FREE ASSESSMENTFORM This free assessment form will help us out to assess approximately how long it will take to achieve your goals, what the best program is for you, and how effective the program will be in helping you achieve your goals. Please note that this assessment is not a promise of obtaining results and is only a general approximation; everyone is different and it may take less or more time to achieve their desired results. Please type/tick in the grey boxes, save the document and then email back to If you have any questions please feel free to ask us. PersonalDetails Name: Type Here Age: Gender: M F Weight: kg Height: cm Email Address: Measurements – View at the end of this form where these measurements should be taken exactly on the body Neck: cm Chest (men only): cm Waist: cm Hips: cm Thighs: cm Goals Tick the goals that you want to achieve: Gain Muscle Improve Skin Health Toning Lose Body Fat Prepare for a Competition Improve Diet for Longevity Increase Fitness Increase General Health Increase energy Other: Of these goals, rate which are of highest priority: 1. 2. 3. Is there a specific date that you want your goals achieved before? (eg. Wedding, birthday): CurrentLifestyle On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being extremely high, how stressed are you: What are your regular sleeping hours? (eg. 10pm-6am): Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Yes No Do you have difficulty staying asleep? Yes List how many cigarettes you smoke per day: List how much alcohol you consume per week: CurrentTraining List your current exercise regime: Exercise Eg. Run Duration 60 minutes Intensity Moderate – 10km List any incidental exercise you perform regularly (eg. Walking to work): How many times per week can you exercise? Have long have you been training for? Email back to 2 of 4 Frequency per Week 3 times No Do you have access to a gym? Yes No Can if required CurrentDiet Fill out the table with what foods and liquids you consumed yesterday, and roughly what times: Meal Breakfast Food and Quantity Lunch Dinner Snacks Water Soft Drinks Alcohol Coffee/Tea If you know your current average daily caloric intake and macronutrient breakdown, please tell us: Calories (Kcal): Protein (g): Carbohydrates (g): Fats (g): List any stomach discomforts or issues you experience (eg. Bloating, flatulence, IBS): List any significant food cravings you experience (eg. Salty foods, fatty foods, sweets): Medical Tick any medical conditions that you have: Allergies Allergenic rhinitis and hay fever ASDV (Arteriosclerotic vascular disease) Blood disorders or anaemia Cancer, lumps, tumour Chest tightness, shortness of breath, asthma Cold sores and herpes labialise Common colds, viral infections and flu Contusions, bruises, burns and cuts Colon inflammation and colitis Chronic pain and fibromyalgia Calculi and gallstones Dementia and Alzheimer’s Diveticula inflammation (diverticulitis) Dermatitis, Psoriasis or skin conditions Cystitis or urinary track infection Excess body fat or obesity Excess alcohol and hangovers Exhaustion and chronic fatigue Enteritis or Crohn syndrome Hypertension or high blood pressure Hypo and hyperthyroidism Insomnia and sleeping disorders IBS (irritable bowl syndrome) Insulin resistance or diabetes Joint problems or arthritis Lung infection or bronchitis List any medications you are taking: List any health conditions or symptoms you have: List any current injuries: List any previous serious injuries: Email back to 3 of 4 Low immunity or recurrent infections Mood disorders or depression Migraines or headaches Menopausal symptoms Muscle cramping and aches Otitis and ear infections Varicose veins Podagra, gout, elevated uric acid Pregnant or lactating Stomach pain, heartburn or indigestion Sinus inflammation (sinusitis) Slow colonic transit or constipation Stomach ulcers Thrush, fungal infections or candida Have you completed rehabilitation/treatment for these injuries? Will they limit you in any way? Write anything else you believe may be of importance to your program(s) and results: WhatTo Do Now? Simply email this form back to once completed. From there we’ll perform an assessment and email you back to let you know approximately how long it will take to achieve your goals, tell you what the best program choice is for you and how effective one of our programs are in achieving your goals. This will generally take us 3-4 days to perform, however will let you know as soon as possible! Whereto Take Your Measurements Email back to 4 of 4