Heartland Community College Master Course Syllabus Division HHS PTA 140 Clinical Experience I DATE PREPARED: 3/5/2013 DATE REVIEWED: DATE REVISED: PCS/CIP CODE: 12-510806 EFFECTIVE DATE OF FIRST CLASS: Summer 2015 CREDIT HOURS: 4 CONTACT HOURS: 4 LECTURE HOURS: 0 LABORATORY HOURS: 20 CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Prerequisites: Admission to PTA program, completion of PTA 100, PTA 101, PTA 102, PTA 110, PTA 111, PTA 120 & PTA 121 with a grade of C or better. This course provides clinical opportunity for practical experience in applying knowledge and skill presented in the first year PTA classes. Opportunities are available for students to observe, assist patients and perform physical therapy interventions and data collection under the supervision of a clinical instructor. Classroom presentation is provided prior to clinical experience to discuss appropriate clinical behavior, evidence based practice, ethical guidelines and decision making. TEXTBOOKS: A required reading packet will be available through Blackboard. RELATIONSHIP TO ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND TRANSFERABILITY: PTA 140 was designed to meet the specific needs of an Associate of Applied Science degree and not necessarily as a transfer course, particularly in relation to the Illinois Articulation Initiative. This course may transfer to various institutions in a variety of ways. Please see an academic advisor for an explanation concerning transfer options. LEARNING OUTCOMES: After successfully completing the course, students should be able to: Course Outcomes General Program Education Outcomes Outcomes (POs) 1. Perform in a safe manner that minimizes the risk to patient, self, and others. 2. Demonstrate expected clinical behaviors in a professional manner in all situations. 3. Perform in a manner consistent with established legal standards, standards of the profession, and ethical guidelines. 4. Adapt delivery of physical therapy services with consideration for patients’ differences, values, preferences, and needs. 5. Communicate in ways that are congruent with situational needs. 6. Participate in self-assessment and develop plans to improve knowledge, skills, and behaviors. 7. Demonstrate clinical problem solving. 8. Perform selected therapeutic exercises in a competent manner. 9. Apply selected manual therapy, airway clearance, and integumentary repair and protection techniques in a competent manner. 10. Apply selected physical agents and mechanical modalities in a competent manner. 11. Apply selected electrotherapeutic modalities in a competent manner. 12. Perform functional training in 2,3,4 6 6 DI5 1 CO3 1,5 7 PS4 4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 Range of Assessment Methods Throughout the semester, the following assessment methods will be used to measure the course, Gen Ed and POs outcomes: Exams, Attendance, Homework, Papers, Reports, Surveys, Quizzes, APTA Physical Therapist Assistant Clinical Performance Instrument (PTA CPI), Service Activity Behavior Rubric 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. self-care and home management and application and adjustment of devices and equipment in a competent manner. Produce quality documentation in a timely manner to support the delivery of physical therapy services. Participate in the efficient delivery of physical therapy services. Participate in performance improvement activities (quality assurance). Demonstrate a commitment to meeting the needs of the patients and consumers. Demonstrate an awareness of social responsibility, citizenship, and advocacy, including participation in community and service organizations and activities. 3 7 7 7 8 General Education Learning Outcome Statement: DI5- Students consistently and characteristically approach diversity issues in a manner that exemplifies respect for and appreciation of difference CO3-Students listen in order to comprehend information, critique and evaluate a message, show empathy for the feelings expressed by others and/or appreciate a performance. PS4- Student analyzes the situation, explores different outcomes from multiple frameworks, applies the appropriate situation, analyzes the results, and refines the situation. COURSE/LAB OUTLINE: Evidence-based Practice Ethics Social Responsibility 1 clinical experience, completing 160 hours of clinical education . METHOD OF EVALUATION (Tests/Exams, Grading System) Instructors may determine the most appropriate methods of evaluation for their course. These methods of evaluation might include but are not limited to Exams, Attendance, Homework, Papers, Reports, Surveys, Quizzes, APTA Physical Therapist Assistant Clinical Performance Instrument (PTA CPI), Service Activity GRADING SCALE: 93-100% 84-92% 75-83% 67-74% Below 67% A B C D F REQUIRED WRITING AND READING: On average students will be expected to read 30 pages a week and write one 2-3 page paper throughout this term. *estimate is based on a 6 week course schedule.