May, 2015 - Mare Cromwell

Pamoon Press
P.O. Box 884
Buckeystown, MD 21717
CONTACT: Mare Cromwell, 240-405-4265
Multi-Award-Winning Author Mare Cromwell
Releases Third Book:
The Great Mother Bible
(FREDERICK, MD) Pamoon Press announces the publication of The Great Mother
Bible, Mare Cromwell’s third book. This profound book is unique in its ability to cut to the
essence of women’s spirituality like no other book has before.
The Great Mother Bible addresses the need to have direct communication with the
Divine Feminine principle. It compares with Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with
God series, which fulfilled a need to communicate with the Divine Masculine and brought
more spiritual clarity to many during these troubled times. Mare Cromwell’s Great
Mother Bible fulfills an equally important need for readers, especially those drawn to the
Sacred Feminine.
This book eloquently conveys the nurturing feminine quality, a healing quality that is
greatly needed at this time of such chaos. While human treatment of the environment is
completely out of balance, natural disasters are occurring on different parts of the globe. At
one point in time visionaries in indigenous cultures communicated with Mother Earth to
keep our human relationships with her in balance. The Great Mother Bible offers to
restore that communication, ultimately to help us return to balance again.
Laced with humor and insight, The Great Mother Bible is a work of revelation and selfrevelation. It is grounded in the day-to-day joys and sorrows of the author, which she
delivers with unvarnished candor. It is rare to find a book that delivers such lofty visions of
the divine realms, while also speaking so nakedly about the pains and joys of everyday
relationships with lovers, cats, money and mentors.
This book has the potential to impact readers’ spiritual lives in as positive a way as the
Conversations with God series has, but in a way that embraces the Divine Feminine. If we
are on the cusp of a spiritual revolution in terms of Goddess Energy, this might just be the
book that lights the fuse.
What people are saying about The Great Mother Bible:
Mare Cromwell has been given a gift. The gift of wisdom, words, and the ability to hear the Great Mother.
For spiritual seekers everywhere, I predict The Great Mother Bible will become a fixture in your library.
~ Nancy Mills, Founder - The Spirited Woman
Pamoon Press Release
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These are powerful and wise messages from Earth Mother, shared by her beloved daughter Mare
Cromwell, to encourage humanity to awaken their hearts and find peace in these struggling times. The
world will find these sacred writings most brilliant.
~ Bavado (Rainbow Thunder Heart), Eastern Shoshone Nation, President - Earth Wisdom
This book will inspire some readers but will infuriate others. Mare Cromwell's profound relationship
with the Great Mother offers a dialogue that is witty, wise and comical. Mare writes about "unseen
forces" but her luminous accounts bring a lucidity and reality to their insights that are uplifting,
intriguing, and wondrous.
~ Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at Saybrook University, coauthor
of Personal Mythology and The Voice of Rolling Thunder
Mare Cromwell is an international speaker, multi-award-winning author and nature
mystic. Her previous books include: If I gave you God’s phone number.... Searching for
Spirituality in America, and Messages from Mother.... Earth Mother. She has studied with
Native American teachers for nineteen years and currently sits on the World Council for
Wisdom Gatherings. Mare leads workshops on our Sacred Planet-Earth Mother, Womb
Wisdom and Sacred Silliness, and is the visionary behind the Great Mother Wisdom
Gathering. She loves to be involved in Sacred Water Ceremonies. Mare is also a former
worm herder. She calls Western Maryland home.
The Great Mother Bible
Published by Pamoon Press
Trade Paperback
298 pages
5.5” x 8.5”
ISBN: 978-0-9717032-6-1
Publication Date: April 2015
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