008_Title 6 ANIMALS

Chapter 6.04 - ANIMALS
Chapter 6.08 - LIVESTOCK
Chapter 6.12 - OFFENSES
Chapter 6.04 ANIMALS
6.04.010 Definitions.
6.04.020 Enforcement—Officers' powers and duties.
6.04.030 Animal control officer—Appointment—Remuneration.
6.04.040 Interference with officer prohibited.
6.04.050 Rabies control—Vaccination required.
6.04.060 Rabies control—Vaccination certificate and tag.
6.04.070 Rabies control—Tag to be worn by dog.
6.04.080 Rabies control—Tag—Duplicate.
6.04.090 Rabies control—Licensed veterinarians authorized to vaccinate.
6.04.100 Rabies control—Proof of vaccination to be shown.
6.04.110 Procedure following animal bite.
6.04.120 Licensing.
6.04.130 License and tag—Display.
6.04.140 License and tag—Duplicate tags.
6.04.150 Restrictions on animals.
6.04.160 Confinement or destruction of certain animals—Declaring certain animals to be a public
6.04.170 Places prohibited to dogs and cats.
6.04.180 Unlawful to harbor stray dogs and cats.
6.04.190 Impoundment—Notice of violation.
6.04.200 Notice of impounding.
6.04.210 Impoundment and disposition.
6.04.220 Injury to animals by motorists.
6.04.230 Animal pound—Construction.
6.04.240 Animal pound—Unauthorized removal unlawful.
6.04.280 Operation of kennels—Prohibited.
6.04.290 Cruelty unlawful.
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6.04.300 Poisoning unlawful.
6.04.310 Promotion of fights unlawful.
6.04.320 Severability.
6.04.010 Definitions.
The definitions and terms used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, are defined as
"Harboring." The occupant of any premises in or on which a dog or cat is kept or to which it customarily
returns daily for food and care for a period of three consecutive days or longer is harboring the dog or cat
within the meaning of this chapter.
"Owner" means every person in possession or control of any dog or cat, or who harbors any dog or
cat, or who shall permit any dog or cat to remain about his premises. Any such dog or cat shall be deemed
to be "owned" by said owner for the purposes of this chapter.
"Pet animal" includes dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, birds, nonpoisonous reptiles and any other species
of animal which is sold or retained as a household pet, but shall not include skunks, nonhuman primates
and any other species of wild, exotic or carnivorous animal that may be further restricted in this chapter.
"Rabies vaccination" means the inoculation of a dog or cat by a licensed veterinarian with a rabies
vaccine approved by the Colorado Department of Health.
"Running at large" means to be off the premises of the animal owner and not under the control by
leash, cord or chain not in excess of ten feet in length, of the animal owner or of an authorized agent of the
animal owner over twelve years of age; provided however, that a dog and cat confined within the vehicle of
its owner shall be deemed to be upon the owner's premises.
"Stock animal" includes any species of horse, cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, swine or llama.
"Vicious dog" means any dog which has, without substantial provocation and on one or more
occasions, upon the streets, sidewalks or any public ground or place within the Town:
Bitten or otherwise attacked human beings; or
In a vicious or terrorizing manner approached human beings with the apparent intent to attack; or
Run after, bitten, or barked at horses, bicycles or any other vehicles or means of conveyance.
"Wild animal" includes all species of animals that exist in a natural unconfined state and are usually
not domesticated, and shall include all offspring of crossbred domestic and wild animals.
(Ord. 522 § 1, 2000; Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 2000)
6.04.020 Enforcement—Officers' powers and duties.
The animal control officer and all peace officers shall have the duty and the power to enforce all
provisions of this chapter. The animal control officer shall be sworn as a peace officer and, subject to the
supervision of the Chief of Police, shall be authorized to issue, sign and serve summons and complaints
where required to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
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6.04.030 Animal control officer—Appointment—Remuneration.
The animal control officer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and shall serve at the pleasure
of the Board of Trustees and at such remuneration as the Board of Trustees may from time to time
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.040 Interference with officer prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to knowingly and intentionally interfere with Police Department officers or
any animal control officer in the lawful discharge of his duties as herein prescribed.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.050 Rabies control—Vaccination required.
No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog or cat over four months of age within the Town of Oak
Creek unless such dog or cat is vaccinated and licensed. The provisions of this section do not apply
to dogs or cats owned by a licensed research facility or held in a veterinary medical facility or
government operated or licensed animal shelter.
All dogs and cats shall be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian, in accordance with the
latest "Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines and Recommendations for Immunizations" published
by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians ("Compendium").
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.060 Rabies control—Vaccination certificate and tag.
A certificate of vaccination shall be issued to the owner of each dog or cat vaccinated on a form
recommended by the Compendium. Each owner shall also receive a durable vaccination tag indicating the
year in which it was issued.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.070 Rabies control—Tag to be worn by dog.
Concurrent with the issuance and delivery of the certificate of vaccination and tag referred to in Section
6.04.060, the owner of each dog shall attach such tag to the collar or harness of the vaccinated dog. Tags
for dogs must be worn at all times. No tag issued pursuant to this chapter is transferable.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.080 Rabies control—Tag—Duplicate.
In the event or loss or destruction or the original tag provided in accordance with Section 6.04.060, the
dog owner shall immediately obtain a duplicate tag from the veterinarian who performed the vaccination
and attach such duplicate tag to the collar or harness of the vaccinated dog.
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(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.090 Rabies control—Licensed veterinarians authorized to vaccinate.
All veterinarians who are duly licensed as such by the state are designated as authorized to vaccinate
dogs or cats against rabies and to execute certificates of vaccination and furnish tags as provided in this
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.100 Rabies control—Proof of vaccination to be shown.
It is unlawful for any dog or cat owner to fail or refuse to exhibit his copy of the certificate of vaccination
to any person charged with the enforcement of this chapter within three days after demand by such person.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.110 Procedure following animal bite.
The owner or any dog, cat or other animal which bites any person, regardless of the circumstances or
irrespective of whether such dog, cat or other animal is vaccinated, shall be required to place such
dog, cat or other animal in the custody of the Police Department for confinement in a manner
satisfactory to the Chief of Police and in a manner that will prevent contact with people and other
animals for a period of ten days following the evening of the day of the bite, for the purpose of clinical
observation. All expenses shall be borne by the animal owner. If for any reason, such dog, cat or other
animal should die while in confinement, its head shall be removed by a veterinarian and submitted to
a qualified laboratory for analysis. If at the end of such ten day period of observation, such dog, cat or
other animal is alive and healthy, it may be released to its owner.
The Chief of Police or his designate is authorized to allow confinement other than described above for
dogs and cats, providing such dog or cat will be controlled and observed in accordance with the
owner's signed agreement. Preconditions for quarantine at home are: the dog or cat must have current
rabies vaccination, be licensed, and not have a recent history of being at large; there shall be proof
presented that the bite was provoked; the dog or cat is not displaying a sudden change in disposition
and the owner has both the ability and the desire to keep the dog or cat in a secure building separate
from other animals.
All other conditions of this section must be fulfilled prior to the release of all dogs or cats under clinical
observation as the result of biting a person.
It shall be the duty of any person bitten by any dog, cat or other animal or the parent or guardian of
any minor bitten by an dog, cat or other animal to report the same to the Police Department
immediately. Such report shall contain the name and address of the owner and of the dog, cat or other
animal, the day and time bitten, the location where bitten and a general description of the animal.
It shall be the duty of every physician to report immediately to the Police Department the full name,
age and address of any person under his care or observation who has been bitten by a dog, cat or
other animal, irrespective of whether infected with rabies or suspected; and every veterinarian treating
or having under observation any animal infected with rabies shall report to the Police Department the
owner's name and address and the type of animal.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
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6.04.120 Licensing.
Any person owning, possessing or harboring any dog or cat shall obtain a license for such animal
within thirty days after the animal reaches the age of three months; or in the case of an animal over
three months, within ten days of the acquisition of the animal.
License fees, to be determined by the Board of Trustees, shall be paid annually to the Town Treasurer.
All dog or cat licenses issued hereunder shall expire May 1st of each year and the full amount shall
be paid for any fraction of the licensing year. Upon collection of the license fee and receipt of a current
rabies vaccination certificate, the Treasurer shall issue a license certificate and license tag to the owner
of the dog or cat, and retain a record thereof. A dog or cat will not be licensed as spayed or neutered
without proof that such surgery was performed. License fees shall be waived for dogs serving the blind
or deaf or dogs used for law enforcement. All other licensing provisions shall apply.
It is unlawful for any person to make use of, or have in his possession or under his control, a stolen,
counterfeit or forged license certificate, license tag, rabies tag or rabies vaccination certificate.
It is unlawful for any person to attach any license or rabies tag to any dog or cat other than the dog or
cat for which such tag was originally issued.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.130 License and tag—Display.
The license tag shall be attached to the collar or harness of the licensed dog and shall be displayed
with the rabies tag at all times. The original dog or cat license certificate and rabies vaccination certificate
shall be retained by the dog or cat owner for inspection by any person charged with the enforcement of this
chapter as herein provided.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.140 License and tag—Duplicate tags.
In the event of loss or destruction of the original license tag, the owner of each dog shall obtain a
duplicate tag from the Town Clerk. The fee for such duplicate tag shall be determined by the Board of
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.150 Restrictions on animals.
It is unlawful for the owner or person having charge, care, custody or control of any dog to allow such
dog at any time to run at large. The owner or person charged with responsibility for a dog found running
at large shall be strictly liable for a violation of this section regardless of the precautions taken to
prevent the escape of the dog and regardless of whether or not he knows the dog is running at large.
The Police Department and animal control officer are authorized to trap cats running at large. Cats,
not wearing an Oak Creek license tag or otherwise not identifiable, shall be considered abandoned
and will be euthanized, by the animal control officer, if not claimed by the owner within seventy-two
hours after capture. An impoundment/redemption fee will be charged.
It is unlawful for any person to chain, stake out, or tether any dog in any unenclosed premises in such
a manner that the dog may go beyond the property line unless such person has permission to use the
affected property.
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It is unlawful for any owner, possessor or person who keeps any animal to permit such to destroy or
damage the real or personal property of one or more other persons, or any public property. Animals
damaging property and on the property of another may be trapped in a humane manner and held for
the animal control officer or taken to a humane shelter.
Every person convicted of a violation of this section shall pay at least a minimum fine, which can be
suspended at the discretion of the judge, in the amount of sixty-five dollars. No person who is convicted
twice for violations occurring within a twelve-month period shall be eligible to pay such sixty-five dollars
for violation of this section, but instead shall appear in court and be subject to general penalty set forth
in Section 1.20.010 of the Oak Creek Municipal Code on such second conviction. For purposes of this
section, the date when the actual violation occurred will control regardless of the date of conviction.
It is unlawful for any owner, possessor or person who keeps any animal to fail or forthwith pick up,
remove and dispose of in a sanitary fashion any and all animal litter attributable to such animal. In
addition to any penalty therefor, the failure to pick up, remove and dispose of all animal litter is hereby
declared to be a nuisance and shall be subject to abatement as provided in Section 8.08.070.
No person shall wilfully ride or drive any animal or animals other than pet animals upon any sidewalk
or through any Town park, unless clearly posted to allow such activity or unless specific permission is
granted by the Town Board.
(Ord. 522 §§ 3, 4, 2000; Ord. 503 § 2, 1998; Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
(Ord. No. 585, § 1, 4-12-2007)
6.04.160 Confinement or destruction of certain animals—Declaring certain animals to be
a public nuisance.
Any domesticated animal in heat shall be kept confined in a manner which will prevent its escape and
access thereto by other animals.
Any dog or cat which habitually chases motor vehicles on public streets or threatens, worries, chases
or attacks pedestrians, bicyclists or other persons on public property, public areas or private property
other than property owned or possessed by the owner of the dog or cat shall be deemed a public
Any domesticated animal which attacks, wounds, worries, injures or kills any domestic animal or
wildlife shall be deemed a public nuisance.
Any dog or cat which has been impounded on three or more separate occasions under the provisions
of this chapter for biting persons other than members of its owner's immediate family shall be deemed
a public nuisance.
Any domesticated animal which habitually damages plantings or structures or micturates or defecates
on private property without the consent of the owner or possessor of the property shall be deemed a
public nuisance.
Any vicious dog or dog or cat described in subsections A through E of this section found running at
large shall be impounded by the Police Officers or animal control officer of the Town; provided, such
animal may be immediately destroyed by a Police Officer if it cannot be impounded after reasonable
effort or cannot be impounded without serious risk to persons attempting to impound it.
It is unlawful for any dog owner to permit any dog owned by such dog owner to bark without provocation
for a period of ten minutes or longer after such dog owner has on one or more occasions been ordered
in writing by the animal control officer to require such dog to cease such barking.
Any person may call or deliver to the Police Department a complaint stating facts and circumstances
of an alleged violation of this ordinance. The Police Department shall investigate such complaint. If a
violation occurs in the presence of the Police Officer or animal control officer, he may issue a
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summons. If probable cause of a violation exists, which violation did not occur in the presence of the
officer, he may issue a summons upon written complaint.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.170 Places prohibited to dogs and cats.
It is unlawful for any person to tether any dog to public or private property without the permission of
the owner thereof, or to take or permit any dog, cat or other animal whether loose or on a leash or in
arms, in any establishment or place of business where food or food products are sold or displayed,
including but not limited to restaurants, grocery stores, meat markets, and fruit or vegetable stores.
This section shall not apply to dogs assisting the blind or deaf or to dogs assisting Police Officers in
the performance of their duties.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.180 Unlawful to harbor stray dogs and cats.
It is unlawful for any person except an authorized governmental animal welfare society to harbor or
keep any lost or strayed dog or cat. Whenever any dog or cat shall be found which appears to be lost or
strayed, it shall be the duty of the finder to notify the Police Department within twenty-four hours and the
department shall impound the dog or cat as herein provided.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.190 Impoundment—Notice of violation.
Police officers, animal control officers or such person or persons designated by the Town Board shall
impound any dog, cat or other animal found in violation of this chapter. The officer may serve the owner of
the dog, cat or other animal with a notice of violation, in lieu of impounding the dog, cat or other animal.
(Ord. 503 §§ 1, 3, 1998: Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.200 Notice of impounding.
If the identity or the owner of an dog, cat or other impounded animal is known, the impounder of such
animal shall notify such owner as soon after such impounding as is reasonably possible. If the identity of
the owner of an impounded animal is not known, the impounder of such animal shall file an impounding
notice describing the animal and stating the date and place where it was seized. Such notice shall be filed
at Town Hall.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.210 Impoundment and disposition.
Any animal which is impounded may be redeemed by the owner upon payment of all applicable
impound fees, license fees and vaccination fees. If such animal is not redeemed within three days of
impoundment, it shall be deemed abandoned and made available for adoption. If such animal is not adopted
within three days, it may be euthanized by animal shelter personnel.
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(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.220 Injury to animals by motorists.
Every operator of a motor or other self-propelled vehicle upon the streets of the jurisdiction shall
immediately, upon injuring, striking, maiming or running down any dog, cat or other animal, give such care
as can be reasonably rendered. In the absence of the owner, he shall immediately notify the Police
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.230 Animal pound—Construction.
An animal pound shall be provided for the purpose of boarding and caring for any dog, cat or other
animal impounded under the provisions of this chapter, and such pound shall be constructed to facilitate
cleaning and sanitizing and shall provide an adequate food and water supply.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.240 Animal pound—Unauthorized removal unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person to remove any impounded dog, cat or other animal from the animal pound
without the consent of the animal control officer.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.280 Operation of kennels—Prohibited.
No dog or cat owner or group of dog or cat owners inhabiting the same premises shall own more than
three dogs or cats of more than three months of age, or more than a total of three dogs and cats more than
three months of age in any combination, or engage in the commercial business of breeding, buying, selling,
trading, training, or boarding cats or dogs or both cats and dogs within the limits of the Town.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.290 Cruelty unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person to commit or cause to be committed any intentional act of cruelty,
harassment, abandonment, or torture to any animal intentionally or cause any animal to be wounded,
mutilated, strangulated, or inhumanely killed. Ownership of such animal shall not be a justifiable defense
for such acts or for a violation of this section.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.300 Poisoning unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person to poison any dog or cat or to distribute poison in any manner whatsoever
with the intent of poisoning any dog or cat.
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(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.310 Promotion of fights unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person to cause, instigate or encourage any dog or cat to fight with another of its
own species or with another of a different species.
(Ord. 424 § 1 (part), 1988)
6.04.320 Severability.
If any section or part of this chapter is declared to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the
remainder of this chapter shall not be affected thereby.
(Ord. 424 § 2 (part), 1988)
Chapter 6.08 LIVESTOCK
6.08.010 Definitions.
6.08.020 Maintenance of livestock or poultry prohibited.
6.08.030 Livestock—Not to run at large.
6.08.040 Running at large defined.
6.08.010 Definitions.
In the interpretation of this chapter, the following definitions should be observed unless it is apparent
from the context that a different meaning is intended.
"In the Town" means and includes all territory over which the Town has, or shall hereafter acquire,
the jurisdiction for the exercise of its Police powers or other regulatory powers.
"Livestock" means and includes any animal or other dumb creature, including specifically but not
limited to, horses, cows, pigs, sheep or goats.
"Poultry" means any birds other than chickens and domesticated birds such as parakeets and
parrots, including, but not limited to ducks, geese, turkeys, pheasant and pigeons.
(Ord. 326 § 1 (part), 1975; Ord. 314 § 1-1, 1973)
(Ord. No. 600, § 2, 1-14-2010)
6.08.020 Maintenance of livestock or poultry prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person, owner, or keeper to harbor livestock or fowl within the city without approval
and written authorization of the Town Board.
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It is unlawful for any person, owner, or keeper to harbor chickens within the city except in accordance
with section 6.08.020 C..
The keeping or harboring of chickens shall be only upon compliance with the following criteria and
The principal use of the property on which the keeping or harboring of chickens is conducted must
be for a single family dwelling or a two-family dwelling;
The privilege of keeping or harboring of chickens shall be revoked by the Town Board following
a hearing upon a finding of two substantiated violations of this section 6.08.020 or the conditions
under which approval to keep and harbor chickens was given by the Town;
The number of hens allowed shall not exceed four;
No roosters, breeding, selling or trading of offspring will be permitted;
The hens shall be provided with a covered enclosure and must be kept in the covered enclosure
or a fenced enclosure at all times;
Must consider the likelihood of predators when choosing building materials;
Building materials must be complimentary to existing structures;
Must maintain all setbacks and easements required by the Town Land Use Code;
Must maintain rodent proof metal food storage containers;
10. Must maintain proper disposal of all waste to discourage predators, rodents and insects;
11. Must maintain proper storage of fertilizer to discourage predators, rodents and insects;
12. A person shall keep hens in the backyard or side yard only;
13. Four square feet of coop space per bird and one hundred square feet of run are required;
14. A clean living environment is required;
15. Noise, odor and visual nuisance are prohibited;
16. Free roaming chickens at large are prohibited;
17. No organic materials furnishing food for flies shall be allowed to accumulate on the premises. All
manure and other refuse must be kept in tightly covered fly-proof receptacles and disposed of at
least once each week;
18. The owner shall be responsible for any occurrence involving maiming or death of one or more
chickens or significant damage to a chicken coop or enclosure by a bear, skunk, fox, coyote,
raccoon, dog, or any other predator;
19. The owner must adhere to all federal and state laws and regulations concerning all avian
(Ord. 314 § 2-1, 1973)
(Ord. No. 600, § 3, 1-14-2010; Ord. No. 623, § 1, 5-9-2013)
6.08.030 Livestock—Not to run at large.
No horses, asses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats, or swine shall be permitted to run at large within the
corporate limits of the Town.
(Ord. 275 Part VII § 1, 1959)
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6.08.040 Running at large defined.
The term "running at large" applies to any such animals, specified in Section 6.08.030, driven or
straying away from the property or premises of the owner or keeper thereof or from any point without the
Town, into and upon the streets, alleys, public parks or other public places of the Town, or upon the property
or premises owned, held or occupied by any person within the Town, and the term shall also apply to such
animals when picketed; provided however, that such term shall not apply to animals driven through the
Town upon and along the streets thereof.
(Ord. 275 Part VII § 2, 1959)
Chapter 6.12 OFFENSES
6.12.010 Cruelty—Unlawful.
6.12.020 Starvation—Unlawful.
6.12.030 Abandonment—Unlawful.
6.12.040 Keeping place for fighting—Unlawful.
6.12.050 Food and water for enclosed animals.
6.12.060 Poisoning domesticated animals unlawful.
6.12.070 Molesting or injuring certain wild birds unlawful.
6.12.010 Cruelty—Unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to overdrive, overload, drive when overloaded,
overwork, torture, deprive of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat, mutilate, or kill needlessly, or to carry or
transport in any vehicle or otherwise in a cruel and inhumane manner, any animal, or to cause any of these
acts to be done.
(Ord. 299 § A-7-1, 1972)
6.12.020 Starvation—Unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation having charge or custody of any animal to fail to
provide it with proper food, drink, and protection from the weather, or to fail to cause any of these acts to
be done.
(Ord. 299 § A-7-2, 1972)
6.12.030 Abandonment—Unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to abandon any animal, or to cause such to be done.
(Ord. 299 § A-7-3, 1972)
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6.12.040 Keeping place for fighting—Unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep or cause to be kept any place where any fowls
or any animals are suffered to fight upon exhibition, or for sport upon any wager.
(Ord. 299 § A-7-4, 1972)
6.12.050 Food and water for enclosed animals.
In case any animal or animals shall be at any time enclosed or confined and shall continue to be
without necessary food or water more than twelve consecutive hours, it shall be lawful for any person from
time to time and as often as it shall be necessary, to enter into or upon any such enclosure in which any
such animal or animals shall be confined and supply it or them with necessary food and water so long as it
or they shall remain confined. Such person shall not be liable to any action for such entry, and the
reasonable cost of such food and water may be collected by him from the owner of such animal.
(Ord. 299 § A-7-5, 1972)
6.12.060 Poisoning domesticated animals unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person to poison any dog or dogs or to distribute poison in any manner whatsoever
with the intent or for the purpose of poisoning any domesticated animals.
(Ord. 299 § A-7-6, 1972)
6.12.070 Molesting or injuring certain wild birds unlawful.
It is unlawful for any person at any time within the corporate limits of the Town to frighten, shoot at,
wound, kill, take, capture, ensnare, net, trap or in any other manner molest or injure any robin, lark,
whippoorwill, finch, sparrow, thrush, wren, martin, swallow, snowbird, bobolink, red-winged blackbird, crow,
raven, oriole, kingbird, mockingbird, song sparrow, or other song bird or insectivorous bird; or in any manner
molest or injure the nest, eggs, or young of any such bird, or have in possession the nest, eggs, young or
body of such bird.
(Ord. 299 § A-7-7, 1972)
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