
Change Notification:
Date of Issue:
29 September 2014
Subject: Update Occupation Codes
Proposed Implementation Date: 1 July 2015
using the ANZSCO Codes v1.2, issued
in 2013
The existing occupation codes in NMDS are from a New Zealand Statistics classification issued in 1996, and
need to be updated.
National Collections Impacted by Change:
Context of the Change:
The existing occupation codes in NMDS are from a classification that is 17 years old. This list is not an
accurate reflection of the vast changes in occupations that have occurred in the past 17 years.
These occupation codes are currently at level 4 (four digits), when the need is now to have codes at level 5
(six digits).
Details of Proposed Change:
Replace the current 17 year old classification with the Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of
Occupations (ANZSCO) v1.2, produced in 2013.
Events with an end date on or after 01 July 2015 will use the new ANZSCO list.
Events with an end date before or on 30 June 2015 will use the older Statistics NZ list and will not be
updated with the new codes.
What is Expected of the Sector:
Where the occupation code is reported and the event end date is on or after 01 July 2015 it must be from the
ANZSCO v1.2 list.
This occupation code field is changing from four to six characters.
The occupation free text field is not impacted by this change.
Impact of Change on National Collection(s):
Where occupation is provided on the event record, it will be more current and relevant in NMDS.
Contact: If you have any questions regarding this change notice, please email or
contact Ron Wood (Project Manager) on 04 816 3352
Date of Issue:
29 September 2014
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