Mine - Big Idea Resources

Big Idea Map
Mine | Feb 8 - 22, 2015
Series Big Idea
When money becomes our God it can lead to stress, jealousy, and broken relationships, but
when money is seen as a gift from God it can lead to joy, blessing others, and building a legacy.
When it comes to money, many of us are overwhelmed, worn-out, in debt and worried about our
We are mired in financial woes due to bad decisions, overspending, greed, etc. Money has led to
stress, jealousy, and broken relationships in our lives. We’ll discover that when we believe our
money is ALL MINE we live without thankfulness to God, concern for others, and with far too
heavy a burden to bear. We’ll discover that when we believe what God has provided us with isn’t
enough, we go around it, usurping His authority, and seek additional provision outside of God,
which leads us to a series of LAND MINES (namely, jealousy and debt). But it doesn’t have to be
that way! When we begin to see money as a gift from God it can lead to joy, blessing others, and
building a legacy. This is a GOLD MINE! During this series we will explore the teachings of Jesus,
along with the life and teaching of the Apostle Paul, and discover how to not just be spiritually
reconciled to God, but financially reconciled with God, as well.
NOTES: The guts of this series come from a message Bill Hybels gave on March 3, 2013, called
Simplify, Part 3. It can be found on iTunes and ought to be listened to in order to get a feel for the
direction of this talk.
Additionally, we’ll be mining (pun intended) the resources found in a new book by Jamie Munson
titled: MONEY - God or Gift http://themoneymission.com
WEEK 1 | February 8 | ALL MINE
Note: Master calendar lists this as a Kids’ City and StuCo recruitment ask
Message Big Idea: All I have has come my way by the loving hand of God.
Scripture: James 1:17, Matthew 6:22-34
Takeaway: Our entire attitude and outlook on life turns, for better or worse, on who we believe
the source of our resources to be. If we believe the source is US, we live without gratitude,
without much concern for others, but we also live with an incredible burden that everything rests
on our shoulders. Our aim with week one is to help people understand the SOURCE is both a
wake-up call AND the release of a burden.
NOTES: The guts of this series come from a message Bill Hybels gave on March 3, 2013, called
Simplify, Part 3. It can be found on iTunes and ought to be listened to in order to get a feel for the
direction of this talk.
Additionally, we’ll be mining (pun intended) the resources found in a new book by Jamie Munson
titled: MONEY - God or Gift http://themoneymission.com
Big Idea Map | Community Christian Church
Big Idea Map
Mine | Feb 8 - 22, 2015
WEEK 2 | February 15 | LAND MINE
Message Big Idea: I must learn to live joyfully within God’s current provision for my life.
Scripture: Philippians 4:11-13
Takeaway: During this week we’ll attack the idea we often have that God’s current provision for
our life is not enough. Therefore, we often go into debt because we attempt to find another way to
get what we want (that God is keeping from us). We’ll be challenged to do two things:
1. Celebrate when others receive more provision (sometimes, more than you).
2. Eliminate Debt from our life.
NOTES: The guts of this series come from a message Bill Hybels gave on March 3, 2013, called
Simplify, Part 3. It can be found on iTunes and ought to be listened to in order to get a feel for the
direction of this talk.
Additionally, we’ll be mining (pun intended) the resources found in a new book by Jamie Munson
titled: MONEY - God or Gift http://themoneymission.com
We ought to find one or SEVERAL good stories to share about eliminating debt. Additionally,
every campus ought to be offering Financial Peace and/or a group or series of term groups to
walk through the book MONEY - God or Gift.
“There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other
is to desire less.” -GK Chesterton
Message Big Idea: I will bless others, and build a legacy through the incredible gifts God has
given me.
Scripture: I Timothy 6:17-19
Takeaway: During this talk we’ll call back to week 1 and remind everyone the source of every gift
is God, and God has given us this gift to bless others and build a legacy. We’ll make two primary
(1) Honor God by giving the 1st tenth of our earnings to His purposes in this world.
(2) Listen closely to the whisper of God, eager to respond generously to His Spirit’s leading.
NOTES: The guts of this series come from a message Bill Hybels gave on March 3, 2013, called
Simplify, Part 3. It can be found on iTunes and ought to be listened to in order to get a feel for the
direction of this talk.
Big Idea Map | Community Christian Church
Big Idea Map
Mine | Feb 8 - 22, 2015
SONG IDEA: Based on a pretty incredible piece from Hybels on “waving the white flag of
surrender” (but you’re not getting my tithe!), is the idea of singing a song about surrender (I
Surrender All, or something like it) BEFORE the message. Then, based on us delivering this
really well, ending the talk by leading in to the same song, though this time challenging everyone
to strongly consider the words being sung.
STORIES: This is an excellent week to talk about how God’s Spirit has led us to be generous.
Additionally, we’ll be mining (pun intended) the resources found in a new book by Jamie Munson
titled: MONEY - God or Gift http://themoneymission.com
Big Idea Map | Community Christian Church