Bd-Minutes-06-10-13 - Association of Minnesota Emergency

Association of Minnesota Emergency Managers
AMEM Quarterly Board Meeting
June 10, 2013
EMTC – Camp Ripley
Members Present:
Ken Carlson, President; Jim Halstrom, Executive Director; Brenda Wodele, First Vice President; Eric Waage, 2nd
Vice President; Julie Peterson, Judge Advocate; Rick Larkin, Region 6; Kerry Swenson, Region 2; Breanna Koval,
Region 4 and Student Liaison; Erin Hausauer, Secretary; Joe Schmitt, Federal Liaison; Col. Mike Wickman, MN
National Guard Liaison; Stu Glassier, State Fire Chiefs; Karen Beaulieu, GTS; Lisa Dressler, Public Affairs; Monte
Fronk; Charlie O’Brien, MNVOAD; Cheryl Petersen-Kroeber, MDH; Tammy Van Overbeke, Region 5; Chris
Muller, Region 3; Mike Johnson, Region 1; Don Ericson, Treasurer; Kris Eide, HSEM Director; John Bowen, Past
President; Scott Turner, Sheriff’s Association
Camp Ripley Welcome – Major Donovan
 Emergency Management Training Center (EMTC) is a state of the art training facility that opened in
April 2012.
 Many construction projects are currently underway; some of the infrastructure is original from 1931.
 A new addition at Camp Ripley includes the conference center which can set about 280 people at
tables and 400 people in theater setting. It can be made available for use for trainings, etc. upon
 A brand new facility is open for Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) – Shadow and Raven UAS
 Education Center will soon be under renovation and expansion. This project was bonded under the
Pawlenty Administration. To enhance the facility and better accommodate training and education a
dining facility will be added, additional private rooms will be added for those staying onsite and
additional training rooms will be added. Ground breaking should take place soon with a planned
opening of 2016/2017.
 Camp Ripley has an environmental program. The last 18 miles of undeveloped land (in the entire
country) along Mississippi River borders Camp Ripley. In partnership with the DNR tracking of wolves,
black bears, Blandon turtles and Red Shoulder hawks take place as well.
Agenda Review – Jim Halstrom
 June 10 Board Meeting and June 11 Strategy Session
Secretary’s Report – Erin Hausauer
 Corrections made to the spelling of Marvin Garbe and Rick Larkin were made to the minutes.
 Motion made by Don Ericson to approve amended minutes, seconded by Rick Larkin, motion passed.
Treasurers Report
 Don Ericson presented the Treasurer’s Report.
 This quarterly Treasurer’s Report is provided to the AMEM Board of Directors at its quarterly meeting
on June 10, 2013, at Camp Ripley, MN. The following are account balances of the Association as of
May 30, 2013:
3-Month CD 7540
6-Month CD 1461
$ 15,021.96
$ 25,262.55
6-Month CD 7539
Checking Account
Savings Account
Paypal Balance
Non-Deposited Checks (Dues)
$ 25,045.63
$ 27,931.99
$ 14,951.14
$ 608.95
$ 200.00
TOTAL (all accounts)
$ 109,022.22
Major income during the past quarter included Member Dues, sales of Elected Official Handbooks, and
AMEM Shop sales. Major income during the next quarter will be primarily from 2013 AMEM
Membership Dues and conference registrations, as well as a planned 2013 Conference Grant from
Major Expenses for the past quarter, other than Executive Director salary and expenses, include 2013
conference planning expenses, conference coordinator (GTS) deposit, conference speaker deposits,
legislative advocacy contract payments, and February Board meeting expenses. Major Expenses for
the next quarter, other than Executive Director salary and expenses, will include expenses for this June
Board meeting, Capitol Access payments conference expenses, and any Board approved AMEM Coin
and Shop purchases.
Certificates of Deposit (CD). The 6-month CD #397371461 matured on May 25, 2013, and was
renewed with a New Maturity Date of November 25, 2013. The 6-month CD #397387539 will mature
on June 11, 2013, and will be renewed with a New Maturity Date of December 11, 2013. The 3-month
CD #397387540 will also mature on June 11, 2013, and will be renewed with a New Maturity Date of
September 11, 2013.
Motion made by Julie Peterson to approve report, seconded by Rick Larkin, motion passed.
President’s Report – Ken Carlson
 Ken Carlson shared that following the death of Tim Samaras the conference committee and
professional development chair have been working to identify a new speaker for the conference.
 Legislative advocacy support and projects will be discussed later in the agenda.
Executive Director Report - Jim Halstrom
 Membership as of May 2012 – 468; Membership as of June 2013 – 484; Goal of 500. There are 94 new
members of AMEM so far this year.
 Board of Directors approved the 2012 State of Minnesota Charitable Organization Annual Report form
and certifies that the Board will continue to assume responsibility for determining matters of policy,
will continue to supervise finances of the organization and state that information supplied is true,
correct and complete to the best of our knowledge.
 Tax return was completed for 2012 and was submitted prior to April 15
 HSEM is giving AMEM a $100,000 grant for conference. This funding comes from EMPG salary savings.
This means that conference registration dollars will go back into the AMEM account.
A motion was made by Tamm VanOverbeke to approve receipt of the grant, seconded by Mike
Johnson, motion passed.
 AMEM coins: AMEM logo one side – EMTC on the other side
 Artwork examples provided from both: PIN PROMOTIONS and Symbol Arts
 Recommendation to remove “in Minnesota” from outside banner
 Everyone that registers to attend the conference will receive a coin. Additional coins would be
available for purchase through the AMEM shop.
300 conference bags and 400 for additional stock (see where price breaks are at and modify
quantity as necessary to accommodate pricing)
 Tammy Van Overbeke made a motion to purchase 700 coins. Rick Larkin amended the
motion to include a budget adjustment based on the final quote provided, seconded by
Brenda Wodele, motion passed.
AMEM Shop re-stocking
Shirts will soon be on order. Brenda Wodele will work with Lisa Dressler to come up with a women’s
item. This needs to be provided to Jim Halstrom by mid-July to ensure delivery by the conference.
HSEM Update – Director Kris Eide
Training Program
 July 1 starts new certification and certificate program (handouts). Three stages; certification,
certificate and elected officials. A fact sheet has been developed to assist decision makers in
determining who needs to attend which track.
 EM Certification , focuses on what it takes to be a good EM - 272 hours including electives
 County, City, Tribal, Director, Deputy, Coordinator will have certification (all others would get
certificate, unless supported through EM) primary focus on professional EM (appointed positions –
decision training matrix) City EM work with County
 AMEM Professional Development and HSEM Training Team – knowledge of County EM and support
Competencies for EM – courses designed around these areas – will be designing new courses. Some of
the new classes will be offered to those who already have certification.
 Agencies that can sponsor include: Tribal, County or City of the First Class
 If someone is completed with their courses by December 31, 2013 they continue on as previously
planned. If they will not finish by December 31, 2013, they will be subject to the new requirements.
 Lois will work with Higher Education programs
 County could sponsor healthcare or large corporation or they could go through college
 Step 2 of this process is developing a MN CEM will have test and practicum
 CEUs 40 hours every three years (no more than 16 at a conference)
A position has been created to support and coordinate training at the EMTC. This position will be the
program administrator for the IEMC programs that will be available in Minnesota. Candidates must
live in the area and have emergency management experience. They will work closely with the National
Guard and State Patrol.
HSEM hired two new staff for training and exercise, Dan and Jennifer. They will be working
collaboratively on training and exercising.
Additional HSEM Updates
 School Safety Center – advertising positions (Program Administrator and School resource officer/LE
background, and EM position) funded beginning July 1, 2013
 See Something Say Something – electronic billboards through October, 3000 posters available (English
and Somali)
 Jackie Mines ECN working with PSAPs about calls they may receive as a result of the See Something Say
Something campaign
 State of Minnesota received Homeland Security and EMPG grant allocations– received EMPG small
decrease, but will be able to give out more due to staffing changes
 TPT weather channel going away HSEM and others working to identify funding to keep resource
available – received grant for 90% what was requested. TPT will be alert and warning channel for
emergency management with the option to go statewide. TPT part of two public television channels
throughout the State. State Emergency Communications Board will discuss this project on August 1,
2013. iPAWS will also assist with message development. Public safety information can be shared.
Public information with MEMA and AMEM and HSEM can keep production going. Terry Stoltzman has
agreed to lead fundraising efforts. Some counties with UASI funding may assist with initial funding as
Region 1 - Mike Johnson
 Following the large snowstorm/ice storm there were significant expenditures with debris removal
 Working to put in place policies for things purchased with grant dollars – in example Identysis
 Need to work on policy for regional radio cache
 Sheltering Grant provided cots and blankets that were strategically place in region. This was extremely
beneficial when I35 closed at Freeborne County and City of Owatonna.
 Working with MAYO healthcare system doing study on Mass Fatalities plans. All EM to provide copies
of plans as part of this process.
 Communications drill – proficiency training needed. Day to day operations for interoperability ok –
larger exercises gets more difficult.
 Through HSEM FBI and DHS and Secret Service – the City of Owatonna is participating in an Obama
Initiative to work with school districts on active shooter plans. 1 of 100 school districts identified
throughout the country. 176 page survey that will be completed.
Region 2 – Kerry Swenson
 Sheltering grant – working with Red Cross to better identify sheltering sites
 Working on radio cache policy to simply process for accessing radios and transport as quickly as
 Hired a new Planner this year
 Working on a regional EOC exercise October 29-30, 2013
 Trying to develop a regional plan as an EOP, two different plans being considered as template
Region 3 – Chris Muller
 Sheltering related supplies purchased and placed Polk County and Beltrami County.
 Extensive wildfires both in the fall and spring. Wadena County and Hubbard County had upward of
7000 acres and 50 structures lost, Red Lake County and Beltrami County wildfires as well.
 Still working on utility restoration from the July 2, 2012 blow down.
 Changing faces – a lot of new EM: Lake of the Woods, Becker, Marshall, Roseau, Pennington, Kittson,
Norman, Polk
Region 4 – Breanna Koval
 Traverse County welcomes Lynn Siegel as a new Director
 Wilkin County increased Breanna Koval’s position to full time.
 Region is working on getting everyone PCII trained for work with ACAMS/IP Gateway
 THIRA upgrades are underway – regional workshops are being scheduled
 Strategic plan should be rolled out at the next quarterly meeting
 Working with HSEM for DLAN access for resources
Region 5 – Tammy Van Overbeke
 Shelter grant blankets and cots
 4 of 7 counties affected by ice storm were able to use cots and blankets to support shelters
Surprised that Red Cross wasn’t wanting to open shelter when homes were not destroyed
ARMER system “basically failed” due to towers going down with ice, generators not in place yet on
some of the new towers
Working to develop a NIMS regional plan
SW emergency preparedness team conference in Marshall for mass fatalities
Region 6 – Rick Larkin
 Annual meeting this week – Paul Douglas talking about climate change
 All of the Counties have Directors appointed
 No declared events
 Region working on THIRA with new guidance
 Clear Channel billboards/Digital Billboards – tune in to the radio for important information and TPT
 Develop shelter cache inventory and protocol for how it is activated
 3 Echo Evaluate, Enter and Evacuate – protocol for complex events, bombs, guns, etc. Integration of
EMS and LE personnel, integration, to save savable victims
 3 weeks ago landslide in urban park 2 children lost lives, mutual aid, multi-agency response, unified
Awards Report - Jim Halstrom for Cullen Case
 Board approval requested to add an additional award – Preparedness
 Rick Larkin made a motion to add the additional award seconded by Lisa Dressler, motion passed.
 If we do not receive appropriate nominations for an award, the award will not be given
Budget - Eric Waage
Adopted Budget – 2013
(Adopted by Board at December 3, 2012 Board Meeting)
(Revised by Subsequent Board Action )
NOTE: The AMEM Voting Board, by email concurrence on 2/28/2013, voted to increase the line item on
speaker fees for the 2013 AMEM Conference by up to $15,000, based on positive indications of a 2013 AMEM
Conference Grant from HSEM, for an adjusted Conference Speaker budget amount of $27,000.
In addition, the AMEM Board, at its’ 2/5/2013 quarterly Board Meeting voted to contract Government
Training Service (GTS) for 2013 Conference Coordination Services at $14,500, and additionally have GTS
perform attendee registration for an additional $1,200 plus $3.55 per person for direct charge by reg online
for each registration (estimate 300 x 3.55 = $1,100); $900 for GTS direct expenses (estimated); and 2.2-2.9% of
the registration or exhibitor fee and $0.30 per transaction for credit cards (estimate $1,300 based on 300
attendees); for total conference coordination line item of $19,000 (vice $14,500 in adopted budget).
In addition, the AMEM Board at its’ 2/5/2013 quarterly Board Meeting voted to contract with Capitol Access
for legislative services, at the cost of $1,250 per month, beginning in March 2013, for a two year period
covering the 2013 and 2014 legislative sessions, with the understanding that any extension of such services
beyond that time would require the identification of a funding stream for such services. Funding for
2013/2014 services is from existing Savings and CD accounts.
Carryover from
2013 Adopted
Adopted $ 18,000
2012 Checking
Total Income
Revised to add Legislative
Services $ 30,500
$ 36,000
$ 42,000
$ 2,000
$ 19,500
$ 98,000
$ 130,000
$ 14,500*
Revised to $19,000
(See Note Above)
$ 4,000
Master Bill
$ 2,000
$ 12,000*
Revised to $ 27,000
(See Note Above)
$ 7,000
(Bags, Lanyards,Name Badges)
$ 3,000
Speaker Gifts
$ 2,000
$ 45,000
$ 64,500
$ 700
Board Meetings
$ 7,000
Board Travel &
Web Site
$ 3,000
(Restock 100 Winjackets)
$ 1,500
(Restock 400 Coins)
$ 1,400
Director Salary
And Expenses
$ 30,500
IAEM Conference
$ 1,000
2009 Tax Prep &
State Registration
Legislative Services
$ 600
$ 400
$ 1,500
$ 12,500*
(See Note Above)
Adopted $ 98,000
Revised $ 130,000
2013 AMEM Fall Conference - Brenda Wodele
 Looking for speaker to fill spot available from Tim Samaras
 Business meeting moved to Monday morning for better attendance
 Audit meeting needs to take place prior to the meeting on Monday
 Information from speakers has been requested for a summary of the topics they will cover
 Schedule pretty much set for conference
 One concurrent session will include a roundtable discussion with Kris Eide and County EMs – Jim
Halstrom will send out email asking for topics and/or questions to AMEM members
 Approval of Registration and Vendor Fees (approval for same fees as in previous years 130 for
members, 185 for non-members, 300 for private vendors and 35 for non-profit vendors)
 Online Demo conference registration from website provided
 Student component will be done on paper this year and coordinated by Breanna Koval. She will work
with NDSU and Hennepin Technical College as “pilot” schools. No more than 5 students.
ByLaws and Policy - Judge Advocate Julie Peterson
 No report
Government Affairs – Jim Halstrom (for Chairman Judd Freed)
 In the absence of Government Affairs Committee Chair Judd Freed, Jim Halstrom led the Board through
information provided by Sherry Munyon, Capital Access, to include:
1. 2013 Legislative Wrap-up Report (attached)
2. Legislative Proposal for Disaster Aid Bill (attached)
3. Draft AMEM Legislative Strategy for 2014 (see below)
 Legislative Strategy for 2014 – we need to assist Sherry with this process. We need to work on
supporting her with both a constituted and membered Government Affairs Committee and as
emergency managers throughout the state. Whether or not our bills and legislation pass, this is a good
opportunity to educate our legislators on what EM is and what we need.
 Group discussion: Could we use regional legislative reps to assist with this process? We need people in
close proximity to the twin cities who may be available to testify on relatively short notice on
legislative topics. Mike Johnson, Rick Larkin, Eric Waage, John Bowen and Lisa Dressler volunteered to
be part of a legislative committee to assist with our goals and objectives. Joe Schmitt volunteered to
assist as needed as a federal liaison. This committee will work with Sherry Munyon to formulate a
framework for how we accomplish our goals and objectives.
The Judge Advocate will look at current AMEM Bylaws and Policy to see if any changes need to be
made in the area of Government Affairs Committee.
Motion was made by Kerry Swenson and amended by Rick Larkin to have AMEM President appoint
Mike Johnson, Rick Larkin, Eric Waage, John Bowen and Lisa Dressler to the Government Affairs
Committee, chaired by Judd Freed; and to remove any AMEM Policy language preventing AMEM
Board members from participating on this committee. Motion seconded by Mike Johnson. Motion
President Ken Carlson will follow up with Judd Freed to let him know what was decided. If Judd Freed
needs administrative or other assistance, Lisa Dressler is willing to help.
AMEM Legislative Strategy for 2014
First Draft – discussion document
 Create a committee – need three people – alternates for appointments, testifying, etc.
 Create a “Government Relations/Legislative Committee”
 Create list of Emergency Managers by legislative district
o List will be used to coordinate communication efforts between local emergency managers and their own
State Representative(s) and State Senator(s)
o List will be used for legislative alerts/calls to action during session
 Develop priority districts to meet with emergency managers, legislators and newspapers
o How many?
o Where?
o Establish schedule of meetings
o Discuss the Government Relations Committee and the role emergency managers play in these efforts
o Coordinate meetings between local legislators and their local emergency managers
 Create handout to tell the story of who AMEM
o This one page education handout will be used when meeting with Legislators and
o Will be used when meeting with press
 Create a white papers for legislative initiatives; 1-pager
o i.e. Disaster Aid legislation
 Meet with Allies
o League of Cities
 Share our legislative agenda and ask for theirs
 Create a meeting schedule of committee to establish priorities for 2014.
o First to prepare for Session 2014
o Later for ongoing feedback during session
 AMEM and Local newspapers visits
o Create awareness of association, try to secure some ink on the disaster aid bill?
o Where to start?
 Is it with communities who have experienced local disasters in the last five years.
Authors this year are Weber, Schomacker, Hamillton, Gunther, Lourey, Sundin
 Legislators who have introduced bills for local disaster aid in the past five years can be
targeted as possible authors of the AMEM legislation
 First Legislative Committee Meeting to meet by end of June
Nominations Committee - John Bowen
 Policy is to alternate President and Vice Presidents each year between metro and outstate.
 Regions suggest EMs to nomination committee, nominations committee makes recommendation to
Board, Board recommends to general membership for vote at annual meeting
 July 1 deadline to get information to John Bowen for nominations
 John brought up the idea of term limits. Something to keep in mind for future discussion. Would allow
for new EMs to get involved with the Board, generate new ideas, etc.
Professional Development - Dan Bovitz
Professional Development Committee met with Lois Anderson (HSEM) at the Governor's Conference to
discuss the role out of the new HSEM EM Certification Program. At the time, HSEM was still finalizing the
courses and had asked for AMEM's feedback at what they had put together.
Dan is going to look at detailing out the job description of the AMEM Professional Development Chair as well
as Committee members. Right now there is not much in depth information and we can really broaden it
out....which would most likely help for bringing on future chair and committee members. Historic Tour Discussed with Eric Waage a possible historic tour of disasters/incidents in Minnesota. We have yet to really
detail this but they idea came from the current hazard assessment Hennepin County is working on. This
could be run throughout the year or perhaps prior to or after the AMEM Fall Conference. It would rely
heavily on local emergency managers to come up with historic information on the hazard and then tour folks
through the sites while discussing economic impacts...etc.
Public Affairs - Lisa Dressler
 No additional report in addition to the previous discussion about Twin Cities Public Television (TPT)
Grant update
Liaison Reports
Department of Agriculture
 Received $150,000 State Homeland Security Grant: $50,000 will go to MDA and $100,000 to region 1
and 5 to identify gaps in agricultural preparedness
Minnesota Department of Health
 Filling last two vacancies for preparedness consultants ¾ time positions. New grant awaiting final
numbers, anticipating at least a million dollar cut. Push for coalitions at the regional level for both
ASPER and CDC. This funding period requires a statewide exercise which is being planned for 2014.
Senior Advisory Committee – meeting September, Jim Halstrom participating in a survey about the
SAC. SAC was a requirement of preparedness grants and used to be required in state statute. 2005
was a sunset date, however, the SAC still continues to operate for grant requirements. Looking to add
more for participation, Department of Administration going to conduct a survey to find out more about
the mission, strengths, who should be involved etc. At a minimum the group will address grant
Fire Chief’s Association - Stu Glassier
 FAST Team deployment to Shakopee incident – early May
 Intrastate Mutual Aid was utilized for the Menahga Fire
 DNR conducting after action meetings the Menahga Fire
 Continue to promote the intrastate mutual aid agreement
 Update FAST team information - Potential for using retired personnel as a resource
 Offer made for the State Fire Chief’s Association to fill one of the vacant spots at the fall conference
Sheriff’s Association – Scott Turner
 Summer conference taking place in early June
 Making change to police and fire PERA penalties with retirement after July 1, 2014
 Chief Law Enforcement Officers CLEO – EM training part of CLEO certification
 Courthouse Security, Active Shooter, PSAP Training
Federal Agency Liaison - Joe Schmitt
 FEMA sponsored Statewide COOP exercise in Minnesota – August 21, 2013
 Coordination though FEMA…Looking for gaps in communication with Federal resources, Joe interested
in hearing feedback, doesn’t want to plan in a vacuum. Federal Executive Board assists in coordinating
of Federal activities. FEMA does response and recovery, FEB communications and coordination.
 Senior Advisory Committee working with MDH for closed points of distribution (PODs). Locations have
been identified.
 Federal Executive Board working with social media as it has so many impacts following disasters.
 Resources can be made available without a Federal Disaster Declaration – cost dependent upon
Tribal - Monte Fronk
 Jim Jarvis with FEMA Communications provided an OEC one day training for eleven tribes, for Interop
training. 4 hour training at EMTC. After action report working to create Interop 800 and VHF talk
 Stafford Act change now means Tribes can make declaration directly to the President – Region 5 in
tribal support consultations
 Federal Law and Order Act – can apply for consideration to have Federal government assist with
criminal prosecution.
 EMI training about behavioral health issues, some spots being held for Tribal members
MNVOAD - Charlie O’Brien
 Still assisting with long term recovery in NE Minnesota
 Fair amount of people still out east assisting with Hurricane Sandy Recovery
 Some people are now in Oklahoma
 Still working on State Long Term Recovery Committee
Groups in SW MN following ice storms
National VOAD Conference – separate track on Long Term Recovery
Start planning the next Statewide MNVOAD conference for Spring 2014
Participated in Under One Roof conference in Duluth
Strengthening partnerships with North Dakota and Wisconsin
Student Liaison - Breanna Koval
 Waiting to hear from IAEM about students from MN who are members of IAEM
 NDSU students potential members to AMEM – student rate information needs to be added to website
Other Business
 Brenda Wodele received a request from MPCA. They would like to become a member of the AMEM