ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Title: Reconstructed cool- and warm-season precipitation over the tribal lands of northeastern Arizona Journal: Climatic Change Authors: Holly L. Faulsticha,b, Connie A. Woodhousea,b, and Daniel Griffina,b Affiliations: aLaboratory of Tree-Ring Research, 105 West Stadium, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721, USA b School of Geography and Development, 409 Harvill Building, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721, USA Corresponding Author’s Email: hfaulstich@gmail.com Online Resource 1. Data and methods used to develop seasonal reconstructions of precipitation 1.1. Tree-ring data The Four Corners region is home to a number of previously developed tree-ring chronologies. For this study, we focused on 15 archive collections; nine of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and six of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa; Fig. 1) that are housed in the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research archive at the University of Arizona. To update these collections to the twenty-first century, increment cores were collected from each original sampling site after the 2008 growing season (Table S1). The updated collections (two cores from at least 20 trees per site) were mounted, sanded and cross-dated visually under a microscope using standard dendrochronological techniques (e.g. Stokes and Smiley 1968). EW and LW widths of the archived and newly collected tree-ring specimens were measured to an accuracy of 0.001 mm using the anatomical criterion described by Griffin et al. (2011). Each ring-width series was statistically checked for cross-dating and measurement errors using the quality-control program COFECHA (Holmes 1983). Numerical chronologies were computed using the operational protocol described by Griffin et al. (2011), which is appropriate for open-canopy, semiarid forests with minimal disturbance and competition effects, such as the ones sampled in this study. EW- and LW-width measurements were detrended using a cubic smoothing spline with a frequency response of 0.5 at a wavelength equal to 100 years (Cook and Peters 1981). This spline was selected to preserve 1 the majority of variance at wavelengths of 30 years or less while removing the effects of age and bole geometry on tree growth (Fritts and Swetnam 1989). Ring-width indices were computed as the ratio of the measured width value to the 100-year spline curve fit value of the corresponding year. Significant low-order autocorrelation, thought to be of biological origin (Fritts 1976) was removed by fitting an autoregressive model to the individual EW- and LW-width time series, producing a set of ‘residual’ index time series (Cook 1985; Box and Jenkins 1976). To isolate the width variability unique to LW and enhance the corresponding monsoon precipitation signal, the dependence of LW width on EW width was removed by regressing the LW index on the antecedent EW index (Meko and Baisan 2001). The residuals from the regression, referred to as adjusted latewood (LWadj) indices, were statistically uncorrelated to indices of EW width. Sitelevel EW- and LWadj-index chronologies were computed using a robust Tukey biweight mean function (Cook et al. 1990). 1.2. Climate data Total monthly precipitation data from the Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) dataset (Daly et al. 2008) were used in this study, both to assess the spatial characteristics of cool- and warm-season precipitation across the tribal lands and as a target for calibrating the reconstructions. Using the program SEASCORR (Meko et al. 2011), the relationships between tree growth and monthly precipitation were explored with correlation analysis. Seasons were defined, based on regional climatology and the results from SEASCORR analysis, as October-April (cool season) and July-August (warm season). The PRISM dataset’s ability to adequately capture regional spatial variability was first confirmed through a comparison with a subset of high quality climate data available from Cooperative Network climate stations (http://www.wrcc.dri.edu) and the U.S. Historical Climatology Network (http://cdiac.ornl.gov/epubs/ndp/ushcn/ushcn.html). Seasonal precipitation totals from PRISM gridpoints corresponding to locations of 20 high-quality climate stations were submitted to (Varimax) rotated principle components analysis (RPCA; not shown). The RPCA groupings were highly consistent with the patterns found by Dean (1988) on the southern Colorado Plateau. These groupings were used to inform the extent of the climate region targeted for both reconstructions. Based on these results, monthly precipitation values from the PRISM dataset (1895-2010) were extracted from a polygon encompassing a majority of the Hopi and Navajo reservations (Fig. 1). 2 1.3. Climate reconstruction Complimentary reconstructions of cool- and warm-seasonal precipitation were developed for the study area using methods standard to dendroclimatology (e.g., Fritts 1976; Fritts et al. 1990). First, the pool of potential predictors was restricted to only those chronologies significantly correlated (p<0.01) with the seasonal rainfall totals over the full period (1896-2008) and split periods (1896-1952 and 1953-2008). We further constrained the pool of candidate predictor chronologies by setting a minimum length requirement of 500 years (extending through 2008 or later) for the EW chronologies and 400 years for the LW chronologies, since fewer long records were available. The final predictor pools for the reconstructions included five Douglasfir EW chronologies (cool season), and four ponderosa pine LW chronologies (warm season; Table S2). The species-specific response to seasonal precipitation suggests that in this region of the Southwest, ponderosa pine LW contains a more robust monsoon signal than Douglas-fir LW. Although beyond the scope of this paper, the authors are intrigued by this pattern and plan to investigate further in a subsequent study. The expressed population signal (EPS; Wigley et al. 1984) was used to assess the signal strength over time as a function of sample size in each chronology, and a threshold EPS of 0.85 determined the critical year when sample depth was adequate for capturing the common variance (Table S2). Finally, potential multicollinearity among predictor variables was assessed using the variance inflation factor (VIF; Haan 2002). The mean VIF values for cool-season (1.54) and warm-season predictors (1.36) were well below the critical threshold (larger than five; Haan 2002), suggesting that mulicollinearity is not an issue among the predictors. Stepwise multiple linear regression was used to generate reconstruction models by calibrating the tree-ring chronologies with precipitation data over their common period (18962008). Regression residuals met the assumptions of the multiple linear regression model (Ostrom 1990), exhibiting an approximately normal distribution and displaying no significant trend, autocorrelation or correlation with the predictors. The models were validated using ‘leave-oneout’ cross-validation (Michaelson 1987; Meko and Baisan 2001) and model accuracy was summarized by the root-mean-square error (RMSE) statistic and by the reduction of error (RE) statistic, which measures the model skill in estimating values of the predictand in the crossvalidation process (Wilkes 1995; Fritts 1976). The sign test was also employed, which indicates how often the signs of the observed and reconstructed values agree or disagree (Fritts 1976; Table 1). 3 For the cool-season, only two EW predictor variables stepped into the model (Fig. 1; Table 1), explaining more than half the variance in instrumental precipitation (adjusted R2 = 0.53, Fig. S1a). The RE statistic was positive and close to the calibration coefficient of determination (R2) value. The RMSE and calibration standard error of the estimate (SE) values were relatively similar and the sign test was significant at p<0.01 (Table 1). Four LW predictor variables were included in the warm-season reconstruction model (Fig. 1; Table 1), explaining nearly half of the variance in the observed record (adjusted R2=0.42, Fig. S1b). The validation statistics indicated that the model was well-verified and the sign test was significant at p<0.01. To simplify the analysis of multiyear and decadal-scale drought variability, the reconstructions were converted to z-scores (standardized to have a mean of zero and unit variance over the full reconstruction period; Fig. S2). Online Resource 2. Comparison of reconstructed droughts with regional tree-ring records The reconstructed periods of below-average precipitation in this study are analogous with the findings of other regional reconstructions of drought conditions. The most severe and sustained episode of interseasonal drought in this record (1726-1744) is documented in numerous tree-ring studies. In a streamflow reconstruction of the Salt River, the authors estimate that between 1728 and 1739 the average annual discharge was only 43% of the long-term mean and not a single year exceeded the mean (Smith and Stockton 1981). Moisture-sensitive tree-ring chronologies from northeastern Utah (Gray et al 2004), northern and central New Mexico (Rose et al 1981; Parks et al. 2006) and eastern Colorado (Woodhouse & Brown 2001) also find strong evidence for drought during this interval. Furthermore, through the use of historical documents, anecdotal evidence and paleoclimate proxies, Brenneman (2004) identified the period 1728 to 1742 as one in which abnormally hot, dry conditions prevailed in northwestern Mexico and contributed to significant social unrest. Several other major droughts are corroborated by regional reconstructions, including the exceptionally dry interval from 1817 to 1829, which is indicated by extremely low discharge in the upper Gila and Colorado River flows (Meko and Graybill 1995; Meko et al. 1995). The Colorado Plateau rainfall reconstruction shows this interval as being the driest in over 1400 years (Salzer and Kipfmueller 2005). In addition, the turn-of-the-century drought (1893-1906) is estimated to be one of the worst decadal-scale intervals of drought in northwestern New Mexico (D’Arrigo and Jacoby 1991), and “one of the most severe and sustained [cool-season] droughts 4 of the past two millennia” (Stahle et al 2009). Based on tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow, it was one of the lowest flow periods on the Colorado River at Lee’s Ferry as well as in upper Colorado River tributaries (Woodhouse et al. 2006; Gray et al. 2011). A July precipitation reconstruction for western New Mexico (Stahle et al. 2009) is the only summer rainfall reconstruction in close proximity to our study site. The two records share a low fraction of the variance over their common period (r=0.32, R2=0.10) due to considerable skew in the July rainfall record. However, certain notable periods of synchronicity (e.g. the Puebloan drought spans the same 14 years in both reconstructions), provide independent verification of the warm-season droughts reconstructed in this study. Tables and Figures Table S1 Four Corners region tree-ring chronologies and site information Code Site Name Speciesa Inner yr Outer yr Lat N Long W Elevation (m) DCU Ditch Canyon PSME 1612 2008 37.00 107.80 2036 EAM Echo Amphitheater PSME 1296 2008 36.36 106.53 2029 MVM Mesa Verde PSME 481 2008 37.17 108.52 2042 PCM Pueblito Canyon PSME 1644 2009 36.70 107.32 2005 SPM Satan Pass PSME 1315 2008 35.61 108.13 2306 TCM Tsegi Canyon PSME 864 2008 36.68 110.54 2068 TUB El Malpais PSME -134 2004 34.83 108.18 2375 WCM White Canyon PSME 1349 2009 37.62 110.00 1895 WMF Walnut Canyon PSME 1648 2010 35.17 111.51 1995 FTV Fort Valley PIPO 1818 2008 35.27 111.75 2260 RPU Rio Pueblo PIPO 1544 2008 36.16 105.59 2455 SFK South Fork PIPO 1569 2008 37.66 106.66 2591 TSM Turkey Springs PIPO 1597 2008 35.40 108.53 2374 VPU Platt Bradbury PIPO 1664 2008 37.47 106.30 2835 2010 35.17 111.51 1995 WMP Walnut Canyon PIPO 1531 a PSME = Pseudotsuga menziesii, PIPO = Pinus ponderosa 5 Table S2 Summary statistics for the pool of predictor chronologies Site Typea Species Period Lengthb Maxc Criticald First year EPS > 0.85 EAM EW PSME 1296-2008 273.7 34 3 1367 MVM EW PSME 481-2008 302.3 48 2 481 SPM EW PSME 1315-2008 285.7 56 2 1382 TCM EW PSME 864-2008 272.1 65 3 901 WCM EW PSME 1349-2009 322.5 45 3 1384 RPU LWadj PIPO 1544-2008 209.9 37 14 1776 SFK LWadj PIPO 1569-2008 244.1 40 16 1680 TSM LWadj PIPO 1597-2008 203.2 42 10 1659 WMP LWadj PIPO 1531-2010 263.5 46 8 1608 a Chronology type: earlywood width (EW) or adjusted latewood width (LWadj) b Mean length of series c Maximum number of trees in any year d Number of trees needed for the critical expressed population signal (EPS) threshold of 0.85 Table S3 Average seasonal drought characteristics for the instrumental period, the preinstrumental period and the full reconstruction Period Modern (1900-2008) Pre-modern (1597-1899) Full (1597-2008) Season Ave. Magnitude (z-score) Ave. Duration (yrs) Ave. Intensity (z-score) Number of Events Cool -2.30 2.67 -0.94 9 Warm -2.10 3.17 -0.65 12 Cool -2.58 3.03 -0.89 35 Warm -2.06 2.91 -0.72 43 Cool -2.52 2.95 -0.90 44 Warm -2.07 2.96 -0.71 55 6 Fig. S1 Standardized precipitation values (z-scores) for the cool-season, Oct-Apr (a), and warmseason, Jul-Aug (b). Observed values (dashed line) are plotted against reconstructed values (solid line) for the calibration period, 1896-2008 7 Fig. S2 Precipitation reconstructions for the cool season, Oct-Apr (a), and the warm season, JulAug (b), 1597-2008. Annual z-score values (dark blue and red lines) have been smoothed with 10-year cubic smoothing splines to emphasize decadal variability (black lines). Grey error bars are based on root-mean-squared error of validation (±2×RMSEv) 8 References Box GEP, Jenkins GM (1976) Time series analysis: Forecasting and control. Holden-Day, San Francisco Brenneman DS (2004) Climate of rebellion: The relationship between climate variability and indigenous uprisings in mid-eighteenth-century Sonora. Dissertation, University of Arizona Cook ER (1985) A time series analysis approach to tree-ring standardization. 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