INCLUSION POLICY Gifted and Talented Students AIMS We at Star International School Al Twar are committed to providing an environment, which encourages all pupils to maximize their potential and this clearly includes pupils who display some form of giftedness. WHO ARE GIFTED AND TALENTED CHILDREN? Gifted or talented learners are defined as those who have one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group (or with the potential to develop those abilities). ‘Gifted’ describes learners who have the ability to excel academically in one or more subjects such as English, Science, History, Geography and Maths. ‘Talented’ describes learners who have the ability to excel in practical skills such as sport, leadership, artistic performance or in an applied skill. All Art, P.E. and Music lessons have differentiated learning for Gifted and Talented, so that the child’s talent can be nurtured and extended. HOW ARE CHILDREN IDENTIFIED AS GIFTED AND TALENTED? Before identifying any child gifted in a particular area, we aim to ensure that all children have had the opportunity to learn and succeed in this area. This makes the identification process fair. Identification of pupils as ‘gifted’ or ‘talented’ is a judgement which applies to the current class/school context and refers to the current level of performance only. This means that ‘at this time this child is showing ability in a particular area’. The school recognizes this and will try to foster this ability where possible. Identification at Star International School Al Twar does not mean that in another school or context the child would be identified. Star International School Inclusion Policy for Gifted and Talented Students A variety of sources should be used to identify the Gifted or Talented child. Assessments data in core subject (English, Maths and Science): - Year 3/Entry NFER results. - Optional SATs in English, Maths and Science. - SATs from Year 2 and Year 6. Teacher/Subject Coordinator – Students are identified in subject areas against specific criteria: - Teacher referral. Observations in lessons. Outside referral (Educational Psychologist reports etc). IT IS WORTH REMEMBERING THAT GIFTED PUPILS CAN BE: Good all-rounder. High achievers in one area. Keen to disguise their abilities. Of high ability but with low motivation. Of good verbal ability but poor writing skills. Very able but with a short attention span. Very able with poor social skills. Very able with other learning disabilities. EVERYONE IN SCHOOL HAS A RESPONSIBILITY TO RECOGNISE AND VALUE PUPILS’ ABILITIES. WE ARE AWARE THAT: Unnecessary repetition of work is de-motivating and de-motivated students will not always demonstrate potential. There is sometimes peer pressure to under-achieve. Gifted students are not always easier to reach than other students. Amended November 2011 Page 2 of 4 Star International School Inclusion Policy for Gifted and Talented Students PROVISION FOR THE GIFTED AND TALENTED Opportunities for extension and enrichment are built into all our schemes of work. During policy review in September 2011 we shall ensure that very curriculum area will have a reference to gifted and talented. This should state what provision should be made within that subject area. We aim to: Maintain an ethos where it is OK to be bright. Encourage all students to be independent learners. Recognise achievement. Be aware if the effects of ethnicity, bilingualism, gender and social circumstances on learning and high achievement. Provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and clubs. Always provide work at an appropriate level. Provide opportunities for all students to work with like minded peers. TYPES OF PROVISION: Classroom differentiation Process and content by outcome is not enough, activate prior accredit knowledge. Teachers have high expectations. Tasks are designed to take account of levels of existing knowledge, skills and understanding. There are planned extension opportunities or open-ended tasks. There is access to higher tier assessment papers. Small group work. Group by ability. Differentiated homework. Schemes of work that address the needs of Gifted and Talented students. Self-motivated learning – Projects/Topics. Students set own targets Reflection of learning. Higher order questions. Amended November 2011 Page 3 of 4 Star International School Inclusion Policy for Gifted and Talented Students School based provision School clubs. Enrichment opportunities. Opportunities for performance. Specialist teaching. Out of school provision National schemes/competitions/festivals. Community resources. PROCESS FOR REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT This policy will be reviewed regularly. Next review: Amended November 2011 Page 4 of 4