Simple Machines Unit

Simple Machines Unit
Topic: Simple Machines
Disciplines: Science, English Language Arts.
Grade Level: 4
Duration: 2-3 weeks
Description of the School and Students:
P.S. 81, The Robert Christen School, located in District 10 on 5550 Riverdale Ave, in the
northernmost part of Riverdale. P.S. 81 serves 635 students in grades kindergarten-fifth. The
student population is very diverse consisting of 60 different ethnic groups, speaking over twenty
different languages. The school population comprises 9% Black, 39% Hispanic, 31% White,
13% Asian students, and 1% other students. The student body includes 9% English
Language learners and 16% special education students. Boys account for 52% of the
students enrolled and girls account for 48%. The average attendance rate for the school
year 2010 - 2011 was 94.3%. The quality review conducted in 2011-2012 gave the school a
“well-developed” overall evaluation. The 2011-2012 NYC DOE progress Report gave P.S. 81 an
overall B.
Brainstorming Cognitive Map
Simple Machines
and Axle
Complex Machines
Content Overview:
In Science, work has a special meaning. Work means using force—pushing or pulling—
an object in order to move an object or make it change. Simple machines make work easier.
Some simple machines allow you to use less force to do work. Other simple machines change the
direction of the force you use. Simple machines have one or two parts, and still manage to make
work significantly easier. The seven types of simple machines are the lever, the wheel and axle,
the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge, the screw, and gears.
A lever is a long bar with a support. The weight of the both the bar and what it carries
rests on the support. The support is called the fulcrum. The object you want to move or lift is the
load. When you use a lever, you have to apply some effort, or force. The effort is a push or pull
on the bar that makes the load move in some way. The lever doesn’t make you any stronger, but
it makes doing the hard work easier by adding to your force. It can also change the direction of
your force.
When the fulcrum of a lever is closer to the load, the force applied is over a greater
distance. You use the same effort to lift a heavier load. For any lever, the effort times its distance
from the fulcrum is equal to the load times its distance from the fulcrum. Levers can be classified
into three different groups. In the first group of levers, the fulcrum is between the effort and the
load. Levers with the load between the effort and the fulcrum are in the second group. When the
effort is between the load and the fulcrum the lever is in the third group.
The wheel and axle is a special kind of lever that moves or turns objects. The axle is a
rod that goes through the center of the wheel. The steering wheel on a car is a wheel and axle.
When the driver turns the steering wheel, the axle that connects with the car’s front wheels also
turns. The force the driver uses to turn the steering wheel is increased to turn the car’s wheels. A
screwdriver is another example of a wheel and axle. The handle is the wheel and the metal blade
is the axle. The end of the blade fits into the slot of a screw. The force you use to turn the handle
increases. The blade turns and tightens the screw. In a doorknob, another example of a wheel and
axle, you put the force into turning the knob, or wheel. This force changes that force into a larger
force that turns the axle. The axle is the turning shaft inside the doorknob.
A pulley is a wheel with a rope, wire, or chain around it. There are two different kinds of
pulleys: A fixed pulley, which is fastened to one place and a moveable pulley, which moves up
or down along with a load that is hanging from a hook. A pulley changes the direction of the
force. A pull down makes the load go up.
When you use two or more pulleys together, you are using a system of pulleys. When
one of the pulleys is fixed, the compound pulley is known as a block and tackle. Each pulley
you add to a system reduces the amount of effort needed to lift a load.
An inclined plane, or ramp, is used to move an object up or down. The same amount of
work is done when an object is lifted straight up as when you slide the object to the same level
on an inclined plane. On an inclined plane you use less force over a greater distance. Several
factors affect the amount of force needed to move an object. If two ramps are the same height but
different lengths, a greater force is needed to move an object up a shorter, steeper ramp.
A wedge is a special kind of inclined plane. Wedges can be used to split things apart or
move things. They can also be used to hold things in place. To do its work of splitting things
apart, the wedge must be moving. A force aimed against the end of the wedge drives the inclined
planes forward. A nail is a kind of wedge. You drive a nail into wood by striking the flat end of
a nail with a hammer. The nail fastens the wood to something else. A wedge can be used as a
wheel block stops objects from moving.
Another type of inclined plane is a screw. A screw is a cylinder with ridges wrapped
around it. The ridges are called threads. If you could unwrap a screw’s threads you would
clearly see the inclined plane. Screws are used to fasten things, and also lift things. A screw
holds pieces of wood together better than a nail does because the threads make it hard to pull out
the screw.
A gear is a wheel with spikes or points around it. The spikes are called teeth. Gears are
often featured in pairs. Gears have many uses, they are used to: multiply or reduce speed and
force, change the direction of motion, transmit a force over a distance. Interlocking gears are
when the tooth of one gear is placed between the teeth of second gear. Interlocking gears are
used to transmit motion and force. A series of interlocking gears is called a gear train.
Interlocking gears turn in opposing directions. In a gear train there is a driver and a follower.
The driver is the gear that has a force or motion used on it. The follower is the gear that moves as
a result of the driver gear being moved. The smaller the gear the faster the gear will rotate.
Simple machines are often put together in order to do bigger jobs. Complex machines
are made of many parts and often include several kinds of simple machines working together.
Complex means “having many parts.” Complex machines can be powered by muscle power or
other sources such as electricity.
Content Outline
1. Work
a. Force
i. Effort
ii. Load
2. Simple Machines
a. Lever:
i. Wheel and Axle
b. Pulley
i. Fixed
ii. Moveable
1. System of Pulleys
a. Block and Tackle
c. Inclined Plane
i. Wedge
ii. Screw
d. Gears
i. Interlocking gears
1. Gear train
a. Driver
b. Follower
3. Complex Machines
At the end of fourth grade students must take the state assessment in science. The
Elementary Science core curriculum (Standard 4, Key idea 5) states:
Students should be able to observe and describe relative positions between objects
in their world. Exploring the observable effects of gravity and magnetism may help
students develop an understanding of the reason for the direction of an object’s motion.
Manipulation and application of simple tools and machines may help students learn about
the relationships between forces and motion.
This unit is important, because the students will look at the different types of simple machines
and how they make work easier. Throughout the unit students will work collaboratively to design
models, make predictions, formulate hypothesis, conduct experiments, construct machines,
compare and contrast different simple machines. They will have to determine the characteristics
of each of the types of simple machines. The students will have to construct their own complex
machine based on their understanding of the simple machines taught during the unit.
Elementary Level Science Core Curriculum
o Standard 4: The Physical Setting
Key Idea 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in
changes in motion.
Performance Indicator 5.1 Describe the effects of common forces
(pushes and pulls) of objects, such as those caused by gravity,
magnetism, and mechanical forces.
o 5.1a The position of an object can be described by locating
it relative to another object or the background (e.g., on top
of, next to, over, under, etc.).
o 5.1b The position or direction of motion of an object can be
changed by pushing or pulling.
o 5.1c The force of gravity pulls objects toward the center of
o 5.1d The amount of change in the motion of an object is
affected by friction.
o 5.1e Magnetism is a force that may attract or repel certain
o 5.1f Mechanical energy may cause change in motion
through the application of force and through the use of
simple machines such as pulleys, levers, and inclined
English Language Arts Common Core Learning Standards
o Speaking and Listening
 1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one,
in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and
texts, building on others’ ideas, and expressing their own clearly.
 b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
 c. Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on
information, and make comments that contribute to the discussion and link
to the remarks of others.
d. Review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas and
understanding in light of the discussion.
4. 4-Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an
organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details
to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.
o Writing
2. Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
information clearly.
Goals: Students will be able to:
Demonstrate a force.
Demonstrate how the position or direction of motion of an object can be changed by
pushing or pulling.
Explain how the different types of simple machines make work easier.
Identify characteristics of the seven simple machines (lever, wheel and axle, pulley,
inclined plane, screw, wedge, gears).
Distinguish between the different types of simple machines
Recognize the presence of simple machines in their daily lives.
Construct models of simple machines.
Design and construct a complex machine that includes at least two of the simple
machines discussed during the unit.
What is a lever?
How does a lever make work easier?
Lever- A long bar with a support.
Fulcrum- Weight of bar and what it carries rest on the support. The Fulcrum is the
support system.
Work- Using force.
Draw Conclusions
Working collaboratively
The students will be able explain how levers make work easier.
The students will be able to work collaboratively and design their own levers.
The students will be able to explain how the lever they designed makes work easier.
The students will be able to judge the levers their peers designed based on what they have
learned about levers.
Elementary Level Science Core Curriculum
o Standard 4: The Physical Setting
Key Idea 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in
changes in motion.
5. 1f Mechanical energy may cause change in motion through the
application of force and through the use of simple machines such as
pulleys, levers, and inclined planes
Common Core Learning Standards
o Speaking & Listening
SL 4. 1C-Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up
on information, and make comments that contribute to the discussion and
link to the remarks of others.
SL 4. 4-Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in
an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive
details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an
understandable pace.
The teacher activated their prior knowledge in the beginning of the week, by showing
pictures of all the simple machines and displaying them around the classroom.
The teacher will ask the closet monitor to open and close the closet doors. The teacher
will ask the student what he did (pulled to open, pushed to close). The teacher will call on
a student to open and close the door. The teacher will ask the student what he or she did
to open and close the door (push and pull). The teacher will explain that in science work
means using force—pushing or pulling—an object in order to move an object or make it
change. The teacher will explain that the students pushing and pulling was an example of
a force.
The teacher would have the class gather around to observe a demonstration of a simple
machine looks like.
This demo would consist of two pencils and a stack of books.
A few well behaved students would be selected to lift their finger under the demo and see
if it is easier or more difficult to lift with their fingers or the pencils.
After the demo, the students will return to their seats and reflect on why the makeshift l
made lifting the load (books) easier than when just using their fingers.
The teacher will wait a few minutes for a response, and then call on students to share
their opinions.
The teacher will explain that the pencils act as a simple machine designed to be a lever.
The teacher will explain that simple machines make work easier, because less force is
required. Using the pencil demo the teacher will reinforce vocabulary and introduce the
Next, the teacher will ask for a few real life examples of levers and write them on the
board. The teacher will explain to the students that levers are classified based on the
location of the fulcrum. The teacher will use the students’ examples to explain the 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd groups of levers.
Once the examples have been sorted into the three different types of levers, the teacher
will split the class off into groups to design a lever that would be able to lift an elephant.
Each group will have to design a lever and sell their design to the class. Paper monitors
will pass out chart paper to each group.
Each group will be given 2 minutes to explain why we should buy their simple machine.
As an exit slip everyone in the class needs to write down which machine they would buy
aside from their own and explain how why it will work best. The teacher will pass out
post-its for the exit slips.
Two unsharpened pencils
Chart paper
The next day the teacher will announce the winner of the lever design contest. The
students in this group will be given “blue ribbons” and ask the students why they believe the
winning team’s lever would work the best. The students will be given a simple machines chart
which they will use to record the different types of simple machines they learn about suring the
entire unit. The students will fill out the first row based on their knowledge of levers.
To evaluate the students I will monitor them during group work and check for
comprehension during share. The exit slip will be an indicator as to which students were not only
paying attention, but also understood the concept. The simple machine chart will serve as an
additional assessment to ensure student understand the lever.
Interpersonal- There was a lot of group work during this lesson and the students were
able to interact and share ideas with one another.
Bodily-Kinesthetic- The demo activity allowed students to feel the difference between a
lighter work and heavier work. Aside from this, students were able to move around
during group work and create their poster-boards about selling their machine.
Logical-Mathematical- There was a lot of critical thinking involved with creating real
world examples and selling their machines.
Scott Foresman 4th Grade Science Textbook
Elementary Level Science Core Curriculum NYS
Common Core Learning Standards
Wheel and Axle –
1. Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is for students to examine a wheel and axle.
How is a wheel and axle a type of lever?
How does a wheel and axle make work easier?
2. Vocabulary and Terms:
3. Skills
4. Objective(s): Students will be able to:
Hypothesize what a group of objects have in common.
Identify the characteristics of a wheel and axle.
Construct a model of a wheel and axle.
5. Standards:
Elementary Level Science
Standard 4: The Physical Setting
o Key Idea 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in
Performance Indicator 5.1 Describe the effects of common forces
(pushes and pulls) of objects, such as those caused by gravity,
magnetism, and mechanical forces.
5.1f Mechanical energy may cause change in motion through the
application of force and through the use of simple machines such as
pulleys, levers, and inclined planes.
6. Pre-Assessment: This is the second lesson in the unit about simple machines. The set
induction is designed to assess what the students remember about the machine they
learned about the day before, and if they know about the wheel and axle.
7. Lesson Presentation:
Set-Induction: The teacher will ask a student to review what they learned the
previous day. The teacher will then display a selection of wheels and axles (on
chart paper) and ask student’s to figure out what each of them has in common.
After the students have made their guesses, the teacher will explain why each of
the objects is a wheel and axle.
Procedure: The teacher will “uncover” the rest of the chart paper that has a
description of a wheel and axle. The teacher will then show the students the
pinwheel model and explain that they each will be constructing a pinwheel. The
paper monitors will help pass out the needed materials in order to construct a
pinwheel. The students will color the pinwheel template as they like. They will
cut the square and along each of the lines. To create a pinwheel the students will
glue the corners marked with an X to the center. Once the student is ready the
teacher will attach the paper wheel to an unsharpened pencil with a thumbtack.
Closure: The teacher will ask the students if he/she can name other wheels and
axles that have not been named during the lesson. Reiterate what makes classifies
the object as a wheel and axle and ensure understanding by asking a student
volunteer to choose one of the examples of a wheel and axle and identify what
characteristics that object has that classifies it as a wheel and axle.
8. Materials or Resources:
Wheel and Axle “examples”
Chart paper
Pinwheel Template
9. Follow-Up Activity: The students will be returned their simple machines chart and fill in
the second row about the wheel and axle.
10. Evaluation/Assessment: The students will be assessed based on their participation during
the discussion. The simple machines chart will serve as an additional assessment to
ensure students understood the new simple machine that was taught.
11. Differentiated: Visual and tactile learners will benefit from the chart paper, pictures of
wheel and axle examples, and pinwheel activity. Intrapersonal learners will benefit from
the independent pinwheel activity. Auditory learners will benefit from the discussion
during the closure of the lesson.
12. Resources
 How can you use the pulleys to change the direction of force?
 What is the direction of force?
 Pulley- A wheel with a rope, wire or chain around it.
 Fixed Pulley- Fastened to one place.
 Moveable Pulley- Hangs up and down along with a load that is hanging from a hook
 Force- Pushing or Pulling and object in order to move an object or make it change.
Interpret data
Draw Conclusions
 The students will be able to draw conclusions about pulleys and force.
 The students will be able to construct their own pulley.
 The students will be able to discover how to change the direction of force.
Elementary Level Science Core Curriculum
o Standard 4: The Physical Setting
Key Idea 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in
changes in motion.
 Performance Indicator 5.1 Describe the effects of common forces (pushes and pulls) of
objects, such as those caused by gravity, magnetism, and mechanical forces.
o 5.1b the position or direction of motion of an object can be
changed by pushing or pulling.
o 5.1c The force of gravity pulls objects toward the center of
Common Core Learning Standards: ELA
o Writing
o 2. Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a topic
and convey ideas and information clearly.
The Students have been previously learning the simple machines unit and already have
background knowledge on forces. The students understand that simple machines make work
easier. The students are ready to move on and learn about the direction of force and the simple
machine, a Pulley.
 The Students will be familiar with the topic of simple machines.
 The paper monitors will give out the students’ simple machines charts they have been
working on.
 The teacher will call the students to the meeting area by table.
 The teacher will begin by pointing to the definition of a pulley that will already be written
down on the board. The definition of two specific pulleys (fixed and moveable) will also
be written on the board.
 The students will copy down the definitions of a Pulley onto their simple machines chart.
 The teacher will explain to the students that we will be creating an example of a pulley.
o Using two spools of thread, rubber bands, a piece of wood with nails(pre-made)
 After this, the teacher will ask the students to guess which pulley— of the two different
types discussed previously—is this model an example of?
 The correct answer is a fixed pulley. If the students do not reach this answer the teacher
will guide their thinking in order to reach the correct answer.
 After this, the teacher would assign everyone a partner and pass out materials. Explain to
every pair that they will place their two big spools on the wooden nailed board first. The
students will then place the little spool on the remaining smaller nail and attach the
rubber bands.
 Once the Pulleys are complete, the teacher will ask the class these questions: which
direction the spools move with multiple rubber bands? Which direction do the spools
move when the rubber bands are twisted? (Written out on chart paper)
 The students will return to the meeting area.
 As a whole the class will discuss what happened when the spools had multiple rubber
bands and what happened when they twisted their rubber bands. The teacher will ask the
students what some examples of pulleys are that they have seen (sails on a boat, shades in
the classroom). If the students are having trouble coming up with examples the teacher
will demonstrate an example by pulling the shade down in the classroom.
 The teacher will explain that for homework, the students must write a detailed paragraph
explaining how they changed the direction of force by creating pulleys.
Simple machines charts
 pencil
safety goggles
2 large spools per group
1 small spool per group
3 nails; block of wood per group (pre-made)
 2 large rubber bands per group
Chart paper with questions written out.
The next morning the teacher will have the student’s pair up and discuss their homework
assignments in order to see if the majority of students had the same answer. If they had a
different answer from their partner, they will explain their reasoning’s to the class.
The teacher will evaluate the students work by walking around and monitoring their group
work. After this, the teacher can check comprehension through the closure, homework and
follow-up activity. The simple machine chart will serve as an additional assessment to ensure
student understand the pulley.
 Verbal/ linguistic- We had a grand discussion about pulleys and explained how we the
pulley we are making is a fixed pulley.
 Logical/ Mathematical- Using their critical thinking skills to see how they can control the
direction of force.
 Interpersonal Intelligence- Working in pairs to complete their pulleys and working with
partners for the follow-up activity.
Scott Foresman 4th grade science text book.
New York State Standards
Common Core Learning Standards
Inclined Planes:
Purpose: Students will hypothesize about an inclined plane. Students will carry out an
experiment and record their observations.
Direction sheet
Plastic sandwich baggies with twist ties
35 marbles
Stack of books
Long foam board
Rubber band scale
Inclined Plane chart Paper.
Simple Machines Charts
Procedure: The teacher will organize the students into groups of four. A student from each group
will gather the needed materials for the experiment. Each group will perform an experiment to
test whether a ruler will make it easier to pull a bag of marbles.
The teacher will provide the students with a direction sheet in order to carry out the
experiment. Students in the group will be assigned jobs (Facilitator, materials-gatherer, scribe,
and observer/presenter) each group will fill out the experiment sheet. The teacher will circulate
the groups to ensure that the students are on task.
Once the students have completed the experiment the teacher will have each group
present their findings. The teacher will explain that the foam board is an example of an inclined
plane. The teacher will display chart paper with the definition of an inclined plane (previously
prepared). The teacher will explain that the inclined plane makes work easier because it absorbs
some of the load.
Follow up activity: Paper monitors will pass out the simple machines charts. The class will
brainstorm examples of inclined planes.
Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is for students to discover what a wedge
2 wood blocks
1 fat wedge
1 skinny wedge
1 ruler
Wedge worksheet
Simple Machines Chart
Procedure: The teacher will ask the students to recall the previous simple machines they have
talked about. Once lever, wheel and axle, pulley, and inclined planes have been brought up the
teacher will introduce the next simple machine. The teacher will begin with a demonstration of a
wedge. The teacher will call the students to stand around table 4 to create a fishbowl in order for
all of the students to be able to see. Using a nail and piece of cardboard the teacher will push the
nail into the cardboard the teacher will ask the students what they observe. Hold the point of a
nail on top of a piece of cardboard. Press the nail down against the cardboard. The point of the
nail acts like a wedge. The point enters the paper first and makes a path for the larger part of the
nail to enter and separate the paper. The students will work in groups to complete the wedges
worksheet. Each student will have an assigned job (materials gatherer, scribe, Measurer, wedge
pusher). After the groups have finished the wedges worksheet students will share observations,
and the teacher will record on the whiteboard.
Follow-Up Activity: The paper monitors will be pass out the students simple machines charts.
Student will record the information they learned about wedges in the next empty row of their
simple machines chart.
The students will be able to demonstrate why a screw is a type of inclined plane. The
students will be able to compare and contrast the two different types of inclined planes.
A variety of screws all different sizes.
Science journals
Chart paper
Markers or crayons
Venn Diagram chart
Simple Machines Charts
The teacher will have a variety of screws placed on each of the tables. The teacher will
ask the students to examine the items on the table and write down their observations in their
science journals. The teacher will record their observations on chart paper. The teacher will
explain that the materials on the table are different types of screws. The teacher will write the
definition of a screw on the chart paper (a cylinder with ridges wrapped around it). The teacher
will ask the students to feel the ridges on the screws; the teacher will tell them the ridges are also
called threads. The students will then be asked what they believe what would happen if you
could unravel the thread. The teacher will then provide the students with triangles. The teacher
will ask what type of simple machine the triangle looks like, the students should answer with and
inclined plane. The students will color the longest side of the triangle. In pairs the students will
tape their triangle to a pencil. As one student hold the pencil the partner will wrap the triangle the
rest of the way around. The teacher will then ask the students what they notice about the
“inclined plane.” The teacher will facilitate a discussion which will end once the students make
the connection between the inclined plane and the thread of a screw. The teacher will reiterate
that if you unwrap a screw’s threads you would clearly see the inclined plane.
To close the lesson the teacher will provide the students with Venn Diagram chart. The
teacher will ask the students to compare a screw to a nail (which they learned about the previous
day). The teacher will draw a model on the board a Venn diagram with nail on the left, and screw
on the right. The students will use the Venn Diagram worksheet to compare and contrast the two
different types of inclined planes The teacher will fill out the Venn Diagram using the students
responses. The students will then be asked to look at the Venn diagram, and explain whether a
screw or a nail would hold pieces of wood together better and Why? If the students have a
difficult time coming up with the answer the teacher will explain that the threads on a screw
would hold pieces of wood together better.
Follow- Up: The students will be given their simple machines chart to record new information
about the screw.
1. PURPOSE- The purpose of this lesson is for the students to construct interlocking gears,
and identify characteristics of this simple machine. Through their observations students
will understand the significance of gears, and be able to utilize gears in their complex
machine project if they so choose.
a. gear: wheels with teeth
b. gear train: One or more interlocking gears working together.
Draw Conclusions
Work Collaboratively
4. OBJECTIVE(S):Students will be able to
Discover the relationship between the teeth of interlocking gears.
Draw conclusions about the size of gears
Apply the knowledge of gears to their complex machine activity if they desire.
Work collaboratively with their peers in order to complete the gears worksheet, and the
complex machine planning sheet.
5. Standards
New York State Common Core Learning Standards:
English Language Arts
1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas, and
expressing their own clearly.
b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.
c. Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on information,
and make comments that contribute to the discussion and link to the remarks of others.
d. Review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas and understanding
in light of the discussion.
Elementary Level Science
1. Standard 4: The Physical Setting
a. Key Idea 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in
i. Performance Indicator 5.1 Describe the effects of common forces
(pushes and pulls) of objects, such as those caused by gravity,
magnetism, and mechanical forces.
ii. 5.1f Mechanical energy may cause change in motion through the
application of force and through the use of simple machines such as
pulleys, levers, and inclined planes.
6. PRE-ASSESSMENT- For the past two weeks the students have been learning about
simple machines in Science. Thus far the students have learned about levers, wheel and
axle, pulleys, inclined planes, wedges, and screws.
SET-INDUCTION- The teacher will ask the students to name some of the simple
machines they have discussed thus far. The teachers will then take out a gear, and ask the
students if they can identify what it is. The teacher will introduce the new vocabulary and
explain that gears are an important machine that is used in many complex machines. The
teacher will show pictures of a bicycle gears, grandfather clock, and gumball machine.
PROCEDURE- Each table will receive two gears. The teacher will ask the paper
monitors to pass out the worksheet for students to record their answers. Students will be
assigned a job to complete during the gear simulation. (Two gear holders: Will hold a
gear with a pencil in middle. A Gear Turner.)Using the foam gears the students will make
predictions, and observations. The teacher will circulate around the groups and guide
students if they are having an issue answering the questions.
CLOSURE- The students will share the answers they got from gears worksheet.
The students will then add gears to the simple machines chart they have been filling out
for the past two weeks.
Chart Paper with information on gears.
Gears worksheet
Complex Machine Planning Sheet
Gears made up of foam board.
Two Pencils for each of group.
Students simple machines charts.
9. FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY or ASSIGNMENT: The students will work with their groups
on their complex machine project by filling out the complex machine planning sheet. The
students will work collaboratively to continue to develop ideas, using the information
they learned about gears and screws, for the machine they will be creating. The teacher
will ask one of the groups to share their plan for their simple machine.
10. EVALUATION / ASSESSMENT: The students will be evaluated on their participation
during class discussion. The teacher will be walking around observing students working
in groups to finish the gears worksheet.
11. DIFFERENTIATED: This activity is hands on which will keep the students engaged. By
having the students work in groups those who have an interpersonal learning style will be
able to help their classmates. The visual learners will benefit from the chart paper, and
the foam gears.
12. RESOURCES (annotated bibliography and annotated webliography)
Students will be assessed throughout the duration of the unit in a number of different ways.
Participation during daily discussions.
Observations recorded in their science journals.
Exit slips.
Worksheets from activities
Simple Machines Chart
Constructed models (pinwheels, gears)
Culminating Activity: Building a complex machine. In groups of 2-5 students will
construct a complex machine. They will be given time during plan, and construct their
machine. The rubric for the project is attached.
Scott Foresman 4th grade Science textbook
Complex Machine Rubric
Plan is neat with
clear measurements
and labeling for all
Coordination of
simple machines
described accurately
and completely
Plan is neat with
clear measurements
and labeling for most
Coordination of
simple machines
described accurately
but not in detail.
Plan provides clear
measurements and
labeling for most
Coordination of
simple machines
inaccurately and
lacks detail.
Plan does not show
clearly or is
inadequately labeled.
Simple machines not
Construction Materials
materials were
selected and
creatively modified in
ways that made
them even better.
materials were
materials were
selected and there
was an attempt at
creative modification
to make them even
materials were
selected and
contributed to a
product that
performed poorly.
Construction Care Taken
Great care taken in
construction process
so that the structure
is neat, attractive
and follows plans
Constuction was
careful and accurate
for the most part, but
1-2 details could
have been refined for
a more attractive
accurately followed
the plans, but 3-4
details could have
been refined for a
more attractive
appears careless or
haphazard. Many
details need
refinement for a
strong or attractive
Structure functions
extraordinarily well,
holding up under
atypical stresses.
Structure functions
well, holding up
under typical
Structure functions
pretty well, but
deteriorates under
typical stresses.
Fatal flaws in
function with
complete failure
under typical
Explanations by all
group members
indicate a clear and
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
Explanations by all
group members
indicate a relatively
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
Explanations by
most group members
indicate relatively
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and
Explanations by
several members of
the group do not
illustrate much
understanding of
scientific principles
underlying the
construction and