Existing BTE Objectives New School Improvement Targets MSA 100% of schools with elementary and middle grades have a minimum of [the AMO%] of the students in all student groups scoring at proficient or advanced on the Maryland School Assessment in reading and mathematics. Each student group will meet or exceed the Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) for the Maryland School Assessment (MSA) in reading and mathematics. ALT-MSA 100% of elementary and secondary students with disabilities taking ALT/MSA will score in the proficient-advanced level. All students with disabilities taking the ALT-MSA will score proficient/advanced. HSA 100% of schools with secondary programs have a minimum of 95% of the students in all student groups passing the Algebra I, English, and Biology High School Assessment by the beginning of 12th grade. At least 95% of all diploma bound students in each student group pass the Algebra I, English, and Biology High School Assessments (HSA) by the beginning of Grade 12. ATTENDANCE 100% of schools will have a minimum attendance of 94% (satisfactory) or 96% (excellent) for students in all student groups. School Improvement Targets 2012-2013 All schools will meet the state’s attendance standard of 94% for all student groups. 1 of 4 Existing BTE Objectives LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT and DISPROPORTIONALITY New School Improvement Targets INCREASING ACCESS FOR ALL STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: PRESUMED COMPETENCE OF ALL LEARNERS LRE A data will be > 80%; LRE C data will be < 2.5%. African-American students with disabilities instructed in separate classes (LRE C) will be < 18%. The numbers of students with intellectual disabilities instructed in separate classes (LRE C) will be < 15%. All students with disabilities have broad access to rigorous instructional programs and services with grade level peers within their schools as measured by: LRE A and B > 90% LRE C < 3% 90% of schools demonstrate a proportionate representation of African American students in special education when compared to the total percentage of African American students within their buildings. SUSPENSIONS 100% of the schools with overrepresentation of student groups suspended out-of-school will decrease the disproportionality index by 10% per year. All schools with disproportionate out-of-school suspension rates for specific student groups will decrease the suspension rate of these student groups by 5% per year. UNSAFE BEHAVIORS 100% of schools will have 2% or less of students in all student groups demonstrating unsafe behaviors (as defined by MSDE). School Improvement Targets 2012-2013 All schools will not exceed the state’s unsafe behavior standard of 2% for all student groups. 2 of 4 Existing BTE Objectives New School Improvement Targets ADVANCED LEVEL PROGRAMS Elementary 100% of schools with elementary grades have a minimum of 15% of students in race/ethnicity/FARMS student groups participating in GT mathematics class. At least 30% of students in grades 2-5 participate in a GT seminar or curriculum extension unit. This expectation is for students overall, students receiving FARMs services, and students within each racial/ethnic group with 5 or more students. At least 20% of students in grades 4-5 participate in and earn a C or higher in GT mathematics. This expectation is for students overall, students receiving FARMs services, and students within each racial/ethnic group with 5 or more students. Middle 100% of schools with middle grades have a minimum of 20% of students in all race/ethnicity/FARMs student groups enrolled in one or more GT content classes. At least 30% of students in grades 6-8 participate in one or more GT courses and earn a C or higher. This expectation is for students overall, students receiving FARMs services, and students within each racial/ethnic group with 5 or more students. High At least 50% of high school students participate in one or more honors or GT courses and earn a C or higher by the end of Grade 11. This expectation is for students overall, students receiving FARMs services, and students within each racial/ethnic group with 5 or more students. 100% of high schools have a minimum of 40% of students in all race/ethnicity/FARMs student groups enrolled in one or more honors, AP and/or GT classes. At least 40% of high school students participate in at least one or more Advanced Placement courses by the end of Grade 12. This expectation is for students overall, students receiving FARMs services, and students within each racial/ethnic group with 5 or more students. At least 30% of high school students take one or more Advanced Placement exams and earn a 3 or higher by the end of Grade 12. This expectation is for students overall, students receiving FARMs services, and students within each racial/ethnic group with 5 or more students School Improvement Targets 2012-2013 3 of 4 Existing BTE Objectives New School Improvement Targets COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS 100% of high schools have a minimum of 80% of students in race/ethnicity/FARMs student groups in the Class of 2012 taking the SAT or ACT. At least 80% of high school students take the SAT or ACT by the end of Grade 12. This expectation is for students overall, students receiving FARMs services, and students within each racial/ethnic group with 5 or more students. 100% of high schools have a minimum of 70% of students in race/ethnicity/FARMs student groups in the Class of 2012 scoring an average of 500 or higher on SAT subtests or earned a composite score of 22 or higher on the ACT. At least 30% of SAT/ACT test-takers earn a 550 or higher on each SAT subtest or a 22 or higher on each ACT subtest by the end of Grade 12. DROP OUT RATE DROP OUT RATE and GRADUATION RATE All schools will not exceed the state’s cohort dropout rate standard of 14% for all student groups. 100% of high schools have a maximum 1.25% drop out rate for students in all student groups. Each student group will meet or exceed the Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) for the state’s four-year cohort graduation rate. School Improvement Targets 2012-2013 4 of 4