TO: Texas Air Research Center FROM: David Allen (PI;, Elena McDonaldBuller (co-PI;, and Gary McGaughey University of Texas at Austin, Center for Energy and Environmental Resources, Austin, Texas 78758 SUBJECT: Annual Progress Report PROJECT NUMBER: 413UTA0148A PROJECT TITLE: Emissions inventory evaluations using DISCOVERAQ aircraft data PROJECT PERIOD: September 2013 – July 15, 2015 DATE: September 15, 2014 Project Description The first and second Texas Air Quality Studies documented significant reductions in ambient concentrations of ozone precursors in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) region; however, the studies also revealed significant uncertainties in emission estimates, especially those associated with industrial sources in the Houston Ship Channel (HSC). This project will use data collected during September 2013 as part of the DISCOVER-AQ (Deriving Information on Surface Conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality) field campaign to characterize the magnitude and variability in emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), highly reactive volatile organic compounds (HRVOCs), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and other key pollutants in the HSC. One of the primary instrument clusters deployed during DISCOVER-AQ was onboard a NASA P-3 aircraft; measurements included meteorological variables (e.g., temperature, humidity, winds), multiple hydrocarbon species, most reactive nitrogen species, and relatively stable chemical species such as CO2. P-3 flights were conducted on nine days during September 2013 where each flight day included late morning, early afternoon, and later afternoon traverses within the HSC region following a well-defined flight track. Each flight track typically included aircraft spirals north and south of the HSC in addition to a low altitude, east-west transect of the HSC. These flights generated a rich dataset to be used for evaluating emission inventories. Objectives The project consists of three major tasks: (1) For P-3 flight periods, characterize mixing heights, vertical profiles of wind speed and wind direction within aircraft spirals, and concentrations of key pollutants within aircraft spirals as well as upwind and downwind of the HSC; (2) Obtain and analyze photochemical modeling developed specifically for the DISCOVER-AQ period and conduct comparisons with observations; (3) Determine the potential impact of emissions variability on ozone production through sensitivity studies with the photochemical model. Methodology The emissions inventory will be based on the most recent available for the Houston area from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for 2012. Recognizing that the base year of the TCEQ inventory may not be coincident with the September 2013 DISCOVER-AQ period, targeted investigation of available data for 2013 (such as a review of emissions upset reports) will be performed to the extent possible with the resources of the project. The base case photochemical modeling for DISCOVER-AQ will establish the detailed spatial and temporal distributions of emissions for the HSC. Data from DISCOVER-AQ aircraft spirals, collected up to three times daily, will be analyzed and compared to the results from photochemical modeling for appropriate chemical species; the comparison will be used to scale the base case inventory for the HSC, while maintaining the spatial and temporal patterns of the inventory. Both the base case inventory and the inventories based on the modeled to 1 measured comparisons will be used in sensitivity studies with the photochemical model to assess the impacts of daily variations in emissions inventories on ozone production. The expected benefits of this work include an analysis of airborne observations in the HSC during DISCOVER-AQ that will inform emissions inventory assessments and an improved understanding of the role of emissions variability on ozone formation. Accomplishments/Problems NASA P-3 flights were performed in Houston on a total on nine days during the DISCOVER-AQ September 2013 program as summarized in Attachment 1. A representative flight track (repeated three times throughout the day) is shown in Figure 1a. Spirals at eight different locations along the flight track were typically flown between the near-surface and 3.5-4 km above the ground surface (AGL). To date, our analyses have focused on measurements collected in the paired sets of HSC spirals (ref. Figure 1b) flown over Channelview and Deer Park. The routine flight track called for a downward spiral at Channelview (located immediately north of the HSC) followed by a southward low-level leg, a touch-and-go at La Porte Airport, and an upward spiral at Deer Park (immediately south of the HSC) before continuation of the flight. Figure 1. NASA P-3 flight track on September 25, 2013 for (a) entire flight day and (b) HSC region during the late afternoon. (a) (b) In late spring 2014, our team downloaded selected trace gas and VOC measurements from the NASA Tropospheric Integrated Data Center DISCOVER-AQ website ( This website provides a publicly-available data repository for DISCOVER-AQ measurements as archived and made available by the individual PIs. The data are typically provided in ASCII-text (comma-delimited) format in individual files that contain data for each flight day and instrument(s) and/or PI. The data files incorporate a standardized header that includes alphabetic revision numbers that track the dataset version and level of quality 2 assurance and quality control measures. PIs may continue to periodically provide updated versions of their datasets to this website. Attachment 2 presents a table summarizing the NOAA P-3 datasets that were retrieved and analyzed in support of our project to-date. All retrieved datasets provided measurements at one-second time resolution. The measurements include: Geographic: altitude, latitude, longitude Meteorological: mixing ratio, relative humidity, static temperature, potential temperature, wind speed, wind direction Trace gases: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Ozone (O3), Total Reactive Nitrogen (NOy), Nitrogen Oxide (NO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Biogenic VOCs: Monoterpenes, Isoprene and its oxidation products MVK_MACR_Crotonaldehyde Oxygenated VOCs: acetaldehyde, MEK_butanal, aceticacid_glycoaldehyde, acetone_propanal Aromatics: benzene, toluene, C8-alkylbenzenes, C9-alkylbenzenes Alkenes: propene (ethylene was not measured) Other: acetonitrile, formaldehyde In order to provide a preliminary analysis of the magnitude of concentrations collected in the HSC spirals, a subset of the measurement data were extracted by filtering for data collected only between 350-1000 meters AGL in the HSC region during all nine flights. This data extraction limits the dataset to lower portions of the boundary layer mostly within the Channelview and Deer Park spirals. Figure 2 shows the average of all available one-second measurement data from the dataset extraction. The average concentration for ozone (not shown) is 60.2 ppbv; average concentrations for the trace gases range from 1.0 ppbv for NO to 6.7 ppbv for NOy and for VOC species 0.02 ppbv for monoterpenes to 3.8 ppbv for formaldehyde. Wind measurements at Deer Park, Channelview, and Moody Tower (ref. Figure 1b for locations) were used to identify days with predominantly north/south-oriented nearsurface winds so that the Deer Park and Channelview spirals were located immediately upwind and downwind of the HSC region. Preliminary results show that the flights on Sept 24th, 25th, and 26th hold particular promise for our work. Late September was characterized by a series of cold fronts that moved into or through HGB; near-surface winds on Sept 24th and 25th were generally northerly while return flow from the Gulf of Mexico was associated with southerly winds on Sept 26th. 3 Figure 2. Average concentrations for selected NASA P-3 species measured in the Channelview and Deer Park spirals. 8 Average Concentration (ppbv) 7 6.68 6 5 4 3.57 3 2.56 2 1 0 3.81 3.01 3.06 1.38 0.47 0.21 0.28 0.33 0.35 0.02 0.05 0.13 0.14 0.19 0.74 1.01 Figure 3 compares the 350-1000 meter vertically averaged upwind to downwind concentrations for the three individual pairs of HSC spirals on Sept 25 th for ozone, NOy, SO2, propene, and benzene. With the exception of ozone, the average concentrations are consistently greater in the downwind spiral compared to the upwind spiral. This relative difference in concentrations is likely due, in part, to downwind enhancements associated with emissions from HSC industrial sources. In particular, note the morning measurements that show much higher concentrations in the upwind area; for example, the Channelview (upwind) and Deer Park (downwind) NOy concentrations are 3.3 ppb and 28.5 ppb, respectively. Figure 4 presents the median downwind to upwind ratios across the eight pairs of Sept 24th-26th HSC spirals for all analyzed compounds. Median ratios less than one are limited to three compound species typically associated with biogenic emissions; otherwise, the median ratios (excluding ozone) vary from 1.11 for methanol to 4.05 for benzene. Investigations of the vertical distributions of pollutants have also been performed. For example, the distributions with respect to height AGL of temperature and specific humidity for the late afternoon spirals on Sept 25th are shown in Figure 5. On this day, the mixed layer height is estimated at ~2.2 km (note the temperature inversion near this height as well as the rapid decrease in atmospheric moisture). Vertical profiles of ozone (Figure 6 left) indicate that the average boundary layer ozone concentrations are approximately 107 ppbv and 121 ppbv in the upwind and downwind locations, respectively; above the mixed layer, ozone concentrations remain high at 65-75 ppbv. For SO2 (Figure 6 right), concentrations are near zero above the mixed layer at both spiral locations; in the boundary layer, downwind concentrations are greater than those measured upwind and show substantially larger increases and decreases with respect to height AGL. 4 Figure 3. Average 350-1000 meter upwind and downwind concentrations for selected compounds on Sept 25th within the HSC paired spirals. Figure 4. For the eight paired sets of HSC spirals flown Sept 24th-26th, the median downwind to upwind ratios based on the 350-1000 meter averaged concentrations. 5 Figure 5. Vertical profiles of temperature (left) and specific humidity (right) during the paired set of HSC spirals flown on the late afternoon of Sept 25 th. Figure 6. Vertical profiles of Ozone (left) and SO2 (right) during the paired set of HSC spirals flown on the late afternoon of Sept 25th. Ozone (ppbv) SO2 (ppbv) 3.5 3.5 Channelview Channelview 3.0 2.5 Height (km) 2.5 Height (km) Deer Park 3.0 Deer Park 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 50 100 -5 150 0 5 10 15 Parameter Value Parameter Value Figure 7 shows that the highest SO2 concentrations (>5 ppb) are found within the northern portions of the Deer Park spiral. This result suggests that the relatively large spiral diameters (~10 km) captures both horizontal and vertical variations associated with nearby and spatially heterogeneous industrial HSC emissions sources. Limited analysis indicates that the aircraft is sampling distinct emissions plumes that may or may not be well-mixed within the mixed layer and cover only portions of the spirals. 6 Figure 7. Locations of SO2 concentration >5 ppbv (in red) during the Sept 25th late afternoon spiral flown at Deer Park. Future Work During fall 2014, two additional datasets beneficial to the objectives of our project will become available. Measurements collected at the La Porte Radar Wind Profiler (RWP) during DISCOVER-AQ Houston are currently being analyzed to diagnose hourly mixing heights and vertical profiles of wind speed and wind direction. The processing of the RWP dataset is being funded, in part, by TCEQ through an Air Quality Research Program (AQRP) project entitled “Characterization of Boundary-Layer Meteorology During DISCOVER-AQ Using Radar Wind Profiler and Balloon Sounding Measurements”. The schedule for this effort is on-track and the environmental data collected at the La Porte location are representative of overall boundary layer conditions within the local HSC region. Our project will use the RWP-derived estimates to assess local transport conditions during each of the paired sets of HSC spirals flown by the NASA P-3. A second dataset that we plan to leverage for the project is the DISCOVER-AQ photochemical model being generated specifically for the September 2012 DISCOVERQA period and led by NASA’s Kenneth Pickering. The Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) version 5.2.2 photochemical model has been employed using three nested grid domains with horizontal spatial resolutions of 36, 12, and 4 km; the 4 km grid domain covers the eastern two-thirds of Texas as well Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Meteorological inputs for CMAQ were generated using Weather Research 7 and Forecast (WRF) Version 3.6; anthropogenic emissions use data provided by TCEQ representative of year 2012. In support of an AQRP program entitled “Analysis of Airborne Formaldehyde Data Over Houston Texas Acquired During the 2013 DISCOVER-AQ and SEAC4RS Campaigns”, Alan Fried (University of Colorado) has proposed to develop a fourth grid domain at 1.33 km resolution over southeast Texas. In support of our work, we plan to leverage the full set of inputs, outputs, and run files so that the CMAQ base case simulation can be replicated on the UT modeling system. (Our group utilizes computing resources provided by the Texas Advanced Computing Center, TACC). If the 1.33 km resolution results are available in time for our project (e.g., by the end of 2014), we will utilize those outputs in addition to or in lieu of the soon-to-be-available 4-km resolution outputs. The CMAQ predictions (either at 4km or 1.33 km horizontal resolution) for the appropriate chemical species from the base case simulation will be compared to the results from the aircraft measurements for compounds such as NOy, HRVOCs, and selected VOCs. This comparison will initially focus on data collected within the HSC spirals when boundary layer winds are generally oriented parallel to a north/south direction such that upwind and downwind spirals can be defined. The observed to modeled comparison of chemical species will likely will be performed using concentrations (ppbv) as well as by using ratios of selected compounds (e.g., NOx/propene). Complementary analyses will likely be performed to assess the robustness of results. For example, the impact of our results to uncertainties associated with model performance (e.g., meteorology and chemistry) as well as potential uncertainties associated with non-routine emissions such as upset events will need to be assessed. There are also inherent uncertainties associated with differences in spatial and temporal averaging between the grid predictions and aircraft measurements that may need to be considered. The predicted-to-observed comparisons will be targeted towards guiding a set of sensitivity runs that modify the base case emissions inventory in an appropriate spatial and temporal manner to reflect any differences in modeled to observed chemical species; modifications will be limited to HSC industrial sources located upwind of the downwind spiral location. The goal of the sensitivity tests will be to quantify the impact of diagnosed and representative uncertainties in the 2012 HSC emissions inventory to predicted ozone concentrations throughout the HGB area. List of Publications and Presentations McGaughey, G., E.C. McDonald-Buller, D.T. Allen, August 8, 2014. Presentation entitled “Emissions inventory evaluations using DISCOVER-AQ aircraft data”, presented at the TARC meeting held at Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas. 8 Attachment 1: NASA P-3 flight dates during DISCOVER-AQ Houston. The red numbers indicate the HGB maximum 8-hour ozone concentration in ppbv as provided by TCEQ ( 62 51 45 51 66 124 89 66 64 Attachment 2: NASA P3 datasets utilized in our project to-date. Instrumentation P-3B NASA LaRC P3B Data System (PDS) Non-dispersive IR Spectrometer (NASA/LaRC) NCAR Difference Frequency Generation Absorption Spectrometer (DFGAS) NCAR 4-Channel Chemiluminescence Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer (PTR-MS; Universität Innsbruck) Observations Meteorological (temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind direction) and navigational (GPS) data CO2 CH2O O3, NO2, NO, NOy NMHCs (Routinely measured species: methanol, acetonitrile, acetaldehyde, acetone, isoprene, MVK, MACR, benzene, toluene, sum of isomers of C8-aromatics, C9-aromatics, C10-aromatics, monoterpenes; Others: CH2O; propene, methyl ethyl ketone, PAN, DMS) Pulsed UV Fluorescence (CIRES/NOAA) SO2 9