COURSE OUTLINE Department & Faculty: Department of Physics, Code Total Faculty of Science and Subject: SSCP 2213 – Nuclear Physics Lecture Hours: 42 hours : : : : : Lecturer Room No. Tel. No e mail Synopsis Page : 1 of 4 Semester: I Academic Session: 2015/16 Dr.Izyan Hazwani Hashim C21-217 07-5534088/013-7005303 izyan@ The course introduces to some major concepts and theories of nuclear physics. The course begins with understanding the basic knowledge of the constituents of nucleus and the properties of nuclear forces. The next topic of the course is introducing the radiation sources and the types of ionizing radiations. Nuclear decay process and the properties of ionizing radiations will be discussed in this topic. The interactions of nuclear radiations with matter and mechanism of nuclear reaction are also covered in this subject. The next topic is providing the students knowledge with some basic concept on radioactivity including radioactive decay law, radioactive decay series and radioactive equilibriums. Some nuclear models such as liquid drop model, shell model and optical model of the nucleus will be introduced at the end of the course. In general, the course provides a basic concept of interaction processes of nuclear radiation in order to widening the appreciation of nuclear physics to the students. Learning Outcomes By the end of the course, students should be able to: No. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 Course Learning Outcomes Summarize and analyze the constituents and factors determining the stability of atomic nuclei and solve related problem quantitatively in group Explain the types of radioactive sources and the radiation emitted from the radioactive process. Describe the properties of various ionizing radiations and analyze their interaction with matter. Describe the principle of radiation shielding and determine the choice of shielding material for various types of ionizing radiation. Prepared by: Name: DR. IZYAN HAZWANI HASHIM Signature: Date: 12 AUGUST 2015 Programme Learning Outcome(s) Addressed Assessment Methods PO1(C2, P2, A2), PO2(C4, P2, A2), PO6(TS1,2,3) Test, Quiz, Assignment, Final exam PO1(C2, P2, A2) Test, Quiz, Assignment, Final exam PO1(C2, P2, A2), PO2 (C4, P2, A2), Test, Quiz, Assignment, Final exam PO1(C2, P2, A2), PO2 (C3, P2, A2), Test, Quiz, Assignment, Final exam Certified by: Name: PROF MADYA DR WAN MUHAMMAD SARIDAN Signature: Date: 12 AUGUST 2015 COURSE OUTLINE Department & Faculty: Department of Physics, Code Total Page : 2 of 4 Faculty of Science and Subject: SSCP 2213 – Nuclear Physics Lecture Hours: 42 hours CO5 CO6 Describe radioactive decay process and radioactive equilibrium in radioactive decay series processes and solve given problem in group Explain basic principle of various nuclear models such as liquid drop model, shell model and optical model. Semester: I Academic Session: 2015/16 PO1(C2, P2, A2), PO2(C3, P2, A2), PO6(TS1,2,3) Test, Quiz, Assignment, Final exam PO1(C2, P2, A2), Test, Quiz, Assignment, Final exam Teaching Methods a) b) c) d) e) f) Lecture and Discussion Group Assignments Individual Assignment Problem solving activities Independent Study Literature Search Student Learning Time Teaching and Learning Activities 1. Face to face Learning Lecturer- Centred Learning a. Lecture (3 hrs lecture ) x 14 i. Student-Centred Learning b. Problem solving activities (1 hr x 14) i. 2. Self-Directed Learning Revision (preparation for lecture and assignment) a. Assignment (3x) b. Preparations for assessment c. 3. Formal Assessment Tests (2x) a. Final Examination b. Total SLT Student Learning Time 42 14 38 13 8 2 3 120 Weekly Schedule Week Week 1 (6-10 SEPT 2015) Week 2 (13-17 SEPT 2015) Week 3 (20-24 SEPT 2015) Topic CONSTITUENTS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI Rutherford atomic model and proton-electron hypothesis. Nuclear transformation and the discovery of neutron. Neutron-proton hypothesis. STABILITY OF ATOMIC NUCLEUS Atomic and nuclear structure, atomic number and mass number. Nuclear stability; isotope, isotone, Prepared by: Name: DR. IZYAN HAZWANI HASHIM Signature: Date: 12 AUGUST 2015 A1 HOL:16/9/2015 Q1 HOL:24/9/2015 Certified by: Name: PROF MADYA DR WAN MUHAMMAD SARIDAN Signature: Date: 12 AUGUST 2015 COURSE OUTLINE Department & Faculty: Department of Physics, Code Total Faculty of Science and Subject: SSCP 2213 – Nuclear Physics Lecture Hours: 42 hours Week 4 (27/9-1 OCT 2015) Week 5 (4-8 OCT 2015) Week 6 (11-15 OCT 2015) Week 7 (18-22 OCT 2015) Week 8 (25-29 OCT 2015) Week 9 (1-5 NOV 2015) Week 10 (8-12 NOV 2015) Week 11 (15-19 NOV 2015) Week 12 (22-26 NOV 2015) Week 13 (29/11-3 DEC 2015) Week 14 (6-10 DEC 2015) Week 15 (13-17 DEC 2015) Page : 3 of 4 Semester: I Academic Session: 2015/16 isobar and isodiaphere. Nucleus mass and binding energy. Nuclear forces; the properties of nuclear forces, nuclear potential barrier and tunneling. IONIZING RADIATION Types of ionizing radiation; ionizing radiation sources; alpha decay, beta decay. Electron capture, spectrum of beta particle, gamma decay. Nuclear process form radioactive decay; internal conversion, production of characteristic Xray, electron Auger and annihilation process. INTERACTION OF IONIZING RADIATION WITH MATTER Interaction of alpha; Bragg curve, range of alpha and stopping power. Interaction of beta; Rutherford scattering and bremsstrahlung process. Range of beta and stopping power. Interaction of gamma; photoelectric effect, Compton scattering and pair production. Interaction of neutron; elastic and inelastic scattering process. NUCLEAR REACTION Kinematic of nuclear reaction, reaction cross-section; microscopic and macroscopic cross-section, reaction rate and mean free path. Types of nuclear reaction; charged particles induced reaction, gamma induced reaction and neutron reactions. MID SEMESTER BREAK RADIOACTIVITY Natural and artificial radioisotope elements, radioactive series, fundamental radioactive law, halflife and mean life-time. Unit of activity. Radioactive decay series; radioactive equilibrium; ideal equilibrium, secular equilibrium and transient equilibrium. Equation of radioactive equilibrium from nucleus bombardment, Bateman equation. LIQUID DROP MODEL Semi-empirical mass formula; volume energy, surface energy, Coulomb energy, asymmetric energy and pairing energy. Some applications of the model; Neutron excess in stable odd-A nuclei, mass difference between two mirror nuclei, mass difference between isobars and equation of mass parabolas for isobars. SHELL MODEL The properties of nucleus magic number, Shell model Prepared by: Name: DR. IZYAN HAZWANI HASHIM Signature: Date: 12 AUGUST 2015 Q2 Q3 HOL:14/10/2015 Q4 T1/A2 HOL:10/11/2015 HOL:18/11/2015 Q5 Q6 T2 Certified by: Name: PROF MADYA DR WAN MUHAMMAD SARIDAN Signature: Date: 12 AUGUST 2015 COURSE OUTLINE Department & Faculty: Department of Physics, Code Total Faculty of Science and Subject: SSCP 2213 – Nuclear Physics Lecture Hours: 42 hours Week 16 Page : 4 of 4 Semester: I Academic Session: 2015/16 for single particle; Schrodinger equation, trial potential and energy level of the nucleus. STUDY WEEK (20-24 DEC 2015) Week 17 FINAL EXAMINATION (27/12-16 JAN 2016) References Main Text Husin Wagiran, Fizik Nukleus dan Keradioaktifan, 2007 - Modul Other References Lecture notes Assessment No 1 2 3 4 Type of Assessment Assignment Quiz (Best 2/6) Test Final Examination Total Prepared by: Name: DR. IZYAN HAZWANI HASHIM Signature: Date: 12 AUGUST 2015 Number 2 2 2 1 % each 5 5 15 50 100 % total 10 10 30 50 Date W1, W10 W2 - W15 W10, W16 W18 Certified by: Name: PROF MADYA DR WAN MUHAMMAD SARIDAN Signature: Date: 12 AUGUST 2015