LOW PORT PRIMARY SCHOOL PARENT COUNDIL AND PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 23 September 2015 at Low Port Primary School 1. WELCOME Jane Livingston, Head Teacher welcomed everyone to the AGM. 2. HEAD TEACHER’S REPORT Jane reported that the past year has been a good year with positive working being carried out by the school with parents and carers, the Parent Council (PC), Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and Education Trust Fund (ETF). Jane expressed that there was been a supportive and open relationship between the school and the parents and carers. The key highlights include: PC training and involvement in the school Validated Self Evaluation (VSE). This is the first school in West Lothian for this level of parental involvement. PTA fundraising and social event. Installation of a school gate. Improvement and development of the school grounds. Supporting to the school in completing surveys including VSE questionnaire, ETF survey and homework survey. PC sub-group working including supporting the school with class numbers and composite class planning. ETF provision of funding for all classes, playground seating and equipment for the zone. Jane reported that the school improvement plan is now on website and Richard Payne has assisted with writing a parent friendly version. As Richard is stepping down as PC Chair, Jane thanked him for all his hard work and support over the past two year. Jane acknowledged the contribution of the PTA in fundraising which has offered the school some flexibility especially as budgets are getting tighter. 3. PARENT COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT Richard Payne, Chair outlined the objectives of the PC for the past year as: Improved engagement with parents and carers The PC has encouraged parents and carers to attend without the need to become a committee member. The response rate for the VSE questionnaire was high and very encouraging. The PC has listened to and represented views and act upon these views. Supporting the school to progress with improvements The PC has started to support the school with looking at school results – CEM testing and monitoring evaluation. This is an area of progress and perhaps is an area for further work. Review the PC constitution A revised constitution is being proposed as part of the AGM. Small Working Groups The PC has had a number of small working groups this year including school grounds and composite classes. Richard noted parents and carers have expressed their support and confidence of Jane’s leadership over the past year. It is acknowledged that the school is implementing many changes and these are starting to take effect but will take time to be fully implemented. 4. EDUCATION TRUST FUND TREASURER’S REPORT Lynne Lamont provided an overview of the income and expenditure of trust fund over the past year and shared a copy of the audited accounts. Lynne reported that expenditure has included money for each class including learning support, the chess club, for the purchase of specific items - football nets, nativity costumes, a play kitchen and other equipment for the zone and maths resources i.e. games and items to complement the curriculum. Money is set aside for the maintenance of the supergrounds. Lynne reported that four donors have stopped their contribution as their children have progressed to secondary school and there is a need to encourage new donors at the lower school. It is proposed that the constitution will be changed to increase the number of parent and carers as trustees. The reason is to reduce the conflict of interest for the head teacher and principal teacher who are currently trustees. Lynne asked for volunteers to take on this role. 5. PARENT COUNCIL CONSTITUTION Richard shared the draft revised constitution. The most significant changes include: a maximum of 20 parents and carers committee members removal of year group representatives having a chair and vice chair It was unanimously agreement to accept the proposed PC Constitution. It was noted that unless there are insufficient volunteers that the two bodies have a different focus and priorities and therefore would be better to remain as two bodies. It was also consider that it would be difficult to manage the time requirement for meetings. A question was raised about linking the treasurer of the PTA and ETF. There are some difficulties with this as this approach may limit the events of the PTA as events would need to be charitable events for the benefit of the children. It was suggested that changing the name of the fund used by parents and carers would help people to understand the purpose of the fund. It was acknowledged that good communication is essential to ensure the PC, PTA and ETF are effective and complementary. It was agreed to retain the current arrangement of two bodies for PC and PTA. 6. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT Ruth Watson, PTA Chair thanked the PTA core team for their hard work over the past year. The PTA has fundraised and provided funding for Christmas parties, P7 leavers activities, playground improvements and school items. The PTA has continued to co-ordinate and fundraise through school uniforms orders. Highlights of the year include the newly introduced summer disco, ladies sparkle night and funding for the gala day float. Ruth extended a special thanks to Sam Jordan who coordinated the gala day float and costume making. 7. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION TREASURER’S REPORT Sandra Fuller, Treasurer shared the PTA accounts and gave an overview of fundraising and expenditure. Money has been set aside for the purchase of future playground climbing equipment and the PTA is awaiting an invoice for the gate installation. In addition to the activities outlined by Ruth, the PTA undertook new fundraising this year including pupil designed tea towels, meditation sessions, refreshment at sports day and the introduction of easy fundraising. This has allowed the PTA to fund a new school banner and purchase activity t-shirts. The PTA has set up online banking for events so that parents and carers can donate more easily. Sandra expressed thanks to Ruth and Sian Morrison for their commitment to PTA who are stepping down from their roles this year. 8. ELECTION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS PARENT COUNCIL Role Chair Vice Chair Clerk Name Jeremy Fuller No nomination No nomination Other Committee Members Rebecca Holmes Fiona Maxwell Carla Bisht Andy McGowan Judith Paley Jane Livingston Stephen Blake Cllr Tom Conn Provost Tom Kerr Parent Member Parent Member Parent Member Parent Member Parent Member Head Teacher Community Representative Community Representative Community Representative TRUST FUND Lynne Lamont Paula Fraser Jeremy Fuller Rebecca Holmes Jennifer MacIntyre Karen Mitchell Treasurer Proposed By Lynne Lamont Seconded By Fiona Maxwell PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION Role PTA Chair PTA Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Uniforms Name Rebecca Holmes Helen Wallace Jennifer MacIntyre Kirsty Pllu Alice Buckley & Ruth Watson Proposed By Helen Wallace Ruth Watson Helen Wallace Lynne Lamont Rebecca Holmes Seconded By Ruth Watson Sandra Fuller Sandra Fuller Jennifer MacIntyre Helen Wallace