THE GATHERING: COLLECTED ORAL HISTORIES OF THE IRISH IN MONTANA SUBJECT INFORMATION AND INFORMED CONSENT Title: THE GATHERING: COLLECTED ORAL HISTORIES OF THE IRISH IN MONTANA Co-Sponsors: The Irish Government Dept. of Foreign Affairs Emigrant Support Program and The University of Montana Project Director(s): Bob O’Boyle Irish Studies, Liberal Arts Building Room 117, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59801 Special instructions: If any details in this consent form are unclear to you, please ask the person who gave you this form to them to you. Purpose: You are being asked to take part in a research study into the Oral histories of the Irish and Irish Americans of Montana. You have been chosen because of your cultural background, and participation is voluntary. The purpose of this research study is to record and archive the histories and traditions of the Irish and Irish Americans of Montana. Procedures: If you agree to take part in this research study, you will take part in a recorded interview. You will be asked questions about your cultural background. Your permission will be asked to include your interview in our archive, and possible exhibition, publication, and other outcomes. You may also be asked to supply photographs, copies of family papers and/or agree to be photographed/videoed [see below*]. Photographs and video will be taken, with your permission, for possible use in later exhibitions and or/a documentary/publication arising from this research. Consent section is included at the end of this form. This interview will take play at your local archive office/library/home/venue of your choosing. The interview will approximately 60 minutes. Risks/Discomforts: Answering the questions may cause you to think about feelings that make you sad or upset. There are not other anticipated discomforts for those contributing to this study, so risk to participants is minimal. Your participation is voluntary and you may skip a question or stop/withdraw at any time. Benefits: Although you may not benefit directly from taking part in this study, your contribution will be archived and become part of the greater history of the Irish of Montana. You and your family will have access to this archived material. You will be informed of any exhibition, publications, and other possible outcomes, within the period of the study. Confidentiality: Your initials _________ indicate your permission to be identified by name in any publications or presentations. Compensation for Injury: Although we do not foresee any risk in taking part in this study, the following liability statement is required in all University of Montana consent forms. In the event that you are injured as a result of this research you should individually seek appropriate medical treatment. If the injury is caused by the negligence of the University or any of its employees, you may be entitled to reimbursement or compensation pursuant to the Comprehensive State Insurance Plan established by the Department of Administration under the authority of M.C.A., Title 2, Chapter 9. In the event of a claim for such injury, further information may be obtained from the University’s Claims representative or University Legal Counsel. (Reviewed by University Legal Counsel, July 6, 1993) Voluntary Participation/Withdrawal: Your decision to take part in this research study is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to take part in or you may withdraw from the study at any time. Questions: If you have any questions about the research now or during the study contact: Bob O’Boyle, The Gathering Director, Email: Telephone: 406-244-5865 or (406)531-3045 If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact the Chair of the IRB through The University of Montana Research Office at 243-6670. Statement of Consent: I have read the above description of this research study. I have been informed of the risks and benefits involved, and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. Furthermore, I have been assured that any future questions I may have will also be answered by a member of the research team. I voluntarily agree to take part in this study. I understand I will receive a copy of this consent form. Printed (Typed) Name of Subject Subject's Signature ________________________ Date *Statement of Consent to be Audiotaped: I understand that audio recordings will be taken during the study. I consent to being audio recorded. I consent to use of my audio recordings in presentations related to this study. Subject's Signature ________________________ Date Statement of Consent to be Videotaped: I understand that video recordings may be taken during the study. I consent to being video recorded. I consent to use of my video recordings in presentations related to this study. Subject's Signature ________________________ Date Statement of Consent to be Photographed: I understand that photographs may be taken during the study. I consent to having my photograph taken I consent to use of my photograph in presentations related to this study. Subject's Signature ________________________ Date