Project Graduation 2015 Contract Whereas, the Project Graduation Committee is offering to each graduating senior in the Class of 2015 a unique celebration of his/her graduation from Danvers High School on June 6, 2015; and Whereas, the student referred to below wishes to attend said celebration of his/her graduation; Now thereof, in consideration of the recitals set forth above and the covenants stated below, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Project Graduation Steering Committee agrees to provide the party of a lifetime, said party to be exciting, adventurous, and tremendous fun. 2. Student agrees to honor the chemical-free requirements for said celebration being: NO ingestion of chemical stimulants before, during or after the dates of Project Graduation, being June 6th and 7th, 2015 and be subject to the Breathalyzer. If it is necessary for you to bring any prescription or over-the-counter medications, please fill out the attached medical form and return it with your contract when you purchase your ticket. 3. Student agrees to attend the entire nightlong celebration and to travel on authorized transport only. Agreement made this day _____________________________, by and between ___________________ _____________________________, graduating senior, Danvers High School, Class of 2015, and the Steering Committee for Project Graduation 2015. Parent Liability Form I give permission for my son/daughter to attend Danvers High School Project Graduation, which will be held June 6-7, 2015, at Cedardale in Haverhill. I agree to assume full risk and to waive, relinquish and release all claims I and/or the participants may have against, indemnify, hold harmless and defend Cedardale, Danvers High School and the Project Graduation Committee organizers. This includes its officers, agents, servants and employees from any such claims resulting from injury, damages, or loss sustained on account of participation in the program listed. I understand that I am responsible for all personal medical insurance and that participant’s family must cover any medical cost incurred. I also understand that every precaution is taken to protect the safety of the participant. I agree to my son/daughter medical emergency treatment in the event that I cannot be reached. I understand that if my son/daughter leaves the event, I will receive a telephone call. My son/daughter will be transported to Danversport Yacht Club and I will pick him/her up at 5:45 a.m. on June 7, 2015. To insure student safety, students will not be able to drive or walk home following the event. I understand that I must be graduating on June 6, 2015. I understand that I will be breathalyzed, and my possessions will be searched. I also understand that I cannot bring in any open containers and that in order to bring any prescription or over-the-counter medication, I must fill out the attached medical form and turn it in with this contract when I purchase my ticket. If I am caught with any illegal substance, my parents will be called, and I will be unable to attend Project Graduation. __________________________________________ Senior’s Signature _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature _________________________________________ Telephone Number That Night Things to know about . . . Project Graduation 2015 Ticket price - $20. Tickets may be purchased before all senior events and at all graduation rehearsals. Student and parent must sign the contract to purchase a ticket. Parents must fill out the attached medical form and return it with the contract, ONLY if you are sending medication in for your child (aspirin, Tylenol, etc. included), when purchasing a ticket. Upon ticket purchase, you will receive a “Project Graduation” logo t-shirt and a clear bag that you will use to carry personal items, such as bathing suit and towel. No backpacks will be allowed. Check-in time: Saturday, June 6th at 9:00 p.m. in the DHS Cafeteria. Graduation Celebration at Cedardale Athletic Club in Haverhill followed by a buffet breakfast at the Danversport Yacht Club. Graduates must be picked up at the Danversport Yacht Club Sunday, June 7th at 5:45 am. Students will not be allowed to drive or walk home. All students will be bussed to and from all celebration activities. No one will be admitted to any part of the celebration if they have not purchased a ticket. Students will not be permitted to leave at any time unless we are notified and a parent comes to get them. WHAT TO WEAR? You must wear your “Project Graduation” t-shirt for the entire night and wear or bring your sneakers! WHAT TO BRING? A swimsuit, towel, camera and sneakers. YOU KNOW WHAT NOT TO BRING!! Upon check-in, all items will be checked. No backpacks, food or drinks will be allowed. (This includes coffee – no drinks allowed!) All prescription or over-thecounter drugs must be pre-approved and turned in at Registration. The night will be filled with fun, food, prizes and memories!!!