb, the action that you have observed.
Chorus (write sentences)
Parts of speech you got to know
If you don’t then you won’t grow.
On to high school they’ll say, “Whoa!”
Ignorance puts you below.
Chorus (learn your parts of speech)