A and H Syllabus Template 2014

Washington County High School
Arts and Humanities
Rebecca Clark Brothers
Course Description:
This course will explore the arts (drama, dance, music, visual art) and humanities. Principles and
elements of the various arts will be explored and applied to each discipline and analyzed in a historical context. This course is a
required course for graduation for those students not involved in visual or performing arts programs. Curriculum is based on KY
Core Content.
Arts and Humanities Part A will cover the following material: Basic Purposes and Definitions of the Arts, the basic elements of
Music, Dance, Drama and Visual Art and the study of a variety of cultures and time periods: Ancient Cultures, Pacific Rim and
Islamic Cultures will be studied and the Greek and Roman Empires.
Arts and Humanities Part B is a continuation of Arts and Humanities Part A. The class will begin studying the Middle Ages and
follow the time periods through the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical/Neo-Classical, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism
to the Modern Contemporary periods.
Course Competencies and Enduring Skills Incorporate the elements of music, dance, drama and art and
principles of design to generate several solutions to a variety of performance and visual art problems.
Know how media, processes, subject matter, symbols, ideas, and themes communicate cultural and aesthetic values.
Use media and processes, subject matter, symbols, ideas, and themes to communicate cultural and aesthetic values.
Analyze, compare, contrast, and interpret the cultural and historical context of artworks and performing arts using
appropriate visual and performing arts terminology.
Apply skills and knowledge of the following content: art, music, dance, and drama elements, principles of design,
purposes of visual and performing arts, art processes, media, cultures, periods and styles.
Defend personal interpretations of works of art and architecture, musical, theatrical, and dance performances by
using reasoned arguments.
Student Evaluation: Students will be expected to organize information into a study notebook, demonstrate knowledge
of concepts on tests and quizzes, interpret and analyze works of art and performance arts in open response questions, work in
small groups and individually to create presentations and products, and complete portfolio quality pieces of writing during the
course of this class. Grades are based on Tests and Portfolio Writing, Quizzes and Presentations, Open Ended Response
Questions, Notebook and Participation. Several resources will be used in this class for instruction including videos, posters and
several textbook resources.
Instructional Methodology
Lecture, Power Point Presentations, Documentaries, Student Presentations and Projects, some
hands-on and performance based activities, YouTube Presentations
Classroom Expectations:
Be on time and ready to begin class when the bell rings.
Come to class prepared to work with all materials and required work.
You will be allowed 1 release from the classroom (to go to restroom or visit the office, drink, etc.) per 9 weeksr. Use
them wisely and don’t ask for foolish reasons.
Absolutely No Food or Drink in the classroom.
The only place gum should be found is unseen in your mouth or in your pocket.
Work should be turned in on time. Late work will be penalized and make up work must be done in accordance to the
school and district make-up policy.
If you have a problem with another student or me, see me in private—after or before class and we will work it out.
Cheating and plagiarism will result in a failing grade and a call to your guardian as well as a disciplinary write up.
Classroom disruptions will not be tolerated.
Give your best effort to this class.
Notebooks are required and are assessed on test days.
No Cell Phones to be used, unless I give you permission for research.
Required Materials: 3 Ring Binder Notebook (with pockets), loose leaf paper, pencil & pen and
General Information Regarding Course: (might include ESS opportunities, assessment retake
options and requirements, note to parents, etc.)
This class is very fast-paced. Attendance is very important! Make-up work must be done according to the site-based policy. As
stated in the district attendance policy, unexcused work will receive a grade of 0 and may not be made up. It is the student’s
responsibility to make arrangements to make up work that is missed during an excused absence at the convenience of the
instructor. Parents, please do not text your child during school. If you have an emergency, please call the front office (859)
336-5475 and someone will contact your child through his/her teacher.
Student and Parent/Guardian Confirmation:
We have read and understand the expectations for this course.
Student Signature: ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________
Date: __________________________________