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Local and Non Local Knowledge Contestation in Develop Bali cattle at Barru
A. Amidah Amrawaty.
Department of Socio Economics, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University,
Makassar, 90245 South
Sulawesi, Indonesia, E-mail:
M. Saleh S. Ali
Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin
University, Makassar, 90245 South Sulawesi, Indonesia. E-mail:
Darmawan Salman
Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin
University, Makassar, 90245 South Sulawesi, Indonesia. E-mail:
Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin
Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin
University, Makassar, 90245 South Sulawesi, Indonesia. E-mail:
This study aims to identify local and non local knowledge in Bali cattle
development, to analyze the contestation between local and non-local knowledge and
response of local community to this knowledge contestation.
The paradigm used was constructivism paradigm with a qualitative approach,
descriptive type of research using case study method. The study was conducted in four
villages subjected to Agropolitan Program, i.e. Palakka, Tompo, Galung and Anabanua
in Barru District, province of south Sulawesi.
The study succeed to identify local knowledge the farmers had, which include a)
knowledge of the penning, b) knowledge of the prevention and control disease, c)
knowledge of the feed, d) knowledgeof seed selection, e) knowledge of sharing
arrangement, f) knowledge of marketing,
The pattern of knowledge contestation happened was coexistence pattern and
zero sum game (domination), while the pattern of hybridization did not occur. The
system of local community i.e. local government, local communities, local market and
local households responded both positively and negatively to the contestation pattern,
and the coexistence pattern was the most acceptable pattern
Keywords : contestation, local knowledge, non-local knowledge, development of Bali cattle
Research on the linkage between local knowledge with scientific knowledge in the field
of animal husbandry have been carried out in several countries, both in Indonesia and
in other countries. Some of these studies are generally confined to the technical aspects
of traditional knowledge diimplementaskan efforts on cattle and farming business,
describing both this knowledge with all their advantages and disadvantages, no studies
that reveal how traditional knowledge breeder cattle berkontestasi with knowledge of
non-local, and how to respond system of locality (local societal system) of the second
linkage such knowledge.
The study of contestation local knowledge and non-local knowledge of farmers in the
development of beef cattle became important to remember in terms of national
economic development, empirical evidence shows that the livestock sub-sector has a
strategic role. In the book Guidelines for the Implementation of the Directorate General
of Livestock and Animal Health (2012) stated that the strategic role of livestock subsector mainly from the contribution to gross domestic product, employment, provider of
food, energy materials, food and industrial raw materials, as well as sources of income
in rural areas.
Agricultural development strategies have not put an abundant food source as a strategic
commodity. Agricultural development targets are still focused on meeting the needs of
carbohydrates (rice and corn), but when seen from the share of consumption, 48.30% of
people consuming poultry meat, beef 26.10%, and 25.60% other livestock meat. This
means that the public demand for livestock products is very large. If the expectations
associated with the pattern of food, meat consumption level of Indonesian society
should reach 10.10 kg / capita / year. Thus, the development of animal husbandry has
the potential to be improved (Wahyono and Hardianto 2004). Beef is one of the food
consumed by the people of Indonesia. Data from the Directorate General of Animal
Husbandry in 2012 reported that the consumption of beef in Indonesia continues to
increase. But the increase is not offset by the addition of adequate production. The rate
of increase in beef cattle population is relatively slow, ie 4.23% (Statistics Ranch, 2011).
The condition causes cattle contribute to the national meat production is low.
Preliminary survey has been done before, in the fact that the introduction of technology
research results have been widely disseminated and tested programs developed
through agricultural development. All programs introducing technology to increase
production and income of farmers / ranchers. The technology that has been introduced
through laboratory testing, experimental gardens or in the land the farmer / rancher (on
farm research) and the calculated economic feasibility before it developed into the wider
community (FAO, 1994). But the fact remains that many of the technologies introduced
that have not been adopted by farmers / ranchers in a sustainable manner (De Walt,
Based on the data obtained in the field, indicate that activities undertaken in introducing
new technology through Agropolitan program whose implementation started in 2002,
interventions, among others, the introduction of reproductive technologies in cattle, feed
technology and the introduction of maintenance management and marketing of beef
cattle. While farmers / breeders also have knowledge obtained empirically among other
reproductive technologies that apply natural mating, but it takes a relatively long time,
as well as knowledge of the food that is still dominated by feeding forage such as grass
and hay as a whole. Through agropolitan program initiated by the government, among
others, Crop Livestock Integration System (Sitt) were introduced cattle and composting
of livestock manure. In the aspect of breeding is the mating injection activities (Artificial
Insemination), help prospective parent in the form of Direct Community Assistance
(BLM). Among farmers themselves developing knowledge from generation to
generation which is inherited from their ancestors and have long been applied in farm
The condition raises the gap between the limited ability of farmers and the need for high
inputs of technology introduction. Accordingly, it is necessary efforts to establish a
framework for a more effective and creative between the technologies of indigenous
and technology research, the strengths and weaknesses of both the source of the
technology that leads to the importance of close cooperation between scientists
(technical and socio-economic) with farmers / farmers to develop farm management
systems and natural resources.
Systems cattle business is still traditional with a social system that is local in the
face harmony with nature is important to be studied, especially in dealing with global
issues. It is also linked to the existence of local knowledge when local knowledge with
scientific knowledge berkontestasi be one solution in resolving issues of global issues.
This research paradigm using constructivist paradigm where discourse and
knowledge are seen as a social reality. Reality constructed within a context and social
life, explorative, the theory was born and developed in the field, more emphasis on the
meaning and value and rely on accuracy in data collection to reveal the real situation on
the ground as appropriate.
This type of research is descriptive. The approach used is a qualitative research
(qualitative research) which are methods to explore and understand the meaning-by
individuals or group of people-ascribed social problem or humanity, aims to reveal the
process, interpretation of meaning and lead to the disclosure of state or the behavior of
individuals who are obsessed holistically.
The strategy used in this study is a case study that is one strategy in a qualitative
study in which researchers investigate carefully a program, event, activity, process, or
group of individuals. The goal is to obtain complete and in-depth description of an entity.
The case study describes a research focus with detailed restrictions, have in-depth data
retrieval, and include a variety of data sources as well as various techniques of data
collection and processing.
1. Local Knowledge in the development of Bali Cattle
Society has known the idea and application of sustainable development since
centuries ago by relying on the concept of local knowledge. Among the wide variety of
local wisdom, found some that have quality and excellence with the content of universal
values. Substantially, local knowledge oriented to balance the harmony of man, nature
and culture as well as containing the values of morality and spiritual.
Exploiting vast flat land and the plants and animals found in the surrounding
natural and agricultural systems that do require specific knowledge and skills.
Population largely dependent on the agricultural system. The main commodities grown
are rice, because it is a food that is used as a staple food. Livestock as commodities
cultivated side is capital used to support the main livelihood. The main designation is
used for plowing fields. Paddy fields and cattle are the two commodities are coupled
and mutually symbiotic mutualism. On the other hand oral message from their parents
and role models are adopted to maintain both the commodity, is a condition that
requires specific knowledge and skills. Handling and management performed better
knowledge concerning the shape of various plants, soil, water, farm equipment and
facilities were built. Likewise with the social aspects of the broader developed adapted
to the conditions of their environment
Descriptions of beef cattle development based on local knowledge as previously
described can be summarized as presented in the following table:
Table 1. Local Knowledge in the development of Bali Cattle
Local Knowledge
Rearing system
“bila”leaves, fresh hay, salt
genealogy search, number
of circular horns, tail length,
shape of horns
Sharing Traditional system
the use of traditional herb
(turmeric, coconut belt)
Natural mating
cattle sales
based on the estimated
Sharing income system
control of Disease
Source : Analyzed Primer Data, 2014
2. Non Local Knowledge in the development of Bali Cattle
The knowledge in question in this case is knowledge of the development of beef
cattle are carried out by the institution or the government both at home and abroad, as
well as the private sector, and various non-governmental organizations from home and
abroad. Various programs have been pursued in the development of beef cattle, among
others Movement attainment of a population of 1 million head in 2010, a program to
achieve self-sufficiency in beef, ranch independent, integrated system of rice and
livestock, the integration of cattle and crops, as well as various forms of cooperation
with the financial institution that supports the achievement of the program.
Beef cattle breeding development undertaken jointly by governments, communities
(small-scale farmers) and private. The government set the rules, facilitate and supervise
the flow and availability of products, both in quantity and quality. Some of these cattle
development program of the government and non-government organizations from
abroad also contributed, among others, Australia and the Canadian government.
Many programs has been carried out by the Indonesian government from year to
year. One of them is Agropolitan program implemented in 2002. This program is a
model program of new approaches in the development of agribusiness in the field in
order to provide maximum benefit and impact to the economic development and
improvement of local people's income. Background Agropolitan program implementation
based on development in an area that seemed less well coordinated. Among sectors
with one another to walk on their own, including the sub-sector. Similarly, inter-regional
or location. Lack of coordination is also apparent in relation to the relationship between
town and country. Rural development only seems to be directed as a raw material
producing areas, while the location of the post-harvest activities (manufacturing
processes) sometimes are far from production centers. In addition, programs related
agencies are still limited to efforts to increase production. On the other hand, urban
development is designed as a center or a provider of services and consumer goods,
businesses have not touched the absorption of products / raw materials produced in
rural areas.
Agropolitan program is implemented in the district Barru, especially districts
Barru with four villages (Palakka, Tompo, Galung and Anabanua) the hinterland village
which can stimulate the surrounding villages, and commodity flagship is beef cattle.
Various things that underlies the selection of this location because this area is the
center of development and purification of Bali cattle, but the development effort is
hampered by various factors, which include poor infrastructure, lack of capital, culture or
habit of extensive maintenance. This is why the productivity of cattle to be low, less
profitable and even occur draining both in number and quality of cattle (Hendiarto, et al,
Based on the results of the evaluation team agropolitan concept development,
that although the contribution of livestock sub-sector in the district Barru not big enough
/ dominate local income (GDP) in the agricultural sector, but the area is considered
quite a potential to be developed as a regional development of beef cattle. It is based on
the potential of the region with a fairly extensive pastures and some msyarakatnya been
accustomed to maintaining cattle. Besides the availability of forage and agricultural
wastes (straw, corn stalks and other). Support adequate natural state is not supported
by good livestock farming systems. How to livestock farming has been done by the
people in this region is to be removed, is not grounded.
Table 2. Non-local knowledge in the development of Bali cattle in the district Barru
Non Local Knowledge
Rearing system
Intensive Rearing System
vitamin and mineral
Sharing income system
control of Disease
Antibiotic and vaccine
Artifical Insemination
Cattle sales
Based on performance testing and
tracing genealogy
Source : Analyzed Primer data, 2014
2. Local and non-local Knowledge Contestation
Patterns of contestation between local knowledge is constructed based on
everyday experience and knowledge of modern (non-local) that are constructed based
on scientific methods can give birth to two patterns, namely (1) the pattern of a zero
sum game ie when there are mutually exclusive between the two knowledge, and (2 )
patterns of coexistence that took place when the knowledge comes together without any
mutual influence.
In general, the pattern of contestation of local and non-local knowledge showed a
pattern of coexistence, hybridization pattern and the pattern of a zero sum game. In this
study only found 2 pattern of contestation is a coexistence and zero sum game, and
there were no hybridization pattern. This can be seen in Table 3 and Tble 4.
Table 3. Coexistence Pattern
Local Knowledge
The use of plants and
plant rhizome in the
forest area
Disease Control and
Sharing Traditional
Sharing Income
Use of Natural Grass,
“bila” leaves, banana
stems and forest
The use of Forage
Non Lokal
The use of chemical
drugs as antibiotics
and vaccines
Revolving systems
and Cattle
Bulrush, Agricultural
Waste, hay,
Tabel 4. Zero sum Game Pattern
Local Knowledge
Rearing System
Based on the
Based on the
Sales of cattle
Natural mating
Mating System
Base test
performance of
Quantitative and
assessment by sex
Artificial Insemination
1. Application of local knowledge in the development of Bali cattle takes place within
the context of balancing the spiritual and ritual aspects of rational calculation
2. Application of non-local knowledge which took place in Bali cattle development
practices taking place in a context dominated by rational calculation and profit
3. Patterns of contestation between local knowledge is constructed based on everyday
experience and local knowledge are constructed based non-scientific methods can give
birth to two patterns, namely (1) the pattern of a zero sum game, and (2) the pattern of
De Walt,B.R. 1994. Using Indigenous Knowledge to Improve Agriculture and Natural
Resource Management. In : Human Organization Vol.53. No. 2. Center for Latin
American Studies.
Directorate General of Animal Husbandry, 2012.
. Program Pendataan sapi potong,
sapi perah dan kerbau (PSPK). Dinas Peternakan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.
FAO. 1994. Farming Systems Development. A Participatory Approach to Helping Smallscale Farmers. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome.
Central of Statistics Berau, 2011. Animal Husbandry and Health Statistics. Directorate
General of Animal Husbandry, Ministry of Agriculture. Indonesia.
Wahyono, D.E. and R. Hardianto. 2004. Utilization of Resources for Development of
Local Feeding Beef Cattle. Paper presented at the Workshop on the 2004
National Beef Cattle Research Center and Development of Animal Husbandry,