
Color Theory:
Speakers and Ear Buds
Grade: 9/10
1. Purpose:
 To provide an understanding of
basic color theory with mixed
media projects using images of
objects from students’
personal/social life: portable
speakers and ear buds.
Student Understanding:
 Students have some
understanding of color theory.
Instructional Objectives:
 I can recognize complementary, split complementary, and analogous color schemes.
 I can produce three drawings of speakers decorated in complementary, split
complementary, and analogous color schemes.
 I can produce a color wheel spectrum on toilet paper rolls which will be contributed to a
class-combined sculpture project.
 I can create secondary, tertiary, and neutral colors by mixing primary paint colors.
2. Anchored Instruction/Standards:
VA:Re7-1 a. Hypothesize ways in which art influences perception and understanding of
human experiences.
b. Analyze how one’s understanding of the world is affected by experiencing visual
3. UM Student Teaching performance Outcome(s) Addressed:
Several, hopefully!
4. Materials/Resources Needed:
 Black paper (3 pieces each student), chalk pastels, hair spray or fixative, speaker image
print outs, pencils, toilet paper rolls, paint, cord/string, art paste, cardboard,
newspaper, masking tape, fishing line for hanging?
 Optical illusions (printed images)
 Possibly gloves for students that don’t want to get hands dirty
5. Technology Used and Rationale for use:
 Computer, projector, Prezi/PowerPoint
6. Instructional method/Teaching Procedure:
a. AHOP (Attention Hook Objectives Predictions)
 Friday February 20
 Start with Prezi which includes video that explains basic color theory/song/video
 Talk about complementary(spell out complementary and show how it derives from
“complete” which is to complete the color wheel) and secondary colors! Remember
 Show poster (digital) that gives students examples of color schemes from their culture
(cartoon/comic characters)
 Optical Illusions…stare at certain pictures for 30 seconds..take away..see effect
 Show objectives for lesson
b. Development of Concepts (progression)
Friday February 20
After AHOP/Prezi..Show examples of and explain the project to students:
We will be creating three drawings of portable or vintage speakers used for listening to
music, one large, one medium, and one small. Each speaker drawing will be decorated in
a different color scheme: analogous, complimentary, and split complimentary. For our
portraits we just finished, we used a monochromatic or grayscale color scheme with
paint. For the first part of this project, we will use chalk pastels.
For the second part of the project, we will be creating a giant ‘ear bud’ sculpture. Each
class will make one half of the ear buds. Each student will create a color wheel spectrum
by using toilet paper rolls (one roll for each color). These rolls will be combined to create
the cord of the ear buds. Students from each class will work together on making the ear
pieces of the ear buds using paper mache (art paste and newspaper). This sculpture will
be displayed in the school.
Hand out images of speakers (classic and new portable) for students to choose from.
Demonstrate sketching with a light pencil (white or yellow) on the black paper.
Demonstrate using chalk pastels.
Use hair spray/fixative to seal finished product.
Students should have time to begin drawing first speaker on large paper first.
ASSESSMENT: if room, post questions to ask themselves at the end of the class. How
much of the space do they need to fill for the drawings?
Monday, February 23
Show video: The Effect of Color
Demonstrate chalk use again to those that are struggling/questioning
Students should spend the period drawing and coloring speakers. Check that they
understand the 3 color schemes. Ask students individually which colors they plan to use
in their schemes.
Encourage them to finish these by Wednesday
**possibly: POST questions to ask themselves for self assessment. They could tell their
neighbor what colors they are choosing.
Tuesday, February 24
Continue drawing/coloring
Tomorrow is demo day for sculpture portion/finish drawings!
Spray finished drawings with hairspray..outside!
***Students that finish early can start a 4th speaker with a different color scheme.
Wednesday, February 25
Begin class with reminder about finishing speakers by the end of the day.
****Remind them about sculpture portion of project and the purpose…the sculpture
contributes to the school’s community as a representation of the importance of
listening to music.
Show examples of color wheel toilet paper rolls, demo mixing: using acrylic paint
Students should create a palette of their colors before applying to toilet paper rolls.
Model how to use paper, masking tape, and art paste to make paper mache, create mini
ear buds as maquettes for larger pieces. One should be made already (by me!) to
demonstrate the finished texture/product.
Students can finish working on drawings.
Students that have finished early can begin working on the ear bud sculptures and/or
their toilet paper roll color wheel spectrums.
Thursday, February 26
Friday, February 27
Make palettes first. Use cut up paper bags to paint on (similar texture/color as the toilet
paper rolls)
Begin working on toilet paper rolls.
Each student will receive 6-8 rolls. (two colors on each roll, for example: red/red orange,
orange/yellow orange, yellow/yellow green, etc) Extra rolls can be used to make a
neutral tone?
Ask for two volunteers to begin working on sculpting ear buds. Students can take turns
working on these to experience working with the materials. (Switch half way through
Write names on rolls! Keep in boxes…I will bring in/find boxes to store these in.
Try to get ear bud form done and begin adding art paste paper to it-finish on Monday?
Monday, March 2
Continue painting rolls, continue adding art paste to buds.
Try to finish today buds. Paint tomorrow!
Try to finish painting rolls today to string onto cord tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 3
Finish up last minute painting/touch ups. Add rolls to cord today. How can we attach
cord to bud sculptures?
c. Check for Understanding: In beginning, verbally quiz students on the color schemes: What
are the primary/complimentary/secondary colors? What are analogous/adjacent colors?
What are split complimentary colors?
 Provide examples and access to color wheel for further understanding. Display links
for helpful videos!
 Ok Go – 3 Primary Colors
 Intro to Color Theory by Karen Kavett
 The Effect of Color, Off Book, PBS Digital Studios
 Understanding Color by Andrew Price
Check with students individually throughout process to ensure understanding of color
Provide rubric and assessment.
d. Guided Practice: Demonstrations
e. Independent Practice: Students will work individually on drawings of speakers and on color
wheel spectrum toilet paper rolls. Students will collaborate to create sculpture pieces.
Closure/ Summary:
**Hopefully students can help in the process of deciding location. I would like to quiz them
again on color schemes. Discussion about project for MY benefit: what did you like? What
didn’t you like? What did you learn? What could be improved?
g. Accomodations: None
CONTEMPORARY. Show examples of Molly’s beadwork. Traditional stuff. Do this Friday.
i. Assessment Procedures: verbal, discussion, artwork
j. Reflection: What changes should I make?
k. References
Ok Go – 3 Primary Colors
Intro to Color Theory by Karen Kavett
The Effect of Color, Off Book, PBS Digital Studios
Understanding Color by Andrew Price