Brodetsky Jewish Primary School ~ Curriculum Map ~ Year 1/2 Teacher Debbie Saxby Autumn 1 2015 Week & dates Maths units Literacy Topic Week 1 Wc 2/9/15 3 days Assess and review. Week 2 Wc 7/9/15 Week 3 Wc 14/9/15 3 days Order and pattern Place value Numbers greater than, less than. Arrange numbers in ascending and descending order. What would Dora the Explorer find exciting about our city? Features of the Environment What is a postcode and why do we use one? Adding 2 digit numbers. Subtracting numbers using different methods. Making number bonds Making number bonds Adding 3 1 digit numbers. Solving word problems. Growth Mindset & New Beginnings To create a simple leaflet as a place of interest for Dora to visit. What is the brain? Holiday places in the UK Make and write a postcard from a UK holiday place, from Dora. What does the brain need to function well? How do we use our brains to learn? My Senses Looking at smell. My Senses Looking at taste. Using a simple map of the locality, find a route from one place to another My Senses Looking at sight. Comparing our bodies. Using i-Pads to search the internet, take photos of each other and create Powerpoints for All about Me topic Taking close up photographs of different body parts to create PowerPoint for discussion. Painting primary and secondary colour wheel Portraits Self-portraits using pencils. Looking at detail Self-portraits using pastels. Looking at colours and shapes. Self-portraits using paints. Make a map of Leeds. What would be included on a map of Leeds? Growth mindset Looking at website on iPads. Looking at website on iPads. Art/DT Week 6 Wc 5/10/15 3 days Week 7 Wc 12/10/15 Week 8 Wc 19/10/15 Addition and addition stories Solving word problems Repeated addition. Multiplication. Multiplication stories. Solving word problems. Repeated addition. Multiplication. Multiplication stories. Solving word problems. Create drawings from photographs of special places in our city. Create paintings from photographs of special places in our city. My Senses Looking at hearing. Investigation – playing skittles and presenting their evidence Mental addition and subtraction using 1 and 2 digit numbers. Read Write Inc on-going. Handwriting, phonics, spellings, Analysing text, comprehensions, writing focus around RWI books. Phonics focus of set 2 & 3 sounds. Blending longer words. KS group – set 3 Who Am I? Identifying, naming, drawing and labelling parts in the body. Computing Week 5 Wc 28/9/15 3 days Order and pattern Counting and comparing numbers Place value Numbers greater than/less than Arrange numbers in descending and ascending order Places of interest in the city of Leeds. Science Week 4 Wc 21/9/15 4 days My Senses Looking at touch. Self-portraits using collage. PE TSC Coaches – skills/invasion games Dance unit 4 – Val Sabin scheme Music Music Express – Sounds long and short, using musical instruments. Steady rhythm, beat. Exploring pulse and rhythm. Festival songs Ivrit Reading-writing: Otiyot medabrot Presentations, colours, family Reading-writing: Otiyot medabrot Food- sounding similar to English, and a few more Reading-writing: Otiyot medabrot Nominal sentences ‘the child is big’ Reading-writing: Otiyot medabrot The verb ‘want’ How to say: here you go’ Reading-writing: Otiyot medabrot How to say ‘thank you very much’ How to say ‘what does ….want?’ Readingwriting: Otiyot medabrot Rap- What does Debra Readingwriting: Otiyot medabrot Book Gam veGam Readingwriting: Otiyot medabrot Assessment want? PSHCE- New Beginnings Parasha Setting individual targets, class targets, golden time. Use of SEAL. Events/visits etc Training day 1/9/15 Ki Tavo Nitzavim Vayelech Ha’atzinu Chol Hamoed Succot Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Sukkot Bereishit Noach Lech-Lecha