University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 1 PART 1 – GENERAL .1 DESCRIPTION .1 All drawings and all sections of the specifications shall apply to and form an integral part of this section. .2 CHILLED WATER SERVICE .1 The cooling source for this project is the campus chilled water supply. .2 Fort Garry Campus - The distribution loop is sized for a 10°F water temperature difference and individual buildings are to be designed for chilled water temperature ratings of 44°F (EWT) to 54°F (LWT). Chilled water is available only during summer months on the Fort Garry campus. .3 Bannatyne Campus - The distribution loop is sized for a 10°F water temperature difference and individual buildings are to be designed for chilled water temperature ratings of 42°F (EWT) to 52°F (LWT). Chilled water is available year-round on the Bannatyne campus. .3 STEAM SERVICE .1 The heating source for this project is the campus steam supply. .2 During the winter, the Fort Garry Campus central steam is supplied at 125 psig and 370°F, which places the steam into superheat condition. All equipment installed to handle this steam is to be rated for superheat application and service. Smaller boilers are used during the summer to supply 80psig saturated steam. All connected heating equipment that is meant to operate year round must be sized to handle this steam supply variation. .3 On the Bannatyne Campus, steam is supplied from Health Sciences Centre (HSC) central plant at 125 psig saturated. Shut down periods of this steam supply are to be verified with HSC. .4 COMMISSIONING .1 Refer to Section 01810 Quality Commissioning for the details of the commissioning process. .5 QUALITY ASSURANCE .1 Execute work of this section only by skilled tradespeople regularly employed in the installation of pressure piping systems and heating and cooling equipment. .2 Install all equipment and material in accordance with Manufacturer’s recommendations. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 AIR COMPRESSOR .1 Where indicated on the drawings, provide one 2-stage Pacific/Ranger Engineering #252H80-7.5 air-cooled reciprocating air compressor complete with 7.5 HP motor, 80 gal. Receiver ASME rated at 200 psi working pressure, capable of 25 CFM at 100 psi. This unit to also be complete with matched set V-belt drive, pressure switch for automatic start/stop, check valve, air cooled after cooler, drain valve, belt guard, silenced inlet filter and pre-wired automatic drain. .2 Provide a refrigerated type air dryer Model #RRD25A to operate to a pressure dew point of 2AC. Dryer to be supplied with a power cable and plug for 115V/1/60, Freon suction gauge, air outlet pressure gauge, temperature gauge, running and high temperature lights, automatic drain trap for condensate and Model #RF-3 high efficiency prefilter ahead of the dryer for 99.99% efficiency referred to 0.1 micron and air inlet temperature gauge. .3 Provide Pacific/Ranger Model No. F07313A pressure reducing valves c/w pressure gauges on high and low pressure side of valve. .4 Pressure reducing valves and secondary filters to be provided as indicated in the plans. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 2 .5 Power wiring of air compressor and refrigerated air dryer by Division 16 Sub-Contractor. Provide all required motor control wiring. 2.2 AIR COOLED CONDENSERS .1 Provide air-cooled condensers consisting of fans, controls and coils, with integral subcooling, supporting casing with stand, and vibration spring isolators. Coils: aluminium plate fins on mechanically expanded copper tubes, cleaned, dehydrated, sealed, leak tested at 1000 kPa (150 psi), and pressure tested at 2900 kPa (420 psi). Fans: direct drive, propeller type protected by guards. All motors: permanent split capacitor type pre-lubricated, with built-in overload protection. .2 Fan shaft: corrosion protected. Fan blades: Iridite or aluminium finish. Magnetic contactors: mounted and factory wired to power and control numbered terminals. .3 Relays, contactors and controls: mounted and factory wired to provide interlock with chiller control circuit. All fans to cycle to maintain constant head pressure down to 10C outdoor ambient. .4 Casing: Weather Armor baked enamel finish. Provide access panels for electrical connections. .5 Capacities and characteristics: As shown in the equipment schedules. 2.3 AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNITS .1 Provide air-cooled condensing units consisting of fans, controls and coils, (with integral subcooling, supporting casing with stand, and vibration spring isolators. Coils: Aluminium plate fins on mechanically expanded copper tubes, cleaned, dehydrated, sealed, leak tested at 1000 kPa (150 psi), and pressure tested at 2900 kPa (420 psi). Fans: Direct drive, propeller type protected by guards. Fan motors: Permanent split capacitor type pre-lubricated, with built-in overload protection. .2 Fan Shaft: Corrosion protected. Fan blades: Iridite or aluminium finish. .3 Relays, Contactors and Controls: Mounted and factory wired to provide interlock with indoor air supply fan control circuit. All fans to cycle to maintain constant head pressure down to 10ºC outdoor ambient. Provide low ambient head pressure control as indicated in equipment schedules. .4 Casing: Surfaces shall be cleaned with a degreasing solvent to remove oil and metal oxides and primed with a two-part acid based etching primer. Finish coat shall be electrostatically applied enamel, to all exposed surfaces. All unprotected metal and welds shall be factory coated. Provide access panels for electrical connections. .5 Construction to ASME code, ARI standard 590-69, and CSA requirements (CSA labelled). .6 Compressors to be complete with oil pump, suction and discharge valves, individual spring vibration isolators, thermally protected motors, crank case heater, operating oil charge; extended parts and labour warranty for four (4) years. Reciprocating, scroll or screw type compressors are acceptable. Compressors up to and including 15 tons capacity may be hermetic sealed unserviceable type. Compressors (20 tons capacity and greater) to be semi hermetic serviceable. .7 Overcurrent Protection to include factory installed circuit breakers calibrated manual reset, ambient insensitive, to open all 3 phases if overloaded on any one phase. .8 Refrigeration Circuits: Discharge line check valves (on combined circuits), combination moisture indicator and sight glass, filter/driers, charging valves, suction lines insulated with closed-cell Armaflex (20mm thick min.) on individual circuits. Provide discharge, suction and oil pressure gauges on compressors 20 tons capacity and greater. .9 Capacity Control: Multiple-step compressor cylinder unloading to provide compressor sequenced starting and loading. Provide hot gas by-pass where indicated on the equipment schedules – on restart unit to revert to lowest stage of capacity. .10 Safety and Operating Controls: Prewired and prepiped motor contactors, high and low pressure cut-outs, oil failure, cut-out, start-stop switches, control power circuit breakers and manual lead-lag switch for compressors. .11 Electrical Connections: Power connections to unit Manufacturer supplied lugs at one point only. Control connections to unit Manufacturer supplied numbered terminal board. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba HEATING AND COOLING Req # Page 3 .12 2.4 Section 15700 Capacities and characteristics are shown in the equipment schedules. AIR HANDLING UNITS .1 Provide factory-built air handling units in the arangements and types shown on the drawings and as specified. .2 Unit casing shall be of minimum 16 gauge (1.6mm) satin coat galvanized sheet metal. Surfaces shall be cleaned with a degreasing solvent to remove oil and metal oxides, and be primed with a two-part acid-based etching primer. Finish coat shall be an electrostatically applied enamel, to all exposed surfaces. All walls, roofs and floors shall be of formed construction, with at least two breaks at each joint. Joints shall be secured by sheet metal screws or pop rivets. Wall and floor joints shall be broken in and, on all outdoor units roof joints broken out (exposed) for rigidity. All joints shall be caulked with a water resistant sealant. All unprotected metal and welds shall be factory coated. .3 Air unit insulation to be 50mm (2”) interior neoprene coated insulation for cabinet and 50mm (2”) rigid insulation on casing floor with condensate pans and drains. Provide solid metal liner throughout unit. .4 Units shall be provided with access doors to allow access to all interior components including fans and motors; filters; dampers and operators; access plenumsand humidifiers/wet cells; electrical control panels; burner compartments; compressor compartments. Access doors shall be large enough for easy access. Removal of screwed wall panels will not be acceptable. Provide hinged access doors in welded steel frames. Doors shall be fully lined with closed cell bulb gasket and Leverlok handles, operable from both sides. Access doors shall incorporate 10" x 10" (250 mm x 250 mm) single pane tempered glass viewing window. .5 Provide marine lights with Lexan bulb covers in each section provided with an access door. Lights shall be wired in EMT conduit to a switch with pilot light. Division 15 shall pay Division 16 to wire light circuits. .6 Fans: statically and dynamically balanced centrifugal DIDW with shafts operating less than 80% of first critical speed, bearings selected for average life of 150,000 hours and provided with lubrication fittings extended to the drive side for convenient servicing. Refer to fan schedule in section 15800. .7 Volume control where specified in equipment schedules: Variable speed drive – refer to Section 15725. .8 Filters: Refer to Section 15800 – Air Distribution for filter requirements. .9 Provide differential pressure gauges to read pressure differential across each filter bank. Refer to Section 15800 – Air Distribution for details of gauges. Scale of gauge to read at approximate midpoint when filters require service or replacement. Mount gauge on the exterior of the unit on the service side and provide indication of clean and loaded filter pressure drops. .10 Coils: ARI rated. Provide hinged, cam latched and insulated access doors on air leaving side of coil section. Locate access door on service side of unit. .11 A full width casing section with access door shall be used to separate all coils. .12 Insulated casings and plenums shall be specified for all units, including those serving heat and vent applications. Casings for heat and vent applications shall have space for installation of future cooling coil. .13 Mixing dampers: Refer to 15910 Controls for requirements for all dampers. .14 Units shall be installed to allow removal of all coils and filters. Clearance equal to fullfinned width of coil shall be provided to facilitate removal. .15 Units shall be mounted on internal vibration isolators and concrete housekeeping pads. .16 Units shall have a mixing box and filter box or a combination filter/mixing box properly sized so as not to exceed the filter Manufacturer's recommended face velocities. Low leakage dampers as specified in Specification Section 15910 shall be provided for fresh air intakes. .17 Air blending-devices shall be installed on all central station air-handling units where air stratification is a problem. .18 All cooling coil drain pans shall be stainless steel. Cooling coil drain pans shall be fabricated of stainless steel as an integral part of the floor panelling, and be a minimum of February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 4 .19 .20 .21 .22 50mm (2") deep, with welded corners. Drain pans shall extend a minimum of 300mm (12”) downstream of coil face and be provided with a 40mm (1½”) stainless steel drain connection. Drain pans must be sloped and pitched such that there is no standing water. Intermediate drain pans shall be provided between cooling coils where required for effective moisture removal. Drives: Complete with motors as specified in Section 15050, adjustable motor slide rail or pivot base, adjustable sheaves and belts. Belt Guards: Expanded metal-type with 25mm (1”) diameter tachometer openings at both fan and motor shafts. Provide one opening through an adjustable plate to compensate for motor position adjustments. Provide fixed sheaves for drives over 5.6 kW (7.5 HP). For either type of sheave (fixed or variable pitch), provide a second set as required by the TAB firm if field testing proves this necessary. Vibration Isolation: Spring isolators for either suspended or floor mounted application. Refer to Section 15860. 2.5 ALTERNATOR FOR DUPLEX PUMPS .1 Where pump alternation is not provided by the DDC system, provide duplex indoor control panels where specified, where shown on the drawings, and/or where required to achieve specified functionality. .2 Duplex panel to be equal to ITT CentriPro Model CDD duplex liquid level controller, with automatic alternation for two pump operation. .3 Panel to have high level alarm warning designed for sump, effluent, sewage, and water transfer applications. .4 Panel to be equipped with a NEMA 1 flashing red light, 95db alarm horn with silence button, door mounted disconnect, auxiliary alarm contact which is to be connected to alarm campus DDC system. .5 Provide required float switches for off, lead, lag, and alarm switching. 2.6 BOILER INSTALLATION .1 Upon notification of completion of the installation, the manufactures shall provide the services of the representative’s field technician to: .1 Provide a “dry run” of control sequences in the presence of a Manitoba Department of Labour representative. .2 Ignite boilers and set low fire to allow "boil out” of the pressure vessel by the installer. .3 Check operation of steam boiler level control and feed water pumps. .4 Fire boilers to load and adjust controls and fuel/air ratios to operation operating conditions. .5 Record combustion performance over the firing range and prepare a combustion/efficiency analysis report for the owner and consulting engineer. .6 A minimum of 15 hrs on site shall be provided, for start up plus one additional 7hr visit to site for owner training. 2.7 BOILER WARRANTY .1 Each boiler shall carry a two year warranty, from date of acceptable startup and acceptance by the University of Manitoba. .2 Each boiler shall carry a 20-year prorated warranty against damage caused by “thermal shock". 2.8 CENTRIFUGAL CHILLER .1 Provide, as shown on the drawings, hermetic [open] centrifugal [high] [or] [low] pressure packaged water chillers[s] complete with all accessories necessary for the safe and proper operation [of each unit] and as follows: .2 Central Control Panel: February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 5 .1 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 Provide a unit mounted, factory prewired DDC microprocessor based control system with alphanumeric display and touch sensitive switches and password security to prevent access by unauthorized personnel. .2 Unit control panel to display the following operating data: .1 Entering and leaving, chilled and condenser [and heat recovery] water temperatures. .2 Evaporator, suction, discharge, condensing and liquid refrigerant temperatures. .3 Evaporator and condenser pressure. .4 Actual motor amps and motor amps as a percent of RLA. .5 Oil feed and sump temperature. Oil pressure. .6 Total hours of operation and number of starts. .7 Hours since last start. .8 Unit status including Start-up and shut-down sequence, and Operational status. .9 Entering water reset Off/On. .10 Remote reset Off/On. .11 Soft loading Off/On. .12 Low pressure unloading Off/On. .13 Maximum AMP limit Off/On. .14 Remote demand limiting Off/On. .15 Manual AMP limit. .16 Leaving evaporator setpoint. .17 Reset leaving setpoint. .18 Remote reset signal. .19 Fault history (last eight (8) faults). Control logic to diagnose and display specific faults on digital readout as follows: .1 No starter transition. .2 Low/High oil sump temperature. .3 Low evaporator pressure. .4 High discharge pressure/temperature. .5 Compressor surge. .6 Low refrigerant charge. .7 No evaporator/condenser flow. .8 Low oil pressure. .9 High motor current. .10 Sensor failure. Manually adjustable demand limiter and chilled water setpoint from controller keypad. Dedicated Manufacturer supplied and contractor installed sensors to display entering and leaving chilled water, and leaving and entering condenser water temperatures. Surge detection to determine if chiller is operating in surge. Upon recognition of a surge situation the controller to shut down the chiller and announce an alarm condition. Provide manual control over variable inlet vanes. Chilled water reset module to increase supply water temperature based on a 4-20 Madc or 0-10V DC input form Building Automation System. In addition, the chilled water setpoint to be resettable by return water temperature if so programmed. Chiller current demand limiter module to reset current demand based on a 4-20 mA dc or 0 - 10V DC input from Building Automation System. Provide a softload function to prevent the chiller from operating at full load during initial pull down. The control panel to employ PID control algorithms to ensure precise leaving chilled water temperature control. Provide for auto-restart after a power failure. Microprocessor memory to be non-volatile requiring no battery back-up while maintaining programmed data during an extended shut-down or power failure. Communications interface panel for connection of unit control panel to the Building Automation System to permit input to BAS of all faults and status including: Entering and leaving evaporator water temperature. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 6 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 Entering and leaving condenser water temperature. Refrigerant temperatures and pressures including evaporator, suction line, superheat, discharge, condenser, liquid line, liquid subcool and condenser approach. Oil temperature and pressure. Motor current and motor percent RLA. Operating hours and number of starts. Points to be accessible for change in setpoint or status (read/write) by the BAS are start, stop, clear fault, leaving and reset evaporator setpoint, and manual amp limit. Low pressure chillers may be accepted provided they are furnished with a high efficiency purge unit designed to release a maximum of 0.1 pounds of refrigerant per pound of purged air, a vacuum prevention system to maintain 0.05 PSIG inside the vessel during non-operational periods, a reseatable relief device in series with the rupture disc and one (1) refrigerant detection device per chiller capable of monitoring at a level of 10 PPM. Factory mounted separate force feed oil lubrication system with oil cooled via an integral cooling system or via water cooled factory installed oil cooler. Supply oil heater to maintain oil temperature high enough to minimise affinity for the refrigerant. Flow switches on evaporator and condenser circuits. Oil by-pass filter. Hot gas by-pass. Vibration isolators – Refer to Section 15100. Evaporators and condensers: .1 Evaporator and condenser to be shell and tube, cleanable type with integrally finned copper tubes. Evaporator tubes to be 0.035” thick. Condenser tubes to be 0.035” thick. Water heads to be removable and have flanged connections. Provide vent and drain taps, liquid shut-off valve, purge valve and reseatable spring-loaded relief valves. Provide refrigerant and waterside constructed and stamped in accordance with ASME Requirements. Provide CRN numbers on each shell. Test evaporator and condenser at 1.3 times the maximum operating pressure, but not less than 100 psig. .2 Complete evaporator water circuit to be rated at 150 [250] [350] PSIG. Complete condenser water circuit to be rated at 150 [250] [350] PSIG. .3 Provide Marine Water Boxes for condenser and evaporator with removable gasketed steel plate water box covers exposing all tubes without disturbing the water piping connections. Specified water pressure drops are for entire shell and water box combination and must not be exceeded. .4 Provide vinyl nitrate polymer insulation factory applied to evaporator, non connection water head, suction piping, compressor inlet, motor housing and motor coolant suction line. Factory paint all insulation with a resilient epoxy finish. Evaporator connection water box to be field insulated by the contractor after pipe connections have been made. A factory mounted and wired (on same side as control panel), CSA approved star/delta reduced voltage starter in a CEMA enclosure conforming to machine requirements with: A CSA approved remote closed transition combination star/delta reduced voltage starter in a CEMA enclosure conforming to machine requirements with: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 Control circuit transformer sized to handle oil heater, purge pump and oil pump starter. Provide two sets of auxiliary contacts on the main run contactor for status. Three magnetic overloads – one for each leg. Protection against under voltage, ground fault, phase loss, phase unbalance, and over-amping. Provide a lockout stop switch. Ammeter with 3-position selector switch. Voltmeter with 3-position selector switch. Disconnect: Front operated interlocked with front latch, ‘Quick-break’ positive acting with HRC fuses and solderless lugs. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 7 .7 .29 .30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 Power factor correction capacitors to correct full load power factor to not less than 0.95. .8 Watt-hour meter. Performance as indicated in the equipment schedules. Construction and ratings to be in accordance with latest ARI Standard 550, ANSI/ASHRAE 15, CSA B52 and ASME. High pressure chillers to operate using HFC 134a. Low pressure chillers to operate using HCFC 123. The chiller to be complete with an internal pump down system allowing the entire refrigerant charge to be held in the condenser at 90F. The system to include tight seating isolation valves at the entrance and exit. Where the Manufacturer cannot pump the refrigerant into the condenser, a remote ASME rated storage vessel and pump out systems are to be provided. Motor to be refrigerant cooled, high efficiency type. Thermistors in the windings are to stop the compressor if excessive temperature is sensed in any one of the three windings. Provide factory installed surge capacitors wired to the motor circuit. Capacity control to be accomplished by the use of hydraulically operated inlet guide vanes and moveable discharge diffuser. Capacity controls to allow modulation from 100% to 10% of scheduled conditions without the use of Hot Gas Bypass. The unit is to be assembled on a suitable steel base and shipped with a full operating charge of refrigerant and oil. The chiller is to be completely run tested at the factory. All operations, safeties and starter functions to be checked. The Manufacturer is to provide documentation indicating the chiller was factory tested. Alarm Panels: .1 Provide two (2) refrigerant leak detection and alarm panels. Mount one panel inside the Mechanical Equipment Room (MER) and one panel directly outside the MER adjacent to the entrance doors. .2 Each panel to contain an audible alarm, a visual alarm, a manual switch and automatic contact closure to activate the emergency mode of the mechanical ventilation system for the MER, an emergency chiller shut-off switch and a green pilot light to indicate normal operation of the ventilation system. .3 The master panel located inside the MER to also contain a system OFF-AUTO switch, a system enabled green pilot light, refrigerant leak detector test push button, chiller alarm test push button, system reset button, 24 volt control power transformer, number terminal strip, one set of dry contacts for input to the BAS to indicate a refrigerant leak and one set of dry contacts for input to the BAS to indicate a chiller alarm condition. .4 The master panel to be powered from a 120 volt circuit. The remote panel and refrigerant sensor to be powered through this master panel. .5 Provide a refrigerant sensor mounted in close proximity to the chillers and wired to the master panel. The refrigerant sensor to be calibrated to detect refrigerant levels equal to or less than the TLV-TWA for the refrigerant used. The alarm system to be activated when the refrigerant concentration in the MER equals the TLV-TWA for the refrigerant used. .6 The actual refrigerant sensor to have an average life expectancy of 5-6 years. Sensor to be a replaceable plug in type. Red fault indicator LED’s to be provided in the sensor box and Master panel to aid in trouble shooting. .7 Chiller Manufacturer to provide all necessary interconnecting wiring diagrams for installation purposed. .8 Provide positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatuses for entry and egress to the MER, tested and certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for immediate use to protect personnel against the harmful effects of the refrigerant being used. Provide a minimum of one spare, fully charged, ready-to-use refill for each self-contained breathing apparatus. Provide equipment Manufacturer’s qualified personnel to ensure proper start-up, including leak testing, evacuation, dehydration and charging, that condenser pressure February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # Section 15700 Page 8 .38 .39 .40 2.9 HEATING AND COOLING controls are properly installed, to check out all operating and safety components as well as instruct the Owner’s representative in safe and proper operation and maintenance. Refer to schematic piping and control drawings and control specifications Section 15900 to ensure that all required components are provided to fulfil specified operation of equipment, e.g. load reset from Building Automation System. Submit a separate price included as part of the cost of the chiller installation to provide a maintenance contract undertaken by the chiller Manufacturer for 100% labour, refrigerant, and parts for a period of one year from the date of acceptance by the University of Manitoba. This maintenance contract to be minimum recommended by the Manufacturer to ensure keeping the machine in first class condition and maximum operating efficiency on an on-going year to year basis, including monthly checks during the operating season and cleaning of the condenser and evaporator tubes as required. Warranty: The warranty period starts on the date of acceptance by the University of Manitoba. COMPUTER ROOM AIR CONDITIONING UNITS .1 Floor Mounted Type: Complete package, factory assembled, wired, piped and tested as follows: .1 Cabinet: Manufactured of 1mm thick primed steel, self supporting, all welded with removable panels where access is required – entire cabinet to be lined with 25mm (1”) thick thermal/acoustic non flammable dust and fibre free insulation. .7 Finish: High temperature baked enamel in colour as selected by the Architect. .8 Air Flow Arrangement: Downflow with screened top inlet – front supply or return grilles not acceptable. Where shown and detailed on the drawings as up flow arrangement, provide supply plenums, same dimensions as the units, factory fabricated, and finished to match the base unit in every detail. Provide stainless steel condensate trays under all cooling coils. .9 Refrigeration System: Where multiple compressors are required, provide independent refrigerant circuits. .10 Coils: Copper tubes/aluminium fins. .11 Refrigerant Circuits: All copper tubing with flare fittings complete with liquid line filter/dryer, sight glass, expansion valve with external equalizer, solenoid valve for pump down, liquid receivers and air cooled condenser. .12 Compressors: Hermetic dynamically balanced complete with vibration isolators, high/low pressure switches, motor overload protection, crankcase heater and service valves. .13 Reheat: 2 stage electric coil complete with over temperature and airflow failure protection. .14 Humidifier: Fully automatic, infra red with stainless steel evaporator pan or packaged electrode steam boiler type with replaceable cylinders, steam and condensate piping, water failure protection and automatic water control and drain cycle. .15 Filters: Disposable type conforming to 80% ASHRAE 52-76 test minimum with 50mm (2”) thick disposable prefilters rated at 30% efficiency to ASHRAE Test Standard 52-76. .16 Controls: [Remote wall mounted] [unit mounted] temperature and humidity sensors connected to an all electronic microprocessor based control system providing a ±0.50C control of space temperature and ±5% control of space humidity with adjustable finite time interval between cooling and heating stages and manual override switches for manual control of any or all functions and LCD display of space temperature, humidity, time, date and status fans, compressors, humidifier and liquid sensing system. All information to be stored for seven days and be capable of being downloaded to a personal computer through a factory installed RS232 port. .17 Provide on the unit front, alternator switch for compressor lead-lag sequencing, stop/start buttons with auto restart and pilot lights for power on, fans on, heating mode, cooling mode, humidification, dehumidification, and low air flow February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 9 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 alarm. Provide a unit mounted disconnect switch with overheat and overcurrent protection and all required contactors, relays, fuses, etc. for a complete fully automatic system. Provide a unit mounted fire stat for automatic shut-down on high return air temperature and a relay for unit shut-down on signal from fire alarm system. [Provide a portable temperature/humidity recorder utilizing a 7-day chart complete with 100 charts, 2 pens and extra ink.] Fans: Centrifugal statically and dynamically balanced and vibration isolated, dual “B” belt driven with TEFC motors sized to 120% of specified performance minimum, with adjustable sheaves and motor slide base. Floor Stand: Provide floor stands of heliarc welded tubular steel frame with vibration isolation pads. Stand to be 500mm high [with a factory built field mounted turning vane]. Liquid Sensor System: For units and underfloor piping trench provide a total of five (5) solid state sensors. Wire to Liqui-Tector panel [supplied with each air conditioning unit] [supplied with air conditioning units for each] [zone] [computer room] located in computer room, and provide a set of contacts for wiring to the security system by Division 16. Performance: Refer to equipment schedules. Refer to “Air Cooled Condensers” in this section for further detail. Warranty: Provide parts and labour 5 year extended warranty on compressors. 2.10 CONDENSATE RECEIVER .1 Provide stainless steel receiver and integral duplex pumps complete with float switches, integral wiring and alarm level float switch. .2 Provide starter panel with alternator control and automatic switchover plus dual operation on high-level indication. .3 Starter shall have dry contact for high water level alarm signal to controls system. .4 Pumps shall be readily removable for service without shutdown of unit. .5 Pumps shall be wired to regular and emergency power. .6 Provide drain and overflow piped to floor drain. .7 Tank to have 12mm (½”) drain and valve to permit water sampling. 2.11 COOLING AND HEATING COILS .1 Provide separate drain pans for each stacked cooling coil. Each pan shall be fully draining. .2 Access doors shall be provided on the upstream and downstream side of all coils. .3 Cooling coil face velocities shall be designed for 425 fpm and shall not exceed 500 fpm. .4 Water and glycol coils shall be fully drainable through line-sized drains. Vent connections are not acceptable as drain fittings. .5 Air vents shall be provided at all high points. .6 Steam coils shall be piped to prevent freeze-ups and shall include vacuum breakers and adequate drip leg-to-trap inlet. .7 Water and glycol coils shall be piped in counterflow configuration. .8 Water, glycol and DX Type: Provide cooling and heating coils as detailed on the coil schedule, A.R.I. rated and constructed of 0.035” copper tubes and aluminum fins unless otherwise noted, and pressure tested for operation up to 1400 kPa (200 psi) for water and glycol coils. Refer to drawings for piping connections and dimensional data. Coils to have threaded red brass connections. .9 Reheat coils: Shall be constructed of aluminum fins and a minimum of 0.016” thickness for 3/8” copper tubes, 0.020” thickness for 1/2” copper tubes, and 0.035” thickness for 5/8” and above tubing. .10 For direct expansion coils, provide full face alternate tube circuiting and expansion valves with external equalizers. Pressure test refrigerant coils to 2067 kPa (300 psi). .11 Electric duct coils: performance characteristics and features as listed in the Coil Schedule. Each coil to be completely prewired with: .1 Air pressure differential switch. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba HEATING AND COOLING Req # Section 15700 Page 10 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 Fused control circuit and transformer. Single or multistage type contactors as indicated. Over temperature protection. Prewired terminals for connection of power and control circuits. Incaloy sheathed elements. 2.12 COOLING TOWER (INDUCED DRAFT VERTICAL DISCHARGE) .1 Provide, as shown on the drawings, an induced draft, vertical discharge, packaged, crossflow type cooling tower constructed of heavy mill steel with all steel parts bolts, etc., hot dipped galvanized to 764 g/m2 or stainless steel each with characteristics as follows: .1 Distribution basin: Spray or open gravity type with ABS diffusing metering orifices and flanged piping connections. .2 Fan: Propeller type with cast aluminium or FRP blades [individually adjustable] with ball bearings utilizing stainless steel balls, chrome steel races and extended lubrication lines. .3 Collection basin: Heavy steel construction, self cleaning with depressed centre section, cleanout and drain fitting, side outlet with screen and anti-cavitation device and electronic level sensor for actuation of remote fill valve. .4 Fill: Self-extinguishing 20 mil PVC with flame spread rating of 5 (to ASTM-E84-81a). .5 Access panels: Provided on both end walls, and a heavy galvanized wire grille provided for the fan discharge opening. .2 Also include: .1 Ladder, of sufficient length to be within 300mm (12”) of roof level or grade, and safety railing around the top of the cooling tower. .2 Flow control valves .3 Vibration isolation. .4 External oil sight gauge .5 Factory wired weatherproof control panel complete with unfused disconnects, fan motor contactors, motor reversing switches, pan heater contactors [motor winding over temperature relays] and numbered terminal strips for motor control circuits for external connections to temperature control components. Provide time delay on high to low speed fan sequence. [Ship panel separately for field installation by the cooling tower vendor]. .6 2-speed single winding 900/1800 RPM weatherproof motor [with anti vibration lock-out switch factory mounted and prewired to Control Panel]. [Reversible on low speed.] .7 Starter and control package. .8 Winterization package to maintain 4.50C water at winter design ambient consisting of a pan heater and controller with thermostat and low level switch factory installed and wired to control panel. .9 Provide six spare distribution nozzles. .3 Characteristics and capacities: Refer to equipment schedules. .4 Equipment as manufactured by [Baltimore Air Coil] EVAPCO] and [Marley] is acceptable. 2.13 COOLING TOWER (FORCED DRAFT VERTICAL DISCHARGE) .1 Provide, as shown on the drawings and as described in the equipment schedules, a forced draft, vertical discharge, packaged, counterflow type cooling tower with structural elements and panels constructed of G-210 hot-dip heavy gauge galvanized steel. All edges to have a protective coating of zinc-rich compound and all joints to have double break flanges with caulking to make them watertight. All moving parts to be factory mounted and aligned. .2 Fan section to house fans and motor in dry entering air stream and to have hot dip galvanized screen on inlet. .3 Pan section to be provided with man-way circular doors, anti vortexing large area lift-out strainer, water supply connection and electronic probe type level control factory wired to February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba HEATING AND COOLING Req # Section 15700 Page 11 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 terminals located in a weather-proof junction box located externally on the side of the unit. Fans to be forward curve centrifugal, dynamically and statically balanced with inlet rings on housings and discharge cowls extended into the pan sufficiently to prevent water entry. Fan shaft to be protected by epoxy coating and be supported on heavy-duty selfaligning lubricatable bearings with cast iron housings. Motor to be protected by an enclosure and mounted on an easily adjusted base. Refer to Section 15050 for motor requirements. Fan drive to be multi-groove power band type designed for not less than 150% of motor nameplate power output. Motor and overtemperature protection leads to be factory connected to clearly marked terminals in a weather proof junction box on the outside of the cooling tower casing. Heat transfer casing sections to be removable. Wet deck surfaces to be serpentine sheets of PVC impervious to rot, decay, fungus or biological attack and have a flame spread rating of 5 per ASTM Standard E84-77a. Water distribution to consist of header and spray branches of Schedule 40 PVC pipe with large orifice plastic distribution nozzles. Branch piping and nozzles to be held in place by snap-in rubber grommets to provide easy removal for servicing. Header to include provisions for external spray pressure measurement. Eliminators to be constructed of removable sections of specially formulated PVC and configured to limit drift loss to less than 0.002% of total water circulated. Also to be provided: .1 Vibration isolation: refer to Section 15100. .2 Six spare distribution nozzles. .3 Winterization package to maintain 4.50C water at winter design consisting of a pan heater and controller with thermostat, low level switch and weather proof contactor factory wired, installed and tested with power terminals conveniently located for field connection. Performance: refer to equipment schedules. 2.14 DUPLEX BOILER FEED SYSTEM .1 Provide one (1) Sterling model 4124-GDF duplex boiler feed unit. .2 Each pump shall deliver 6 gpm at a discharge pressure of 20 psig. .3 The unit shall be factory assembled and tested .4 Pump motors, shall be 1/3 hp, 115/1/60, 3450 rpm, open drip proof. 2.15 ELECTRIC DUCT HEATERS .1 Provide electric duct heaters with open wound nickel chromium coils supported to minimize sag using ceramic bushings in 18 gauge galvanized steel frame. .2 Heaters size to conform to ductwork but shall not result in air velocity less than 450 ft per second nor a density higher than 30 watts per square inch. .3 Duct line coils shall have integral control cabinet with hinged door to enclosure, required terminal strips, lugs and control components. .4 Provide primary and secondary contactors, manual and automatic reset, overheat protection and transformers. .5 Air unit coils shall be as constructed for ductline (reheat) application, except that control contactors and devices will be provided as part of Section 15900 – Controls scope of work in a separate unitized panel for wall or floor mounting. .6 All power wiring shall be by Division 16000. Control interlock wiring shall be by Division 15900. .7 Refer to drawings fro reheat coil heating output in Kilowatts. Coils up to 5 Kw to be single stage, coils 5 Kw and over to be two stage. .8 Pre-heat coil shall be single stage for SCR control with a total heating capacity of 25 kW per hour. 2.16 ENTRANCE HEATERS (HOT WATER OR STEAM) .1 Provide cabinet entrance heaters in the configuration as shown on the Drawings and as detailed in the Equipment Schedules and as follows: February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 12 .1 .2 .3 .4 .1 .5 .2 Casing: 16 gauge cold rolled steel with electrostatically applied epoxy powder coat prime finish. Casing shall incorporate a removable front panel and hinged access door with Allen screw operated latch to provide access to motor speed switch and for thermostat access. Recessed units shall be furnished with a recessing frame. Coil: Aluminium fins mechanically bonded to 13mm (½”) 0.035” copper tube with galvanized steel casing and tested with air at 2065 kPa (300 psi). Fans: Double width, double inlet, direct driven, forward curved centrifugal, constructed of galvanized steel, balanced for vibration free operation with galvanized steel housings designed for efficient air flow. Motor: three speed, open type, resiliently mounted, with permanently lubricated bearings, internal overload protection, and permanent split capacitor. Switch: factory installed and wired three-speed type with “off” position. Thermostat: internally mounted or remote. If shown as remote on drawings, provide heavy-duty guard. Filters: 13mm (½”) thick glass fibre disposable type in beverage board frames. 2.17 FAN COIL UNITS .1 Provide fan coil units in style, arrangement and with characteristics as shown on the drawings and as listed in the equipment schedules as follows: .1 Fans: Galvanized steel centrifugal forward curved double width, statically and dynamically balanced with galvanized steel housings. .2 Motors: three speed tap-wound with integral motor protection; permanent split capacitor with sleeve bearings with oil tubes. .3 Motor Control: Unit mounted three-speed switch with “Off” position wired to low speed so that fan cannot be shut off from speed switch. .4 Coils: Copper tube/aluminium fin mechanically bonded, 1725 kPa (250 psi) working pressure, with manual air vent. .5 Provide flexible piping connections to fan coil. Units to be Flex Tech Industries Model #MFN3/4, 12” long and rated for 950 psi at 70°F. .6 Filters: 25mm (1”) thick disposable media in permanent metal frame. .7 Cabinet: 18 ga. Cold rolled steel, primed and finished in baked enamel and where applicable, with stamped discharge grille, hinged top access doors (both sides) and one piece front access panel with slotted head quarter-turn positive locking fasteners; cabinet completely lined with 12mm (2”) thick closed cell foam acoustic insulation. .8 Drain Pans: 18 ga. Galvanized steel, lined with 12 mm (2”) thick closed cell foam insulation; pitched to 25mm (1”) copper drain and projecting beyond coil under headers and return bends. Where applicable (vertical units), auxiliary drain pans to be provided of identical construction. 2.18 FINNED TUBE RADIATION AND ENCLOSURE .1 A commercial-grade 16-gauge face enclosure shall be used. Residential-grade enclosure is not permitted. The finish shall be submitted to the University Project Manager with a colour chip for approval. .2 Finned-tube radiation shall be designed for an average hot water temperature of 180 °F or 1 psig steam supply, to be reset with the outside air temperature. .3 Finned-tube radiation shall be selected to be consistent with the existing perimeter radiation type where installed as part of a renovation/expansion project. .4 Provide where noted and detailed on drawings and in accordance with plan schedules, finned tube convectors with enclosures, continuous wall to wall where indicated. .5 Elements: [32mm (1 1/4”)] [20mm (3/4”)] [steel] [copper] tubing complete with 100mm x 100mm (4” x 4”) stamped pattern [steel] [aluminium] fins, with integral fin collars to provide even spacing of fins bonded to tubes by mechanical expansion of tube and supported at 1200mm (48”) centres maximum with adjustable cradle type hangers. Performance based on 180ºF [82ºC] entering water temperature, with 20ºF [11ºC] February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 13 .6 .7 temperature drop, forced circulation at 0.30 m/s (1 ft./s) minimum flow rate and entering air temperature corrected to 70ºF [21ºC]. Enclosures: Wall hung or free standing as scheduled having integral free flow outlet louvre and horizontal bottom inlet fabricated from 16 gauge minimum steel prime coated, [primed and painted in colour as selected by the Consultant] run continuous wall to wall where indicated complete with all necessary end brackets, end panels, corners, fillers, [removable modular sections,] job measured. Joints [at mullions] to be fitted to appear butted with adjoining section offset to slide under. Enclosure support: by continuous hanging strip or brackets spaced 1200mm (48”) o.c maximum. All individual radiation sections shall be provided with control valves and thermostat control. 2.19 FLUID COOLER (DRY TYPE) .1 Provide air cooled Dry Type Fluid Cooler consisting of fans, controls and coils, with supporting casing with stand, and vibration spring isolators. Coils: aluminium plate fins on mechanically expanded copper tubes, as specified in 15700]. Fans: Direct or belt drive, propeller type protected by guards. All motors: pre-lubricated, with built-in overload protection. Refer also to Section 15050. .2 Fan shafts: Corrosion protected. Fan blades: Iridite or aluminium finish. Magnetic contactors: mounted and factory wired to power and control numbered terminals. .3 Relays, contactors and controls: mounted and factory wired to provide interlock with Building Automation System. All fans to cycle in sequence to maintain fluid temperature over a10°C range between minimum and maximum. .4 Casing: Weather Armour baked enamel finish or totally galvanized. Provide access panels for electrical connections. .5 Capacities and characteristics: As shown in the equipment schedules. .6 Acceptable Manufacturers: Keeprite, Bohn. 2.20 FLUID COOLER (WET TYPE) .1 Provide, as shown on the drawings and as described in the equipment schedules, a forced draft, vertical discharge, packaged, counterflow type fluid cooler with structural elements and panels constructed of G-210 hot-dip heavy gauge galvanized steel. All edges to have a protective coating of zinc-rich compound and all joints to have double break flanges with caulking to make them watertight. All moving parts to be factory mounted and aligned. All components to be easily accessible through access panels. .2 Fan section to house fans and motor in dry entering air stream and to have hot dip galvanized screen on inlet. .3 Pan section to be provided with man-way circular doors, anti vortexing large area lift-out strainer, water supply connection, waste water bleed line and electronic probe type level control factory wired to terminals located in a weather-proof junction box located externally on the side of the unit. .4 Fans to be forward curve centrifugal, dynamically and statically balanced with inlet rings on housings and discharge cowls extended into the pan sufficiently to prevent water entry. Fan shaft to be protected by epoxy coating and be supported on heavy-duty selfaligning lubricatable bearings with cast iron housings. .5 Fans to be vane-axial type constructed of cast aluminium alloy blades arranged in a twostage system and installed in a close fitted cowl with venturi air inlet and air stabilising vanes. Fans and sheaves to be mounted on a corrosion protected shaft with heavy-duty self-aligning ball type bearings fitted with extended grease fittings located on the exterior of the casing. .6 Motor to be protected by an enclosure and mounted on an easily adjusted base. Refer to Section 15050 for motor requirements. Fan drive to be multi-groove power band type designed for not less than 150% of motor nameplate power output. Motor and overtemperature protection leads to be factory connected to clearly marked terminals in a weather proof junction box on the outside of the fluid cooler casing. Drives to be factory mounted and aligned. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # Section 15700 Page 14 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 2.21 HEATING AND COOLING Heat transfer casing sections to be removable. Wet deck surfaces to be serpentine sheets of PVC impervious to rot, decay, fungus or biological attack and have a flame spread rating of 5 per ASTM Standard E84-77a. Water distribution to consist of header and spray branches of Schedule 40 PVC pipe with removable ABS spray nozzles. Branch piping and nozzles to be held in place to provide easy removal for servicing. Header to include provisions for external spray pressure measurement. Eliminators to be constructed of removable sections of specially formulated PVC and configured to limit drift loss to less than 0.002% of total water circulated. Heat transfer coils: Primed surface steel encased in steel framework with entire assembly hot dipped galvanized after fabrication. Coils to be designed with sloping tubes for free drainage of liquid and leakage tested to 2410 kPa (350 psig). Water circulating pumps: close coupled centrifugal type with mechanical seals, installed vertically at the factory to allow free draining on shut down. Refer to Equipment schedules for motor power requirements. Also to be provided: [Spec. note: options as required to suit the project] .1 Six spare distribution nozzles. .2 Winterization package to maintain 4.50C water at winter design consisting of a pan heater and controller with thermostat, low level switch and weather proof contactor factory wired, installed and tested with power terminals conveniently located for field connection. .3 Ladders, [safety cage and perimeter handrail] .4 Factory wired weatherproof control panel complete with unfused disconnects, fan and pump motor contactors, pan heater contactors [motor winding over temperature relays] and numbered terminal strips for motor control circuits for external connections to temperature control components. [Provide time delay on high to low speed fan sequence.] [Ship panel separately for field installation by the cooling tower vendor]. .5 Discharge hood with positive closure damper. .6 Noise attenuation. .7 Bottom screens. Performance: refer to equipment schedules. FORCED DRAFT BOILERS .1 Provide [No. 2 oil] natural gas fired forced draft [water tube] [sectional cast iron] type hot water [steam] boiler[s] with capacities and characteristics as indicated and with features and components as follows: .1 Constructed in accordance with the ASME Code and CSA and CGA requirements and a copy of the inspection report attesting to same provided. .2 Each a complete unit, factory tested, including burner, controls, etc., and be suitable for mounting on a simple foundation and ready for attachment of water, fuel and electrical connections. .3 Each burner unit complete with forced draft fan, centrifugal type dynamically and statically balanced, pre-piped gas train, automatically controlled fuel valves and combustion air damper, and a prewired conveniently mounted control panel. .4 Maximum operating water temperature: ( ) °C ( ) °F maximum system operating pressure: ( ) kPa ( psi). .5 Each boiler gross output: ( ) Kw (BTU per hour) when fired at the rate of ( ) Kw (BTU per hour) input. .6 Constructed in accordance with the A.S.M.E. Code and C.S.A. requirements and a copy of the inspection report attesting to same provided. .7 Each a complete unit, factory tested, including burner, controls, etc., and be suitable for mounting on a simple foundation and ready for attachment of water, fuel and electrical connections. .8 Each burner unit complete with forced draft fan, centrifugal type dynamically and statically balanced, pre-piped gas train, automatically controlled fuel valves and combustion air damper, and a prewired conveniently mounted control panel. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # Section 15700 Page 15 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24 2.22 HEATING AND COOLING Control panel with programming relay, fan motor starter and control switches, "manual-automatic" switch to permit continuous firing on low or high fire rate, and burner shut-down on ignition, pilot, or main flame failure. 2 year, 100% warranty. Control for [Prepurge-high-off] [Prepurge-low-high-off] [Prepurge-low-high-postpurge-off] [Prepurge-low-high-low-off] [Prepurge-low-high-low-postpurge-off] [Prepurge-low-3 to 1 turndown modulation-low-postpurge-off] [Prepurge-low-3 to 1 turndown modulation-low-postpurge- firing principal] [With ignition on low fire]. [Also provide indoor/outdoor reset and sequencing control circ. Pump interlock.] Control panel with programming relay, fan motor starter and control switches [switch to permit continuous firing on low fire] [terminals for Building Automation System enable and disable boiler operation] and burner shut-down on ignition or main flame failure. Lifting lugs Observation ports on each end for flame condition inspection. 65mm (22”) thick fibreglass insulation protected by 16 gauge enamelled preformed sheetmetal outer jacket factory painted. To avoid condensation, provision of a 65mm (22”) thick high temperature vapoursealed insulating board in steel framework separating fire side from outer insulated jacket or fire side separated from outer insulated jacket by sealed water vessel sections. Combination temperature pressure gauge. Operating and high limit temperature controls. Pressure relief valves set at [ ] kPa ( psi) sized to comply with code requirements. Low water cut-off with drain. Framed certificate issued by Provincial Government Authority having jurisdiction. Manual reset elapsed time meter on burners. Vibration isolation pads. Refer to Section 15100. Field start-up and report by Manufacturer’s authorized service personnel. FRESH AIR MAKE-UP UNITS, GAS FIRED, DIRECT EXPANSION COOLING .1 Provide rooftop heating (natural gas), electric cooling and ventilating unit in size and with characteristics as detailed in the equipment schedules as manufactured by Engineered Air. .2 A complete package, factory tested and operable after completion of wiring, ductwork and natural gas connections. .3 Casing: .1 18 gauge galvanized steel, degreased and primed with a two part acid based etching primer and all exposed metal parts finished with electrostatically applied enamel. .2 Sides, top and floor panels to have two breaks per joint and secured with sheetmetal screws or pop rivets. Sides and floor joints to be broken inward. All joints to be caulked. Entire casing to be supported on formed galvanized steel channels or structural channel supports, designed and welded for minimum deflection. Outer wall panels to extend 6 mm below floor panel. .3 Internal insulation: 50 mm thick rigid 24 kg/m5 density neoprene coated fibre glass board secured with pins at 400 mm o/c. and fire retardant adhesive. Drain pans and floor to be insulated on the underside. All insulation joints and butt ends to be protected by sheetmetal channels. Insulation to be covered with galvanized steel liner in the heating section. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 16 .4 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Access panels: 450 mm wide minimum by full height of unit casing (less thickness of framing), insulated (sheetmetal lined) with zinc plated piano hinges with brass pins, Ventlock 310 handles (openable from both sides) for the following: .1 Fans and motors .2 Filters .3 Dampers and actuators .4 Access plenums .5 Refrigeration equipment and controls .6 Heating section .5 Drain pans: integral with floor panel, 50 mm deep, welded corners asphaltic water proofing coated, extended 150 mm downstream of coil face and with 25 mm (1”) drain connection. .6 Outdoor air intake: hooded with 25 mm (1”) galvanized screens. Roof mounting curb: full perimeter, constructed of heavy gauge sheetmetal, 350 mm (14”) high with wood nailer, neoprene sealing strip and all welded “Z” bar with 25 mm (1”) upturn on inner perimeter. External insulation of curb to be provided by Section 07555. Fans: rated to AMCA Standard Test Code, Bulletin 210, factory dynamically balanced at 20% minimum below first critical RPM. .1 Forward curved fans 450 mm (18”) and less to have permanently lubricated cartridge ball bearings supported by 3 point bearing bracket. Larger fans to have greaseable pillow block bearings supported on structural steel frame. .2 Airfoil fans: bearings to be greaseable self-aligning ball or roller pillow block type. .3 Ratio of blast to nominal outlet areas: .1 Forward curved 60%+ .2 Airfoil 75%+ .4 Drives: adjustable for motors 3.73 kW (5hp) or smaller. Fixed on larger motors. .5 Fan/motor assemblies: equipped with vibration isolators; neoprene-in-shear for 230 to 330 mm forward curved fans. Larger fans to have spring type isolators with levelling bolts. Natural gas heating section: .1 CGA approved indirect fired titanium stainless steel primary drum and multi-tube secondary floating stress relieved design assembly heat exchanger with turbulators and condensate drain and complete gas train with all required pressure regulating and relief valves and shut-off valve. .2 Burner: blow-through positive pressure type with intermittent pilot ignition with solid state programmed flame relay, 10:1 turn-down ratio at 80% efficiency over entire range. Natural gas supply at 1750 Pa (7”) w.c. and approved for operation at –400C. All required venting to be to current CGA Standards. Maximum flue gas concentrations not to exceed 5 ppm CO and 30 ppm NOx at fresh air conditions equivalent to 11.6% CO2 in combustion exhaust as prescribed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, Initiative N306. Filters: to be as specified in 15800. Damper: refer to 15900 for damper requirements. Refrigeration: .1 Coils: for cooling and condenser service; copper tubes and headers, aluminium fins and galvanized steel casing, factory tested with air at 2070 kPa (300 psig), A.R.I. rated. Direct expansion coils to be alternate tube circuited to provide “full face” coverage. All coils to be field removable. .2 Compressors: hermetic, 3600 RPM on resilient mounts with overload protection, internal pressure relief and crankcase heaters. .3 Condenser fans: direct driven propeller type with weather resistant TEAC 6 pole motors suitable for vertical mounting. .4 Components: all refrigeration circuits to be complete with liquid line filter-driers, combination sight glass/moisture indicators and service ports fit with schraeder February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # Section 15700 Page 17 .11 .12 .13 2.23 HEATING AND COOLING fittings, load compensated thermal expansion valves with external equalizers, 80C liquid sub-cooling, suction line filters and liquid line manual shut-off valves. The complete system, after assembly, to be pressure tested with dry nitrogen and re-tested under vacuum. Each system to be factory run and adjusted prior to delivery. Basic operating controls: .1 Motor contactors for all fans and compressors, overload protection, control circuit transformers, terminal blocks, grounding lugs, auxiliary contactors, terminals for connection of external devices, cooling relay, ambient compressor lockout, high pressure and automatic reset low pressure controls, head pressure actuated fan cycling, five minute anti-cycle timers, inter-stage time delay timers, hot gas bypass on lead compressor and single phase protection. Heating section to be provided with an automatic reset high temperature cutout and combustion airflow proving switch. All operating controls to be enclosed in a panel to CSA requirements. Wiring, testing and certification: the unit to be equipped with CSA listed components, CGA certified and totally wired to requirements of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, and pertinent sections of Part 2 relative to specific equipment type and purpose. All electrical circuitry to undergo dielectric strength tests to CSA C22.2-0. Temperature controls: Factory installed and tested application specific controller to provide the following sequences: .1 Start/stop: A normally closed outdoor air damper to open on system start-up, and when fully open, interlocks initiate cooling or heating operation depending on outdoor temperature conditions. Damper to return to closed position on power or system failure or on scheduled or manual shutdown. .2 Cooling: 2 stages of cooling control and hot gas by-pass to maintain discharge temperature. The minimum run and off time for compressors to be 4 minutes at full load start-up, and may range up to 8 minutes under part load conditions. PI (proportional/integral) control scheme to reduce temperature droop by resetting to the set point after each stage is cycled on and to include: .1 Modulating discharge air control with built-in modulating high and low limit. .2 After stage 1 cooling is energized and there is still a cooling demand, additional stages are energized until 100% cooling is energized. .3 Heating: Discharge air control to modulate natural gas valve and proportion combustion air by varying combustion air fan motor speed to provide optimum fuel/air mixture and efficiency at all conditions. Discharge air low limit with automatic by-pass time delay to allow for cold start-up. On a heating system failure, the low limit to stop the fan and close the outdoor air damper. Manual reset required to restart system. Provide terminals for connection to remote CCMS panel to provide remote indication of supply air temperature, filter status, system on/off status, cooling on/off status and heating on/off status and alarm signal for low limit failure. Also provide connections for future EMCS capability for system on-off control and supply air temperature adjustment. Provide all required wiring diagrams to provide a working interface with the future EMCS for all system status points as well as control. GAS FIRED INFRA RED HEATERS .1 Provide model DX natural gas fired low intensity ceiling mounted infrared heaters in locations and with capacities as shown on the Drawings as manufactured by Re-VerberRay. Equipment meeting standards of manufacture and performance as produced by Space-Ray will also be accepted. .2 Heaters to have features as follows: 1. 16 gauge titanium alloy heat exchanger tubes coated with high emissivity 1200F corrosion resistant black coating. 2. Radiant tubes to 16-gauge aluminized steel coated with high emissivity 1200F corrosion resistant black coating. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 18 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Heat exchanger coupling system: tube connections to be “slip” fit coupling system complete with four inch band clamp and continuous 16 gauge wall thickness. 100% safety shut-off gas control. Airflow control consisting of dual differential air proving switches to continuously monitor burner operation. Ignition system with 45-second pre-purge control. Turbulator baffles and adjustable polished aluminium parabolic reflectors with end caps adjustable from 0 to 450. Integrated hanging system of galvanized wire hangers complete with reflector tension spring. Outdoor air combustion collar with combustion air and heater controls. CGA certified venting for vertical or horizontal discharge or for common venting. Warranty: extended 4 year warranty on combustion chamber and radiant tubes. 2.24 GLYCOL FEED SYSTEM DESIGN NOTE: GLYCOL SYSTEM DRAINS NEED TO BE COLLECTED AND RETURNED TO THE GLYCOL FEED SYSTEM. WHERE THERE ARE FLOOR DRAINS INVOLVED, REVIEW POTENTIAL OF GATHERING DRAINS AND RETURNING GLYCOL TO FEEDER. ENSURE THAT ANY SPILLS WILL NOT RUN INTO WEEPING TILE SYSTEM AND BE PUMPED OUTDOORS. .1 Glycol systems shall be equipped with a mix-and-fill tank with manual fill capabilities, hose bib from domestic water for tank filling, and tank level alarm. Direct-connect city makeup lines to glycol systems are NOT permitted. .2 The entire system to be factory pre-piped and pre-wired with numbered terminal strip for wiring of remote items such as the pressure switch and the contact head meter. .3 The piping system shall be provided with a low-pressure sensor, which shall alarm on the DDC system. On alarm generation, feed system will be manually started after checking for system leaks. This manual operation will avoid feed system from automatically filling and compensating for a system leak. Fully automatic operation can be selected by HOA switch if suitable for system. .4 Unit to be complete with low-level pump cutout float switch, which plugs directly into standard duplex outlet and stops the pump if glycol level is too low. .5 Unit to be complete with low-level remote monitoring panel complete with dry contacts and be connected to DDC system alarm. .6 Refer to Section 15900 for control requirements. (Baby System) .1 Provide an Axiom Model MF200 packaged glycol feed system consisting of a 23 litre (6.0 US gal.) polyethylene tank; pump suction hose with inlet strainer; pressure pump with fuse protection; integral pressure switch; cord and plug; manual diverter valve for purging air and agitating contents of storage tank; adjustable 55 - 125 kPa (8 - 18 psi) pressure regulating valve with pressure gauge; fast fill lever; integral replaceable strainer; System shall be compatible with glycol solutions. Pump shall be capable of running dry without damage. Power supply: 3-prong plug and cord, 115v/60/1, 0.5 amp. Unit shall be completely assembled and be provided with field mounting kit including wall brackets, nylon fittings and 20 feet of nylon connecting tubing.] (50 Gallon System) .1 Provide an Axiom Model SF100 packaged glycol feed system consisting of a 180 litre (48 US gal.) polyethylene tank; pump suction hose with inlet strainer; pressure pump with thermal cut-out; integral pressure switch; cord and plug; pre-charged accumulator tank with EPDM diaphragm; manual diverter valve for purging air and agitating contents of storage tank; adjustable 35-380 kPa (5-55 psi) pressure regulating valve with pressure gauge; fast fill lever; integral replaceable strainer; built-in check valve; built-in supply February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 19 shut-off valve; union connection; 12 mm (1/2”) x 900 mm (36”) long flexible connection hose with check valve. System shall be compatible with glycol solutions. Pump shall be capable of running dry without damage. Power supply: 3-prong plug and cord, 115v/60/1, 0.7 amp. Unit shall be completely assembled.] (100 Gallon System ) .1 Provide an Axiom Model SF100-L packaged glycol feed system consisting of a 383 litre (100 US gal.) polyethylene tank; pump suction hose with inlet strainer; pressure pump with thermal cut-out; integral pressure switch; cord and plug; pre-charged accumulator tank with EPDM diaphragm; manual diverter valve for purging air and agitating contents of storage tank; adjustable 35-380 kPa (5-55 psi) pressure regulating valve with pressure gauge; fast fill lever; integral replaceable strainer; built-in check valve; built-in supply shut-off valve; union connection; 12 mm (1/2”) x 900 mm (36”) long flexible connection hose with check valve. System shall be compatible with glycol solutions. Pump shall be capable of running dry without damage. Power supply: 3-prong plug and cord, 115v/60/1, 0.7 amp. Unit shall be completely assembled.] 2.25 GLYCOL SYSTEMS .1 Where indicated on the drawings and as required by the specification, provide piping arrangements complete with all fill points, expansion tanks, and equipment. .2 Provide premixed inhibited propylene glycol solution using distilled water and Dow Chemical DOWFROST inhibited with Corrshield NT4102 (or equal approved by the University of Manitoba) to achieve a -43°C (-45°F) freeeze point. All glycol solutions are also to be acceptable to Authorities having Jurisdiction regarding environmental acceptability. NOTE: no ethylene glycol product is to be used. .3 Where connecting to an existing system, new and existing systems to be completely cleaned, flushed, and filled with approved glycol solution. .4 In addition to filling the system to meet the above requirements also provide one full 170 l (45 gal.) barrel of premixed polyethylene glycol solution and a rotary drum pump complete with 3600mm (12 feet) of 25mm (1”) rubber hose for future servicing. Hose and piping system to be provided with suitable connections to permit introduction of glycol solution with rotary pump. .5 Provide a chemical analysis performed by glycol Manufacturer on final installed operating solution. Test to be conducted after 72 hours of operation and results must be forwarded to the Project Coordinator for written approval. .6 Each system receiving glycol solution is to be provided with a pot feeder and in-line filter as specified in Section 15200. 2.26 HEAT EXCHANGER – PLATE TYPE .1 Provide a plate type heat exchanger as manufactured by ALFA-LAVAL, model No. ( ), with a capacity to cool ( ) l/s ( usgpm) water from ( )°C to ( )°C with a pressure drop of ( )kPa ( ft.) when supplied in the opposite circuit with ( ) l/s ( us gpm) water entering at ( ) °C with a pressure drop of ( ) kPa ( ft.). .2 Plate and frame construction capable of operating up to 690 kPa (100 psi) and a maximum temperature of ( )°C ( °F) . .3 Frame: Painted carbon steel, with chrome plated carbon steel guide bars, and zinc plated carbon steel tie bolts. All pipe connection points to have flanged fittings. .4 Plates: 304 stainless steel with Nitrile gaskets. .1 Install level and firmly anchored to supports. .2 Arrange piping so that tube bundles can be removed after disconnecting flanges adjacent to head and without disturbing other equipment and systems. 1. Arrange layout of equipment so that clearances are maintained for maintenance and safety. 2. Provide safety relief valves and drain valves and or other appurtenances piped to drain. 3. Provide wells, thermometers and pressure gauges on each inlet and each outlet. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba HEATING AND COOLING Req # 2.27 Page 20 HEAT EXCHANGER – SHELL AND TUBE TYPE .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 2.28 Section 15700 Provide removable U-Tube type heat exchangers of the sizes and capacities noted on the schedule. Heat exchangers shall consist of ¾” OD 20 gauge tubes secured to a tubesheet via rolled joints, cast iron head of either two or four pass configuration, steel shell, tubesheet, and supports. Shell and tubes shall be designed for a minimum of 860 kPa (125 psi) working pressure at 375F. Sufficient clear space (no less than the entire length of the converter) shall be provided to allow for tube bundle removal. Vacuum breakers shall be installed in the piping for modulating steam supply. There shall be a minimum 300mm (12”) drip leg to trap inlet. Vacuum breakers shall be provided on the shell. Converters shall be selected at 0.0005 fouling factor. Provide wells, thermometers, and pressure gauges on each inlet and each outlet. All pipe connection points to have flanged fittings. Operating and capacity characteristics: Shell Side Tube Side (Return) water ( ) (Boiler) water l/s ( usgpm) from ( ) l/s ( usgpm) ( )°C to ( )°C: from ( )°C to ( ) kPa ( ) ft. ( )°C: ( ) pressure drop. kPa ( ft.) pressure drop. Heat exchangers with head connections of 2.5” or greater shall have 150# flanged connection and shall be constructed of a cast iron or fabricated steel head in a K-style configuration to allow adequate clearance for tube bundle removal without disruption or dismantling of additional piping beyond the head flanges. For units with head connections of 2” or less, NPT connection are acceptable and the contractor is responsible to ensure piping allows proper clearance for tube bundle to be removed in similar fashion to a Kstyle head. Heat exchanger shall be constructed of a steel shell, and steel baffles, tie rods, and spacers. Unit shall have a spiral wound, expanded Teflon, or grafoil gasket to seal the shell at the tubesheet. Heat exchanger design shall allow for a maximum tubeside velocity no greater than 7.5 feet/ second and a shell side velocity no greater than 4.0 feet/second. Unit shall be constructed with a fouling factor equal to or greater than that scheduled. Unit shall be constructed in accordance with ASME Code Rules and shall have a manufacturer’s data report for pressure vessels, form No. U-1. Form U-1 shall be furnished to the Owner. An authorized inspector, holding a National Board commission, certifying that construction conforms to the latest ASME Code for pressure vessels must sign this form. The ASME "U" symbol shall also be stamped on each heat exchanger. In addition, each unit registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. HIGH EFFICIENCY CONDENSING BOILERS .1 Provide natural gas fired high efficiency condensing boilers as manufactured by AERCO with capacities and characteristics as indicated in the equipment schedules. .2 Construction: in accordance with the A.S.M.E. Code and C.S.A. requirements and a copy of the inspection report attesting to same provided. .3 Each a complete unit, factory tested, including burner and controls and be suitable for mounting on a simple foundation and ready for attachment of water, fuel, vent/intake and electrical connections. .4 Each unit complete with insulated steel jacket, steel base, control module, blower assembly, gas/air orifice plate and manifold assembly, stainless steel burner, complete gas train including shut-off valve, hot surface ignition system, air pressure switch, primary circulating pump, mixing valve, condensate drain, vent termination kit with stainless steel February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # Section 15700 Page 21 .5 .6 2.29 HEATING AND COOLING vent piping and PVC intake piping in configuration as shown on the Drawings, 40 VA transformer and junction box, built-in air eliminator, 30 PSI ASME relief valve, water temperature limit switch, combination pressure/temperature gauge, low water cut-off and drain valve. Field start-up and report by Manufacturer’s authorized service personnel. Refer to Section 15800 for exhaust vent and air intake requirements. HUMIDIFIERS (PACKAGED CLEANABLE ELECTRIC) .1 Provide as listed in the equipment schedules and shown on the drawings, floor mounted electric evaporative stainless steel cleanable type packaged humidifiers bearing the ETLC approval label. .2 The factory insulated vaporizing chamber, cover and fittings shall be constructed of 14 gauge stainless steel with heli-arc welded seam, construction. The vaporizing chamber cover and front clean out plate shall be easily removable for inspection and servicing. .3 The NEMA1 control cabinet shall be factory mounted & wired on the evaporating chamber with all wiring between cabinet and humidifier completed at the factory. .4 The immersion heaters shall be low watt density, incoloy-alloy sheathed, resistance type, designed to provide constant expansion and contraction, to shed scale. .5 A temperature sensor, mounted on the evaporating chamber shall provide overtemperature protection, freeze protection and pre-heat for response to load demand limit switch shall be provided, mounted and wired. .6 An electric drain valve shall be mounted on the assembly. .7 The modulating control shall be time-proportioning and accept a demand signal of 4mA to 20mA, 0 ohm to 135 ohm, 2 VDC to 10 VDC. .8 Operating and limit controls, provided by DRI-STEEM and shipped loose for mounting and wiring by the installer, shall include: .1 Humidity transmitter, suitable either for wall or return air duct mounting. .2 On-off high limit humidistat. .3 Sail type or pneumatic air flow proving switch as recommended by manufacturer. .9 The unit shall be furnished with a DRI-STEEM, VAPOR LOGIC 3 microprocessor control. The control shall be capable of accepting a signal directly from the building automated control system and will, through a real time clock, electronically track time and control all fill, drain and flush functions. The VAPOR LOGIC 3 will provide tank freeze protection and reheating for rapid response to load demand. The control will provide messaging for alarm log, graphed data and message reminder for tank maintenance based on water usage. .10 A backlit display control panel keypad, suitable for remote mounting, shall serve as interface to the controller to monitor and / or control the control functions. The keypad will display current conditions, alarm log, graphed data and message reminder for tank cleaning, based on water usage. .11 Water level shall be controlled electronically using a three rod probe assembly to respond with fill valve open and close and low water cut off signals as the water level reaches each rod. .12 The RAPID SORB, or ULTRA SORB 304 stainless steel steam dispersion assemblies, shall be single header, vertical tube design suitable for mounting in the ductwork or air handler unit cabinets. The dispersion tubes shall be fitted with closely spaced, thermal resin, calibrated orifice tubelets, to provide close absorption performance. .13 To minimize heat gain and system condensate losses the dispersion tubes shall be provided with factory installed PVDF insulation. .14 The unit/s shall be DRI-STEEM model VLC as listed in the schedule, having capacities and ratings as per the schedule. Capacities shown include an allowance for steam dispersion assembly and distribution condensate losses, based on a developed length of _____ feet of insulated inter-connecting hard piping. .15 Units shall have the following features: .1 ULC and CSA listed and approved. .2 Immersion heaters: Incoloy alloy sheathed resistance type heaters configured for convenient removal for inspection. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # Section 15700 Page 22 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 2.30 HEATING AND COOLING Electronic water level control for automatic refill, low water cut-off, and skimmer blow-down functions. Field adjustable skimmer for mineral removal. Factory mounted and wired control cabinet and subpanel to contain controls, transformers and contactors. Automatic drain valve and control, field adjustable from 5 to 50 hours of “on” time and one to 30 minutes of drain time. High limit duct humidistat. Air flow proving switch. Factory applied 20mm (¾”) thick rigid foam insulation covered with reinforced aluminium foil on all surfaces except panel. Support legs. HUMIDIFIERS (STEAM TO STEAM) .1 Humidification systems shall be steam-to-steam type utilizing building steam supply to generate clean steam for humidification purposes .2 Humidifier shall utilize primary steam, supplied at ____ psig, to create secondary steam for humidification through the use of a heat exchanger. .3 The heat exchanger shall be tubular, designed to shed mineral build up through thermal expansion. The tubes shall be nickel coated copper or Teflon coated stainless steel. .4 The evaporator shall be 14 gauge, heli-arc welded seam, stainless steel construction. A side cleanout will be provided to allow complete access to the heat exchanger and the floor of the evaporator, without necessitating the removal of the heat exchanger. The top cover of the evaporator shall be removable for tank internal access without disconnection of seam dispersion piping, from the steam outlet. The heat exchanger assembly shall be accessible and, if required, removable, through the top opening of the evaporator. .5 The evaporator tank shall be supplied with factory installed rigid fiberglass insulation, covered with reinforced aluminum foil. .6 An (electrically or pneumatically) actuated modulating steam valve shall be provided for mounting on the inlet to the heat exchanger. The control valve shall be Baumann 24000 bronze with 316 stainless steel trim, rated for 205°C (400°F) at 250 psig. A float and thermostatic steam trap shall be furnished for the heat exchanger discharge. .7 Water level of potable or softened water shall be electronically controlled using a 3 rod probe system. Water lever for DI/RO units shall be controlled using a float valve. .8 The NEMA 4 control cabinet shall be factory mounted and wired on the evaporator assembly and contain: .1 A Vapor Logic 4, microprocessor control which shall be capable of accepting a signal directly from a humidity transmitter or from a building automated control system and will through a real time clock, electronically, track time and control all fill, drain and flush functions. .2 The Vapor Logic 4 controller will provide tank freeze protection and preheating for rapid response to load demand. The control will provide messaging for alarm log, graphed data and message reminder for tank maintenance based on water usage. Backlit display control panel keypad, suitable for remote mounting, shall serve as interface to the controller to monitor and / or control the control functions. .3 The VAPOR LOGIC 4 will be fully interoperable with Modbus, BACnet, or LonTalk systems. .4 A humidifier control interface suitable for connection to a (BACnet) system shall be provided. .9 Water level for potable or softened water systems shall be controlled electronically using a three rod probe assembly to respond with fill valve open and close and low water cut off signals as the water level reaches each rod. Water level for DI/RO units shall be controlled using a float valve. .10 The STS evaporator shall be suitable for (floor, trapeze, or wall), mounting. .11 The 304 stainless steel RAPID SORB, or ULTRA SORB steam dispersion assemblies, shall be single or double header, vertical tube design, suitable for mounting in the February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 23 .12 .13 .14 ductwork or air handler unit cabinets. The dispersion tubes shall be fitted with closely spaced, thermal resin, calibrated orifice tublets. The dispersion tubes shall be insulated with non-fibrous, closed-cell polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) insulation to reduce energy loss and heat gain to the air system. For units fitted for operation with potable or softened water, a drain cooler with a floor mounting stand shall be provided. Each unit shall be provided complete as noted above and with capacity and ratings as per schedule. Capacities shown include an allowance for secondary steam condensate, based on a developed length of __ meters (__ feet) of insulated inter-connecting piping. 2.31 HVAC SPLIT SYSTEMS .1 Provide commercial air cooled split systems consisting of ceiling suspended fan coil terminals and remote air cooled condensing units with capacities and characteristics as described in the Equipment Schedules and in the following: .1 Outdoor condensing unit: .1 Factory assembled, single piece with all required wiring, piping, controls, and R-22 refrigerant charge. .2 Galvanized steel cabinet with baked enamel finish. .3 Removable access panels for access to all components. .4 Direct driven statically and dynamically balanced propeller type condenser fans with class A insulation and permanently lubricated ball bearings and internal thermal overload protection. .5 Hermetic rotary type compressor with lubrication system, operating oil charge, suction line accumulator, muffler, NEMA class F motor, discharge valves, rubber vibration isolators. .6 Aluminium fins/copper tube, cleaned, dehydrated, and sealed condenser coil. .7 Refrigeration components: liquid and suction line service valves and service gauge ports, accumulator, pressure relief, liquid and suction line piping kit, and refrigerant operating charge. .8 Controls: Short cycling protection, automatic restart on power failure, high temperature and freeze protection, system diagnostics, compressor motor overcurrent, overtemperature protection, low ambient control to –28ºC (-20ºF). .2 Indoor fan coil section: .1 Cabinet: zinc coated steel with baked enamel paint and matching mounting brackets. .2 Centrifugal fan with automatic motor driven vertical air sweep. .3 Coils: Copper tube, aluminium fins and galvanized steel tube sheets with drip pan and drain connection. .4 Permanently lubricated multi-speed fan motor with inherent overload protection. .5 Cleanable slide-out filters. .6 Controls: microprocessor based for space temperature, optimum fan speed, run self diagnostics with test button, automatic restart after power failure, 15 hour timer cycle for system on/off, high discharge temperature shut-down. .7 Also provide automatic changeover control with relay to enable operation of perimeter heating hot water radiation valve. .8 Wired remote system controller complete with interconnecting cable. 2.32 PUMPS AND CIRCULATORS .1 Provide pumps and circulators of type and size as indicated on the pump schedules. .2 All pumps: equipped with mechanical seals, non-overloading (not including motor service factor) over entire performance curve and bronze fitted except where noted. Pumps for domestic hot water service: all bronze body or stainless steel. Base mounted pumps: complete with coupling guards. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 24 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 All vertical in-line and base mounted pumps with mechanical seals to be equipped with factory installed Micro-Wynd II Cuno filters and Arkon flow indicators. Provide an additional set of filters to replace original filters after system is cleaned and treated. A single gauge shall be connected to the discharge and suction side of each pump and across the strainer so that the differential pressures can be observed. Submit certified pump curves with shop drawings. Pumps shall be selected such that head at design conditions does not exceed 85% of maximum possible head at design flow rate. Manufacturer to include costs for checking and aligning pumps prior to start-up. All piping connections to pumps shall be supported independently so that no strain is imposed on the pump casing. All pumps to have motor size large enough to not overload at runout condition. If this requires larger motor than specified, pay for larger motor starter, wiring and the like. Mount on cast iron or heavy steel base, having drip lips and tapped drainage holes. Provide spool pieces on pump suction and discharges for future fitting of vibration isolators if found necessary. To be 450mm (18") long for piping up to and including 50mm (2") and 600mm (24") long for piping 65mm (2½") and above. Pump bases to have neoprene-steel-neoprene vibration isolators of sizes recommended by Manufacturer. Vertical In Line – Pumps to have radially split casing, bronze fitted construction, 175 psi pressure rating, mechanical seal with flushing line, drip proof motor at 1725 rpm and stainless steel shaft. Armstrong series 4360 or approved equal. Horizontal In Line – Pumps to be bronze construction (domestic water usage to be all bronze) 125 psi, mechanical seal, sleeve bearings and open drip proof motors at 1725 rpm with resilient mounting. Fire pump – Refer to 15500 for requirements of fire pump Excess Pressure Pump – Refer to 15500 for requirements of excess pressure pump Sewage Pumps – to be vertical, shaft driven, single stage, non clog, centrifugal with cast iron casing and impeller, ball thrust bearings, bronze guide bearings, grease lubrication, schedule 40 discharge, ball bearing induction motor at 1150 rpm. Provide a factory wired duplex panel and emergency float in NEMA – 1 cabinet with starters, alternating relays, switches and indicating lights. Effluent Pumps – to be self priming, cast iron construction, complete with built in check valve, mechanical seal, semi open impeller, open drip proof motor and floatless liquid level control. Well Pump – to be submersible turbine with noryl impeller – diffuser assembly, brass intake screen, splined stainless steel shaft, brass discharge head and bearings. Red Jacket or approved equal. Provide HOA starter with three leg overload protection, lighting arrestor and liquid level control for low water cut-off. Sump pumps: .1 Submersible type equal to Hydromatic W-A1only to be provided on this project. Installations to include duplex pumps with cast iron body, thermoplastic impeller, oil filled 1/3 horsepower motor with automatic reset thermal overload protection. Unit to be provided with 6m (20 foot) cable. .2 Pump discharge to be 38mm (1½”) NPT. .3 Pump capacity to be 10 gpm at 22 foot head. .4 High temperature sump pits to be provided with Flygt Model CF-3057 submersible sump pumps to handle 100 gpm at 31 foot head with 5 hp motor. High temperature pumps to be controlled with Endress + Hauser Prosonic S Model FDU91F ultrasonic level sensor connected to Endress + Hauser Prosonic S Model FMU90 transmitter. .5 Refer to Sump Pits in 15400 for further detail of sump pits. Refer to detail drawings for piping details and split cover arrangement. .6 Float & high water alarm controls to suit building control system. System to include high water alarm and alternator. Controller to be connected to building DDC system where available or be standalone where campus control network is not available. Packaged pressure booster: .1 Factory assembled and tested centrifugal pump package complete requiring field connections only for piping and electrical power. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 25 .2 .3 .4 Control panel to be prewired with the following: 1. EEMAC-1 general purpose enclosure 2. One main disconnect 3. Fused power supply for each pump 4. Magnetic starters with 3 leg 0L protection 5. Selector switches (HOA) for each pump 6. Variable speed drive (VSD) for each pump 7. Pressure switches for low suction shut down [and operating] 8. Pressure gages for suction and discharge 9. High pump casing temperature automatic relief (purge) 10. Minimum run time relays 11. Flow or load sensing for pump sequencing 12. Pilot lights for power on, lead pump failure alarm, low suction pressure. Valving and piping: Type K copper piping and headers with a pressure regulating valve on each pump discharge to provide constant pressure at variable flow sized to suit the application; check valves on each pump discharge; shut-off valves on each pump suction (upstream of strainer) and after each check valve; automatic thermal bleed on each pump for overheating protection on no flow. Operation: Flow or load sensing control to sequence pump operation in accordance with demand with lead pump on continuously; if a failure of one pump occurs, the next pump in sequence will operate. [During off-hours, lead pump cycles in response to pressure switch control.] 2.33 RADIANT CEILING PANELS .1 Refer to Architectural reflected ceiling plans and room finish schedule in addition to Mechanical Drawings to determine location, quantity and finish of radiant panels. .2 Refer to Architectural and Mechanical Detail Drawings for installation requirements and panel/ceiling and wall interface. .3 Radiant ceiling panel extrusions to consist of 600 mm (24”) wide extruded aluminium with copper tubing of 14 mm (0.55”) I.D. mechanically attached to the aluminium face plate. Copper tube to be held in place by an aluminium saddle, which extends more than half way around the diameter of the tube. A non-hardening heat conductive paste to be placed between copper tubing and aluminium face plate. .4 Panels to be finished in standard Manufacturer’s colour as selected by the Consultant. .5 Panel performance to be based on 180ºF [82ºC] mean water temperature resulting in a performance rating of 421 Watts /metre for a 600 mm wide panel (438 Btu/in. ft. of 24” panel). Individual panel outputs shown on the Drawings. Where panel is shown to be extended from wall to wall (continuous), provide suitable “inactive” section(s) as necessary to achieve a continuous appearance. Each panel section to have a maximum pressure drop of 21kPa at design water flow. .6 Submit Shop Drawings showing performance and all details on joints, connections and circuiting. .7 Standard of Acceptance: Airtex HEF-2 as manufactured by Adair Industries. 2.34 RADIANT FLOOR HEATING SYSTEM .1 Provide a complete hydronic in-floor heating system. .2 Provide a complete set of shop drawings indicating the exact tube layout, header configuration, flow rates per tube and zone, heat output per room, pressure drop per zone. Indicate the total floor heating system flow rates as well. If there is a charge for these drawings, it is to be included in the tender price. Tube diameter, spacing number of circuits etc to be the responsibility of the contractor. Note that the maximum pressure drop through the tubing and headers shall not exceed 15 kPa (2psi). .3 System shall be complete and shall include system design, tubes, tube bend supports, tube tie-wires, heat emission sheets (if required), valves, fittings, manifolds and manifold supports. Tube shall be warranted for 25 years. Associated accessory items furnished by February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 26 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 the Manufacturer shall be warranted for 24 months from date of acceptance by the University of Manitoba. Included - all labour, materials, transportation, equipment and services to install a hydronic heating system where indicated on the shop drawings for the project. Zone configuration shall be as indicated on the drawings. In no case shall any room not be equipped with a radiant floor heating system (the only exception is the Mechanical/Electrical Room and Entrance Vestibules). The heat outputs per zone have been calculated and shown on the drawings, in no case will any system that provides less heat output be accepted. Related Work - examine all other portions of the subcontract documents for work or other terms and conditions related to the work of this section. Provide all work hereunder as required for the support and accommodation of related work. Shop Drawings - descriptions of materials, details and installation shall be submitted for approval and no fabrication shall be performed until approval is obtained. All Components - of system shall be provided by Manufacturer including tubing, tubing fittings, manifolds, manifold support brackets, wire ties and tubing bend supports as manufactured by Manufacturer. Design - the Under Floor Heating System shall be designed in accordance to the instructions and testing methods furnished by the Manufacturer. Installation - The Under Floor Heating System is installed in accordance with applicable code requirements and instructions and testing methods furnished by the Manufacturer Warranty - Tubing shall carry a twenty-five (25) year non-prorated warranty against failure due to manufacturing defect or exposure to stress cracking agents. This warranty is to include tubing embedded in concrete. Manifolds and other ancillary components shall be warranted for twenty-four (24) months from date of sale. Tubing .1 Tubing shall be cross-linked polyethylene, rated at 180(F (82(C) maximum working temperature and up to 100 psi (690 kPa) working pressure in accordance with ASTM Standard F876-877. .2 Tubing shall be of cross-linked polyethylene manufactured by the “Engel Method”. The tubing shall have an oxygen diffusion barrier capable of limiting oxygen diffusion through the tubing to no greater than .005 g/mn/day at 40(F (4(C) .3 Radiant floor tubing to be a PEX type tube with an integral oxygen diffusion barrier. .4 The minimum bend radius for cold bending of the tubing shall not be less than eight (8) times the outside diameter. Bends with a radius less than stated will require the use of a bend support as supplied by the tubing Manufacturer. .5 Provide bending guides where the tube bending radius is less than 475 mm. .6 Tubing embedded in concrete shall be secured to a welded wire fabric or approved alternate fabric with wire ties provided by pipe Manufacturer. Spacing of wire ties shall be maximum of 900mm (36”) for straight lengths of tubing and a minimum of 3 ties per 180º turn. .7 All tubing inside the concrete floor shall be seamless. Replace any damaged tubing, do not repair. Manifolds .1 Shall be of cast bronze construction and shall have integral circuit balancing valves. Supply and return manifolds shall be able to vent air from the system. Manifolds shall be provided with support brackets and tube bend supports. .2 Manifolds shall be isolated from supply and return piping with valves that are suitable for isolation and balancing. .3 Supply and return headers to be complete with isolation and balancing valves for each circuit, as well as isolation valves for the entire header assembly. Provide venting and valved drain. Tube Fittings shall be manufactured of dezincification resistant brass. The tubing Manufacturer must supply these fittings. The tube fitting consists of an insert, a serrated compression ring and a nut. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # Section 15700 Page 27 .16 2.35 HEATING AND COOLING Installation .1 Hydronic heat tubing shall be installed in accordance with the recommendations of Manufacturer. .2 Installation shall follow the shop drawing for tubing layout and spacing. All notes on the drawing will be followed. .3 Where supply and return headers are required to be installed in exposed locations, they shall be in 16 gauge steel cabinets with screwed fastening, mounted securely to walls with a 300 x 900 x 20mm (12” x 36” x ¾”) plywood fastening plate located behind the drywall. The cabinets shall have a removable front, shall be painted as directed by the Consultant, and shall completely enclose the header. .4 Prior to the installation of concrete around the tubing, the system shall be charged with water to a pressure of 40 psig. The system shall remain at this pressure for a minimum of 24 hours to ensure system integrity. .5 During installation of concrete that is to embed the tubing, the tubing shall remain charged with water to a minimum pressure of 40 psig until the concrete has set. .6 The subcontractor shall provide water for pressurizing the tubing. .7 Contractor is to provide to Owner, upon completion of work, a completed and required certified project checklist. REFRIGERATION PIPING AND SYSTEMS .1 Provide a complete refrigeration piping system by a recognized Contractor regularly employed in commercial and industrial refrigeration. .2 Size piping equivalent to a maximum of 1.10C (2ºF) temperature drop. .3 Size and configure all suction and hot gas piping to ensure oil entertainment under minimum load. .4 Refrigeration circuits: provide strainer/driers, sight glasses, moisture indicators, shut-off valves, thermal expansion valves, solenoid valves, receiver, refrigerant, oil, safety accessories, etc. .5 Provide all control wiring and motor control interlocks as described on the drawings and as required by the equipment Manufacturer’s installation instructions and control schematics to achieve required operating sequences and maximum equipment protection. .6 Provide a 100% parts and labour, and loss of refrigerant and oil (by leakage or contamination) warranty for a two-year period after acceptance by the Owner. .7 Piping: Type L, hard drawn copper piping, ASTM B 280, Type ACR, clean, dry and capped. .8 Fittings to be Wrought-Copper, ASME B16.22. .9 Valves and Specialties: seal cap type, brass with Teflon seats; acceptable Manufacturers: Superior, Mueller, Henry, or Frick. Check valves: type CK-1 as manufactured by Refrigeration Specialties or Frick. Thermal expansion valves, filter/driers, solenoid valves, moisture indicators: Sporlan. All thermal expansion valves to be provided with external equalizers. .10 A nitrogen purge shall be maintained when soldering all joints. Copper-to-copper joints shall be made with a brazing alloy (Silfos). Copper-to-brass joints shall be made with silver solder. .11 Main piping fittings for dryers, sight glasses, expansion valves, and controls shall be only flare or welded fittings. .12 Prior to being charged with refrigerant, the system shall be evacuated to 500 microns and held for at least 24 hours under this vacuum. .13 Double-suction risers shall be employed on systems with capacity reduction and where required by lift. .14 Isolation valves shall be provided at all specialties. .15 Installations shall be complete with dryers, sight glass, and thermostatically-controlled solenoid valves for pump down operations. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # Section 15700 Page 28 .16 .17 .18 2.36 HEATING AND COOLING Where defrost units are required, they shall be operated electrically with adequate space provided to replace defrost elements. Defrost shall not be limited to electrical units. In larger installations, hot gas defrost is preferred. Installations shall be provided with necessary protective devices including, but not limited to, electric overload devices, low-suction pressure cutouts (manual reset), high head pressure cutouts (manual reset), low-lube oil pressure cutouts (manual reset), oil traps, crankcase heaters, and anti-recycling. Voice/Data Room cooling units to be Canatal, Liebert, or Mitsubishi PUY/PKA. Units to include indoor cooling unit and outdoor condensing unit rated for -40°C (-40° F) operation. Indoor units to be wall mounted. UNIT HEATERS (HOT WATER, GLYCOL, STEAM AND NATURAL GAS) .1 Isolation valves shall be provided on each item. .2 The heater finish, with a color chip, shall be submitted to the University Project Manager for approval. .3 Hot water or steam - Horizontal Type: Provide as shown on the Drawings and as described in the Equipment Schedules as follows: .1 Casing: 18 gauge cold-rolled steel with electrostatically applied epoxy powder coat prime finish and with two 13mm (½”) threaded hanger connections and individually adjustable four way louvered diffuser. .2 Coil: Aluminum fins mechanically bonded to 13mm (½”) 0.035” thick copper tube with galvanized steel casing and tested with air at 2065 kPa (300 psi). Headers to be provided with steel MPT pipe connections. .3 Fan: Propeller type, direct connected, dynamically balanced. .4 Motor: open type, resiliently mounted, with permanently lubricated bearings, internal overload protection, and permanent split capacitor type with fan guard. .5 Disconnect switch: factory installed and wired. .6 Thermostat: remote-type to cycle fan on/off. .4 Hot water, glycol or steam - Vertical Type: provide as shown on the Drawings and as described in the Equipment Schedules as follows: .1 Casing: 18 gauge cold rolled steel with electrostatically applied epoxy powder coat prime finish and with four 13mm (½”) threaded hanger connections. .2 Coil: Aluminum fins mechanically bonded to 15mm (5/8”) copper tube with galvanized steel casing and tested with air at 2065 kPa (300 psi). Headers to be provided with steel MPT pipe connections. .3 Fan: Propeller type, direct connected, dynamically balanced with fan guard. .4 Motor: open type, with permanently lubricated bearings, internal overload protection, and permanent split capacitor type securely mounted in a vented steel well. .5 Disconnect switch: factory installed and wired. .6 Thermostat: remote type to cycle fan on/off. .7 Diffuser: adjustable cone type .5 Gas fired, propeller and centrifugal fan type: .1 Completely factory assembled and test fired for operation on natural gas [propane], CGA certified and in conformance with ANSI Standards for safe and efficient performance. .2 Casing: 20 gauge cold rolled steel with electrostatically applied and baked enamel with formed steel four point hanger connections, horizontal adjustable louvre and removable panel for access to controls, burners and pilot. .3 Heat exchangers: seam welded 20 ga. Aluminized steel tubes and 18 ga. Aluminized headers [409 stainless steel tubes and headers] [321 stainless steel tubes and headers]. .4 Burner: die-formed corrosion resistant aluminized steel, with stainless steel port protectors with individual manually adjustable draft. Burners to be individually removable for servicing. .5 Fans: all aluminum with aerodynamic contour dynamically balanced and provided with protective guard and rubber-in-shear vibration isolators. Fans for propeller February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 29 fan units are direct driven. Fans for centrifugal units are belt driven with adjustable pitch motor sheave. .6 .7 .8 2.37 Motors: .1 Motors for propeller fan units to be 1/60/115 volts, totally enclosed with built-in thermal overload and permanently lubricated bearings. .2 Motors for centrifugal units to be 1/60/115 volts, open drip proof with built-in thermal overload protection. .3 Provide explosion-proof motors in hazardous areas. Controls: factory installed junction box for all electrical connections with 24 volt combination single stage automatic gas valve, main operating valve, pilot safety shut-off, pressure regulator, manual main and pilot shut-off valves and adjustable pilot valve, fan time delay on start-up and shut-down. Thermostat: Low voltage room thermostat, single stage with summer/winter switch and universal tamperproof guard. Explosion-proof or remote thermostats to be provided in hazardous areas. WATER CHILLER (RECIPROCATING) .1 Provide factory assembled air-cooled multiple compressor water chiller(s) with characteristics and capacities as indicated in the equipment schedules. .1 Construction: to ASME Standard, ARI standard 590-69, and CSA requirements (CSA labelled). Compressors to be reciprocating, scroll or screw type and may be hermetic sealed unserviceable type up to and including 15 tons capacity. Compressors 20 tons capacity and greater to be semi hermetic serviceable. .2 Compressors: complete with oil pump (in semi-hermetic units) suction and discharge valves, individual spring vibration isolators, thermally protected motors, crank case heater, operating oil charge. .3 Factory installed circuit breakers calibrated manual reset, ambient insensitive, to open all 3 phases if overloaded on any one phase. .4 Cooler: Steel shell, 0.711mm (0.028”) wall thickness copper tubes with removable heads, 2 direct expansion refrigeration circuits, covered with 20mm (:”) closed-cell foam plastic vapour barrier insulation. .5 Refrigeration circuits: discharge line check valves, hot gas mufflers, combination moisture indicator and sight glass, filter/driers, liquid line solenoid valves, thermal expansion valves, charging valves, suction lines insulated similar to cooler. Provide suction, discharge and oil pressure gauges on each refrigerant circuit for compressors 20 tons capacity and greater. .6 Capacity control: multiple-step chilled water controller to provide individual sequenced starting and loading [hot gas by-pass on lowest stage of capacity] – on restart unit to revert to lowest stage of capacity. .7 Safety and operating controls: prewired and pre-piped high and low pressure cut-outs, oil failure, low water temperature cut-out, individual compressor indicating lights, start-stop switches, control power circuit breakers, manual lead-lag switch for compressors, starters with 3 leg overload protection and all required relays for interlocking with air cooled condensers. .8 Electrical connections: Power connections to unit Manufacturer supplied lugs at one point only. Control connections to unit Manufacturer supplied numbered terminal board. .9 Spring isolators. Refer to section 15860. .10 Refer to schematic drawings for water flow arrangement. .2 Provide a four (4) year parts and labour extended warranty on the compressor(s). PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 CHILLERS February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 30 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 Provide all necessary refrigerant relief lines, break-away flanges, valves, pneumatic and electric control connections and piping for chiller oil cooler and purge unit as required by chiller Manufacturer. Install pipeline thermometers and/or sensor wells as required on system side of break-away flanges. Install in arrangements as shown on the drawings and when chiller installation consists of two units, or pairs of units, install each pair such that the control panel fronts face inward toward each other. If chiller installation is an odd number, i.e., 3 or 5, all control panel fronts to face each other as above. The odd unit panel to face the opposite side of the adjacent unit. Provide 1200mm (48”) spacing minimum between chiller control panel fronts. Provide rear service space as required by the Manufacturer but in no case less than 600mm (24”) from any component on the chiller. Refer to Section 15050 and Division 16 for wiring requirements. Install units on a flat surface level within 3mm (1/8") and of sufficient strength to support concentrated loading with isolation spring assemblies under the units. Install components furnished by the Manufacturer. Provide all water piping so unit and water circuits are serviceable without having to dismantle excessive lengths of pipe. Provide valves in water piping upstream and downstream of the evaporator and condenser connections for isolating the shells for maintenance. Provide drain valves and vent cocks to each water box. Install loose temperature sensors in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. Provide all necessary auxiliary water piping for oil cooler in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. Provide pressure relief piping from relief valve to outside in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions and CSA-B52-1992. Provide certified wiring schematics to the electrical division for the chiller, associated equipment and controls. Provide all necessary control wiring as recommended by the Manufacturer. Provide flow switches in both chilled and condenser water piping interlocked to the control panel. 3.2 COOLING TOWERS .1 Install in arrangement as shown on the drawings. .2 Install cooling towers on supports of sufficient height to elevate bottom of sump 300mm (12") minimum higher than the top of the condenser shell on the chiller and in no case less than 1.83 m (6 ft.) higher than the centre line of the condenser pump suction connection. .3 Provide additional bracing for ladder where extended to roof level or grade. .4 Mount control panel such that it is accessible from roof level or grade. 3.3 ELECTRIC REHEAT COILS .1 Install to Manufactureres instructions ensuring direction of air flow. .2 Install minimum of 5 duct diameters down stream and 2 duct diameters upstream of any elbow. .3 Where transitions are required use 15° maximum tapers. .4 Arrange for ease of access to coil and components. .5 Adequately support coil. 3.4 EQUIPMENT .1 Provide the necessary access space around components to allow for servicing, repair, replacement as well as for the TAB technician to take proper readings. Allow adequate straight duct sections from fan outlets, elbows, or open duct ends to provide accurate duct traverse readings. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba Req # HEATING AND COOLING Section 15700 Page 31 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 Deliver equipment and store in area as designated by the Project Coordinator. Set equipment on temporary bases to avoid contact with the ground. Protect equipment from damage. Locate equipment as shown on the drawings to provide best possible connection arrangement and accessibility for servicing. Provide clearances on all sides of equipment as required by Authorities having jurisdiction or Manufacturer, whichever is greater. Install items of equipment such as convectors with due regard to Architectural treatment, and ensure all items are level and finished in keeping with good workmanship. Grade all convector elements upward in direction of flow for proper air venting. Provide drains to nearest floor drain on all back flow preventers. Provide chemical treatment connections on all piping circuits as directed by Water Treatment Supplier (Div 15200). Pitch coils for air handling systems 18mm/m (¼"/ft) toward access end of unit. Install and connect remote components such as thermostats, humidistats, control panels, level controllers, etc., that are supplied with the equipment. Install in locations as shown on the drawings and/or as required to make equipment function as required. 3.5 FLUID COOLERS .1 Install the fluid cooler in location as shown on the drawings and away from walls or fences that may reduce air flow or contribute to air side short circuiting. .2 Provide vibration isolators for the fluid cooler. Refer to Sections 15010, 15050, and 15860. 3.6 HEAT PUMPS .1 Central panel supplier to install and wire panel and test entire system. .2 A complete test report to be provided as a condition of acceptance by the Consultant. 3.7 INFRA-RED HEATERS .1 Install Infrared heaters in locations and elevations as shown on the drawings. Take care to ensure a neat installation to provide the best possible appearance. Install exposed items such as piping, vent tubing or wiring parallel with wall and ceiling surfaces. 3.8 PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS .1 Install level and firmly anchored to supports. .2 Arrange piping so that tube bundles can be removed after disconnecting flanges adjacent to head and without disturbing other equipment and systems. .3 Arrange layout of equipment so that clearances are maintained for maintenance and safety. .4 Install with safety relief valve and drain valve or other appurtenances piped to drain. Glycol fittings to be drained to glycol storage tank and not down drain. .5 Install thermometer wells, thermometers and pressure gauges on all inlet and outlet piping. .6 Install plate exchangers in accordance with Manufacturer’s recommendations. 3.9 PUMPS .1 Mount all vertical in-line pumps over 3.73 kW (5 HP) at floor level. .2 Provide a minimum of 1800mm (6') of pipe on pump suction one size larger than pump inlet complete with strainer and valve. .3 Provide 12mm (½") drain lines with ball valves from strainers and Cuno filters to nearest floor drain or, in the case of glycol, to a suitable container. 3.10 RADIANT CEILING PANELS .1 Co-ordinate with other trades working in ceiling areas to achieve a neat, installation. .2 Interconnect radiant panels with 12mm (½“) OD soft copper tubing or other devices as recommended by the Manufacturer such as factory supplied 360° soft copper interconnecting loops and 180° return bends as shown on the Detail Drawings. February 27, 2015 University of Manitoba HEATING AND COOLING Req # Section 15700 Page 32 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 Install hanger wire at 100 mm O.C. as recommended by the Manufacturer. Where cross tees are used between panel ends, fasten cross tees to wall moulding and main tee and flush with exposed edge of moulding. All system piping to be thoroughly cleaned, flushed, drained and refilled before radiant panels are connected into the system. Do not begin installation of radiant panels until all glazing has been completed and all exterior openings closed -in. Cover all active and inactive panel sections with 50 mm (2”) thick batt insulation - refer to Section 15180. Co-ordinate with drywall and/or ceiling installation Subtrades for the proper location of supporting tees and cross tees and where panel sections interface with drywall or ceiling systems. Supply and install isolation ball valves on supply and return piping at each panel to allow for servicing of each unit without disrupting system operation. 3.11 REFRIGERATION SYSTEM .1 Install piping, components, equipment, etc., in accordance with schematics, code and standard industry practice. .2 During brazing procedures, charge piping with inert gas to prevent scale formation. .3 Pressure tests: Prior to application of insulation and dehydration, test all systems under pressure with nitrogen for 24 hours minimum until no pressure drop occurs. If leaks are detected, repeat test procedure after repairs. Test high side at 2100 kPa (300 psi) and low side at 1050 kPa (150 psi). .4 Dehydration: Evacuate system, and hold for 24 hours minimum a vacuum of 99.9 kPa (29" HG). Break vacuum with refrigerant operating charge, monitor moisture indicators and change or replace filter/driers, or filter drier cores until moisture is eliminated. .5 Start-up system, monitor operation and perform all tests to ensure system operates to Manufacturer's requirements. Issue certificate attesting thereto. .6 Instruct Owner in proper operating procedures. 3.12 ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT .1 Install rooftop HVAC and H&V equipment on bases per Manufacturer's instructions and in locations as shown on the Drawings. Provide PVC condensate drains to roof for HVAC units. Provide condensate drains with deep seal traps as shown on U of M detail sheet. Condensate must be effectively trapped to avoid condensate hang-up in the unit and to prevent air flowing into the unit through the trap. 3.13 STAND-BY GENERATOR EXHAUST .1 Refer to detail drawing and install fuel systems, ventilation, exhaust piping, muffler and flexible connections as shown. 3.14 WATER BALANCING .1 Provide flow measurement ports as shown on drawings, on piping schematics, and in locations as directed by the water balancing specialist. .2 Provide any pump impeller modifications as recommended by Division 15990. END OF SECTION 15700 February 27, 2015