ku college of liberal arts & sciences

Please read all materials carefully before beginning your application.
Students majoring in the KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may be eligible to apply for
the following awards and scholarships. If you meet the criteria for any of these awards or
scholarships, you are invited to apply. Award amounts typically range from $500 to $1,000.
Betty Wahlstedt Student Memorial Scholarship
For outstanding undergraduates majoring in Psychology, Sociology or Anthropology.
Hilden Gibson Scholarship
For outstanding juniors who are studying in the social sciences, preparing to enter their
senior year.
Paul B. Lawson Scholarship
For outstanding juniors preparing to enter their senior year.
Van Eekeren Family Scholarship
For undergraduates with GPA between 2.5 and 3.2 and no withdrawals.
Veta B. Lear Award
For a freshman who has earned a 4.0 in his/her first semester at KU. This is awarded as a
credit to the KU Bookstore.
A complete application for these scholarships and awards consists of:
 A completed application form
 A 500-word essay
 Degree Progress Report (DPR):http://clas.ku.edu/undergrad/tools/degree_progress_report
 Recommendation forms from two (2) references who can judge your academic abilities
Please email your completed application, essay, and DPR to krock@ku.edu.
Application materials are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014. Applications that are
incomplete will not be considered. Contact Katie Rockey, krock@ku.edu, with questions.
Name: ____________________________________________ 7 Digit KUID: _______________
(Last, First, MI)
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
(During Summer 2013)
Email Address: __________________________________ Local Phone:____________________
Major (s): _____________________________________________________________________
(Applicants must be pursuing a major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)
Anticipated date of graduation: ___________ Hours completed by end of Spring 2014: ________
Please check below the box(es) of the awards and scholarships for which you are eligible:
□Betty Wahlstedt Student Memorial Scholarship
□Hilden Gibson Scholarship
□Paul B. Lawson Scholarship
□Veta B. Lear Award
□Van Eekeren Family Scholarship
Name and title: _________________________________________________________________
Name and title: _________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that the above information is correct:
Signed:___________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Please email your completed application, essay, and DPR to krock@ku.edu.
Application materials are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014. Applications that are
incomplete will not be considered. Contact Katie Rockey, krock@ku.edu, with questions.
Essay Procedure
It is often the essay that distinguishes strong applicants from the rest. As most competitive
applicants will have high academic standing, the committee weighs the essays heavily in the
evaluation process.
Your essay is expected to address the topic detailed below. Please type in Times New Roman, 12
point font, one-inch margins, double-spaced, no longer than 500 words. At the top of each page
of your essay, you must include your name (last, first, middle initial).
Please email your completed application, essay, and DPR to krock@ku.edu.
Application materials are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014. Applications that are
incomplete will not be considered. Contact Katie Rockey, krock@ku.edu, with questions.
Essay Topic
If you had the ability to change the educational environment in the KU College of Liberal Arts &
Sciences, what one improvement would you make to increase academic excellence, and why?
Recommendation Form
Applicants: You will provide a copy of this form to each of your two references. Complete the top
portion of the form before giving it to your reference. Letters not accompanied by this form will be
returned unread to the referee.
Applicant Name:______________________________________________________________________
Reference Name:______________________________________________________________________
Reference Email:______________________________________________________________________
I hereby waive / do not waive (circle one) my claim of access to letters of reference written on my behalf
for the competition for College Scholarships.
Signed:___________________________________ Date____________________
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructions for the reference: Please complete the steps below to evaluate the applicant named above.
Your candid appraisal of the applicant’s academic qualifications will be sincerely appreciated.
Applicant Evaluation
Please mark an ‘X’ in the box for the rating that best describes the applicant’s abilities in the four
categories below as compared to other undergraduates at the applicant’s level.
Top 5%
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 25%-75%
General Academic Ability
Imagination and Creativity
Motivation and Initiative
Ability to Work with Others
How long have you known the applicant?___________________________________________________
In what capacity are you familiar with the applicant’s education and/or personal background?
Additional comments
Awards are made to outstanding students on the basis of their academic activities and accomplishments.
In a typed statement, please share any aspects of the applicant’s background, experiences, community
involvement, etc., that will help the scholarship committee evaluate this individual.
Please email your completed recommendation form with the student’s last name in the subject line
to krock@ku.edu. All materials are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014. Contact Katie Rockey,
krock@ku.edu, with questions.
Recommendation Form
Applicants: You will provide a copy of this form to each of your two references. Complete the top
portion of the form before giving it to your reference. Letters not accompanied by this form will be
returned unread to the referee.
Applicant Name:______________________________________________________________________
Reference Name:______________________________________________________________________
Reference Email:______________________________________________________________________
I hereby waive / do not waive (circle one) my claim of access to letters of reference written on my behalf
for the competition for College Scholarships.
Signed:___________________________________ Date____________________
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructions for the reference: Please complete the steps below to evaluate the applicant named above.
Your candid appraisal of the applicant’s academic qualifications will be sincerely appreciated.
Applicant Evaluation
Please mark an ‘X’ in the box for the rating that best describes the applicant’s abilities in the four
categories below as compared to other undergraduates at the applicant’s level.
Top 5%
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 25%-75%
General Academic Ability
Imagination and Creativity
Motivation and Initiative
Ability to Work with Others
How long have you known the applicant?___________________________________________________
In what capacity are you familiar with the applicant’s education and/or personal background?
Additional comments
Awards are made to outstanding students on the basis of their academic activities and accomplishments.
In a typed statement, please share any aspects of the applicant’s background, experiences, community
involvement, etc., that will help the scholarship committee evaluate this individual.
Please email your completed recommendation form with the student’s last name in the subject line
to krock@ku.edu. All materials are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014. Contact Katie Rockey,
krock@ku.edu, with questions.