1903 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS No. 157 WEDNESDAY 21 AUGUST 2013 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Meeting of the House ............................................................................................................................. 1904 Jeannie Ferris Cancer Australia Recognition Awards (Formal Business) .............................................. 1904 Dr Leonie Therese Crotty RSM (Formal Business) ............................................................................... 1904 Select Committee on the agistment of horses at Yaralla Estate—Extension of reporting period (Formal Business) .................................................................................................................................. 1905 Achievements of women on the Northern Beaches (Formal Business) ................................................. 1905 20th anniversary of Dogs NSW (Formal Business) ............................................................................... 1906 Unproclaimed Legislation ...................................................................................................................... 1906 Petition ................................................................................................................................................... 1906 Notices of Motions ................................................................................................................................. 1907 Business Postponed ................................................................................................................................ 1907 Temporary Chair of Committees ............................................................................................................ 1907 Disallowance of Statutory Rule—Industrial Relations (Public Sector Conditions of Employment) Amendment Regulation 2013................................................................................................................. 1907 Questions ................................................................................................................................................ 1908 Conduct of Business—25th Anniversary of the modern committee system .......................................... 1909 Vacancy in the Representation of the State in the Senate of the Commonwealth of Australia .............. 1909 Message from the Legislative Assembly—Entertainment Industry Bill 2013 ....................................... 1909 Police Legislation Amendment (Special Constables) Bill 2013............................................................. 1910 Business Postponed ................................................................................................................................ 1910 Joint Select Committee on Sentencing of Child Sexual Assault Offenders ........................................... 1910 Marine Parks Amendment (Moratorium) Bill 2013 ............................................................................... 1911 Adjournment .......................................................................................................................................... 1911 Attendance ............................................................................................................................................. 1911 1904 Legislative Council Minutes No. 157—Wednesday 21 August 2013 1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE The House met at 11.00 am according to adjournment. The President took the Chair and read the prayers. 2 JEANNIE FERRIS CANCER AUSTRALIA RECOGNITION AWARDS (Formal Business) Ms Ficarra moved, according to notice: 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) in April 2013, the inaugural Jeannie Ferris Cancer Australia Recognition Awards were presented in honour of former South Australian Senator, Jennie Ferris who was diagnosed with gynaecological cancer in October 2005 and sadly passed away in April 2007, (b) the Jeannie Ferris Cancer Australia Recognition Award is comprised of categories that recognise individuals, health professionals and researchers for their contributions to reducing gynaecological cancers in Australia, (c) Professor Neville Hacker AM of Sydney has been bestowed and made the inaugural winner of the Health Professionals and Researchers Category for his clinical and research work in gynaecological cancers, establishment of the Gynaecological Cancer Centre at the Sydney Royal Woman’s Hospital of which he served as director for 27 years, and work in raising $3 million for gynaecological cancer research, and (d) Mr Simon Lee of Melbourne has been bestowed and made the inaugural winner of the Individual Contributions category in recognition of his work as one of the first advocates in Australia for increasing gynaecological cancer awareness due to the death of both his mother and wife, Sheila, from gynaecological cancer, and his work in establishing the national consumer organisation Ovarian Cancer Australia, where he served as chair for 10 years. That this House congratulates and commends Professor Neville Hacker AM and Mr Simon Lee for their outstanding contributions to the community and on being the recipients of the inaugural Jennie Ferris Cancer Australia Recognition Awards. Question put and passed. 3 DR LEONIE THERESE CROTTY RSM (Formal Business) Ms Ficarra moved, according to notice: 1. 2. That this House notes: (a) the passing of Dr Leonie Therese Crotty RSM at Sacred Heart Hospice, Darlinghurst, Sydney, on 17 May, 2013 at 3:40 am following a prolonged battle with cancer at age 62, and (b) that Leonie’s life was celebrated on 22 May 2013 at St Marys Catholic Church, Concord, and a memorial mass was performed on the 24 May 2013 at All Saints Catholic Church, Kempsey, followed by her burial at East Kempsey Cemetery. That this House notes: (a) that Dr Leonie Therese Crotty RSM was born on 25 August, 1951 in Kempsey on the New South Wales mid-north coast, 1905 Legislative Council Minutes No. 157—Wednesday 21 August 2013 3. (b) that Dr Crotty was the loving mother of James Vincent (now deceased) and Theresa Margaret Crotty (nee Hargreaves), loving sister of Marcia and Kerry, sister-in-law of Mario Majarich and Geoff George, treasured aunt to David and Anna, Catherine and Len, Peter, James and "Onie" to Harry, (c) Dr Crotty’s achievement of receiving a Doctorate of Education from the University of Sydney, (d) Dr Crotty’s 15 year service to Sydney Catholic Schools between 1993 and 2007 during which time she was a strong advocate of Catholic life and identity, (e) that, as a leader in religious education, Dr Crotty was responsible for developing and implementing an accreditation process for religious education teachers, establishing the Year 6 Religious Education test, implementing the development and review of the K-12 religious education syllabus, heading the review team of republished second edition text book series ‘To know, Worship and Love’, reaffirming the role of the Religious Education Co-ordinator, and her work in developing the HSC Studies in Religion Examination papers, (f) Dr Crotty’s service on the Religious Education Committee of the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC), (g) Dr Crotty’s work with the Catholic Institute of Sydney and the Australian Catholic University in the provision of post-graduate Certificate and Degree Courses, and (h) Dr Crotty’s dedication to the Catholic Church and the community as a Sister of Mercy. That this House acknowledges the enormous contribution of Dr Leonie Therese Crotty RSM to Catholic Education and conveys its sympathy to her family, loved ones and friends on her loss. Question put and passed. 4 SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE AGISTMENT OF HORSES AT YARALLA ESTATE— EXTENSION OF REPORTING PERIOD (Formal Business) Mr Khan (on behalf of Mr Borsak) moved, according to notice: That the reporting date for the Select Committee on the Agistment of Horses at Yaralla Estate be extended to Thursday 19 September 2013. Question put and passed. 5 ACHIEVEMENTS OF WOMEN ON THE NORTHERN BEACHES (Formal Business) Ms Ficarra moved, according to notice: 1. That this House notes that on Sydney’s northern beaches there have recently been major firsts by women involved in their community and sporting organisations, including: (a) Mrs Veronica Hopley and Mrs Lynne Moore have been elected Co-Presidents of the Rotary Club of Manly, becoming the first females to be elected to the positions since the club was founded in 1936, (b) Ms Kate MacDonald has become the first female to be elected as President of Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club since the club’s inception in 1921, 1906 Legislative Council Minutes No. 157—Wednesday 21 August 2013 2. (c) Ms Tracey Hare-Boyd has become the first female to be elected as President of North Steyne Surf Life Saving Club in the club’s 106-year history, and (d) Ms Naomi Flood became the first female to be awarded Life Membership of Manly Life Saving Club which was founded in 1903. That this House: (a) congratulates and commends Mrs Veronica Hopley, Mrs Lynne Moore, Ms Kate MacDonald, Ms Tracey Hare-Boyd and Ms Naomi Flood on their achievements, and (b) calls upon all community and sporting organisations to recognise the value of women in leadership roles and encourages organisations to promote and encourage female participation in such roles. Question put and passed. 6 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF DOGS NSW (Formal Business) Ms Ficarra moved, according to notice: 1. 2. That this House notes: (a) that this year marks the 20th anniversary of Dogs NSW, (b) the work of The Royal NSW Canine Council, also known as Dogs NSW, for its excellent work as a professional association promoting responsible breeding and welfare of purebred dogs in New South Wales by providing the community with information on purchasing, caring, breeding and organising canine sporting activities, (c) the work of the Dogs NSW Public Relations committee members Mrs C Mann, Ms R Britten, Mrs M Parker and Mrs P Bentham, and (d) that on 15 June 2013, ‘Dogs on Show’ was held at The Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs, Erskine Park with dignitaries including: (i) Dr Andrew Cornwell MP, (ii) Mr Bart Bassett MP, (iii) Mr Ray Williams MP, (iv) Mr Andy Rohan MP, (v) Ms Noreen Hay MP. That this House congratulates Dogs NSW on its 20th Anniversary. Question put and passed. 7 UNPROCLAIMED LEGISLATION According to standing order, Mr Gay tabled a list of unproclaimed legislation as at 20 August 2013. 8 PETITION Public libraries Ms Barham presented a petition from 138 citizens of New South Wales stating that libraries are a fundamental part of the educational and cultural vibrancy of the community, providing lifelong learning 1907 Legislative Council Minutes No. 157—Wednesday 21 August 2013 and opportunities for social interaction, that from 1979-80 to 2010-11 the percentage of total funding for public libraries from the Government has decreased from 23.6 per cent to 7.5 per cent, which has shifted more of the burden of funding onto local government, and calling on the Government to recognise the social and economic benefits provided to the community by public libraries and increase funding of public libraries to reinstate the previous percentage level of contribution. Petition received. 9 NOTICES OF MOTIONS 10 BUSINESS POSTPONED 11 (1) Notice of motion no. 2 on the Notice Paper of business of the House postponed, on motion of Mr Searle, until next sitting day. (2) Notice of motion no. 3 on the Notice Paper of business of the House postponed, on motion of Mr Searle, until next sitting day. (3) Order of the day no. 1 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Mr Gay, until Thursday 19 September 2013. TEMPORARY CHAIR OF COMMITTEES According to standing order, the President nominated the Honourable Jan Barham to act as Temporary Chair of Committees during the remainder of the present session of Parliament. 12 DISALLOWANCE OF STATUTORY RULE—INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (PUBLIC SECTOR CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT) AMENDMENT REGULATION 2013 Question put: That the motion proceed as business of the House. The House divided. Ayes 19 Ms Barham Mr Borsak Mr Brown Mr Buckingham Ms Cotsis Mr Donnelly Dr Faruqi Ms Fazio * Mr Foley Dr Kaye Mr Moselmane Mr Primrose Mr Searle Mr Secord Mr Shoebridge Ms Voltz * Ms Westwood Mr Whan Mr Wong * Tellers Noes 18 Mr Ajaka Mr Blair Mr Colless * Ms Cusack Ms Ficarra Mr Gallacher Miss Gardiner Mr Gay Mr Green Mr Khan Mr Lynn Mr MacDonald Mrs Maclaren-Jones Mr Mason-Cox Revd Mr Nile Mrs Pavey Mr Pearce Dr Phelps * * Tellers 1908 Legislative Council Minutes No. 157—Wednesday 21 August 2013 Pairs Ms Sharpe Mr Veitch Mrs Mitchell Mr Clarke Question resolved in the affirmative. Mr Searle moved: That the matter proceed forthwith. Question put and passed. Mr Searle then moved, according to notice: That, under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987, this House disallows the Industrial Relations (Public Sector Conditions of Employment) Amendment Regulation 2013, published on the NSW Legislation website on 28 June 2013. Debate ensued. Question put. The House divided. Ayes 21 Ms Barham Mr Borsak Mr Brown Mr Buckingham Ms Cotsis Mr Donnelly Dr Faruqi Ms Fazio * Mr Foley Mr Green Dr Kaye Mr Moselmane Revd Mr Nile Mr Primrose Mr Searle Mr Secord Mr Shoebridge Ms Voltz * Ms Westwood Mr Whan Mr Wong * Tellers Noes 16 Mr Ajaka Mr Blair Mr Colless * Ms Cusack Ms Ficarra Mr Gallacher Miss Gardiner Mr Gay Mr Khan Mr Lynn Mr MacDonald Mrs Maclaren-Jones Mr Mason-Cox Mrs Pavey Mr Pearce Dr Phelps * * Tellers Pairs Ms Sharpe Mr Veitch Mrs Mitchell Mr Clarke Question resolved in the affirmative. ____________________ According to sessional order, proceedings interrupted at 2.30 pm for Questions. ____________________ 13 QUESTIONS 1909 Legislative Council Minutes No. 157—Wednesday 21 August 2013 14 CONDUCT OF BUSINESS—25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MODERN COMMITTEE SYSTEM Mr Gay moved, according to notice: 1. That, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the standing or sessional orders, on Thursday 19 September 2013, debate on the motion of Mr Gay commemorating the 25th anniversary of the modern committee system take precedence of all other business on the Notice Paper until 1.00 pm. 2. That each member speaking to the motion may not speak for more than 10 minutes. Question put and passed. ____________________ The President left the Chair at 3.31 pm until the conclusion of the Joint Sitting to be held in the Legislative Council Chamber for the purpose of filling the vacancy in the representation of the State in the Senate of the Commonwealth of Australia caused by the resignation of Senator the Honourable Matt Thistlethwaite. ____________________ The House resumed at 4.01 pm. 15 VACANCY IN THE REPRESENTATION OF THE STATE IN THE SENATE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA The President announced that at a Joint Sitting of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly held this day, to choose a person to hold the place in the Senate of the Commonwealth of Australia rendered vacant by the resignation of Senator the Honourable Matt Thistlethwaite, Mr Sam Dastyari was chosen to hold that place. The President tabled the Minutes of Proceedings of the Joint Sitting of the Houses of Parliament. Ordered, on motion of Mr Gallacher: That the document be printed. 16 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY—ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY BILL 2013 The President reported the following message from the Legislative Assembly: Mr PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to provide for the regulation of the entertainment industry; and for other purposes” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 21 August 2013 SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker Bill, on motion of Mr Gallacher, read a first time and ordered to be printed. Mr Gallacher moved, according to contingent notice: That standing orders be suspended to allow the passing of the bill through all its remaining stages during the present or any one sitting of the House. 1910 Legislative Council Minutes No. 157—Wednesday 21 August 2013 Question put and passed. Ordered: That the second reading of the bill stand an order of the day for a later hour of the sitting. 17 POLICE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (SPECIAL CONSTABLES) BILL 2013 Order of the day read for resumption of the interrupted debate of the question on the motion of Mr Gallacher: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Leave granted to proceed to the third reading of the bill forthwith. Standing orders having been suspended Tuesday 20 August 2013— Bill, on motion of Mr Gallacher, read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 18 BUSINESS POSTPONED Orders of the day nos 2 to 6 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Mr Gallacher, until a later hour of the sitting. 19 JOINT SELECT COMMITTEE ON SENTENCING OF CHILD SEXUAL ASSAULT OFFENDERS On the order of the day for consideration of the Legislative Assembly’s message of Thursday 15 August 2013 being read, Mr Gallacher moved: 1. That this House agrees to the resolution in the Legislative Assembly’s message of Thursday 15 August 2013 relating to the appointment of a Joint Select Committee on sentencing of child sexual assault offenders. 2. That the time and place for the first meeting be Thursday 29 August 2013 at 1.45 pm in Room 1136. Question put and passed. Mr Gallacher then moved: That the following message be forwarded to the Legislative Assembly: Madam SPEAKER The Legislative Council desires to inform the Legislative Assembly that it has this day agreed to the following resolution: 1. That this House agrees to the resolution in the Legislative Assembly’s message of Thursday 15 August 2013 relating to the appointment of a Joint Select Committee on sentencing of child sexual assault offenders. 1911 Legislative Council Minutes No. 157—Wednesday 21 August 2013 2. That the time and place for the first meeting be Thursday 29 August 2013 at 1.45 pm in Room 1136. Legislative Council 21 August 2013 NATASHA MACLAREN-JONES Deputy President Question put and passed. 20 MARINE PARKS AMENDMENT (MORATORIUM) BILL 2013 On the order of the day being read, Mr Gay moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued—first speech of Dr Faruqi. ____________________ Distinguished Visitors The President welcomed into his gallery the family of Dr Faruqi, the Consul General of Pakistan, Mr Abdul Aziz, Consul, Mr Shifaat Kaleem, and Counsellor of the Mission, Mr Balakh Sher Khosa. ____________________ Motion made (Dr Phelps) and question: That this debate be now adjourned until next sitting day—put and passed. 21 ADJOURNMENT Mr Gay moved: That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. The House adjourned at 6.35 pm until Thursday 22 August 2013 at 9.30 am. 22 ATTENDANCE All members present, except Mrs Mitchell. David Blunt Clerk of the Parliaments _____________________________ Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales