Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Research Fellowship Scheme APPLICATION FOR FUNDING IN 2016 Applicants must have held a NHMRC/ARC or equivalent externally funded fellowship which was active at the University of Melbourne in 2015, and have been unsuccessful in applying for an external fellowship for funding commencing in 2016. Please see Section 8 if applying for an exemption from these criteria. Please submit the completed scanned electronic application form to mdhs-grants@unimelb.edu.au by 5pm Wednesday 25 November 2015. Applicant Name Staff ID Number MDHS School and Department/Centre/Institute Current Level of Appointment including step FTE (Full Time Equivalent) End Date of Current Appointment Current or Recently Ended Fellowship Type Anticipated start date of MDHS Research Fellowship 1. APPLICATION(S) MADE FOR EXTERNALLY FUNDED FELLOWSHIP List the externally funded fellowship(s) you have applied for in the past year (or justification as to why an application has not been made). If the fellowship had an interview stage, please indicate if you were invited for an interview. Please also attach your panel scores and/or any reviewer feedback provided by the sponsor. MDHS Faculty Research Fellowship Scheme 1 2. PROJECT TITLE 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Description of research project to be carried out during the MDHS Research Fellowship. Please include aims and significance, research plan and impact/translation of research. Maximum of one page. 4. PROJECT FUNDING Provide a justification and details of how the project funding budget will be used. Maximum of ½ page MDHS Faculty Research Fellowship Scheme 2 5. STATEMENT OF INTENT FOR FUTURE APPLICATIONS List the externally funded fellowship(s) and grant(s) you will apply for during the tenure of the MDHS Research Fellowship. Describe the funding scheme, type of fellowship and the likely timetable for the application. 6. DETAILS OF OTHER RESEARCH SUPPORT In the table below, list details of NHMRC, ARC and all other past/current/requested research support. Please include the source/scheme, investigators (including CI/AI positions), amount and duration of funding available. Applicants who do not provide this information will be deemed ineligible. Description (all named investigators on any proposal in which applicant is involved, source, scheme and round, proposal title) Support Status (Requested, Current, Past) Proposal ID 2015 ($’000) 2016 ($’000) 2017 ($’000) 2018 ($’000) 2019 ($’000) 2020 ($’000) Prof AB Example (CI), Prof EF Example (PI), Linkage Projects 2016, Proposal Title Current Source of MDHS Fellow applicant’s salary Please provide details on the source of the applicant’s current salary MDHS Faculty Research Fellowship Scheme 3 7. Curriculum Vitae (maximum 5 pages) Please provide a brief CV (maximum 5 pages) for the last 5 years (2011 onwards) that includes: Details of grants and fellowships awarded (listing CI/AI position) Top 5 publications (listing citations, H-index and Web of Science/Scopus journal quartile for each publication) with a statement as to the significance of the publication Where applicable, information on the applicants research team (staff and students) and the salary source for these personnel Awards and invitations PhD supervisions and completions 8. Productivity relative to opportunity (maximum ½ page) Please provide a brief statement regarding productivity relative to opportunity in the context of your employment situation. 9. REQUEST FOR ELIGIBILITY EXEMPTION DUE TO EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES If you have not held a NHMRC/ARC or equivalent externally funded fellowship which was active in 2015, and would like to make a case for exceptional circumstances, please provide a detailed statement here (maximum of 1 page). A supporting letter signed by both the Head of Department/Centre/Institute and the Head of School must also be provided with the application. 10. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Name of Applicant: ____________________________ Signed (scanned or electronic signature acceptable): _____________________________________ 11. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT/CENTRE/INSTITUTE SIGNATURE: Name: ________________________ Signed (scanned or electronic signature acceptable): _____________________________________ 12. HEAD OF SCHOOL SIGNATURE (NOT APPLICABLE TO SINGLE DEPARTMENT SCHOOLS): Name: ________________________ Signed (scanned or electronic signature acceptable): _____________________________________ MDHS Faculty Research Fellowship Scheme 4