Homework 8 Solution Manual A) 5 points Figure 1 As can be seen in Fig.1, if less than 40 panels are used, the maximum velocity (and velocity at maximum thickness) depends on number of panels used. The maximum velocity is highest when seven panels are used and oscillates slightly between seven and 40 panels. After 40 panels, the maximum velocity remains constant at approximately 1.15. Therefore all computations should be done with at least 40 panels. Matlab code for this part is presented in Fig2 and 3. i = 0; for N = 1:100 i = i+1; mid = int16(N/4+1) S = ellipse_examp (N) Smax(i) = max (S) Smid(i) = S(mid) end plot (1:100, Smax) title ('Max Velocity vs Number of Panels') xlabel('Number of Panels') ylabel('Max Velocity') Figure 2. MATLAB CODE for part A function [Speed] = ellipse_examp (N) % example % % flow over an ellipse ep = .15; % thickness/chord of ellipse %N=50; th=linspace(0,2*pi,N+1); x=-cos(th); y=ep*sin(th); NOTHING ELSE WAS CHANGED IN THE PROVIDED CODE Figure 3: Ellipse code turned into a function. No real changes were made to the ellipse code. B) 5 points The solution is presented in figure 4. Note that e = thickness to chord ratio. b = how much the oval was stretched in the x direction and compressed in the y direction. > Figure 4 C) 5 points Figure 5a. Analytical and Numerical Solution Plots. 5b. Zoomed in on on the graph. Max Numerical 1.1502 Max Analytical 1.1500 Figure 6 According to Figure 5, numerical and analytical solutions are very close. Because numerical solution was evaluated at only a few distinct points, numerical plot is not as smooth as the analytical plot. Figure 6 shows that numerical and analytical solutions disagree by just 0.02%. The code for this part is presented in Figure 7. i = 0; e = 0.15; b = -(e -1) / (e+1); N = 200 for th = 0:2*pi/N:2*pi- 2*pi/N i = i+1; x = 1*cos (th); y = e * sin (th); uu (i) = 2 xx(i) = x; yy(i) = y; / ( (1+b) * sqrt (1 + (e ^4)* (x ^2 )/ (y ^2))); end %plots plot (xx, uu,xc, Speed) axis ([ -1.5, 1.5, -0.1, 1.5]) xlabel ('x') ylabel ('Speed') legend ('Analytical Solution', 'Numerical Solution') 'Max Numerical ' max (Speed) 'Max Analytical' (1+e) Figure 7