MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY for DENTISTRY STUDENTS in the academic year 2014-2015 Meeting Times and Room Assignments Lectures (5 hours): Monday 11.00-12.15 (6X, 13X, 20X) (the Seminar Room # 317, Department of Microbiology,Street Chałubińskiego 4) Seminars (20 hours): Monday 12.30-14.00 (13X, 20X, 27X, 3XI, 10XI, 17XI, 24XI, 1XII, 8XII, 15XII) (the Library of the Department of Microbiology, Street Chałubińskiego 4) Laboratory Exercises (20 hours) : Wednesday 13.30-15.00 (I group) / 15.15-16.45 (II group), 17.00-18.30 (III group) 8X, 22X, 5XI, 19XI, 3XII, 10XII, 17XII, 7 I, 14 I, 21 I) ( lab #209, the Department of Microbiology, Street Chałubińskiego 4) Lecture Schedule 6 X 2014 Lecture 1 Introduction to medical microbiology. Structure and morphology of bacteria. Microbial relationships (ED). 13 X 2014 Lecture 2 Genetics and physiology of microorganisms (UK) 20 X 2014 Lecture 3 Introduction to medical mycology (UN) Seminar Schedule 13 X 2014 Seminar 1 Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative cocci (ED) 20 X 2014 Seminar 2 Aerobic and anaerobic Gram-positive bacilli (Bacillus, Clostridium) (ED) 27 X 2014 Seminar 3 Gram negative: fermenting (Enterobacteriaceae), and nonfermenting and strictly anaerobic rods (UK) 3 XI 2014 Seminar 4 Antibiotics and chemotherapeutics in treatment of infections (ED) 10 XI 2014 Seminar 5 Tuberculosis, actinomycosis, nocardiosis, diphtheria (ED) 17 XI 2014 Seminar 6 Spiral bacteria (UK) 24 XI 2014 Seminar 7 Atypical bacteria: Chlamydia, Chlamydophila, Mycoplasma, Legionella (ED) 1 XII 2015 Seminar 8 Viruses of particular relevance in dental practice (UK) 8 XII 2015 Seminar 9 Fungi of particular relevance in dental practice (UN) 15 XII 2015 Seminar 10 Concept of oral microbial ecology. Infections of the oral cavity. (ED) ED – Dr Ewa Dworniczek, UK – Dr Urszula Kasprzykowska, UN – Dr Urszula Nawrot Exercise Schedule I. General Microbiology 8 X 2014 Exercise # 1 Morphology of bacteria. Staining methods (Gram, Loeffler, positive, negative, positive-negative techniques) 22 X 2014 Exercise # 2 Methods of cultivation and differentiation of major groups of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. 5 XI 2014 Exercise # 3 Antibiotic sensitivity testing. 19 XI 2014 Exercise # 4 Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antibiotics 3 XII 2014 Exercise # 5 Disinfection and sterilization. CLASS TEST 1 (topics 1-4) II. Oral Microbiology 10 XII 2014 Exercise # 1 Oral cavity ecology. Collection, transport and handling of microbial specimens. Inoculation of specimens („streak plate” method). 17 XII 2014 Exercise # 2 Normal microflora of oral cavity. Endogenous infections. Reading of results of microbiological testing. 7 I 2015 Exercise # 3 Fungal infections of the oral cavity. 14 I 2015 Exercise # 4 Microbiological diagnostics of oral cavity infections. Diagnostic block, part I. 21 I 2015 Exercise # 5 Microbiological diagnostics of oral cavity infections. Diagnostic block, part II. CLASS TEST 2 (topics 1-4)