Session 4, Back to School – Understanding Your Instructional Pathway

Session 4: Back to School: Your Instructional Pathway
Overarching Objectives of this July 2013 Network Team Institute
1. Participants will be able to accurately identify the instructional and support materials (e.g., cards, posters) required for Skills strand
implementation and will demonstrate use of support materials in ways that coincide with instructional lessons/pacing.
2. Participants will be able to articulate the assessment procedures and tools available in the CKLA Skills strand and will apply this knowledge to
case studies, demonstrating initial placements consistent with the guidance given in CKLA and use of CKLA ongoing assessments to support a
flexible grouping approach.
3. Participants will be able to demonstrate how CKLA Skills strand materials can be used to support a differentiated approach to Tier 1
instruction and will be able to describe how CKLA Skills materials could be incorporated into a multi-tiered approach to K–2 ELA instruction.
4. Participants will be able to identify the student learning goals that will be covered grade-by-grade (K–2) in the first 60 days of instruction and
the lesson types that will support this learning.
High-Level Purpose of this Session
Participants will become familiar with the instructional pathway that guides children through the Skills sequence across the year and consider
ways that this pathway represents instruction that is data-driven, systematic, and flexibly designed to allow teachers to meet the varied needs of
Related Learning Experiences
1. This training is the second in a series of trainings on the use of CKLA–NY. It provides background knowledge that will be relevant to upcoming
trainings on implementing additional lessons from the Skills strand to occur at a future date.
Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session?
How will we know that they are able to do this?
Session Objective(s): (Teachers and Principals)
1. Participants will become familiar with the instructional pathway for their
grade, including timing of assessments, recommended points of differentiation
(e.g., grouping and regrouping guidelines), and tools available for supporting
individualized instructional support.
Session Overview
Prepared Resources
Participants will examine
and reflect upon their
instructional pathway.
Materials used:
1. Session 4: Back to School - Understanding Your Instructional
Pathway – PPT.ppt
2. Session 4: Back to School - Understanding Your Instructional
Pathway –
1. Kindergarten Instructional and Assessment Pathway (.pdf)
2. First Grade Instructional and Assessment Pathway (.pdf)
3. Second Grade Instructional and Assessment Pathway (.pdf)
Session Roadmap
Section 1: Examine and Reflect on the
Instructional Pathway
Time: 30 minutes
[30 minutes] In this section, you will…
1. Become familiar with the instructional pathway.
Materials used:
1. Session 4: Back to School - Understanding Your Instructional Pathway – PPT.ppt
2. Session 4: Back to School - Understanding Your Instructional Pathway –
1. Kindergarten Instructional and Assessment Pathway (.pdf)
2. First Grade Instructional and Assessment Pathway (.pdf)
3. Second Grade Instructional and Assessment Pathway (.pdf)
Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions:
Slide 2
Key Points:
1. Remind participants of the purpose of this day’s training, which is
to build from their knowledge of the materials (built in the previous
day’s training).
2. Today, the focus is to support the procedures and practices that
surround use of the materials for high quality/high-fidelity
Slide 4
Key Points:
1. PREPARE participants for the principles that are reflected in their
“Instructional Pathway” handout.
2. Data-based: Meaning children’s instructional path is determined by
data ‘trends’ using curricular based assessments (end of unit
assessments) and formal placement tests in 1st and 2nd
3. Explicit: Meaning the emphasis is on mastery and filling holes
explicitly to support successful acquisition.
4. Individualized: Meaning all along the instructional path is an
ongoing dialogue about how to support and enrich the experiences
so children can use the materials in the ways that are best suited to
their skills.
Slide 5
Key Points:
1. INTRODUCE the “Instructional Path” handout:
2. Help participants orient to this document.
3. The middle column is the instructional pathway, meaning key
decision points are highlighted as you move children through the
curricular materials.
4. The left side reflects the ‘ongoing conversation’ that occurs between
the curricular path and the strategies CKLA has built in for added
support to struggling or vulnerable students.
5. The right side reflects the ‘ongoing conversation’ that occurs
between the curricular path and the approaches to extension that
you may consider for stronger students.
6. We recommend you start with the middle column and read through,
then read the Support column, then read the Enrichment column.
7. HANDOUT: Provide the [grade-level] Instructional and Assessment
Pathway handout. We recommend giving participants their own
grade’s pathway for examination. Ask administrators to choose a
Slide 6
Key Points:
1. EXAMINE the “Instructional Pathway” handout individually.
2. REFLECT on these questions as a table.
3. Ask tables to write these three principles on a chart paper and, after
studying the instructional pathway individually, pull out specific
phrases from the document that reflect evidence of these principles.
4. Facilitators should support participants in this protocol by asking
tables to choose a recorder, a time keeper, and who will ‘report out’
if there is a chance to share as a whole group.
5. Facilitators may tell participants that they will ‘collect’ these for
posting along a hallway or around the room and encourage
participants to take a ‘gallery walk’ on a break.
6. It is helpful if facilitators create ‘example’ flip charts to support this
Slide 7
Key Points:
Ask tables to reflect on:
1. What questions do I still have?
2. Share the questions as a table and chart them. We will return to
these throughout the day.
3. Facilitators may want to encourage tables to use a ‘domino share
‘procedure, where each person says one issue they would like
clarity on (or they can ‘second’ something that has already been
said). Tables should choose a person to go first and then it goes
around clockwise from there. Table should choose a person to
‘record’ the tables thoughts (choosing someone different from the
previous step).
Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes.
Reflect on a
Active learning
Turnkey Materials Provided
See handouts for lesson type checklists (blank for use during activity; completed to be reflected on after the activity)
Additional Suggested Resources
Turn and talk